Fight Me (Fighting #1)

By AnnabelleHazel

662K 20K 2K

Violet Sinclaire only had two passions in her life: family and the arts. Violet, a talented, loved dance teac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 (pt. 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 3 (NOT PRIVATE)
Chapter 15 (NOT PRIVATE)

Chapter 10

20.4K 639 50
By AnnabelleHazel


“Just wait 'till you see her.” Nova's blue eyes dance excitedly as he tells me about a girl who arrived yesterday. “She's got this bad ass attitude, you can tell just by looking at her. It's fucking hot. Not to mention her body. Damn, she's got a nice ass.” I hold up a finger as my students start to come in. I wave at them, earning some smiles.

“Control your language, Hayden.” I scold. He winks at me with a smirk, but as if he had remembered something, his face changes.

“What happened yesterday?” He asks, his gaze shifting from me to the door, then back to me.

“I was not feeling very well.” My lie is completely ignored as his eyes narrow, then widen and he smirks his shark grin.

“Fucking hell. I have to have her.” I slap his arm, not too hard, and scold him for the language again.

The door opens and Ava and a girl who I do not recognize, but know is Nova's new obsession, come to view.

“You must be the new student I've been hearing about all day. Hi. I'm Violet Sinclair.” She smiles at me, nodding her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. I get why Nova's fussing. She's beautiful. Deeply tanned skin, the brightest hazel eyes I've ever seen, high cheekbones and black hair that curls softly down to her shoulders. She has a very nice build; she must workout.

“Well, hello.” We laugh because she is feeling a bit awkward. “I'm Alexis Black and I had no idea I was already being talked about.” I offer her a smile.

“Were you home schooled?” I suddenly get the urge to ask. She nods. “Well, welcome to high school, sweetheart.” She giggles. Ava smiles at me and Nova is just openly staring at her like she's prey. I notice everybody takes her in. She's definitely turning heads in those tiny shorts and tank top. “Okay, guys. Stretch.”

“Is Daniel not coming today?” Ava asks before getting to work. I shrug.

“I've no idea. Maybe he had scheduled a class this afternoon.” She frowns as she begins stretching. I stretch with them, making sure to tell Alexis what she has to do next. We reach the last step, where we bend over and touch our toes.

“Calm down, Satan!” Nova exclaims, behind Alexis. The guys laugh and I try really hard to keep the smile off my face.

“Now, I need someone who knows everything I taught, along with Daniel last time to help Ms. Black.” I look at her and realize I hadn't asked her a very important question. “Have you danced before?” She nods.

“A few lessons here and there.” I'm pleased.

“Have you danced tango?” She shakes her head.

“No, but I've danced a bit of salsa and waltz, so partnering won't be a problem.” I nod, pleased again.

“I'll dance with Pocahontas.” Nova's voice makes her flush a little deeper and she turns around to look at him.

“The name's Alexis.” She snaps. I smirk. There's the badass he was talking about/

“How could I ever forget, Pocahontas?” The class seems to feed of this little interaction. Except for Ava. She looks angry.

“Hayden, control your emotions.” He nods at me, with a (wait for it) wink and looks back down at the angry girl before him. “Will you dance with him, Ms. Black.” She looks at me over her shoulder with a small smile.

“I will.” And that smile I was talking about earlier? Yeah. I had to fight it for the entire class.

Daniel made it to the class and we now stand waving the kids goodbye and drinking out of our water bottles.

“This routine is not easy. I'm really surprised how those kids have picked it up. But that new girl with Nova? They were about to rip either their eyes out or their clothes off.” I laugh and start to pick up my things.

“You're right. He has the hots for her and even though she's acting as if she couldn't care less, I know those blue eyes are getting to her.” He nods with a little smile.

“I'm starved, Baby. Let's go eat something.” I am about to say “Hell yes” when I straighten up and see Ian walking into the studio. My heart leaps at the sight of him in a suit. Although, deep inside me I really just want to take it off him.

He walks in and smiles at me. I melt, of course.


“Daniel, it's great to see you again.” Ian offers his hand and Daniel shakes it.

“Likewise.” Daniel nods at him with a polite smile.

“Violet.” I look up into those blue-gray depths and forget to speak for a moment.

“Ian.” I breathe.

“I was hoping that maybe you'd come to dinner with me.” I want to, once again, yell “Hell yes” but I can't. My being in his life and his kids puts them in danger. I can't. Daniel must sense my panicked thoughts because he is fast to speak.

“She can't. She's leaving with me.” Ian's eyes seem to blaze, but not at all in that way that I love, the way that makes my knees weak. He looks angry.

“Violet can speak for herself, Daniel.” Ian says, his voice dripping hostility.

