When in Chelsea...

By constant-craving

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Hi. My name is Samantha Skye Matthews but everyone calls me Sam or Sammy either or is fine. Yes is the answer... More

Spencer's Party and coming home.
Running and Interns with Oranges.
Shopping and Secret Dates
The day before the date
The Date
Andy to the rescue and Make up or Break Up?
Conversations and Preparations
Awkward Dinner Party
Big News and Admitting Emotions?
Talking with Steph Shopping and Jamie's Party.
Pool Party/Fight
Dinners and Panic Attacks
Birthday Party and Cheaters
Just a quick note
The party and One night stands
Skating Around and Going Home?
Home, The Dramatic Ballet and 'What the Hell is on Your Face?'
Well Shit
Fit Boys Playing Rugby
Sibling Hugs and Confessions of the Heart
Maybe okay will be our always
Carrying on?

'I Love You' 'You Lied too my Face!'

546 6 2
By constant-craving

Hey guys! So I'm going to space out the amount of weeks that Stevie and Sam have been going out just so when some more drama comes they have been together for a bit longer! That's all I needed to say really so yeah! Enjoy!


*Sam's P.O.V*

Over the next few weeks a lot has happened in Chelsea. Stevie and I have been getting closer and closer every day and everybody now knows of our relationship. When I told Spencer he went all over protective big brother on me and gave Stevie a lecture that if he treated me wrong he would face consequences but then he loosened up and said he was happy for me which obviously made me smile. Proudlock and Lucy have decided just to be friends after Lucy found out that he was hooking up with other girls while they were going out on dates. I mean they weren't exactly dating but it doesn't give Proudlock the right to do that but yeah. Anyway. As it turns out Alik hadn't cheated on Louise and all was well between them. Will and Binky had been out on a couple of dates but Binky ended up telling him that she was just enjoying being single and wanted to have some time being single after everything that had happened between her and Alex cheating on her.

I was kind of sad when they didn't get together because I though that they would have made an amazing couple but oh well! Jamie and Proudlock have had an argument over who was living with who because Jamie had found out through my idiot of a brother sticking his nose in where it wasn't needed by telling him that Proudlock was planning to live with Stevie but i'm not to sure where they stand just now so I'll have to ask Stevie about it.

Surprisingly Rosie and I have become quite good friends. Although I don't really like the way that she kind of gossips and gets herself into everyone else's business and she knows that and has said to me that she will try her best not to do that around me and I told her that I really appreciated that, which I do.

Another surprising fact is that I haven't actually gotten into a fight with anyone yet. They all seem to say is because i'm a down to earth genuine person so they don't see any need to cause any drama with me.

I've been getting closer to the rest of the girls. Other than Louise because obviously I knew her before I came back but yeah. I have also scheduled a photo shoot for Proudlocks Serge De Nimes range later on today so yeah. I've also been doing a couple of shoots etc for my work and i've been in the studio a couple of times recording some songs.

I'd have to say that the guys i'm the closest with other than Stevie, My brother and Mark-Francis are Alik, Andy, Sam, Jamie, Will and Lonan. We all seem to get on really well. Andy and I are pretty good friends and plus we have a lot in common. Sam in just such a nice boy and we've now given each other the title of name twin which is quite funny. Jamie and I are like almost joined at the hip. He is just such a funny guy and practically like a second brother to me. Will and Lonan are like my work out buddies. Alik and i just get on like a house on fire. I'm round Louise quite a lot since we are practically best friends since like 3 -4 years ago so I seem him quite a lot even though they don't actually live together. Yet. We have been doing almost all of our training together which for me is at least once every 2 days minimum but yeah through that we have gotten a lot closer. Binky has actually started training with Lonan but i'm not 100% sure if Will knows yet but I think he does.

Right now i am at clay shooting with the majority of the girls an I think Stevie has gone out with some of the boys including his friends Jake that has just moved back to Chelsea from Dubai.

*Stevie's P.O.V*

"Everything good?" Proudlock asked me as we took a break from the tai chi. I sighed and and said, "So you probably know by now that Stephanie is obviously back now and like I know that there is still some unresolved feelings between us and that makes me feel really bad because obviously i'm with Sam now and just ugh I don't know."

"I mean obviously you guys had to say goodbye again for like the 100th time-" I stopped him and said, "The 2nd time." "Fine whatever but it feels like the second time."

