don't go underground | jjk βœ“

Oleh -ggukblues

65.6K 3.5K 2.4K

"i told you we should've gone right," you choked out. "but if we had," jungkook smiled sadly, pulling you i... Lebih Banyak

don't go underground
01. hot sauce
02. whipped cream
03. dinosaur chicken nuggets
04. cookies
05. grilled chicken
06. crackers
07. sandwiches
08. more crackers
09. piece of cake
10. tomato
11. donuts
12. lemon juice
13. vanilla
14. ramen
15. chocolate pudding
16. popcorn
17. iced lemon cake
18. lollipop
19. lamb skewers
20. eggs
21. butter
22. soggy bread
23. fish
24. nutella
25. licorice
26. dumplings
27. marshmallows
28. grapes
29. strawberries
30. coffee
31. salsa
33. bubble gum
34. fried chicken
35. cherry
36. oranges
37. pineapple
38. coconut
39. taffy
epilogue: feast

32. jellybean

1.1K 68 130
Oleh -ggukblues


The party of four turned to address the welcoming voice that cut through the booming music and muffled cheers of energy.

"The one and only, Mark Lee!" The sunshine man greeted, embracing the other in a hug. You and Jungkook stood back, Yoongi hiding behind the two of you. He was cursing the world out non-stop.

"How are you?" Mark shouted, everything too boisterous to handle with normal voices. "I heard your place was in the evacuation zone!"

"Yes! I brought some friends!" Hoseok pointed behind him and Mark's gaze fell on everyone.

"Hey, Kook!" The elder went to your boyfriend and patted his back. "You never come to parties, glad to see you!"

"You too!" Jungkook yelled back, inching closer to you.

"All of you enjoy and don't make too much of a mess!" Mark laughed and retreated to some crowd by the dining table playing cards. Yoongi let out an audible groan from behind and all of you turned to him. He stepped around you to stand by Hoseok, eyes narrowed into a glare.

"He's not going to make any friends like that." Jungkook chuckled in your ear, hand ghosting over your arm.

"He doesn't really know how to socialize anyways nor does he need to; let him be, Kook." You defended the elder and Jungkook's tongue came to stab the inside of his cheek, brows furrowing in annoyance once again. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing." He scowled, taking a step away and pulling his hood over his head. He ruffled his own hair under the material and you watched with a confused smile at his eyes trailed around the house.

With a fairly open layout, all main aspects of the party were visible from where they stood in the doorway. The stairs to the immediate left were dim of any light, leading to rooms that you didn't want to imagine were being used for. The kitchen was in the far back right, bottles and cups littered all over the countertop. The living room had been cleared of furniture and opened as a dance floor where a disco ball spun colorful lights around the walls and blinded your eyes when a ray collided with them.

The back patio was visible through the glass sliding doors, people taking the party outside too, the music spilling out beyond the walls of the home.

Poor neighbors, was the only thing that came to mind.

The booming bass and deafening beat of the music numbed your ears and you reached over to take Jungkook's hand for comfort. He looked at you in surprise, but squeezed it and stepped in front of you.

"You okay?" He mouthed, taking his free hand to rest on your jaw and you nodded with a smile. The frown on his face didn't lift and you scoffed, leaning forward and pressing your lips to his quickly.

His eyes were closed when you pulled back, quickly licking his lips and looking down, his hold tightened on your hand.

"It's okay." You said into his ear. You knew it was going to be overwhelming the moment the plan had been set. After over a week of constant stressful situations, neither of you having partied in a while, the other half of your childhood group of four currently on a mission in the URC... it wasn't going to be easy to just let go.

"Don't leave my side." His voice echoed in your ear; you almost missed it with the music.

"Not unless you leave mine first." You shook your head and laughed, earning a cute grin back from him, relieving you.


Both of you turned to see a familiar body stumbling over, half drunk. You gasped and bit back a laugh when you recognized the face and his face lit up noticing your presence too.

"Y/N!" Yugyeom exclaimed, hugging you both and suddenly pointing an accusing finger between the two of you. "The hell is this? I saw that kiss! Are we playing the kiss random people game? Let me kiss you, Y/N!"

"Gyeomie, hello to you too," Jungkook stepped between the two of you. "but I would stop right there."

