Fight Me (Fighting #1)

By AnnabelleHazel

662K 20K 2K

Violet Sinclaire only had two passions in her life: family and the arts. Violet, a talented, loved dance teac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 (pt. 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 3 (NOT PRIVATE)
Chapter 15 (NOT PRIVATE)

Chapter 11

25K 664 46
By AnnabelleHazel


The week flew by and some progress was made.

My students knew their routine and Ian came to see me everyday. We talked and joked until the sexual tension got crazy and he fled. We went to dinner and after losing his temper over a guy looking at me we decided to go to our respective houses. Five days of seeing him and he hadn't touched me once. Not even by accident.

I am going crazy.

And knowing that tonight we will see each other is not helping my situation.

I am hot and bothered and ready to pounce on him.

Yes, I sound like a sex crazed wanton woman. Well, you would be too.

“Wear the silver spandex one. I love how it looks on you.” I shake my head.

“Too skimpy.” She groans, taking the dress out of my closet and handing it to me.

“It looks amazing with your hair. Wear it!” I laugh and unwrap the towel from my body and put it on. “Look at that ass!” She slaps that certain par of my body. I glare at her. I look at myself in the mirror. My dress is skin tight, and of one shoulder. It hugs my body so tightly I am self-conscious. But it's comfortable, so I keep it on.

“I know it's big. You don't have to tell me.” She smiles at me.

“Your shapely body is nothing to be ashamed of. Nena. Can't believe you came up with this.” I laugh. Remember when I promised Mike a date that would end with breakfast? Well, it's happening tonight.

“You booked the hotel rooms, right?” She nods as she puts on a black dress. I laugh as it gets stuck on her shoulders. I help her.

“Thanks. Can I do your makeup?” She practically begs. I shake my head.

“No. Just mascara, okay?” She beams.

“And a little eyeliner?” I shake my head. “Please?” I shake my head again. “Fine.”

We finished getting ready. I just let my hair wave the way it normally does, but I teased it to make it seem more voluminous, I let Lina apply my mascara and then I sat down until she finished doing her everything.

She looks amazing with her hair curled, her makeup fully done and her skin tight black dress. We both finished our looks with stilettos. Mine are cross-strap platform ones and hers are simple and black.
“We look hot!” She says taking us both in. I laugh.

“Yes, we do!” Daniel comes out of his room looking as delicious as ever in blue jeans, a white shirt and a leather brown jacket over it.

“Goddamn. I asked for a hotel room. Hopefully one of you will be sleeping with me?” We laugh.

“Let's go. And not a chance, Dan. Give it up.” We leave in Lina's car and get to the club where we are supposed to meet. Mike said he wanted to go dancing (as a joke), but it stuck and that's exactly what we are going to do.

We walk in and look around. We are about half and hour late, as we chose a place not so close to our houses. God, what mess have I gotten myself into?

I see Mike at a table. He stands and waves us over. He is looking handsome in a black button up shirt and dark jeans. I look at Lina and she smirks.

“We did not call each other to match, if that's what you're thinking.” I laugh as we near him. We all greet him and Daniel excuses himself, saying he will leave us to our date. But really he just saw a hot blonde on the dance floor.

“I hope it's okay that I invited a friend. I mean, I had already said I would, but just a heads up.” I wink at him. “He should be here soon.”

“Hello. My name is John and I'll be your waiter tonight.” We look up at John and I flash the gorgeous man a smile. He has light blonde hair and very kind brown eyes. He smiles back.

“What will you ladies be having?” Asks Mike. I shrug.

“How about some shots?” Lina's eyes widen, but she nods. Mike smirks.

“Three shots, lemons and salt?” John asks.

“Yes. Thank you.” He licks his lips.

“Anything for you, Red.” He walks away with our order.

“How dare he flirt with my date?” I smile at Mike.

“Oh, Mikey, but I am all yours tonight.” He nods with his lips pursed and we all laugh.

John brings our shots, we thank him and he leaves, but I feel his eyes on me as we grab them.

