It's just you and me (5SOS Fa...

By iitsmee

1.4M 26.5K 6K


Class Schedule
Great News
Sleeping Arrangements
Leftover breakfast
'Back to the Future I, II, III'
A Text Message, A Story
First song
Meeting his band
That's So Raven re-runs
Teenage Dream
I missed everything
Bye Beautiful
Charlie Step's Party
I'll only be a few seconds
My Warrior
Catching Up
"You'll See"
16th Birthday
I Won't Dance
Study Rooms
Fade to black
Hospital Beds
Water Fight
It's Christmas
Rose petals & Rooftops
Calum's Present
New Years
Going away presents
Skype Call
Dance Studio
Pre-show Facetime
Last class
Krispy Kreme Donuts
The Flight
The House
Grocery Shopping
Calum's birthday
Ice Cream
Day Out
Last Night In Scotland
Back Home


23.7K 434 55
By iitsmee

"Don't waste your time on me you're already, the voice inside my head" Calum's band's cover of 'I Miss You, by Blink 182' sounded from my phone.

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"You ready for the concert tonight Dee?" Michael gave me a nickname, even though Andie was only a 2 syllable name.

"Yep! All set! What time are you coming to pick me up?" I reply with an ecstatic expression, despite the fact that I was coming down with a flu.

"We'll be there in an hour and a half" He replies, then I hear a loud thud in the background.

"What was that?" I question, looking in the fridge for some orange juice.

"Eeeehhhh... Luke dropped his guitar" He says with an unsteady tone of voice.

I try and contain the chesty cough that was about to happen, but I fail and cough loudly into the phone.

"You ok?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a cough" I pull out the juice and scan the cupboards for a cup.

"Ok, don't get sick! Calum is nervous about tonight, we all are" He replies timidly.

"Don't jinx me now! Why are you guys so nervous? You've done a tonne of concerts before!" I take a sip of the citrus drink.

"Well it's the first one Calum has done in front of you and he wants to impress you! If one of us is nervous the rest of us is"

"Just pretend I'm another one of your crazy fan girls! By the way who changed my ring tone?" I ask with a stern voice but with a humorous tone.

"HEY! That was Luke!" He yells back.

"What was Luke?!" I hear Luke shout in the background.

"Don't worry about it! See you in a few" I say, swallowing down more of the orange juice.

"Ok see ya!" Michael hangs up.

I finish my glass of juice as I sit down on the couch watching 'New Girl' with Max.

"You feeling alright bud?" Max questions as he pats my back lightly.

"Yeah I'm ok, probably just need a hot shower" I reply laying my head on his shoulder, "Where's Tori?" I question facing my attention up to the screen.

"She's doing overtime at work, so I'll be here until she needs to get picked up" He says as he rests his hand on my arm.


I walk out of the steaming hot shower and dry myself off with the baby green towel hanging on the rack. Before walking into my bedroom I slip on my navy blue bathrobe, just in case Calum decides to come to pick me up early again.

Without any interruptions I skip over to my closet and pull out my high waisted, silver studded, denim shorts and my loose fitting v-neck shirt. I slip them on and check the weather forecast on my phone. It was going to be a little bit cold, so I open my cupboard and take out the giant 5SOS jumper that Calum gave me.

I run into to my ensuite and as usual, slide a hair elastic onto my wrist, shove a bundle of bobby pins into my pocket and apply my strawberry scented lip balm which I then slip into my other pocket. The door bell rings and my brother gets up to open the door.

I hook my name necklace onto my neck, put on my small white pearl earrings and rummage through my sock drawer trying to find a pair of matching black socks.

"Peekaboo!" Calum yells as he opens the door.

"Heeey" I give out a chesty cough followed by a sniffle.

"You ok?" He questions as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm fine" I give him a kiss on the cheek before I return to finding a matching pair of socks.

"Nice jumper" He smiles.

"Thankyou" I reply smiling.



"There's a pair right there" He reaches into the drawer and pulls out a matching pair of black ankle socks.

"What would I do without you?" I take the pair of socks from his hand and give him a slow kiss on the lips.

He smiles at me before walking over to my shoe rack and grabbing my pastel green vans.

"Smart boy" I smile at him as I slide on my socks.

"Your welcome" Calum sets the shoes on the floor before walking into the bathroom.

"Can you fix my hair babe?" Calum asks as he stands in the door way fiddling with strands of hair.

"M-me? I get to touch the legendary Calum Hood's hair?!" I finish putting my shoes on before fan girling, flailing my arms around like an idiot.

"You gonna help me or what?" He whines dropping his hands by his side.

"I'll do it at the venue! Now hurry we have to be there soon!" I reply shoving my phone into my pocket and taking my stussy bag off of the hooks on the back of door, which held my whole life, "Get the hair gel from the sink please"

"No problemo" Calum says as he walks to the sink, "Catch".

Calum throws the hair gel container into my hands and I slip it into my bag, "Ready?" I ask taking his hand.


We walk out of my room and into the kitchen.

"We're going now Max" I inform him.

"Ok, be careful, have fun, take care of her Cal" Max says as he gives me a hug.

"If it's the last thing I do" Calum smiles as he hugs my brother.

"Ok you two, we gotta go, bye!"

We walk out of the front door and pile into Ashton's car.

"Are we ready to rock?!" I yell.

"No one says that any more Dee" Ashton shakes his head.

I see that the nickname was catching on.

"Oh ummm ... Just drive Ash" I reply awkwardly.

"Will do" He chuckles as he drives off. 

OUT OF MY LIMIT MUSIC VIDEO IS AMAZING . Thankyou for all the support <3 And how was the metro concert guys? LOVE YOU ALL!

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