You covered your mouth with your hand in amusement and watched the drunk Yugyeom gaze with confusion between you two. Then, his eyes went wide, mouth resembling an 'o' as it dawned on him.

"SINCE WHEN?!" He screamed, Jungkook slapped the back of his head a second later.

"Let's get you to the dance floor," Jungkook groaned and pushed his friend to the living room. You gazed around to see Hoseok and Yoongi in the kitchen, the younger talking amongst the crowd and making everyone laugh. Jungkook returned quickly and let his arms wrap around you in a hug with a frustrated sound. "I fucking hate parties."

"Well, I don't." You laughed. "Let's get a drink, please?"

He stared at you with a look of denial until you pouted your lips and he flicked your head before giving in, taking your hand and heading to the cooler to grab drinks.

He only ever did seem to lose when it came to you.

"What do you all think happened?" Irene pressed. "They haven't really given answers for the accident."

Hoseok felt Yoongi tense beside him, his hand immediately grabbing the elder's shirt to indicate the message for him to calm down. Yoongi looked over at him, face blank in his amazing ability to hide all emotion.

"Had to be something in the tunnels," Woozi sighed, swirling around his red solo cup filled with buzzing alcohol. Hoseok was itching to drink some, being surrounded by bottles, but he restrained himself.

Yoongi seemed to notice and nudged his arm. "Drink, you look like you're dying just staring at it."

"But Yoongi—"

"I'll sober you up, for fuck's sake." The elder hissed just for his ears and Hoseok's lips quirked, opening to send back a remark when Yoongi glared sharply at him. "Don't even say a word or I will walk out of here."

"Hmm, yessir." Hoseok grinned and quickly retreated to the cooler, knowing the punch bowl was far from safe in such a place. Yoongi grimaced at the bottle he, too, was being handed, but took it, simply toying with it and not actually peeling back the can tab.

"Hobi," Mark called out from across the kitchen island. "Your place was evacuated; they tell you anything?"

"Nah," Hoseok quickly replied, head tilting back to gulp the burning drink. "Just told us it was official order. I don't think anyone but the URC knows."

"Would Jimin know then?"

Hoseok didn't know who had said the comment, but he froze all the same, hand clenching his can tighter as his eyes darkened. It wasn't a comment of harm if you didn't understand the deeper meaning it held to Hoseok.

His free hand in his pocket was suddenly pulled away from the space and he felt cool rings graze his burning skin.

"Angel." Yoongi reminded, eyes averted as his hold remained and Hoseok looked down at the hands with seething eyes.

He didn't like anyone using Jimin's name as a form of getting information. He wanted to scream at all of them to shut up and never say the younger's name in association with URC again, but he stayed calm to Yoongi's request. It was a good request, Hoseok knowing he might screw things over with an outburst.

"He doesn't know anything either." Yoongi spoke up and all eyes turned at him, making him curse under his breath.

"You know Jimin?" Sana questioned. "Oh, wait, you came with Hoseok, didn't you?"

"I've never seen you around before," Mark frowned. "What's your name?" Yoongi didn't reply, finding it suddenly difficult to breathe. "Hoseok, where do you know him from?"

"It's okay, guys," Hoseok flashed his sweet smile, having a positive effect on everyone. "He's with me! I met him a couple weeks ago, he knows Jimin because the guy has visited recently."

Collective sounds of understanding rippled throughout the kitchen space and the two's hidden hands squeezed tighter.

A girl beside Sana, one who Yoongi has yet to learn the name of in the past hour of interacting, sauntered over to him, a grin on her face. The rest went back to confusing themselves over the collapsing neighborhood as Yoongi attempted to ignore the girl baring up much too close to him.

"Well, aren't you handsome?" The girl rested an arm on his shoulder, flirting shamelessly, and Yoongi fought the urge to shove the limb away, his grip on Hoseok's hand tightening more and grabbing the younger's attention. "The name's Solar."

"I didn't ask." Yoongi grit out and Hoseok chuckled next to him as Solar's smile widened.

"Fierce," she winked. "I like that."

Yoongi wanted to either strangle someone or flush in embarrassment— he wasn't even sure which one he felt like doing more.

"Solar," Hoseok finally intervened, noticing how ridiculously high Yoongi's frustration was. "He's taken."