“Salud!” Says Lina. Mike and I repeat it and we throw our heads back. I pick up my slice on lemon dipped in salt and suck, accidentally looking around and catching Jonh's gaze. He bites his lip. My cheeks redden as I finish it.

“Let's dance.” I say and we all stand. We make our way through the sweaty, sex fueled crowed. You can feel it in the air and see it in the couples that grind against each other and the others that devour each other.

I start dancing alone and wave Lina and Mike away for them to do their thing. I sway my hips to Calvin Harris' Blame.

I feel a hand on my arm and somebody behind me.

“Dance with me?” He whispers in my ear. I smile.

“Aren't you working?” I say loudly enough for him to hear.

“I'm on break.” He says against my hair. I nod and he starts to move behind me. We dance until the song ends. I turn around look at him. “Please tell me you're single.” I laugh, but a shiver rolls down my spine and I know a certain pair of eyes are watching me and that a certain delicious body is walking towards me.

He wears dark jeans and a crisp white, button-up shirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows.

“No. She's not. But thank you for warming her up for me.” He says standing between us and pushing John who looks a little shocked, but regains his composure quickly. He steps up to Ian, lifting his chin proudly.

“Ian!” I warn stepping between the two.

“Is there a problem here?” A heavy man asks us, who I take it us the manager.

“No, boss. I was just getting back to work.” John says not taking his eyes off Ian's. “I'll talk to you later, Red. Okay?” I nod and giving Ian a rather smug smile he turns around. Ian crashes into me, not hard enough for me to fall over, but hard enough to tell me he is not playing around. I turn around and put a hand to his chest.

“Don't touch me, Violet. I told you I'd lose it. I told you.” I seek his gaze, which is after John at the moment.

“It was just a dance and he was barely touching me. Calm down.” Under my palm his heart was beating frantically, his chest rising and falling quickly. His eyes, looking a dark shade of blue tonight burn into mine as Beyonce starts telling a driver to roll up the partition.

“Move your hand.” His body shakes with anger. I keep my hand where it is.“Violet.” His hoarse voice pleads, as I start to dance, only my hand touching him.

Take all of me
I just wanna be the girl you like
The kinda girl you like

“Touch me.” I whisper in his ear. He shakes his head.

“I don't want to hurt you.” He whispers back. I run my hands from his neck, down his arms and put his hands on my hips. Immediately, he squeezes almost to the point of pain. I moan. His eyes darken, but it's not anger in them now.

“God, I needed this.” I say as we start to move. He is a brilliant dancer. One of his knees is between my legs and dangerously close to the part of me aching. But he removes his hands and keeps distance between us.

“Sweet girl, you're all mine.” He whispers against my ear, his hot breath teasing my skin.

Driver roll up the partition fast
Over there I swear I saw them cameras flash
Hand prints and footprints on my glass
Hand prints and good grips all on my ass

He bites his lip as he looks down at our bodies barely grazing each other. I wish he would just touch me, do something.

“Jesus, you shouldn't wear dresses like that.” He groans taking my figure in. I

Est-ce que tu aimes le sexe?
Le sexe. Je veux dire, l'activité physique.

“Le sexe avec vous serait le paradis.” He whispers fluently in my ear. I look into his mischievous eyes.

“Je veux que vous me touchez.” He shakes his head with a smirk. My body screams for him to finally move my hair out of the way and put his mouth on me. Anything. But he denies me even as the song comes to an end.

Lina and Mike come get us for drinks. Daniel seems to have disappeared. We are at the bar this time. We ask for another round of shots. Lina and I sit, while they stand beside us, arms draped over the back of the stools.

“I have to say, I thought Ian would break John's arms.” Ian nods at Mike's words, with a glare at John, who is waiting on a table.

“I thought so too.” He replies causing Lina to shake her head in amusement.

“What calmed you down?” Ian looks at me and our eyes lock. He then looks at Mike.

