*Discontinued* Nightingale

By The_Revenant_King

29.8K 2.9K 590

Virgil Blake is an unusual young man. Hated by his family for gifts he could not control he finally runs away... More



537 55 22
By The_Revenant_King

"I don't want you pushing yourself too hard ok, Campion?" Virgil rolled his eyes seeing the hopeless expression on his friend's face. "Please? I just..."

"I'll take it easy, Ro. I promise." Roman sighed in relief as he smiled and quickly brought Virgil over to the padded wall. Roman didn't notice but... Virgil did. Virgil always did. He could feel it, like a thousand pricks to his spine. Someone was staring at him. It made him shiver in apprehension... a sense a being drain... powerless... weak. He ignored it or... He tried to. It was hard to ignore the eyes to the back of his skull when it suddenly felt as if he was naked on a stage in front of millions who all have paintballs gun pointed directly at him. 

"Virgil, what's wrong?" Damn it... Virgil tensed as he glanced over to see the concern in Roman's eyes. "You look like your about faint. Maybe you should take a break or..."

"I'm fine Roman. I just..." Virgil glanced behind him spotting the boy from before, the one who first started all the shit he's had to deal with and he just... froze. Roman's frown only grew as Virgil dazed off. Fairies hated being stared at. It was like... It made them vulnerable. It was as if everything told him to run... but his body was frozen stiff. "I don't like it when people stare." Roman's eyes flashed as Virgil curled into him a bit subconciously moving to hide himself away. "It makes me feel... scared." Roman wrapped his arms around the smaller boy nad held him even closer as if shielding him away from all the nasties around them.

"I'll protect you, Virgil." Roman nuzzled into him making the younger sigh softly and smile. "I give my word... on my name Romulus Ember... I will protect you."

"Swearing on your name will only hurt you if you fail." Roman winced as Virgil's words sent that familiar jolt of pain down his spine. "I don't want you to feel like you have to protect me against everything. Bad things happen. Life happens. You can't save me from it all, Ro."

"I can try." Virgil shook his head as he pulled away making Roman react by holding his arms. "Virgil, I have to try."

"Why? Why do you have to try? Why do you have to do anything? Why do you..." Roman leaned in pressing a soft kiss to Virgil's cheek making the younger stop short with a blush. "Why did you just..."

"I have to try because I care so much about you. Right now... You are one of the few important things in my life. And... It's my job... my duty to protect you... because I care about you." Virgil's eyes narrowed slightly, not in contempt or anything. He was just a bit confused. 

"It's your job?" Roman crashed as he shook his head.

"That sounded wrong. I didn't mean like an actual one. I meant... A job I gave myself. An oath... a sworn promise... I feel as though that because I care about you... I have to do everything in my power to protect you. To keep you happy... and safe." Roman pulled him closer again till their noses nearly touched. "I know I promised I would pull back. I promised you I wouldn't be so... overboard when it came to caring for you but..."

"You can't help it?" Roman's eyes narrowed as he held him tight.

"I don't want to." Virgil snapped up at Roman pressed a kiss to his forehead before leaning their heads together. "I don't want to hold myself back... not with you... not anymore. Please, let me protect you." Virgil smiled as he pulled away only surving to make Roman deflate. "Campion?"

"Don't worry about me, Poppy. I made you a promise. I'm ok and if I really need you... I'd call." Roman could only nod as he walked off leaving Virgil there alone by the padded wall. It wasn't like he was regecting the man... er... fairy. He wasn't trying to say no to the prince. He just didn't want Roman to worry so much about it. Virgil could tell, just as all the others could, that Roman's sudden and intense desire to be with and connected with Virgil was not something that was normal. At least not for him. Virgil didn't want him stressing out and getting himself sick. He'd be fine. He just had to be carefull-...