“Ian, I'll talk with, but I can't go to dinner with you.” He's clearly not pleased. Daniel opens his mouth, but I interrupt him. “Dan, wait for me outside. I'll be quick, I promise.” He walks away, not very happy with me either. He's not one to argue...much.

“What's going on?” He asks,taking a few steps toward me. I raise a hand in front of me indicating that he needs to stop, and he does just as my palm is over his hard chest.

“Back off.” His chest rises and falls quickly against my palm. His eyes darken with anger.

“That's not what you want.” I scoff. This man never gives up.

“Please, Ian. Just go. This is not the place to talk about,”

“Us?” He interrupts me, walking close to me. I shake my head.

“There is no 'us', Ian. We're strangers to each other.” Even I know I sound ridiculous. I just need him away from me. It's for the best.

He scowls; I scowl right back.

“We're strangers to each other? That's not what you said when I made you come over the phone, or when I had my tongue down your throat.” He spits. I push him with both my hands, failing miserably when he catches both my wrists. I open my mouth to insult him when the door opening grasps both our attentions.

Fucking hell.

He lets go off my as my boss, Mrs. Locke, the school's principal walks in. Her expression would seem unpleasant to a stranger, but I know her and I know that gleam of mischief and amusement in her dark eyes. She has beautiful dark skin and graying, rebellious, black curly hair.

“Ms. Sinclair, I was just leaving and could not help but notice,” she gestures between us. “this.” My cheeks must be as red as my hair right this moment.

“I apologize, Mrs. Locke. My girlfriend is just so difficult. I didn't mean to come n here, her work place, to do this, but she left me no choice.” My jaw hit the floor as Ian took her hand and kissed it. “Ian Hayden. I am Avalon and Novaiden's uncle.” She smiles adoringly at him.

“I know who you are; apart from your coming here every open house, my husband and my four sons watch all of your fights.” Ian nods gracefully, clearly flattered. “As for this...situation I suggest you take it elsewhere. But I must say: you two make a beautiful couple.” I say nothing. I just stand there in shock, with a smile on my face that must look like a grimace. Ian thanks her, they say their goodbyes and she leaves.

“Now, my girlfriend and I are going to go elsewhere and we are going to talk.” I finally turn to look at Ian and give him a glare. I know if we are alone together, I will never go through with ending whatever didn't even start between us, but I know he won't give up so easily; I need to convince him.

And for that we're going to have to be alone. Which means I need to control myself when he gets too close.

Which means I'm royally screwed.

“I will go with you, but you won't lay a finger on me.” His nose flares, but he nods. “And I don't appreciate you lying to my boss like that. That was so humiliating! I am not your girlfriend.” He shrugs. It's such a boyish gesture, it suddenly reminds me of Nova.

“It's only a matter of time.” He says, walking to open the door for me. We walk out and into the parking lot. He must sense my being on edge, because he doesn't speak. I notice Daniel is gone. He must be really pissed at me.

“Where to?” He asks me. I shrug. He smirks at me returning what he gave me. I fight against the urge to jump him.

“The beach. It's really close to both our homes.” He nods. “Let's go. I don't have a lot of time.” He nods again and leaves me to get into his car.

We drive and get there quickly after. We walk in silence into a spot with enough shade to be comfortable.

I ignore how amazing he looks without his suit and his dress shirt bunched around his elbows. How the muscles flex beneath the tight material. How his eyes look into mine expectantly.

We sit on the sand. He with his legs stretched in front of him, holding himself up with his hands and me with my legs crossed facing him. I fidget with my hands, studying them avoiding the blue-gray pools. I know they'll burn into mine and make me forget everything. I know they'll see the answers to their questions.

“Violet.” His deliciously deep voice stops the motion of my hands. “Look at me.” I look up and into those damned eyes.

“What do you want from me? I'm just a girl you crashed your car into and made out with in a public bathroom.” He pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers and takes a deep breath.

“I don't want...I don't want anything from you. I just need you.” I shake my head but he keeps going. “I just need that feeling when your body is against mine, when you laugh, when you're with Nova and Ava. I have never been so taken by anyone else, Violet.” He looks down at my lap, then back into my eyes. “Breathe, sweet girl.” I do.

“I can't.” He shifts closer to me, still not touching me as I asked him to do before, but close enough that I can feel the heat radiating off his body. I look away from him. “I can't give you what you want.”

“You want that too.” God, I really do. “Please look at me.” I shake my head.

“Just leave.” It's ridiculous how much this tears at me, how quickly he made his way underneath my skin. He growls.

“Fuck, I wish I could touch you.” I steel myself and look up at him, with what I hope looks like anger.

“Look, I...this all is happening too fast. Can't we friends?” He shakes his head.