“Violet. She talked to me.” They share something in utter silence. They both look shocked, stunned.

“Well, cheers to that.” He says, almost bitterly and raises a shot glass. We all raise them and drink. A shudder runs through me.

“You okay, Duchess?” I reassure Ian with a nod.

“I'm not used to drinking like that.” Lina and Mike order drinks. Margaritas for us girls and beers for them.

“You don't like to drink? But you told me about that time in college when you got drunk and puked all over,” I put a hand to his mouth to silence him.

“No, please. No.” He chuckles kissing my fingers. I let my hands slowly leave his face and put it back in my lap. “Look, I enjoy a drink as much as the next person, but I can't hold my liquor very well...that's why that happened.” A margarita is handed to me. I thank Mike.

“I see.” He says, voice dripping with amusement as I take a sip of my drink. “Maybe you shouldn't drink that?” I laugh, but just to defy him take another sip. He smiles down at me with...adoration?

“By the way, this is my date with Mike. I should be over there with him.” Ian's smile widens, but it turns scary. He bends, his mouth right over my ear. I move my hair and shift hoping for him to do something. I bite my lip to stifle a moan when his mouth grazes the side of my face slightly.

I'm going insane.

“MINE.” He declares in a rough whisper. I turn my face to kiss his rough-with-stubble jaw, then a bit lower. “You've made it your mission to drive me crazy tonight, huh?”

“You're the one driving me crazy. Will you just touch me?” He chuckles into my hair.

“Not until you ask very, very nicely.” I glare at him, making him laugh.

“Let's dance some more.” I suggest and we do. We dance until my feet go numb, my sex aches and my head swims. Ian had to give various autographs and take pictures.

I love how lovely he is to his fans. He didn't mind stopping in the middle of our dancing to do something for a fan. He asked me if it was okay and really it was fascinating to watch him interact with them.

“Let's get out of here.” Mike says with a very tipsy Lina holding on to him. We all agree and step outside. 'We call Dan, who already was at the hotel...go figure. We get our things from our cars and call cabs to take us to the hotel, since we all had been drinking. We made it through check-in and went into the elevator.

“I'm spending the night with you.” Ian says as the elevator started to ascend. The motion makes me dizzy and he puts his hands on me. “I'm going to carry you.” Does this man ever ask any questions? He carries me princess style. Mike and Lina are quiet. He holds her up with one arm. Her head rests on his shoulder.

“Do you ever ask people what they want?” He chuckles.

“No, baby.” He says clearly pleased with himself. He gets us to the hotel room and puts me down on the bed. I sit up.

“I think I should shower.” I say with my head in my hands. I think the last two margaritas were not a good decision. Ian kneels before me and grabs one of my heels. “What are you doing?” I ask him as he takes one of my shoes off, then the other and rubs at my feet.

“I am taking care of you.” He whispers. I moan.

“God, that feels good. And just...oh the way...right there! You're touching me.” He laughs at my inability to speak, but his hands are freaking magical.

“I am touching you, but you want me to touch you in other ways, sweetheart. Don't think you've won.” He kisses the top of one foot and I move it away from him.

“Don't do that, I'm disgusting right now.” He chuckles and stands, helping me to my feet.

“Sweet girl, you could never be disgusting to me.” I smile at him. “Now go take your shower.” I nod and make my way to the bathroom. The smile on my face widens when I see he put my things in here for me. I take a quick shower and as I am going through my things I realize I only brought a t-shirt and panties to sleep in. The only other thing in there is a dress for tomorrow an it would be ridiculous to sleep in it.


I put my the panties and t-shirt on. God, this barely covers my ass. My gigantic ass. (Insert Lina dismissing this thought here). I finish towel drying my hair and walk out. Ian looks up from his cellphone and takes me in. He makes a sound like a growl, low in his throat.

“I'm sorry, I didn't bring anything else...” He shakes his head.

“I brought you a Gatorade. Drink it. It'll help with your hangover.” Giving me one more smoldering look and going to the bathroom. Almost immediately I hear the shower and I laugh to myself, following his order.

