Winter Rose.

Por imintheblackparade

581K 24K 5.3K

There were two babes in the Tower of Joy. Two babes tied so closely to their parents, Ned had to make the de... Más

Part ii.
Part iii.
Part iv.
Part v.
A/N about the book
Part vi.
Part vii.
Part viii.
Part ix.
Ending A.i.
Ending A. ii.
Ending A. iii.
Ending A. iv.
Ending B.i.
Ending B. ii.
Ending B. iii.
Ending B. iv.
Ending c.
A/N and bloopers.


1.9K 108 30
Por imintheblackparade

Rhaenar hadn't seen anyone in days, she hadn't eaten, or moved. She remained clinging to the edge, her shoulders rising and falling as she breathed the salty air from below. She had failed Missandei, and she had failed Torgo. Two of the last few people who had crossed with her from Essos. It hurt her deeply, and with little remorse as it ravaged its way through her insides.

Rhaenar was willing to give it all up, and Cersei had denied it. Had she wanted war? Had Cersei let her vengeance take over just to see her family and Rhaenar dead? It doesn't matter now, none of it does. Missandei is dead, they are living, and a war is coming. Her hand kept a tight clutch onto the stone pillar, her eyes seeking the sea beneath.

Everything seemed so dim now, so lifeless. Even the sky was overcast with a heavy rain, making the shadows longer and more ghoul-like as they stretched out across the room. Rhae swallowed, bringing her arms into the black robe that surrounded her, keeping her warm against the cold winds. Hands settled on her arms, warmth snaking in as she was tugged back into a hard chest, two large arms soon wrapping around her shoulders.

Egg's familiarity took her, willing her eyes to shut as she used him to lean back against. "You've been holed up in here for too long." His voice carried gently, his head resting beside her own. "You need to get out, have a bath, feel heat upon your skin." Aegon urged her, concerned for her wellbeing.

Rhae kept silent. "This isn't how she would have wanted you, this isn't how she would have let you be." He tried to coax, but even he knew it was bust.

"How do you know what Missandei wanted?" She asked, an unintentional edge to her voice as Aegon kept her tight to him.

"There was a reason she used Dracarys. It wasn't for you to waste away here while Cersei continues to sit on the throne." He murmured, his head turning to gage her reaction. Rhaenar was emotionless, looking far worse than she ever had before with messes of white hair in knots. Aegon sighed at the sight of her, at how wasted she seemed gazing out gormlessly. "Rhae, please listen to what I'm telling you."

The indigo flickered. "I can hear you, Aegon." But it didn't seem that way. Aegon let his eyes closed as he pressed his head to hers, keeping her engulfed in his embrace as he just held her, as though it would be the glue that could keep her together.

These past few months, these past few years... They had been the worst of her life, and he had witnessed them all. Nothing could have faced the loss and death that they had here, and once they got the Throne, they could begin to heal themselves completely. Rhaenar wasn't mad, but she'd had to deal with the rumours. She'd been called cruel, and unjust; ruthless, and bitter. She'd raged against the storms that didn't want her, and came out stronger, but after one more death, she had begun to crumble like broken glass.

"Be okay." He whispered, his walls coming down. "Be okay for me, Rhae." And Rhaenar trembled beneath his arms. "They have to pay for their mistakes Rhae, they have to pay for what they've done to our family, all of them. We have to do this, you and I; because I can't do this without you, I can't do it alone." Aegon muttered dejectively. "And if we do this, I need you to be you; because your advisors will see to it you're taken off that throne as fast as you were put on it, and I don't want to think of a life without my sister."

She shuddered with a sob, shaking her head. "I can't." Rhae whimpered.

"You can. One last fight, and we're done." Aegon promised. "You're strong, you can do this. It'll be you, me, and Rhaegal up there. We'll take to the skies just like Aegon did."

A hand reached out, clutching onto him. "One last fight?" He nodded. "Okay..." A smile was brought to his face as he pulled back, turning her to look at him fully. She was so tired, so weak, but once she got some rest in her and was able to mend herself, she'd be okay again.

"I've had a bath run for you, it's waiting in your room if you want it." He mumbled. Rhae nodded, ashamed as she was unable to meet his eyes. For the most part, they were quiet as they took the corridors through to the private chambers, Aegon respecting Rhaenar as she was slower in her movements.

He was quick to instruct the maids around him, asking them to fetch food and clean clothes for Rhaenar, along with a change of sheets. The coat she had worn had been stripped from her as soon as she got back to Dragonstone, burnt away from the castle so she couldn't torture herself further with the sight of the rich blood against the fabric.

Aegon gently guided her into the room, pushing open the door before letting her into the steaming bathroom. The steam rose from the copper tub as she focused upon it, her lips pursing as her shoulders rolled. "I'll give you a moment alone." He told her, Rhaenar nodding.