“Why would we waste time pretending to be friends when we know we want more? I can see it in your face, sweet girl. You're scared. What are you scared of?” My past hurting you and your family.

“I just want...slow. Let's try being friends for a while and see what happens.” He looks angry, irritated. I know not being able to touch me is driving him crazy. The way he changes his position, sitting up and clenching his fists. He remains silent, as if this were completely ridiculous. And it is. “Friends or we have to stop seeing each other, Ian.” His jaw clenches so tightly it has to hurt.

“I'll be your friend, but I don't want you with another man.” I want to smirk at the neanderthal, but pull off an irritated expression.

“Would you like to pee on me while you're at it.” One corner of his delicious mouth twitches.

“If you're into that.” I lose my battle against my smile. He, however, scowls now. “I better not see you with another man, Violet, so help me God I will fucking lose it.” He warns. I sigh. Why do I like his possessiveness?

“That's not what friends do.” He smiles and inches a bit close to me. His lips are only inches away, but he does not touch me as I asked him to. This is torture. Feeling him so close and not have his hands on me...

“Friends are supposed to want all things good for you.” I want to smirk, but his warm, minty breath invades my senses. I stare at his mouth.

“So you think you are what's good for me?” I breath. He shakes his head and our lips graze ever so slightly. And just like that I am hot all over.

“I don't know if I'm good for you, baby. But I am most definitely will be the best you'll ever have.” Before I can lean in and join our mouths he is standing and walking away.

“Where did my gentleman go, Knight?” He stops dead in his tracks. He turns around slowly, a haunted yet amused look on his face.

“I'm still here. If I stayed a minute longer I would have broken my promise to you and gotten us arrested for public indecency, Duchess.” I smile at that.

“Duchess?” He nods, fighting a chuckle.

“Every knight needs a naughty duchess, sweet girl. Now go home. It's gonna get dark soon and that cleavage is enough to drive anyone insane.” I laugh and wait for him to leave before I stand up and make my way to my car.

I get home to find Lina and Daniel cuddling on the couch watching our favorite horror show. I greet them, shower and come back out. I try to sit but Daniel yells at the top of his lungs.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHY DID THEY KILL HER?” Lina is weeping beside him. I look at the screen and back at them.

“I...I don't know, Dan. She was such a beautiful little thing.” Lina sobbed into Daniel's shoulder. Daniel just glares at the screen.

“Guys?” They look up at me with sad eyes. “Don't spoil it for me, please? Okay?” They nod.

“Not to spoil it or anything...” Lina wipes at her eyes, while Daniel fights a smirk. I cover my ears.. “Ma Petit died.” She yells. Oh hell no.

“You better run, bitch.” I warn and she bolts from the sofa and runs.


“Don't get angry. I'm just warning you that if we don't get a move on things quickly enough, the alphas will get impatient again and you can't beat on all of them like you did with Newcasttle.” Becca's voice says sweetly in my ear. As much as I hate to, I have to report every time I see Violet from now on to my team. We have chosen Becca as our keeper. A keeper for us is he or she who files and saves all the data a team has collected.

“I know this, Becca. I just need to get her to trust me.” I grip the steering wheel. “I fucking hate having her in the middle of this.” I hear her sigh.

“She's really gotten to you, hasn't she?” I nod even though she can't see me.

“Under my skin...from the moment I saw's like she's fucking meant to be there, you know?” She laughs and I can almost feel the bitterness in it.

“I do, Ian. I do.” She pauses. “Damn, Ian. Have you thought of the he age gap between you guys?” I grip the steering wheel harder.

“Yes, I have. I'm thirty-six, she's twenty four in a couple months.” I hear noises, like plates and glasses being moved about. “Are you busy?”

“I'm just looking for something to make. And don't worry, you know I can memorize everything you tell me right off the bat.” She really can. “Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? We can keep coming up with strategies.” I pull up to my house.

“I would, but the kids have been alone for a while. I'll have dinner with them.” She laughs shortly.

“Don't you have Wolves always following them?” I get out of my car, draping my suit over my shoulder. Mike's car is here.

“Yes, but I am the one who asks them how their day was and makes them dinner if they haven't and give them a hard time over everything.” She laughs and I have to smile. This is us. The friends who talk about everything and anything. She isn't that desperate woman she acted like that night here.

“You can just say you're their father, Ian. There is nothing wrong with that.” I open my door.

“I have to go.” She is silent for a beat.

“Good night, Ian.” She hangs up before I can say it back.

“Did you hear that? Uncle Ian's home. Quick, guys. Run and hide.” I smile at Mike's words. He used to do that all the time when the kids were small. I used to run all over the house to find them. I get to the kitchen where I know they ought to be, because food is what they love and look around.

Mike is looking very pleased with himself as he leans against our kitchen island, taking a bite of a banana.