A few minutes later he comes out in only boxers. Droplets of water all over his nakedness. I lick my lips.

“If you don't stop looking at me like that...” I redden, but keep doing it. I want him to touch me, to kiss me, to devour me.

“Like what?” I ask him in a sultry voice, sitting up, making the shirt ride up. God, I am shit at this. My cheeks get even warmer.

“Like you want a taste.” He says, sitting at the foot of the bed. I move towards him.

“Maybe I do.” I whisper as his face nears mine. Our lips are inches apart, our breaths mixing, my blood boiling.

“Do you know the torture it has been to see you for five days without touching you?” He says, his lips grazing mine ever so slightly. I move forward, but he backs away. “How much I wanted to taste you, sweet girl?” I whimper as he pecks my lips and denies me when I try to deepen the kiss. I move to touch him, but he stands.

“Ian.” I groan in frustration.

“What is it, Violet?” He asks softly. I stand with him and put my body flush against him. His chest rises and falls quickly as he feels my bra-less breasts against him.

“Kiss me.” He looks down at me with dark, lust-filled eyes. My cheeks burn now.

“Nicely.” He demands. I shake my head and I try to touch him again, but he moves away from me and sits on the bed.

“Why won't you just touch me or kiss me or all of the above? It's not like you don't want to.” I say, suddenly irritated. Who knew alcohol made me horny and moody?
“Your own condition backfired, didn't it?” He says with a triumphant grin. I get on the bed and crawl on all fours to him. He holds his breath as I near his side and kiss his jaw.

“That condition no longer applies.” I kiss the skin on his neck and suck. He makes a sound in the back of his throat, but still does not touch me.

“All you need to say is one word: please. You'll drive yourself crazy.” I straddle him, tired of this and grind myself on to his erection.

“This is what we're going to do,” I start, running my hands up his torso to finally reach his neck. He bites his lower lip and nods. “You are going to touch and kiss me and then we can go to bed.” He puts his hands on my hips to stop their circular motion. Yes!

“Why?” His hoarse voice asks, as his hands move to squeeze my bottom. I moan.

“Because I have driven myself crazy craving you! Stop being so stubborn. I know I drive you crazy too.” I say moving against him.

“Damn fucking right you do.” He says before moving us so that he is on top of me now. He looks down at my smile and mutters something about being whipped as he crashes his mouth to mine. Our mouths, starved for each other, move and taste eagerly. His hands are in my hair, his body between my legs, but he is careful not to let us touch.

“Ian.” I moan into his mouth. He pulls away and looks down at me.

“What is it, sweet girl?” I look down at the distance between us.

“I want you.” He buries his face in my neck and sighs.

“Not tonight. Not when you've been drinking, okay?” He kisses me there and I move to give him access.

“I need,” Release. I stop myself before I start to really beg as he tastes my skin and finally lowers his body to mine, rubbing his hardness against me.

“I know.” He whispers and his mouth is back on mine. I run my hands through his hair.

“Ian...Ian, please.” He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth.

“Shh...I'm going to take care of you.” He says as one of his hands makes it's way up my t-shirt. Slowly, his fingers trace my side and I hold my breath as he touches the ugly, torn skin of my ribs. My hand grabs his wrist. “Breathe.” I do. “I want to see, may I?” I look at the ceiling, then at him.

“It's not...It's ugly.” I whisper and he takes his hand, along with mine out of my shirt and kissing my wrist, lowers it to my side.

“I don't care how ugly it may seem to you. Scars are the memory of something we went through and survived. Some we wear on our body, others on our soul; sometimes we wear them in both places.” He pecks my lips, but I keep him in place with my hands on his stubbled cheeks. “You are a survivor and that is beautiful to me. You are beautiful to me.”

“Thank you.” My voice is hoarse with lust and emotion. He smiles and sits up. “Where do you think you are going?” I ask, but the question is answered immediately as he kisses, the little bit of my tummy that is exposed and lower.