I then said to him, "I feel like we ended it on a really nice note. I mean I feel like there was an element of closure that like I feel we never had when she left London and I feel like we had that when I left New York. Being on good terms and friendly knowing that nothing could happen in like the long term. And in that sense I feel good it's just I know the hold she still has over me and when i'm spending time with her I feel like that could effect me which makes me feel bad because I really don't want to feel that way because I'm currently in a really good relationship with Sam and we're really, like really really close now and I just don't want those feelings that I think I still have for Steph get in the way."

I breathed out after letting my mind out to Proudlock and he said, "I think that you just need to be strong and not mess anything up with Sam because she isn't at all like Spencer. Her feelings are very open about you and your feelings for her obviously I just think that if you hurt her or do anything stupid about the situation with Steph she isn't going to forgive you very easily. Just don't get sucked back in."

I nodded knowing that he was right and then said, "Well. Speaking of I actually need your advice. She wants to see me tomorrow." "One on one." "Yeah."

"Do you wanna come with me?" I asked him just hoping he'd say yes and he replied with, "Yeah. Of course i'll come mate." "Cool because i just feel like I won't do anything silly if you're there." He nodded and said, "Yeah of course. I've got your back man 100%." We fist bumped and went back over to the tai chi.

*Sam's P.O.V*

I Was holding the gun ready to shoot when I heard Sophie say, "Pull" I Focused my aim of the 2 clays speeding through the air. They put a bet on me shooting both of them so here I was on a slightly harder round. I focused and shot the 1st one down. 'BAM' Shot the 2nd one down. I heard clapping and I lowered the gun and turned around and bowing jokingly making the girls laugh.

I walked over to where Rosie, Binky and Louise were and I stopped up beside them and Binky said, "While on the topic of big pistols, where are your boyfriends?" Louise and I laughed and Louise said, "Well actually mine is preparing a breakfast spread." We chuckled at her cringing and she carried on with, " He and the boys are having like a mothers meeting. Binky commented by saying, "It's quite nice that Alik is bonding with the boys though." We nodded and She said, "What about your man then. Where is he?" "Well he said he was going out to do some Tai Chi with my brother, Proudlock and his friend Josh that just moved back from Dubai."

The girls looked at each other slightly apprehensively and I said, "Oh no. What is it?" They all looked to Louise and she said, "Well. There is this girl called Stephanie." I then cut in and said, "Wait, My brothers ex Stephanie?" She nodded and continued on with, "Well she is moving back to Chelsea from America for good I think and ugh I though Stevie would have told you this my now."

I Cringed slightly and said, "Tell me about what?" "So I take it you haven't had the awkward ex girlfriend boyfriend chat then?" Rosie asked. I though for a second and then said, "Well I've told him about my ex boyfriends because I've only ever had like 1 serious relationship while I was in America but when I asked him he said that he hasn't ever really had something properly serious like our relationship."

Louise sighed and said, "Well. Ugh no, He really should have told yo-" I cut her off and said, "Louise just cut to the chase and tell me please your killing me." She sighed and took a deep breath before saying, "Well he and Steph had a relationship going kind of on and off for a while one of the times she was in Chelsea, obviously after she and your brother had split up and when we were all in New York they kind of started you hooking up and kind of dating again until Stevie had to come back to London."

Crap. So he practically lied to me. Great. Just great. I ran a hand through my hair and said, "Well, The thing i'm wondering about now is why when I was being truthful was he lying to me." "I don't know Sammy. I really don't know," Rosie said. I can't believe he lied to me. I could feel my eyes start to water and the girls noticed but before they could say anything I wiped my eyes and pushed away the tears and said, "I'm going to go and get changed. I'll see you in a little bit." And then I walked away to get changed into the spare clothes I had brought with me.

The rest of that day I just went home and thought about the stuff that the girls had told me. Don't get me wrong I completely and utterly trust Stevie that he would tell me if he still had feelings for this girl but maybe trusting him too much is the problem. I made some white chocolate and peppermint hot chocolate with marshmallows, which was a rare treat for me, and Settled down in my bedroom and started to watch my favorite Disney film ever. Peter Pan.

*The Next Day*

I woke up with a banging headache. This is why I don't binge on sugary drinks ofter because i'm so used to a healthy diet. Oh well. Totally worth it. I went down stairs and made some blueberry pancakes and got some orange juice and sat down at the kitchen table and decided I would call Stevie.