With slow hands, she pulled back the black fabric of the robe, letting it drop to her ankles. Rhaenar hadn't felt the warmth of the water against her in a long time, her hand reaching forward before plunging into it. It was soothing to the skin, biting with the heat before she pulled back, gripping onto the copper and lowering herself in. Her legs flushed with red at the scalding temperature, the shade rising the more she sunk within the water; letting the vanilla take her.

Her eyes fluttered shut, her head resting back, as the knotted strands of white dipped into the water. Slowly, the water worked upon the tension she carried, easing at the muscles. Rhaenar let out a sigh. "Is that better?" Aegon asked, stepping back into the room but keeping his eyes up as she turned slightly, her body hidden by the edge of the bath.

Rhaenar nodded. "Thank you, Egg." She muttered, her voice lighter than before as she watched him. He'd let his hair free, the crown falling to one side. She'd never seen him without the braid in, of it being left free and long as it danced around his waist. It made him younger, less fearful as his hand reached up, ruffling through it. Rhaenar reached out, her hand left to the cool air as she opened her palm wide, inviting him to take it.

Egg took it, holding it within his larger, calloused hand as he sat behind her, bringing his forehead to hers. "Don't be angry with me." He whispered.

The indigo met midnight blue. "Why would I be angry with you?"

"We're leaving for King's Landing tomorrow, I ordered the attack." Aegon admitted with a heavy hurt, knowing he was pushing it too soon as Rhae pulled away, staring at him. "It will be just as you said; no innocents being murdered, the only deaths being those of the Stormcrows and the Lannisters."

"Tomorrow?" She uttered, her voice soft. Did the men know? Were the others aware? Had they been planning this around her? Is that why he had come to see her? "Why would you do that?"

He squeezed at her hand. "Varys had written at your request, and the men arrived yesterday. All that is left is our arrival." He explained, but she frowned, tugging herself further into the bath, but keeping a hold on his hand. "We have to do this Rhae, once and for all."

"But tomorrow?" She questioned, confused. That was soon, what felt like too soon. She had only just started bathing, let alone greet others, lead men, and ride a dragon sentencing their enemies to death - everything needed to conquer a Kingdom.

"You can do it, we just need you to feel like you again." Rhaenar remained silent as she nodded. "Believe me, Rhae. We will come out of this on the other side." Rhae trusted Egg, and she trusted his words as her hand squeezed his back. The two siblings smiled to one another, the flutter of steam between them as Egg reached forward, cupping at her cheek.

Rhae blushed, leaning into his hand before closing her eyes again. She was happy, and he was content. A calm before the storm. "Will you leave me to get bathed? I need to talk to Tyrion and Torgo before we go."

Aegon glanced up before nodding. "Of course." He uttered with a smile, letting her go and leaving the room briskly.

When Rhaenar returned from the bath, with a fresh robe around her, she could see a plate of food upon the table and Torgo waiting to the side as he gazed into the fire. She knew he was hurting deeply, more than anyone else here. He loved Missandei, and she loved him, and nothing could take that away from them. She smiled to him gently, inviting him to sit as she sat opposite. He was as stiff as a board, his face cleared from any emotion as his hand tightened in its dark glove. He was hurting, she could see it as plain as day.

"How are you feeling?" Rhae asked gently, keeping her voice light as her indigo swamped him.

Torgo nodded slightly. "Unsullied feel nothing." His answer was short and sharp, only confimring what she knew.

"The Unsullied feel things, I know they do. You're hurting." Time and time agains she had seen their happiness, their pride, and their sadness at losing brothers. She may never have seen the fear, but that didn't mean it didn't happen.

Torgo turned slightly, his jaw clenched as a peek of the flood rage and sadness let itself through in his molten brown eyes. "We should be in Naath, far from here." Guilt panged at her.

"I know you should have, there are not enough words to say how sorry I am for keeping you here. If it wasn't for my decision, Missandei would still be here." And Rhaenar knew it, it's what kept her confined to her room, what chased her through the dark. She would feel responsible for Missandei's death every single day of her living life. 

"It was our decision too, my decision for keeping the Unsullied here." Torgo muttered before standing, his face clear of emotion again. "You won't let the woman get away with what she did to Missandei, will you?"

Rhaenar shook her head, standing too as she approached him. "I plan to make Cersei pay for what she did, and I need you on my side if we're to take King's Landing. I need you to keep the men in check that they don't turn on the innocents in the streets, the Unsullied are the few men I can trust not to turn. Can you do that for me?" It was a big ask.

Torgo nodded. "I'll oversee the fighting, I'll keep the men in their places. But I want to be there when you do it, I want to see her head against the floor." His conditions were easy to meet, and with a minimal price for everything he'd been through.