“I'm going to take care of you and then we are going to sleep, okay?” I struggle to breathe as his hands move up my calves and thighs and pry them open. I look away, my cheeks burning. “Look at me. I want you to see me do this to you.” I look down at his as he kisses the insides on my thighs. He looks up at me as his hands touch my panties.

God, I have white, plain panties. I should have thought this through.

His eyes ask for approval and I nod. He slides my panties off, then places hot, wet kisses down my thighs again.

“You're so beautiful.” He says, cupping my sex, stroking me. My hips move against his hand.

“Ian,” I whisper as one of his fingers enter me. My eyes roll to the back of my head. Pure, white-hot pleasure runs surges through me. My back arches as he adds another one.

“Fuck, Duchess. You should see yourself.” He moans and then his mouth is on me. Licking me into oblivion. “I want to see you when you come. Look at me, Violet.” I do, mouth gaping as he picks up the speed.

“I need to...Ian!” I can't form a coherent sentence anymore. His fingers curl and touch a spot inside me that makes me cry out. “God, I need to come.” I gasp. He chuckles against me.

“Then come for me, sweetheart.” And I do. Loudly. I pull on his hair as he licks me, drawing out my orgasm. I sigh and relax into the bed as he stops torturing me and kisses my thighs again and bringing his glistening fingers to his mouth. My cheeks burn.

“Come here.” I whisper. He hovers over me, laughing.

“Leave it to my sweet girl to flush after doing something like that.” I flush deeper and conceal it by bringing his lips to mine. I barely get to taste him when he pushes off me and starts to walk away. He adjusts himself before opening the bathroom door.“Don't huff. I'm just going to clean you up.” My face must be a shade darker than my hair.

“I did not huff!” I say, crossing my legs, suddenly self-conscious. He chuckles bringing a small cloth and sitting at the foot of the bed, before my legs.

“You did, but I like that you miss me. Open up.” I just look at him. He puts a hand on one of my knees and caresses. “No reason to be shy with me.” I reluctantly open my legs and he cleans me up. The intimacy of it all makes my cheeks redden further (yes, I am a tomato) and my heart go a million beats a minute. He also gets me underwear from my bag and slides it up my legs. I just watch in silence as he kisses my knee, walks into the bathroom and comes to lay down beside me.

“Let me take care of you, Knight.” I say, kissing his shoulder as we lay on our sides facing each other. He smiles, bringing his hand to my face and pulling our lips together. The kiss is tender, thorough and meaningful.

“I am.” He mutters as he pulls my body flush against his and tucks my head under his chin. He tangles our legs and puts an arm around me. I do the same around his middle. I kiss his chest, feeling it vibrate with a groan against my lips. “No, not like that. Just sleep, sweet girl.” I must have huffed, because he chuckles. Damn the way that sound warms me all over.

“Why can't I?” He kisses the top of my head.

“Listen, my woman needed me and I took care of her. Taking care of my woman, her letting me do it, that's what I need to be taken care of. Now, sleep.” I slap his back with the arm I have around him.

“So bossy.” He pulls my hair, very gently, but quickly and our lips meet again.

“So rebellious.” He says against my lips. I laugh and shift so my back is to him.

“Giving me the silent treatment?” I fight a giggle and arch my backside closer to him. He hums.

“Just spoon me, shut up and sleep.” I say through a smile. He playfully swats my butt, but spoons me.
“So bossy.” He whispers after a minute of just enjoying our bodies against each other.

“So rebellious.” I whisper back. Our breathing evens out soon as we fall fast asleep.


I wake enjoying the warm, soft body fidgeting next to mine. I open my eyes and the flash of red curls bring a smile to my face. My erection however has other plans as it throbs against her ass. Jesus. I press a kiss her hair and very subtlety move away from her. She shifts, as if searching for my body.

“Ian?” Her drowsy voice calls. I lean over and kiss her shoulder.

