
By Zack_Senpai7

380 32 8

"Your life, as you know, will change forever". Follow middle aged, Anesthesiologist Joss McCain as he is sudd... More

New Beginnings: Rhindelm
The Adventure STARTS!!!
The Best Tailor in the World
Author's note
Mellow Infusions
Four is a party, five is a crowd
All in a day's work
Demon Mode
In the brink of death
Clash of Steel
Path Finder
Melody of Gore and Death
Ties of Destiny
Preparations for the Unknown
Flames of War
Master and Servant
Super Training
The Girl called Anastacya
Memories Undone
The Road to an Adventure
Crossing Paths
Sailing into Dangers
I'm Shipping Up To Syrila!
Whale Away!
Whereabouts of the Old
Captain Flint
Dragon Bone Ruins
Danger is One Step Away
From Master to Slave
Warrior of the Underworld
Luna and Helios
City of Thieves
What. Is. That?!
Alongside You
Spider Dance
Spider? Spider!
Victor and Vector
The New Queen of Rhindelm
Harder than Steel
Believe in yourself
Rulers of the Underworld
I Will Become The Madame Of Aerilon
I am a Deadman
Primal Form
Know My Name
Let's go on a Date
Murderous Intent
He Belongs to Me
For You
The Forgotten One
Hunting Grounds
A1: Lacie
The Whisper of Death
I Need to Protect Them!

Welcome to Rhindelm

11 1 0
By Zack_Senpai7

U: Aaah i remember the first time I took her into the capital. Her face just brightens up, she was so excited... She couldn't decide if to stay as a person or a cat. - Laughs- Don't worry, she's street smart. She can handle herself alone in the capital. Plus, it's not really dangerous. This place has the best of the best World guards and nothing passes under their nose... Well at least so far so good.

Lucas: I know Right? (Agreeing with U)

Joss: Hey Lucas, do you know if in the capital there is an herbalist?

Arabella: 'Hey Lucas, would you mind if we do some sightseeing? I'd like to get to know the city.'

Lucas: Actually, Joss there's like two or 3 and yeah no problem for sightseeing but I have to get in contact with the hunters committee to report them about the Jacos, so later!

U: Hunters... Hunter... Hunt ... Oh right!!! Your Nuckus. We must trade them in. Let us stop by the bank and get you all settled.

Joss: Perfect! I need some money to buy clothes, food and stuff.

Lucas: Well no problem how about I pay you four for the reward of the jacos mission? I mean you did it for me

(Joss look at U)

Joss: Well it's up to U to decide...

U: Uumm... Well, sure why not? I don't need the money, so all of the earnings are for them.

Joss: Sweet! (Joss takes his part of the money and thanks Lucas for it)

(Joss rapidly begins to walk to the capital, and he arrives at the entrance. He is filled with joy and amazedness as he walks and looks at all the shops he finds. He looks at food stands, apparel shops and even some of the street performances. At one point when he walks, he bumps with a mysterious person and he quickly makes a scalpel in his left hand and looks directly at the person)

???: Sorry for bumping with you my child.

(Joss looks at the rabbit/person with fiery eyes)

???: Be at ease, I will not harm you.

(The rabbit looks at Joss hands and see the weapon. He then smiles)

???: You know, if they find out that you're holding a weapon, you will be in serious problems.

(Joss slowly takes out his scalpel but keeps looking at the rabbit.)

Joss: Who are you?

???: Oh, but where are my manners. My name is Lin and I am a street performer. I come here every day to see if there is a place worthy of my powers.

Joss: Your powers?

Lin: Yes. You see, I'm an illusionist.

(In that moment Lin disappears and appears behind Joss)

Lin: The people like this kind of tricks and for me is entertaining to see the faces they make.

(Joss quickly moves and stumbles. Lin extends his hand)

Lin: Fear not my child, as this magic is inoffensive and without malice.

(Joss grabs his hand but without trust. Lin grabs his hand and then he kept silence for a minute. Joss stands up. Lin's face changes and he smiles.)

Lin: So, has begun.... everyone's destiny has been set to move...

Joss: What?

Lin: Do you believe in destiny and the future boy?

Joss: I think not. Destiny is something established by someone and is set so people can follow what's been set for them. I prefer to do things without someone telling me to do it.

U: - looks at Arabella- Oh and for your case with Lucy. The bond grants your sight of the other. In case she wonders off on you again. Just try to focus on her and just say " Give me sight" all you will see what she sees. It will give a certain idea of where she is. But don't worry, she will usually find you first. So now that we have that out of the way, please have fun and I'm going to do some house hunting for you and ... Umm Joss- looks at the Capital-wheeeen I find him... I'll let him know as well - sighs- such a rude boy.

Lucas: Well then since everyone is heading to different places, I'm gonna go ahead to the hotel and meet up with my pupil. See you guys there have fun

(Lin begins to laugh)

Lin: You really are a mysterious boy. Well, I will help you in your little quest. This world is very cruel and dangerous but is also very kind and lovable. In this city you will find some people that will make your adventure more interesting. My word of advice is that you go to that shop (pointing the direction) and find a person called Wendy. She will help you in your quest.

(In that moment Lin looks at Joss)

Lin: Oh, and one last thing Joss, you must let go of the past, because that is blinding your present and will destroy your future.

(Lin then disappears with the crowd)

Joss: Wait? What? How do you know my name?!

Arabella: [Well, I guess I'll go find Lucy, since now I am alone....again....mmhhhmmm.......] 'Give me sight...well she's far way. Now why is she near the castle?' (She then walks off to find the castle, with her part of the money.)