After a couple of rings he picked up and said, "Hey babe. Good morning." I smiled at the sound of his cheery voice and said, "Good morning to you too. What's got you so peppy this time?" He chukled nd said, "Well i'm currently waiting for Proudlock to turn up for some breakfast at Bumpkin. I would invite you along but i'm guessing by now you are at your kitchen table with a glass of orange juice and some blueberry pancakes. So... am I right?"

I laughed and replied, "You know me so well." I could practically feel the smile on his face and he said, "Baby I've got to go Proudlock just arrived." "Okay well we'll talk later right?" "Yeah of course. Okay Bye." "Bye," I said and then hung up the phone.

*Stevie's P.O.V*

"You really shouldn't be lying too her you know. She probably already knows from the girls that Steph is back and she's gonna ask you about it sooner or later," Proudlock said to me as I hung up the phone. I couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty about not telling her the truth but if she reacts badly it will be even worse. "I know but I feel like there is a possibility that she'll blow it out of proportion," I said back to him. "You know I actually think you're wrong Stevie. She's nothing like Spencer or any other of the girls here. She isn't malicious and doesn't snap to conclusions either." I sighed and looked towards the door where Stephanie had just walked in looking gorgeous as usual, wait no I can't be thinking like this i'm with Sam.

"Hey guys. What a treat to see you here," Steph said to Proudlock and I. We delved into a conversation about how long she was staying which turned out that she has bought an apartment here in Chelsea. Just Great. Proudlock then left to get some things for Sophie's party. And then it left Steph and I.

"So. I don't know if I can be friends or not. I know that I still have some feelings for you," Steph said to me. I don't know why but I started to feel my self leaning in and she was doing the same. My brain was screaming at me saying, 'You have a girlfriend stop!' but I just kepy going. Our lips touched and we kissed. As soon as I pulled back I had realized what I had done but I didn't say anything because I know Steph would have a guilty conscience and end up telling her. Crap. I just cheated on Sam.

I saw Steph looking at me questioningly and I just said the worst thing possible, "Do you need a ride home?"

*Steph's P.O.V*

As soon as I kissed him I could tell something was wrong but I pushed it away and just focused on the man in front of me. He asked me if I needed a ride home and I just nodded.

As Stevie walked me up to my apartment door I turned around and kissed him again, knowing that all though I needed to move on from him there wasn't any harm in one more kiss. We pulled away after 20 seconds and he said, "This can't happen again. I need to fully move on Steph. Just don't tell anyone about this."

This confused me and I said, "Why not?" He shook his head and said, "They'll just get the wrong idea to why you've come back." I nodded but not fully understanding why. He turned around and walked back to his car and drove off.

*Lonan's P.O.V*

I was running round Chelsea being tired of running in the gym when I ran past Bumpkin and saw Stevie and Sam kissing inside. I went to go inside and say hi but as I was still looking through the window they pulled away and saw that it wasn't Sam. It was some other blonde. Wait, what? Did they split up? I'll have to talk to Binky about it.

*Sam's P.O.V*

I heard a knock at my apartent door and as I opened it I saw Stevie. I kissed him and he kissed back. Why do his lips taste like cherry? I pulled back and asked, "Babe. Have you been using my chapstick again?" He had an unreadable expression like he was debating something in his mind but as soon as it had appeared it was gone. He laughed slightly strained and said, "Yeah. What do you expect. It's London sometimes it get's chilly." I laughed and let him inside.

We sat on the couch I finally gathered up the courage to ask him, "So. At Clay shooting the other day, Louise, Rosie and Binky told me that your ex Stephanie was coming back and when we talked about like our past relationships you said there wasn't really anyone who you had a serious relationship with anyone. But the girls say that you were pretty involved with each other. I mean i'm just slightly confused to why you would lie to me."

He furrowed his brows slightly and he said, "I didn't really think it was that necessary for you to know but erm. Yeah Steph's back but I want you to know," He took my hands in his and said, "I don't have any feelings for her anymore Okay?" I nodded and said, " So have you seen Steph yet?" He replied and said, "No. I want to spend no time worrying about her and spend my time with you." I smiled at him he then took my chin in he hand and pulled me towards and kissed me gently.

He pulled away then said quietly, "I love you Blue." My mind was reeling and then I realized I had to say something. Did I love Stevie. I'd made a decision in my head and said, "I love you too Stevie." He smiled and kissed me again and he took me upstairs and you know what happened next.