“Shh...I'll be back in a bit. Sleep.” She moves so she is laying on her belly. Her shirt rides up, completely baring her ass to me. I shake my head, adjusting myself and going to the bathroom.

What a fucking night. I knew Violet was different than any other woman I had ever met. I knew it. But after last night, there is no way I'm going to be able to ever let her go.

She's mine and I am un-fucking-deniably hers.

Talk about whipped.

Mike will have a field day, but Carl...he'll have a cow.

I check my cellphone and walk out of the suite and into the hallway.

Morning, Carl. Just wanted to know how everything was over there. How are the kids?

I find Mike texted me.

We're getting brunch downstairs. Well, I think. If Lina wakes up. How was last night?

Yes to brunch. No to the sex, Mike.

I didn't ask if you had sex, man.

Admit you did.

There is a pregnant pause.

I did.

Well, no. But it was much better than sex.

Holy shit. We need to talk, cool whip.

Shut the fuck up., asshole. How old are you? Has Carl talked to you?

I'm not even talking, you dick. And to answer your stupid I am thirty-five years young. Wish you had my age, don't you? And no. C'mon, Ian. The kids are fine. You have Wolves all around them and Dad watching them. Not even Jackie Chan can get passed that shit.

I can't help but laugh.

I'll let you know when Violet wakes up.


My phone vibrates. Carl.

How are the kids? They are seventeen for fuck's sake. To answer your question, well taken care of and sleeping. You want to calm down, Mama Bear?

I laugh. Sleeping my ass.

Nova, would you mind giving Carl the phone?

How did you know?

Carl calls back. He doesn't text.

Well, he told me to write that. But really, Ava is still asleep. Calm down, Mama Bear.

But...Mama Bear loves you guys.

About a minute passes by without a reply. I laugh my ass off.

Cubs love you too.

“Oh my God!” The shriek makes me drop my phone. I look up at a young woman, about thirty. She is beet red and jumping up and down. “Oh my God! You are Ian Hayden!” I smile politely at her as I grab my phone.

“I am. Who are you?” She seems to be, however, not paying attention to my voice, but to my body. And then I remember: I am in nothing but boxers.

“I...I'm a I just...I just...God, I love you!” She squeals. She looks at the suite door I was leaning up against. “Are you alone?” I want to smirk. She's actually very good-looking. I just find no appeal when I have my woman in that bed in there.

“I,” She walks a bit closer.

“Would you like some company?”

“No, he would not.” Violet's voice announces and I lose the battle against the smirk. She walks to be right by my side and I wrap and arm around her tiny frame. Her hair is wild, her face fresh and she still wears the big shirt. Beautiful. “He's with me, sweetheart.” The woman flustered, pardons herself and walks away.

“Violet.” I put her against the door and cage her in with my arms.

“Ian.” She smiles up at me. She was wearing something on her eyes yesterday and I am glad it's gone this morning. She's perfect just as she is.

“I'm afraid you've costed me a fan.” I joke. She shrugs and her eyes shamelessly sweep down my body. Blood begins to run south quickly, but I get a grip.

Must. Not. Be. Arrested. For. Public. Indecency.

“I don't like to share.” I peck her lips and smile when her tongue tastes my lower lip. “And I am hungry. I get moody when I am hungry.” She says this in a very matter-of-fact manner.

“Well, let's get ready. The others want to meet for brunch.”

We walk down to the hotel's restaurant. I possessively hold her hand and intertwine our fingers. She's wearing another ridiculous dress, and although this one is lose, I don't want others getting any ideas.

“There they are.” She says as she spots Mike and Lina. They seem to be deep in conversation. They stand as they see us near them. We all say our hellos and sit.

“Did you speak to Daniel? Is he eating with us?” I ask Violet. She nods.

“Yeah, must be coming down now. He said he's bringing his...uh, date with him.” She says, cheeks turning red. I smile down at her.