Yoongi's eyes went wide. He was?

Then, Hoseok raised their intertwined hand and Yoongi went red, face falling in shock as Solar's arm slipped away.

"Oh," she laughed. "He's with you with you. Sorry, handsome, I don't go for taken guys." Solar turned to Sana and motioned to the two of them. "Hobi's finally settling!"

And Yoongi wanted to die.

Since when was he dating anyone? Since when did he just hold people's hands? Since when did he openly agree to kissing people sober?

"W-Wait, no—"

"Damn, Hobi!" Mark exclaimed leaned over the kitchen island to punch his shoulder. "Didn't ever think that would happen!"

"It's not that big of a deal." Hoseok laughed, Yoongi trying to rip his hand away, but the younger kept it close, finger's grazing over his cool rings.

"Are you kidding?" Woozi scoffed. "You never date, of course it is!"

"Does this mean no more make outs?" Irene pouted and Hoseok apologized to her, saying yes, no more.

Yes, Yoongi seriously wanted to die.

"Angel," he choked out. "Can I talk to you?"

"Hmm?" Hoseok gulped back the last of his drink and tossed the can into the trash, nodding at him as Yoongi dragged him away from the table, ears burning at the whistles sounding behind. "You gonna drink yours?"

Once they were hidden by the staircase, Yoongi shoved the can into the younger's hands and punch his arm harshly, earning a yelp of pain.

"How drunk are you?" Yoongi grit out, feeling his body buzzing with heat all too familiar to that of the night on the balcony.

"Not drunk enough for that to be painless!" Hoseok winced and gripped his arm. "Ow, Yoongi!"

"You deserved that." He muttered.

"For what?" The younger shot back, rubbing out the spot that would certainly bruise. The heat seemed to be getting to Hoseok, and the said boy untucked his shirt, letting it loose around his figure and Yoongi ripped his gaze away when he caught sight of the toned body that slipped into view beneath. "For keeping someone else from flirting with you?"

"For making me come here." Yoongi's voice had gone small again, hand rubbing his forehead as Hoseok's gaze, too, softened.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked more gently, setting the can of beer down instead of popping it open. The younger's arms settled on his shoulders and Yoongi desperately hid his darkened face. "Frustrated? Annoyed? Embarrassed?"

"All of the above." Yoongi mumbled and Hoseok chuckled, fingers digging into his shoulders and rubbing the muscles soothingly. "Everyone thinks we are dating now."

"If you were to kiss me, there would have to be some explanation."

"Not with you, there isn't a need." Yoongi leaned back slightly, face scrunching up. "Not that I was going to."

"We will see about that."


"Yes, tough guy?"

"I will break your goddamn kneecaps."


"Fuck you."

"No, fuck you," Hoseok grinned. "I don't bottom."

Yoongi went red again and shoved the younger away. "Will you stop thinking like that?" Yoongi groaned and fiddled with one of his rings. "Any updates from the two?"

Hoseok shook his head. "No, but they are probably okay or Jackson would have said something." The younger smiled again. "Lets go, people are gong to wonder where we went and you don't want them to get any ideas."

Yoongi grumbled incoherent curses under his breath as the younger pulled his back to the crowds.

Pilwoo was parked a couple blocks down, apparently, they had learned. Hoseok has gotten a location share from Jackson of the vehicle, somehow having slipped a tracker in there.

The old man wasn't moving, fooled right where they wanted him.

Jimin and Taehyung, too, were doing okay, so far, having only been inside for a little over thirty minutes.

The four of them continued playing their parts at the party, the sun having set and people having retreated completely indoors to drag the event on. The four also stayed sober enough to respond to an emergency if it were necessary, though, but they had loosened up and found themselves enjoying more.

Jungkook, however, was annoyed.

He didn't like how touchy their drunk friends were being around both him and you. He was already pissed off from earlier events— including feeling threatened by a certain ex-officer— that the current need to 'protect' you was growing.

Jungkook wasn't really a fan of parties. He wasn't the best with girls, as seen in the hot sauce incident, and he also would rather be gaming or meet in a quieter place for more one on one time with someone.

But he had to come along because he wanted you to enjoy (not just because of the plan, of course).