After we had finished I kissed him and wrapped the bed sheet around me and I walked into the bathroom to have a shower. Once i'd finished I walked out into my bedroom in my towel and saw that Stevie was dressed. He walked up behind me and put his head on my shoulders and said, "Sorry babe but i've gotta run and get ready for Sophie's party." I turned around and pouted, saying, "Why can't we just stay here and watch some movies?" He laughed and said, "Well even though that does sound nice you would end up being the one saying that we should pop past because she's your friend." I laughed at his reply and said, "Yes. You're probably right. I'll see you later yeah?" "Yeah, bye." He kissed my forehead and he exited my bedroom and I heard then front door slam closed. I sighed and laid down on my bed constantly smiling. He loves me. I love him.

I decided it would probably be best to get ready for Sophie's German kind of themed party. I walked into my walk in closet and grabbed the outfit I had bought for the party. After that I styled my hair into a milk maid braid an added Foundation, Concealer, Powder, nude eye shadow, Eyeliner, Mascara and touch of pale pink lipstick. I put on my outfit and grabbed my purse, My phone and my car keys and headed out the door.

As I walked into the party I put the gift from Stevie and I on the present table and walked in. I saw my brother talking to a pretty blonde girl so I decided to walk over and say hello. I tapped Spencer on the shoulder and said, "Hey big brother. Chatting up the ladies again?" He laughed and put an arm around my shoulder while saying, "Well why would I want to chat up my ex girlfriend." I looked to wards the blonde and said, "Hi I'm Sam, nice to meet you." She replied with, "Hey i'm Stephanie," Oh so this was the notorious Steph // Stephanie. We kissed each others cheeks and I said, "o this is to famous Stephanie, ex to my brother and boyfriend." I said it in a joking manor which thankfully she picked up on and smiled kindly and said, " Oh who is your boyfriend?" I smiled at her and said, "Stevie Johnson." Her smile faltered a little but as soon as it did she was smiling fully again and said, "Oh cool," She then moved on from the topic and said, "Well Spencer over here didn't tell me he had a little sister." I shrugged at her and said, "Well... He doesn't like to brag." We laughed and Spencer said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Have either of you guys seen Stevie yet? He was round at mine for a couple of hours and then he left to get ready." "He was at yours? I haven't even been to yours yet!" He exclaimed protectively on this first bit and then jokingly on the second bit. I laughed and said, "Well it is my birthday soon and I was thinking of having a big party at my place since it's big enough." He chuckled and said, "Really now how would you afford something that huge to fit all those people?" "I think you're forgetting who's the model and singer here." He faltered and said, "Well yeah good point. Oh and Stevie's over there." I looked over to where He was pointing and saw Stevie talking to Sam and Louise. I said, "Thanks," And kissed his cheek and waved to Steph and she waved back saying, "It was nice to meet you." And then I walked over to where Sam, Louise and Stevie were.

I covered Stevie's eyes and said, "Guess who?" He chuckled and Sam and Louise awwed slightly which I laughed at trying not to give it away. "Mmmmm. I don't think I know anyone other than my girlfriend who has such a melodic laugh. Could it be..." He trailed off and turned around grabbing my waist and spinning me grabbing our friends attention and them all smiling at us. I blushed and he put me down and said, "Was I right?" I laugh and say, "Mmm. I think so." He pecked me on the lips and put and arm around my waist.

I then heard my brother shout, "I KNOW YOU'RE DATING AND ALL BUT TRY KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OFF MY SISTER WHEN I'M AROUND!" Which gained a lot of laughs from our friends. I shouted back saying, "I LOVE YOU TO BROTHER!"

Everyone turned their attention back to their huddles of people and Louise said, "Aww. You to are so cute." I blushed and smiled at the ground. "Well what about you and Alik. Where is he by the way?" She shrugged and said "I don't know." As soon as she said that Alik popped up out of nowhere and said, "Here I am." Louise jumped and Sam screamed. I laughed at him and said, "Twinny you have such a girly scream!" He put his hand onto his heart and said, "Why thank you!" We all laughed and started to talk about how good the party was. Sam then left to talk to Tiff who had just walked in.

I smiled at the pair feeling happy that they both make each other smile. Tiff and Sam were two of the first people I met properly when I got back here and I think they both are so cute together. "They're so cute together," I said to Louise, Alik and Stevie. I carried on by saying, "I think it's nice that they can make each other smile though because I think that a lot of the time they are mainly known for either being Louise's little brother or Lucy's little sister it's nice that they aren't really hiding in the shadows too much anymore."

I looked towards Louise as she said, "Yeah I think it's good that my brother has someone that he gets along really well with. I mean he hasn't really dated anyone in a while so yeah. I think it's good that he has put himself out there a little bit.

