By Bloodsuckingfairy

449K 14.3K 11.4K

nyc•to•phil•ia | nik-tō-fil'ē-a - love of darkness or night;finding relaxation or comfort in darkness. ⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 5

11.6K 384 439
By Bloodsuckingfairy

^^celeste's bedroom

Celeste's POV
I sat in the passengers side of my brothers car as he drove us home.

The whole day went a lot better than I thought it would.
But I couldn't get Asher out of my head.

The way he stared at me with that dark look, as if he could see straight into my soul, made a chill run down my spine.

Almost like a warning to stay away, but I couldn't help but feel drawn in.

"Are you okay?" Ambrose asked as he glanced over at me, probably questioning why I looked so deep in thought.

"Yeah." I said with a smile as I looked over to him. "Today was great."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, little demon. No one gave you any trouble right?"

"Nope. Everyone was nice to me!"

"Did you make any other friends?" He further questioned.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked out the window, my mind immediately returning to thoughts about Asher.

"I liked your friends. Especially...especially Asher." I mumbled as I kept my head towards the window.

"Asher, hmm?" He echoed with a smirk.
"Do you have a crush on him?"

What? How could he even tell!?

I gasped as my face felt even hotter.
"I-what-no! Of- of course not." I objected quickly as I stumbled over my words.

Oh yeah, I was an awful liar.

"Sure." He replied sarcastically with a chuckle, then frowned.

"Celeste, it's okay to crush on him. Just know that he's not the type of guy you want or deserve." He informed me with a serious tone.

I felt my heart drop at his words. How would he know what I wanted? Did he think he was too good for me? Or maybe he knew already that he'd never want a girl like me, and was trying to save me the embarrassment.

I couldn't help but feel my eyes start to glaze with tears as I struggled to keep them.

"Oh no, don't cry princess." Ambrose cooed then he took my hand in his and stroked it reassuringly.

"Guys like him only want one thing from girls, and that's not something you've got to give." He said with a harsher tone.

What thing? I could get it for him.

"Like what?" I mumbled shakily.

Ambrose sighed then pulled his hand away and ran it through his hair.

"Its complicated."

"If it's so complicated, then why- why do other girls have it and not- and not me." I sobbed then threw my face into my hands.

I felt Ambrose stop the car and turn towards me.
"Hey, it's okay, don't cry." He begged softly as he soothingly stroked my back.
"What I meant is boys like that use girls for their...bodies, and not their heart. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"What do you mean use my body?" I questioned as I calmed down a bit.

Ambrose brought his hand to his neck to rub it and looked away from me with a sigh.

"Do you remember when we watched that film, and there was a part that I wouldn't let you watch?" He asked as his cheeks started to turn a faint pink.

Was he blushing? Oh my god, he's actually blushing!

I then thought back to what he was talking about.
We were watching scream street 2 and there was a boy and a girl getting...naked and kissing.

The thought made my cheeks heat up along with Ambrose as I looked away from him.

When I asked him what they were doing, he said it was something that boyfriends and girlfriends do.

Did that mean Asher wanted to be MY boyfriend?

"Yeah..." I replied slowly, waiting for him to continue.

"Well that's what I mean by using your body." He mumbled as he continued to look away from me and started to drive again.

"But-but I thought that was what girlfriend's and boyfriends do. That's what you told me right? Does Asher want to be my boyfriend?"

He glanced back at me with wide eyes.
"Nononono-" he sighed again then started to twist the ring on his finger.
"Yes, people in relationships do... that, but not all the time. Sometimes people who aren't in a relationship will do it, even though they're not together."

I kept myself quite for a couple of seconds as I thought over what he had told me.

So Asher didn't want to be my boyfriend...

"Why can't me and Asher do what you were talking about, if you don't need to be in a relationship?"

He clenched his fist and his jaw.
"Because you're too young and you should wait until your in love."

"What if I- if I fell in love with Asher?" I said in an undertone.

I don't know why I even told him all this.
Probably because he knows a lot more than me and he's the closest thing I've got to a sister.

"You won't." He said harshly.

"And how do you kno-"

"Celeste just drop it. A guy like him won't ever love you." He growled as his grip on the wheel tightened.

My heart dropped at his comment. Even though deep down I know it's true.
I haven't even had a whole conversation with the guy and I was already talking about love.
I really was pathetic.