(U sees everyone leave and pouts)

U: - says to himself- welp... My little girl is all grown up... Now I'm alone... Once again. - a few seconds go by- OOOH flubbernauts we were all supposed to go to the bank!! Oh well at least I have something to do now. - he slowly shifts towards his direction and singing-

Arabella: (She halts in her sudden march towards the castle and turns towards U.) 'Mr. U! Can you come with me? I have no idea how to get to the castle!'

(He zips besides her with a big smiles)

U: Sure thing, let's goooo!! - Forgetting immediately about the bank-

(Lucas arrive to the hotel he then went and ask for the room)

(Joss walks with confusion towards the shop Lin mentioned. In his walk, he sees different people and races and he's filled with excitement. He reaches his destination and enters the store. He enters and sees a lot of people from high class walking in fancy dresses and acting high and mighty. He then hears someone shouting.)


(Joss startles as he hears the shout. The manager then looks at Joss and is filled with disgust as he sees what Joss is wearing. Then the owner comes out and sees Joss)

Owner: And what in hell is this person doing here?

(Joss calms himself)

Joss: I'm looking for a person named Wendy. Do you know where that person is?

(Both began to laugh)

Owner: Wendy? That good for nothing?! That's the worst designer this planet has. She doesn't have the mind or art of a true artist. And you mister, I would gladly appreciate if you get out of this shop. We don't serve your kind here.

(Joss grins with fury)

Joss: Ok thanks for the information. Can you tell me where she is?

(The owner gets infuriated then launches a wind spell that took out Joss from the shop. Joss falls into the street and then stands up)

Joss: Fucking high people! I don't believe they exist in this world too.

(A person bumps into Joss and apologizes. Looks like an elf with his pointy ears, smiles and keeps going along his way. After 10 seconds an almighty deep voice breaks the crowds chatter)

??? : HAULT!!

(The elf stops as a full array of light beams down upon him. Joss notices he begins to shake and shiver. He drops his head and doesn't dare to look up)

The elf: S.. Sh.. Shiitt...shit shit

(The crowd around him begin to call out of excitement " It's Victor"; " Omg it's an Elite" ; " Oooh Victors here .. He must've fucked up"

(A man in bright armor and humongous wings lands behind the elf)

Victor: - Clears his throat and sheathed his sword-

(Joss halts his movement quickly and pushes himself to a wall. He tries to make a weapon, but he's filled with fear and overpowered by Victor. He watches as people praise him and respects him and Joss feels at ease. He tries to get closer to have a better view)

Victor: I believe you know why I'm here. Theft is against the right of the queen and the world. Return immediately of that you have wrongly gained into your possession.

(Victor points at Joss and the elf slowly shaking in fear makes his way towards Joss)

The elf: I'm so.. Sorry.. - draws from his back pocket all of Joss's money-

Joss: H-Hey wait?! What are you doing?! Give me my money back?!

(Lucas arrive to the hotel room but on the front door found a note)

-Left the room ready, just went to get dinner I'll be back as fast I can


Lucas: Well then hope she doesn't get in trouble

(Victor walks up slowly behind the elf; everyone can hear his enchanted armor and the true power of an elite with every step he takes. Everyone in amazement, he gently lays his hand on the elf's shoulder and looks down at Joss. Victor, tall and poised he nods)

Victor: Is it all there, young lad?

Joss: Sir Victor? I don't know what's happening. I'm here searching for a person when this...guy bumped with me and stole all my money!

Victor: No worries, he will pay for his misdeed. He's a smuggle, that's what they do. Do you have all of your belongings, son? - His humongous wings open up, glowing with metallic trimming-

(Joss calms and assess his pocket)

Joss: He took all my money. Can he give it back?

(The elf gives it back and bows his head)

Elf: Sorry ... Sir..

Victor: - Grips his shoulder tight- Good, now to the Court.

(He flaps his wings once and burst upward with great speed but gracefully. A small yellow portal opens in the sky for a split second and shuts when Victor and the elf go through. The crowd begins to go on about their days once again.

(Joss falls to the floor and closes his eyes. In that moment someone began to talk to him)

???: Sure is good to see Victor punishing the bad guys! Can't believe I saw him!!!

(Joss opens his eyes and see a little squirrel talking. He just stares at it for a moment.)

???: What? Haven't you seen a talking squirrel before big guy???

(In that moment Joss begins to laugh)

Joss: I can't really believe all the shit that is happening to me right now.

???: Tell me about it.

(The squirrel's stomach began to grumble. Joss looks at the squirrel with a blank stare.)


(Joss stands up and cleans the dust in his shirt)

Joss: C'mon, I will treat you to something.

???: Really?!

Joss: Sure, but after it I will need your help finding someone.

???: OK!

(They both go to a stand of food and began to eat. Joss see the strange menu while the little friend ordered different kinds of chestnuts. Joss smiles as he sees the little guy eat all the food.)

Joss: This is incredible! You really know how to eat.

???: This has been the best day of my life. I'm able to finally eat something decent. I really appreciate it.

Joss: It's ok. Just thanks I'm not another person, (he thinks in Arabella for a moment) she would definitely bought you the entire shop while asking you a ton of questions.

(The little guy nods with curiosity then stands)

???: You really are a kind soul. In this place you must always try to survive. I really appreciate what you did for me and would like to pay it some way.

(Joss extends his fingers to grab the furrie's little hands)

Joss: It's ok for me. So, can you help me find this person?

??? : Of course! I know almost everybody in this city! Who are you searching for?

Joss: I'm looking for a person named Wendy. Somebody told me I could find her in the cloth store, but she was not there.

(The squirrel looks at Joss and then began to laugh)

???: You are really looking for Wendy?

Joss:...ummm yes?

???: Say no more! I am Wendy!

Joss: Wait...WHAT?!

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