After a while Louise and Alik walked over to Lucy and Stephanie. Steph didn't seem to bad she actually seemed quite nice so as long as she doesn't interfere with Stevie and I's relationship I think we should get on just fine. Stevie kissed my cheek and walked over to Proudlock which left me to wonder about on my own.

As I was walking I bumped shoulders with a blonde girl that looked slightly familiar. Not wanting to be rude I turned around and said, "Oh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." She smiled kindly at me and said, "Oh it's no problem. Hey aren't you Samantha Matthews. I don't think we've met i'm Toff." We kissed cheeks and I said, "Please just call me Sam or Sammy everyone else does. So aren't you Sam's best friend. Well the guys Sam." She laughed and said, "Yeah that's me." I then saw Binky on her own and Alex walking away so I politely said to Toff, "Cool. Well it's nice to meet you but I was just on my way over to talk to Binky. I'll see you later yeah?" She grinned enthusiastically and said, "Yeah of course." I kissed her cheeks once more and I walked towards Binky who didn't see me coming and said, "So what was that about with Alex?"

She jumped slightly and said, "Oh my gosh! Sammy don't do that!" I laughed and said, "Sorry, sorry. So?" She then said to me, "Well he wrote me this letter about how I didn't deserve what he did to me with the cheating and stuff and yeah. But I think it was nice of him kind of just to,like clear the air and I think we're kind of getting back to friends. Slowly but surely." I smiled and said, "Well that's good."

*Stevie's P.O.V*

I was talking to Proudlock and he asked, "So what happened after I left." I sucked in a breath and decided to tell him the truth knowing that I couldn't keep it to myself. "After you left we kind of talked and..." I trailed of not knowing how to put it. He furrowed his brows slightly and frowned and said, "And what Stevie?" I breather in and said, "We kissed, and I didn't stop it." I put my head in my hands and Proudlock said, "Oh Stevie. I knew I shouldn't have left you two alone together." I sighed and said, "Twice. I drove her home and she turned around and kissed me again." I looked up at him and he had slightly wide eyes and said, " Bro. Once is bad enough but twice! What happened after you took hr home? Did you two-" I Automatically cut him off and said, "No! But after I drove straight to Sammy's house ready to tell her but I chickened out of it. I ended up telling her I loved her and she said it back and then," I Paused preparing for what Proudlock would say once I told him, "I slept with her."

He looked at me with a shocked expression and he dragged his palms over his face and he said, "Do you actually love her?" I snapped my head back up from staring at the table and instantly said, "Of course I do!" He then carried on by saying, "Then you've got too tell her the truth. I'm not going to tell hr I promise you that but you've got to tell her because if you tell her straight up rather than lying to her then you might actually have a chance of staying in a relationship with her."

"I know mate but I'm jut scared of losing her. Ugh. I've really messed this up haven't I?" He just stayed silent clearly feeling a bit anxious about everything I had said. I needed to tell her I just don't know how.

*Sam's P.O.V*

After I talked with Binky the night was practically over when Proudlock can over and said, "Hey." I smiled at him and said, "Hey how was the breakfast." He half smiled at me and said, "Yeah it was good. We had a nice catch up with Steph even though I had to leave them after a little while." I sucked in a breath and said, "Wait what? Stevie said that he hadn't seen her since New York." Oh sighed and held the bridge of his nose and said, "Are you serious?" I nodded and I asked, "Where is he?" He pointed over to where Jamie, Alik and Stevie were.

I walked over to where they where and they all looked to me. I grabbed Stevie's arm and said, "I need to talk to you."

They all looked at me slightly concerned and Stevie just nodded and followed me to a clearing at another table. We stood beside the table and he said, "What's up?" I gave him a hard look and said, "Don't you even dare ask me 'what's up?' I was just having a nice conversation with Proudlock about how your little breakfast greeting went and he said and I quote, 'Yeah we had a good catch up with Steph.' When exactly where you planning on telling me this?! You lied to me again! And you lied about Steph again which makes it even worse!"

He gave me a slightly guilty look and said, "Okay I may have kept that a secret why are you making such a big deal out of it?!" I scoffed and said, "Because you lied to me! Again, and about your ex girlfriend! You lied straight up to my face and then you told me you loved me and then slept with me who does that?!" By now my eyes were watering my tears. I was trying to fight them back but I was failing miserably.

"The reason I didn't tell you was because I knew you would over react!" He exclaimed. I looked at him and said, "So when you can over to mine after your breakfast you were actually with Steph." "And Proudlock."