“Bonjour.” Greets Daniel behind me. Lina smirks deviously at something, whereas Mike laughs. We stand to receive him and he walks with a very familiar person behind him. I smirk. “Guys, this is,”

“John?” Violet asks, not trying to hide the shock in her voice at all. “We've all met him.” She says, with a slight smile. John's cheeks are as red and he smiles sheepishly. We all sit, order and laugh hard as John and Daniel explain what happened last night.

We all get our things, get on cabs and make it to our cars. I am reluctant to leave Violet, but anxiety from being away from Ava and Nova for so long.

“Come spend the rest of the day with us at the house.” I tell her as I put her bag in the trunk of Lina's car. She scrunches up her nose. I bend over to kiss it.

“It's weird for Ava and Nova to have their teacher everywhere, Ian.” I roll my eyes at her. She swats my arm and I give her a warning glance.

“You're a lot more than a teacher to them and you know it.”

“Hey, Wolf! We gotta go.” Mike says before bending to give Lina a kiss. She walks over.

“It was good to see you, Ian.” She says.

“You too, gorgeous.” I kiss her cheek and she gets in the car with Daniel who is busy on his phone.

“You're coming to my house today.” Violet rolls her eyes and nods.

“Maybe. I'll let you know after I get home.” She stands on the tips of her toes and kisses my frown. She smiles and not being able to help it, I smile back. “Ha!” I chuckle as she gets in the car. I walk away and over to Mike's car. I didn't bring a ride, as I was at the Headquarters and a cab seemed to be the best choice. I was exhausted last night.

We get in the car and he starts to drive.

“How is the case, Mama Bear?” I sigh, exasperated.

“We are in the Goddamn dark. The Wolves I've sent around have only seen the assholes traces. It's like he's everywhere.” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“You know what, maybe he is.” Mike says after a long minute. I look at him and he glances sideways at me, green eyes bright. He;s got something.

“Elaborate.” He shakes his head as he taps the steering wheel. If you need an answer to anything, you get Mike in a car. Either driving or fixing it. He will come up with a hypothesis. And 99.9% of times, he is exactly right. I grab my cell and call Becca. I put it on loudspeaker.

“Hello?” Becca's voice comes through. Mike takes a deep breath. He is not a fan.

“Hey. Listen and write.” I say and she laughs.

“I'm great, thanks for asking, Hayden. Mike, how are you?” she's used to this.

“Peachy, Becs.” She hates that name and he knows it.

“Cut the shit.” I say. “Question is: why the hell does it seem like Manuel is everywhere. Caught that, Becca.”

“Mhm. Go on, Mike.” He breathes, hands fidgeting.

“Manuel seems to be everywhere. Unless he studied at Hogwarts there is not a fucking way. He is leaving vague traces of his people behind, sacrificing them. He is running and I have the feeling it's not just from us.” He explains, thumbs rubbing circles on the wheel.

“Brilliant.” Becca mutters to herself.

“Listen, we've caught endless drug lords that had problems with Manuel. He must have more, though. He can't be running like that just because of the law.” Silence. “Do you remember that drug lord that was murdered a few years back?” More silence.

“Callan.” Becca says suddenly. “Best known as Cain.” It clicks.

“Of course. The had some associations, I suppose.” Mike says, still fidgeting.

“I don't need you to “suppose”. I need you to know.” He glares at me shortly.

“Ian, it's time you get Violet to speak to you about this.” Becca says. “She has to know.” I nod.

“I'll get right on that. Thank you, Becca. Make sure the rest,” she interrupts.

“Get the information. Yes, I know. I know.” A corner of my mouth lifts. “By the way, he called you from South America. Somewhere in South America.”

“What? How the hell did you do that, Becca? I know for sure he would have controlled the call so we couldn't trace it.” She laughs.

“He must have called from those dinosaur phones while on the move. It was a bit distortion, but I got that location.” Mike smiles at me.

“You're good, Becs.” Mike says and she laughs.
“I know. Anyways, I've sent the records to the Headquarters. They're sending the Wolves you chose there, Ian as soon as you give the green light.” I don't know what I'm feeling. It's like I can hear what she's saying, but it's not making any sense.