Once we made it back home, I went straight to my room and caught up on missed work.
My dad wasn't home and I didn't feel like talking to Ambrose any more.

I don't think he meant to be as harsh as he sounded but he did, and I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say it upset me.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I really wanted to talk to him again and be...close, even if it's just being in the same room.
Even though his presence was intimidating, strangely I found it comforting.

I sighed and shook my head at my strange thoughts.

I'm hungry, maybe that could distract me.

As I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen I could hear deep voices and laughter.

Once I entered the kitchen, I saw that the bi folding doors had been opened and sat there in the garden chairs were Ambrose and his new friends, including Asher.

They were passing around something that looked like a cigarette but didn't and there was a funny smell in the air.

"Ambrose?" I called softly to get his attention.

He jerked up as the others looked towards me at the door.
Asher slightly smirked once he saw me.

"Shi-crap!" He corrected himself.
"Celeste I'm sorry, I should of told you I was having people over."

"It's okay." I said as I made my way closer to them.
"What are they doing here?"

"That's a nice welcome, princess."
His deep, dreamy voice chuckled.

I froze, quickly glanced at him then looked to my feet as I brought a hand up to my head to wrap a curl around my finger.

My cheeks were growing hotter as I rocked on my feet.

"I- Um, need to go." I rushed then I turned around and started to pace back towards the house.

"Hey, wait!" Ambrose shouted after me.
"I've ordered some pizzas, if you're hungry so they should be here soon."

I nodded my head at him then went back to my bedroom.

He was actually here in my house. I could scream right now. This is exactly what I wanted.

Ugh but I just embarrassed myself in front of him.
Stupid Celeste!

I needed a horror film to make this better.


After about half an hour into my film I heard a knock on my door.
It was probably Ambrose telling me that the the pizza was here.

"Come in!" I shouted as I paused the film.

The door opened then in stepped no other than the boy I was trying to avoid.

"Woah." He said lowly as he looked around my room with a pizza box in his hand.
"Nice room."

My room was rather big, with white walls covered in fairy lights and picture of bands and celebrities that I liked.
The coolest part was the projector thingy that my dad got me, it makes it look like there's a galaxy on the walls!

"Thank you." I whispered as I kept my eyes on him.

I think I was gonna faint. The boy I liked was in my room alone with me.

He walked closer to me, until he was stood right next to my bed, and then said "your brother told me to bring this up for you."

I pathetically nodded my head as I looked up at him in awe.

"Can I sit down?" He asked with a small smirk.

I just nodded my head again not being able to find any words that would leave my mouth.

He grabbed the chair from my desk and pulled it towards my bed so he was sat in front of me.

"That looks a little too graphic for a sweet girl like you to be watching." He stated earnestly as he gestured towards the tv.

I glanced at the big flat screen on the wall with the image of a woman covered in blood with a knife protruding out of her chest.

I shrugged.
"Maybe I'm not a sweet girl" I uttered then looked back to him to see his hard, golden eyes staring at me again.

"Is that so?" He questioned in an almost sarcastic tone with an amused look on his face.

My cheeks warmed up again so I looked down then reached for the pizza box with a small shrug.

"Do you want me to leave?" He whispered as he leaned closer to me.

I gulped then slowly shook my head, before I grabbed a slice of pizza and started to eat it.
I didn't want him to ever leave.

He smirked again. "Good."

What? He didn't want to leave! Maybe he does like me.

"How old are you?" I asked this time.

"18" he answered flatly.

I nodded my head again as I looked away from him.

There was no way he felt what I felt. He definitely saw me as a child. His friends baby sister...
I couldn't help the frown that took over my face as I thought.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He questioned softly with a frown.

"I- no! Sorry I was just thinking about- Umm, my history class! Yeah. I've been struggling..."

He licked his lips then bit them as he smirked at me then pulled his chair closer.

"You know princess..."he began, "you're an awful liar."

Oh my goodness. Did he know that I liked him? Did Ambrose tell him?!

"I am not lying!"

He swung his leg over the other one as he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head.

"You shouldn't lie to me, Celeste." His voice now a lot darker and more intimidating.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled as I looked up at him.

Even though I was sat in my bed and he was sat in my chair, he still towered over me.

"I could tell you were lying when I asked you about your old school. So I'm gonna ask you again, what happened at your old school?"


Okay so things are getting a bit more interesting ;)

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