"Proudlock told me he had to leave. When I asked you about her coming back to Chelsea was I over reacting about you not telling me about your relationship with her? No. And then did you lie to my face and then sleep with me? Yes!" "Nothing happened! Why are you being so over dramatic? I did nothing wrong. You don't need to waste your tears over this, it's stupid."

He tried to wipe my tears away but I smacked him arm away and said, "You need to stop lying to me and telling me it doesn't matter when it does. What's the point of being in a relationship if you're not telling me the truth. You think I'm being dramatic? Ask any of the girls in this room how they would react if their boyfriend was having breakfast with his ex girlfriend only weeks after they had broken up? You know what I'm out of here."

I turned around to walk away and saw all of our friends including Steph watching us. I stopped and turned to face her and said, "Did he even tell you about me?" She looked down and slowly shook her head. I just walked out of the building and drove home. And the sad part was that he didn't even come after me.

When Stevie and I were fighting I couldn't see Spencer anywhere and right now I just needed my brother.

Once I got into the house I took off my make up and my outfit and got changed into a baggy hoodie and Pj shorts.

I walked into my bedroom and called Spencer and waited until he picked up, "Spencer. Can you ease come over?"
"Why? I'm a bit busy," as he said that I could hear a girl laughing in the back ground.

"Spencer, Please. I just need you right now." He then snapped at me by saying, "No Sam. I can't always come at your beck and call. I have a life too you know Stop being such a spoiled brat and don't call me again."

He then hung up and I put my phone down onto my duvet and curled up in a little ball. I sighed and picked up my phone again calling two of the few people that could make me smile when I was sad. Knowing they would still be at the party I only called one of them and said


I heard Sam sigh in relief and say, "Oh my god! Sammy are you alright. We saw what happened. After you left Stevie stormed out.

I was already crying by now and said, "No."

The line went quiet for a second and then he said, "Sammy what do you mean no?"

I choked on my tears slightly and said, "No. I'm not Okay." While thinking about Stevie and Spencer.

He then softly said, "Do you want me to come over?"

I nodded and remembered that he couldn't see me and I said, "Can you bring Louise too?"

"Yeah of course I can well be there soon okay?"

"Okay. See you soon," and with that the line went quiet leaving me to my own thoughts.

I can't he didn't even tell Stephanie about me.

About 20 minutes of torturing silence later the door bell rang and I walked slowly downstairs while wiping my eyes.

I slog opened the door to see Sam and Louise there with bags in their hands and a Tesco plastic bag.

I opened the door wider and she held up the bags and said, "We brought ice cream and Pizza." I sadly smiled and they opened their arms and I ran into them both while starting to cry again and Sam said, "Hey it's Okay. Sibling hug." I choked out a small laugh and pulled away and let them inside.

After a couple of hours binging on Ice cream and Pizza I was still miserable but happier than I was. Sam and Louise had successfully managed to get me to talk out my feelings. I also told them about what Spencer had said to means Louise and Sam both said, "Im gonna kill him." Early in the morning after watching far too many Disney films we eventually feel asleep on the couch.

*Stevie's P.O.V*

After she left I saw the majority friends looking at me with with harsh stares. I ignored then and ran out of the building and got in my car and drive home.

I was so angry right now. Why doesn't she see that the only reason I didn't tell her was because she would obviously over react just like she did.

But then again I probably should have told her truth and she have understood. But right now my anger completely stomped over my sincerity for what i'd done.

I decided I needed to get out and forget about what happened.

*3rd person*

Hours later while Sam, Sam and Louise were sleeping quietly on the sofa with only the sounds of Sam (Thomspson's) snoring floating through the house, Stevie was just coming in from the night out he had had whilst trying to forget the argument he'd had with his girlfriend.

All though he had successfully managed to get drunk and temporarily forget about his troubles, the hangover that would await him in the morning would be killer. But there wasn't only a hangover waiting for him in the morning. There was also the girl that as sleeping next to him in his bed.


Oooohh!! So what do you his think about this chapter. Bad Stevie bad! I feel sorry for Samm.y She really has no clue of what he's been up to! Spencer was so mean to her at the end off his chapter. I like love the relationship between the Thomspson's and Sammy.

But yeah. The drama everywhere! Leave a comment about how you feel about Stevie's dirty doings and feel free to leave any feed back so yeah! Thanks for reading, Vote, Comment etc Byeeeeee. Kisses -M

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