The Girl With Fire For Hair

By embers_dragon_

72K 1.8K 3.4K

Y/n was considered the perfect girl. Perfect grades, her parents let her do whatever she wants, she's a part... More

The Girl
Blunt The Knives... Oh Wait, He's Here
In The Company Of Dwarves
Can We Cook Him?
Radagast's Warning
Elves Are Actually Nice
Stone Giants?! What Next?!
King Chin Head And His Gang
Bear Man?
Elves... Great...
I'm Fine
Barrel Runs and Open Wounds
A Promise
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
End Of The Desolation?
Return of the Princes
The Arkenstone... Is Gone?
One Last Time?
Battle Means Death... Doesn't It?
Celebration of Goodbyes
Home Is Where You Are
In The Halls Of Kings
Where We Belong

Hey, Look! A Dragon!

2.4K 61 105
By embers_dragon_

The dwarves had reached the base of the mountain and began their journey up to the top. Being near the top, they came across a ruined city. Y/n gazed over the demolished buildings, almost picturing the tragedy that happened there.

"What is this place?" asked Bilbo.

"It was once the city of Dale. Now it is a ruin. The Desolation of Smaug," Balin answered. Y/n felt something in her chest, almost a tug in her chest, almost as if she felt the destruction that occured years ago.

"The sun will soon reach midday. We must find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way," Thorin said, as he and the other dwarves began to leave.

Bilbo didn't follow, but instead spoke, "Wait. Is this the overlook? Gandalf said to meet him here, on no account were we to…"

"Do you see him? We have no time to wait upon the wizard. We’re on our own. Come." Y/n shrugged as her and Bilbo began to walk again.


The Company reached an area, where there stood tall, stoic statues of dwarves in armor. Y/n began to search around for the secret when Bilbo called to the others, signalling he found something. Y/n followed his voice, and saw some kind of zig zag stairs, that were on a steep incline, built into one of the statues. Y/n gulped once she saw the complicated staircase.

"You have keen eyes, Master Baggins," Thorin smiled, clapping Bilbo on the shoulder. The dwarves all went to the staircase, while Y/n just flew up, arriving at their destination long before the dwarves. She searched for the hidden door, or keyhole, while she waited.

"This must be it. The hidden door," Thorin stated as he and the others arrived. "Let all those who doubted us, rue this day!" He held up the key given to him by Gandalf and the dwarves cheered.

"Hey, we have a key." Dwalin began touching the wall. "Which means somewhere, there is a keyhole." The other dwarves copied Dwalin's actions, searching for the keyhole.

"The last light of Durin’s Day…will shine upon the keyhole..." Thorin whispered. He then turned to Nori and directed him towards the wall. Nori went over, pressing his ear against the stone and tapping a spoon against the rock. The tension settled in the air as Dwalin began to hit the wall with his leg. After several trials and errors, they still couldn't find a keyhole and the sun set behind the hills.

"No!" Thorin growled, going to the wall. "The last light of Durin’s Day…will shine upon the keyhole. What did we miss? Balin."

Balin sighed in defeat. "We’ve lost the light. There’s no more to be done. We had but one chance. Come away, lads. It’s over." They began to walk away, and Y/n looked at Bilbo, who was thinking the same thing.

"You can't leave! Come on! I didn't come all this way to just give up!" Y/n exclaimed. Thorin turned to face her, his face sunken in sadness. He pulled up her hand, placing the key in her palm before sulking away from them. Y/n seemed shocked as she turned to Bilbo, who was already searching for more clues. He muttered things to himself, and Y/n turned towards the hills which the sun set behind. When she heard a slight clunk, she spun around, seeing a thrush hitting something against a rock.

"When the thrush knocks, and the setting sun. And the last light of Durin’s Day will shine..." Y/n whispered. She gasped suddenly, startling the poor hobbit.

"What?" he questioned.

"Durin's Day isn't over! The last light of Durin's Day is..." she paused, seeing a silvery light shine on the wall, revealing a keyhole. "The moon! Thorin! Thorin, it's here! The keyhole is here!" Y/n laughed. Seconds later, Thorin and the other dwarves appeared from around the corner, seeing Y/n's giddy state as she pointed to the keyhole. She bit her bottom lip to stop herself from smiling - not that it helped - and handed the key to Thorin. He took the key, smiling softly, and inserted it into the keyhole. Suddenly, a door beside the keyhole opened, leading to a dark passageway. 