"Hey, Virgil." Virgil froze, his eyes instantly darting over to Roman who was talking with the teacher, no doubt about him concidering the look he had on his face. Virgil felt the unwanted hands of the boy behind him gripping his shoulders so tight Virgil couldn't hold back the whimper. "Why don't we spar?" Darren Jackson... that was his name. The boy from earlier who pushed him into a tree. "You've learned the basics. You even have Roman himself teaching you. So? What do you say?"

"No." Virgil winced bad as Darren dug his nails into his shoulders. "You just want an escuse to beat me up."

"Well, I did warn you didn't I?" Darren smirked as he walked around till he was in front of the other. He wasn't small in the slightest. Sure Virgil was stronger than him because of his fairy strength but Darren was about the same size if not slightly smaller than Roman and thus had some build to him. He could pick Virgil up and break him easily if he wanted. "I told you to leave Roman alone. That people aren't going to be happy if you didn't listen... and now I see the two of you... in each others arms.... kissing?"

"It wasn't a..."

"Ah. ah. ah... Don't lie. Not when I saw it myself. Now... I'm going to ask one last time. I want to see what you're made of Virgil! Spar with me." Virgil's eyes set as he tore his wrist from the man ignoring the pain from where Darren's nails had accidently cut him.

"Class rules... I am not to be touched. I am not to spar. I'm not allowed. You know this. So leave before I call the teacher." Virgil glanced back over just seconds to meet with Roman's eyes, who instantly looked worried and confused. He shook his head and started over to his friend having been done with this conversation. "Actually better yet, I'll just leave instead. Good bye Darren." In those few seconds, it was enough time for Darren to whip around and grab Virgil's arm. He lifted the smaller up and over before slamming him down onto the ground. Ignoring how Roman screamed out Virgil's name the second it happened. Virgil was frozen, pain raked through his entire body. He was unable to move or anything. It all just hurt. 

"Next time, someone tells you to do something... you should take warning and go." 

"Next time, you think about hurting him..." Roman literally through the kid into the wall tears streaming from his eyes as he glared viciously at him. "You should remember who it is you're pissing off."

"R-Ro?" Virgil whimpered as he tried to move... tried to look over at his friend but everything just hurt to much. 

"Roman, he needs to go to Eliena and fast." Roman stood there seething, his eyes glowing and fangs barred. His back was to everyone else and therefore not visible to the other humans, but the fae all bowed their heads. They knew... They all knew. The prince was pissed. Virgil was off limits and human or not... Darren had just crossed a line. "Roman!" Aaron snapped in quickly drawing in the prince's attention who growled the moment the teacher touched him. "My appoliges, your highness..." He whispered into Roman's ears as he stared down at Virgil with pity and concern. "...but you really MUST get him to infermory. I will take care of Darren. I'm sure you and Remus can determine your punishment later. Just remember, My prince... he is human."

"R-Ro?" Virgil called out again making Roman snap out of it finally, a look of dire consern filling the prince's face. "R-Roman-ah..."

"Virgil, it's ok. It's ok. I've got you." Roman cooed softly as he gently picked the boy up, only to break more with every whine and whimper. 

"R-Rom... Romu..." Roman's eyes darkened as he nodded and smiled softly. "It-It hurts."

"I know, Campion. I'm going to take you to Eliena, ok?" Virgil burried his head into Roman's shoulder, or well as much as his pained body could muster, as Roman just held him firmly using his magic to help with the pain as they moved. It was one of the few times Roman was greatful that most human's couldn't physically see that actual form of magic... only the effect that the magic has. So Roman holding on to Virgil while blanketing him in that familiar and warm pinkish red haze... Only the other fae knew could see and know what was going on. "I'm going to make sure that ok, Ok?"

"I..." Virgil choked as his body started to go limp, the pain and now the the calming aura of roman's magic making it too much for him to stay awake. "I.. I-I lo... lov..." Roman frowned as he felt Virgil pass out in his arms and he sighed. He didn't exactly know what Virgil was going to say but at that moment he didn't care. His health was all the only thing Roman could focus on.

"Let's get you to Eliena, My love."

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