Rhae agreed easily. "Done. If there's anything you ever need, don't hesitate to tell me, please. Anything I can do, I want to do." He bowed his head, but Rhaenar stepped closer to the table, her fingers locking around the band of leather. "I know you and Missandei loved each other, and when we crossed the sea, she brought very little here with her. This..." She grasped the collar in a delicate hand, passing it to him. "Was one of those possessions, it was on her vanity, next to the mirror."

A personal memento to remind Missandei what she had once been, and where she was now. "You're free to keep it if you wish, along with anything else she might have owned." Rhae said softly, before Torgo took it, feeling the piece of leather in his hand. It had been a mark of slaves for many that had crossed with her, their lives once bound to the masters that had put it upon them.

His eyes raised to meet hers. "It means nothing anymore." He stated sharply, turning it in his hands.

"You're right, but it meant something to Missandei otherwise she wouldn't have brought it along with her." His head nodded, his thumb rubbing at the leather. A knock interrupted the pair as both eyes lifted, Tyrion standing at the door, his emerald eyes peering in as Torgo glanced back. "Go, I'll be alright."

With a quick bow, he left the pair. "Aegon said you wanted to speak." He questioned lightly, Rhae encouraging him to step further in as she took her seat once more, crossing her legs in front of her. The fire roared from beside them, the heat sinking into the fabric of their clothes as they sat opposite.

"Yes, about tomorrow." The day they were to attack King's Landing with their men, and meet the armies who had agreed to fight for them. "I need to know that you won't betray me tomorrow when we're out there, that you won't side with your family and risk everything we've fought for, for years." It was a harsh way to greet him, but she wanted to be sure she had his complete loyalty - that he wouldn't hold hesitations towards his sister like she had to him.

He frowned, seeming upset with her words. "Have I ever given you reason to doubt my allegiance towards you?"

"At times." She admitted, the indigo not leaving the emerald as they stared at one another. "It's going to be hard to see her being treated the way she will, and I need to ensure that at the last minute, you won't be changing your mind." Rhaenar had people counting on this, more than any of them could realise; as it wasn't just the Lords holding their breath, but the smallfolk of Westeros.

"I will not betray you." Tyrion stated, showing no hint of hesitation. "Not for a woman who had me wrongly accused, who hated me since I was born. Why would I betray you for that?"

Rhaenar was satisfied. "Very well. Then tomorrow, I need you to ride at the back of the armies with most of the generals, Tywin and Torgo will take the front, dealing with the brute of the soldiers - maybe convince them to step down from their position." The least bloodshed will always prove the better option, Jorah had warned her of it many years ago, but if she could minimise the potential to only her enemies, she would take it.

"She'll have the civilians in the Red Keep, you know that don't you." He warned, settling back in his chair. "Cersei will try to use them against you."

Rhaenar nodded. "It's a good thing we have mercy towards them, Torgo will be leading the Unsullied and ensuring that the armies are not to hurt the innocent; while the rest of the men are to battle the armies that are against us." She knew it wouldn't be smooth sailing, that the men would turn and try to rape the innocent, but Rhaenar vowed that she would attempt to stop it. "By fighting from all sides, we can hopefully win the war by only killing our enemies."

"Cersei's followers will abandon her if they know the war is lost. Give them that chance. If the city surrenders, they will ring the bells and raise the gates." Tyrion said, nodding. "Once they see what you stand for, they will abandon her."

She crossed her hands. "Alright, we'll wait for the bells. If not we'll head straight into the city; but we'll need to attack the gate first, before they ring. The Stormcrows will be waiting for us and we'll need our army in at least."

His brow rose. "And the others? You have them coming in from all angles."

"The Crownlands are mainly facing the Greyjoy fleet, but I will be there with them. Once they've been dealt with, they'll then move up and through. Tywin should have all the details on what each army needs to do, he already knows the basis of what our original intent was." The Dornish Army wouldn't be there, but the Stormlands, Crownlands, Reach, and Westerlands gave them plenty of men, and that was without the Unsullied, Firebornes, and Golden Company.

"And you want me to remain in the back?" He questioned, just to be sure.

Rhae smiled, nodding her head slightly. "You'll be armed in case a rogue man comes for you, I know how you like to fight." His lip quirked, mischief taking his eyes. "I'll also need you there with Varys, you'll be the only two advisors who I won't have in the thick of the fight, but I'll ensure you're well covered by men." Rhaenar wasn't about to repeat the same mistakes she had made with her other advisors, not after losing them all up in Winterfell, and Missandei here.

"And once you take the city?" He asked, the smile growing for real as a nervousness took her.

She hadn't given it all too much thought, but she knew with the right men around her, she'd be guided well. "We heal what's broken, repair relationships with Kingdoms, and start supplying the smallfolk with better benefits."

Tyrion nodded. "Now we just have to win it."

"That we do." 

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