“You shouldn't look that happy while eating a banana. Just remember we will accept you and be with you if you ever decide to..tell us something, okay?” He laughs, almost choking as he chews. “Now, where are my little beasts?” I ask, as I always did when they were little.

“Oh, I don't know. You have to look.” Mike says around a mouthfull of banana. You'd think a grown man would have manners.

I am exhausted, so I come up with something else.

“Oh, my little monsters. They will miss out of this pizza. Guess I'll have to eat it myself.” I hear a lot of shuffling and a heated discussion before my to beasts come out of nowhere.

“I TOLD YOU! I TOLD HE DID NOT HAVE A PIZZA!” Nova yells at his sister, who frowns and crosses her arms.

“Oh, Tito. How dare you play with my feelings that way?” Ava says on a hoarse whisper. She places both hands on her chest dramatically and falls to her knees. Nova gives me a deer-in-the-headlights look. I walk over to Ava. “Oh, please, Tito. Call for a pizza. I might...I just might,” She conveniently collapses as I reach her and I sit on the floor, holder her limp body to me.

“MOVE! CALL A PIZZA, FOR CHIRST SAKES! MY LITTLE GIRL IS ABOUT TO DIE! GO, GO, GO!” Mike and Nova fidget with their phones, until they choose Mike's cell and dial.

“I would like a large pizza,” Nova says into the phone. “Just a sec. What do you want on it?” He asks nobody in particular.

“Veggies.” Ava says gleefully before collapsing gain, a hand over her forehead.

“A large pizza with lots of veggies. Yes. Yes. What do you want my address for?Oh! Delivery?” We all nod. He tells the mysterious pizza person our address and hangs up. “About a half and hour wait, she said.” Ava sits up straighter.

“Mhm. Now you sit up. I always knew you were a manipulative little thing.” Mike says finishing his banana and getting rid of the peel. I kiss the back of my girl's head. I stand and help her to her feet.

“How are you?” I ask her. She just hugs me and mutters 'fine' into my chest. I look at Nova who mouths 'Talk to you later'. I nod. “How are you, boy?” He gestures to his body with both hands.

“Healthy, really sexy and extremely ready.” I chuckle as I kiss his temple walking past him. He looks at me. “Why do you always kiss me? I am a man!” I shrug.

“You'll always be a boy to me, son. Just go with it.” I start looking around to fix myself dinner.

“I'll make you something, Tito. You must be tired.” I shake my head.

“No, baby girl. Go do your homework.” I look back at Nova. “Both of you.”

Effectively the door bell rings half and hour later and I go get the pizza. I pay the guy, but he stays there as if his shoues where glued to the ground.

“I'm sorry, would you like anything else?” He nods, blinking rapidly.

“Well, sir...I...I have watched every fight, sir. I know who you are, sir. Can I have your autograph, sir?” I chuckle and nod, putting the pizza down in a small table by the door as he produces a pen and paper. I grab it and sign. “Man, I can't wait to see your next fight against Sorento. I know you'll get that championship.” I hand him the pen and paper.

“Thank you, man. It's people like you that make me better and help me win.” His pale cheeks redden and he nods. “Thanks for the pizza. You take care.” I shake his hand and he leaves with a huge grin on his face. I have one of my own when I close the door and walk into the kitchen.

“Kids! Food's here!” Mike and the kids eat while we have a conversation. They joke and Nova almost chokes to death for laughing. Mike leaves and we all go to bed. Just as I am making my way to my bed, my phone rings.

“Hello?” It's an unknown number.

“It's been many, many years, Hayden. I would have quit by now.” I know that voice. I dread that voice. Manuel.

“That's the difference between you and me, Sinclaire. Start counting your days.” He laughs.

“I'll count, alright. But not mine, yours. Keep this shit up and one day I'll hand your head to your folks. By the way, how is Cellest? Your mother wasn't quite well last time I heard of her. Depression, they said.” I grip the phone so hard it may just break.

“I don't know, but how is Violet? Your daughter?” Silence. “Delicious little thing, isn't she?” More silence. I wait.

“Touch her. Touch her and I will,” I cut him off.

“I have. I have touched her. And she loves it. Practically begs for more. See, she's useful to me. In many ways. I can fuck her while getting information about you out of her.” Silence. I smirk. “Have a good night, piece of shit. We'll see each other soon.” I hang up.

I stand up and get in the shower. I let the ice cold water rain over me while I fight the urge to punch the walls.

Your fight. You need to stay healthy for your fight.

The things I said about Violet haunt me. And I can't take it anymore. I swing at the damned walls until I am raw and can finally feel something other than anger: pain.

This is the only way I can be. Raw and hurt.

This is who I am.

And I fucking hate it.

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