Thorin and the dwarves were  reminiscing about memories in the mountain's halls as they went inside. Y/n created a small fireball in her hand to shed light on the passage. She began to walk ahead, hoping to find the dragon and reason with him. Once she neared a corner, another tug filled her chest, as if something inside the mountain was calling her.

"Y/n?" Balin questioned. "Where you off to, lass?"

"I'm just looking. I'll be okay," she replied. Following her gut, she rounded the corner and continued through the passageways, eventually coming across a huge cavern filled with gold coins and gemstones, glittering in the light. Y/n gazed at the glittering objects in complete awe, almost as if it was placing her in a trance. Some of the coins shifted, and a dragon eye opened and looked right at her.

The fire colored iris seemed to glow as a dragon's head pushed itself out of the treasure. The dragon leaned towards Y/n, huffing slightly, sending a burst of hot air into her face. She coughed slightly, shaking her head, hoping to remove the smell from her nose.

"Who are you?" Smaug inquired, snaking around her. She glanced over and saw Bilbo enter the room at the same time, placing a finger to his lips to keep his position secret.

"Uh, I'm Y/n, O Great Smaug. I was sent to reason with you, for you see, I have fire for hair. So if you would let me, I'd like to try," Y/n said. Smaug continued to circle her, eyeing her entire body. Under the dragon's gaze, Y/n felt tiny and useless.

"I see your hair, but it means nothing. I have seen nearly all of Middle Earth, and never once heard of a girl with fire for hair..." Smaug growled, slinking down to the gold and placing his head on the path that Y/n was currently on. He stared at her as she stood there, feeling afraid under his gaze.

"Well? Aren't you going to attempt to reason with me?"

"Oh, yeah. Listen. There's a lot of people out there in the world. A lot of innocent people who are going to get hurt should you get out. I don't want to see that happen, so please. Don't attack Lake Town."

Smaug lifted his head quickly, almost seeming to glare at the girl. "Lake Town? Those pipsqueaks deserve it! That town is horrible. They're all so... Loud. So in the event that I escape, Lake Town will be the first place to get destroyed!" Smaug's head was right in front of her, his eyes angry. There was something about his orange eyes that seemed almost... Familiar to Y/n. She tilted her head to the side, almost rushing through her memory, searching for why he seemed so familiar...

"Can't think of anything else to reason with, love?" Smaug asked. Y/n seemed to cringe with Smaug's name for her, and the dragon noticed this. He almost smirked as he circled around her once again, his head on the opposite side of her body and his neck behind her back.

"I'm going to tell you a part of the prophecy no one knows, and I expect you to pay attention, Y/n," Smaug paused, looking down at the gold as he spoke, fearing if he took his eyes off the gold, it would disappear in an instant. "True the prophecy says that a girl with fire for hair will reason with me, but what they don't say is that the girl will fail to persuade me not to attack the city, and falls under a spell. From what I can see, the spell is affecting you."

"What?" Y/n whispered.

"Yes. You're starting to be affected. The easiest thing for you is to just give in. Close your eyes, Y/n." As if some invisible force took over, she closed her eyes and listened. "And open." Y/n obeyed and felt something deep inside, like if her soul became pure fire. Y/n looked around and saw that Smaug was going towards Bilbo. Y/n smirked to herself and slunk back into the passageway she came from. Keeping her head down, she made her way towards the entrance where the dwarves were bound to be near, keeping as silent as possible.

"Y/n! There you are! Are you alright?" Thorin asked. Y/n paused her walking and glanced up at Thorin, all of them stepping back in fear.

"Lass? You okay?" Dwalin quizzed. Her head whipped towards him, and he jolted back. As she opened her eyes again, they completely resembled Smaug's, slit pupil and all.

"Yes, Dwalin," Y/n winked at them. "I'm perfectly fine." She created a fireball in her hand and started walking towards the dwarves, the moonlight making her fiery hair shine.


A/N: Dang. That took an unexpected  turn 😂 I just kinda wrote this, not thinking really. I was listening to music, and this just spilled out. Hope it's good. I have plans for the future that will (hopefully) be really, really good and cool.
Also! I made some memes. Here you go:

Enjoy the rest of my story 😉

Bye, lovelies!! ❤️❤️

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