“I was there last night.” I say and she laughs.

“Sweetie, I spent the night tracing the Goddamned call. This morning I got results. It was not easy.” I shake my head.

“Tell them they can go to South America.” I order. “I have to go.” She pauses.

“We'll catch him and shut Newcasttle up.” I smile.

“Thanks, Becca. Good-bye.” I hang up.

“I think we should go to your house and party in you pool.” Mike suggests. I give him a look.

“Sure. But you know what tonight is.” He thinks and then looks at me with a huge smile.

“Full moon.” He says with a shit-eating grin. “You fight tonight.”

“What do you mean you want me to come to a fight tonight?” Violet asks, honey colored eyes wide, brows furrowed. Ava and Nova watch us from the pool with matching smirks.

She agreed to come and she arrived just as I finished my run. She found me sweaty, in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Maybe I can persuade her.

“Exactly that. I want you to be there with me tonight.” Her expression softens and she glances from the kids to me.

“We need to talk.” She says and I nod.

“Sure. Here or inside?” She nods towards the sliding door to the house.

“We'll be inside if you need us, okay? Watch the food. Your Uncle Mike is late.” The nod and we walk inside. I take her to my room, where I know she'll be comfortable enough to speak her mind.

I know I shouldn't be so selfish. I know I should have let her go, just investigate her from afar, but I can't.

I can't shake what I feel for her.

“If we are going to do this...there are somethings you need to know.” She takes a deep breath. I sit on my bed and put her on my lap.

“Just know nothing you say will change the way I feel about you.” She wants to smile, she shakes her head instead.

“I am daughter to a drug lord and even though I am in no way involved in, I might still be in danger's way because of something that happened to me.” Her hand moves to her ribs and I know.

“Your scar?” God, I'm not worthy of this. Especially because tomorrow other people will know this.

“There was this drug lord, friend of my father's: Callan or Cain. He used to make deals with my father. His son and I dated. A few days after my seventeenth birthday, Jordan came to get me to “celebrate”. Instead he took me to his father, who was angry at my father because he owed him money from a deal. They...did things to me and one of them left that scar. They opened me up and,” words seemed to fail her. I put my forehead against her arm and held her tightly. “put pieces of metal, with messages engraved in them, inside me...between my ribs. They dropped me off half naked, with the wound horribly sewn in the middle of nowhere.” I looked up at her as she paused. Her eyes were filled with tears, but it was as if a great weight was lifting off her shoulders.

And falling into mine

“They called my father, told him where I was and that if he didn't hurry, I would die. He found me eventually and took me to his “work palce”. His private doctor reopened the wound and took them out one by one.” She takes a deep breath. “Anyways, Father was so angry. I was the only thing he had left. He went crazy and killed two of the people who were involved. One was my boyfriend, the other was Callan and the other person I've never known who it was. Apparently, there was another person involved who escaped...” Not able to resist it anymore I move her so that she straddles me and kiss her deeply.

“Go on.” I encourage her.

“Callan's people must be angry. They might be coming for me and if I am involved with and Ava and Nova will be in danger too.” She whispers against my lips.

“Violet, not a thing in this world will stop me from being with you because this” I look between us. “I've never had with anybody. I know you may have doubts with this you just told me and our age difference,” She smiles.

“I don't care that you're thirty-six.” I wince. “It's sexy, baby.” She pecks my lips and I grin.

“But all of that doesn't stop us from wanting each other. You are my...girlfriend?” She laughs.

“Is that really such a foreign word to you, Mr. Hayden?” I nod.

“Never had one until now.” I say, watching how her eyes brighten with pleasure.

“So you're not afraid of...Callan's men?” I shake my head.

“I'll keep us safe. I promise.” She pecks my lips.

“Let's go downstairs.” She says, trying to get up.

“Maybe after you've kissed me properly.”

I will never tire of hearing her laugh.

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