Jungkook stayed on the side, watching you jump around in the dance circle occupying the middle of the living room. He talked to friends he recognized here and there, their town small enough where most kids knew each other from high school— having been home for the summer.

The topic of the explosion had come up countless times for him as well, since he and Hoseok lived close to there. He would generally just assure people that they were okay and staying at your home, grateful no one asked more questions.

Jungkook pushed off the wall to meet your hug as you skipped over to him.

"Hello!" You sang, arms around the boy's neck as he hugged your midsection. "You look lonely, Koo."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You already know why I look like that."

"Wanna dance with me?" You laughed and the ravenette's eyes shot wide, shaking his head. "Pleeaaase? You can at least do that for me, can't you?"

"Y/N!" Jungkook exclaimed as you grabbed his arm and yanked him anyways, not accepting the denial You held you drink in one hand while slinking an arm around his shoulders with the other. Jungkook scoffed and held your waist securely as you both swayed stupidly without much idea of what you were doing.

"You're so cute." He mumbled and you leaned closer to him in confusion.

"What did you say?" You genuinely didn't hear him but the boy smiled and pulled you to him closer.

"I said you're cute." He chuckled into your ear, the hot air making your knees go weak beneath you.

"Since when did you get confident with girls?" You fumbled out, holding onto him tighter. "You've taken a step up from hot sauce, big boy."

"Oh, fuck off," the boy groaned and you laughed, holding out your drink for him and he took a small sip, his eyes trailing to somewhere behind you.

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed with anger as he saw Yoongi staring over at the two of you, some happy glimmer in his expression that Jungkook, like the idiot he was, misunderstood.

The both of you had clambered to the side of the living room again away from the dance circle, Jungkook glaring sharply at Yoongi as he handed you your can back.

"Didn't like it?" You asked cluelessly.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you flush against him, pressing his lips to your forehead— all while keeping that threatening gaze on the elder blond— throwing you into a blushing mess at the sudden affection.

Yoongi better know his place, Jungkook thought to himself.

The whole evening of you defending the elder, unnecessary interactions, and now the blond looking at you and smiling— Jungkook felt childishly threatened.

"Goddamn," Yoongi scowled, sending an even darker gaze back at Jungkook. "He needs to chill."

The blond grit his teeth as Jungkook flipped him off from behind your back, also being angered to his tipping point and causing him to throw his sensibility out of the window.

"Angel," Yoongi grabbed the reddish brunette's arm and pulled him closer, Hoseok looking at him with confusion. "Come here."

"Huh? What's—"

Yoongi didn't wait for him to finish and grabbed his flustered face, connecting their lips with a small brush of a kiss.

Hoseok's eyes were wide with a frown as Yoongi pulled away, the elder glancing at Jungkook to see the younger now gaping at him.

Serves him right, Yoongi thought.

"Your brother is being annoying as fuck." Yoongi explained to Hoseok, somehow staying calm as the satisfaction of Jungkook's shock made him grin suspiciously.

If a guy is being a stupid prick... kiss his brother.

Hoseok seemed to catch on quite quickly and grinned at Yoongi, arms wrapping around him as the brunette leaned down. "Oh, Yoongs, let's piss him off."

Yoongi gasped as Hoseok kissed him a third time (his subconscious was unfortunately counting) and he leaned into it, somehow able to feel Jungkook's frustration bleeding into the sweaty air.

The elder jumped when Hoseok's lips moved to his cheek, and then his jaw, trailing up the bone to his ear, teeth grazing the burning skin.

"Relax," Hoseok grinned against his face. "I won't do anything, let's just let his imagination do the work for us."

Yoongi opened his mouth to say something, but Hoseok took his hand and led him to the staircase, pulling him up the stairs to do nothing but just laugh knowing that Jungkook would, in fact, assume other things were happening.

"I thought he said Yoongi wasn't just another fuck!" Jungkook exclaimed, making you almost fall over.

"What are you talking about?" You gazed around for the two said males but couldn't spot them anywhere. "Jungkook, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay," the younger complained, voice dropping just for you to hear over the blasting music. "My brother is fucking a tunnel officer!"

You choked on your spit and dragged him to the side. "You can't just say those things aloud, dumbass— wait, what?!"

"Yoongi purposefully kissed him in front of me and then I saw my brother drag him upstairs!" Jungkook whined dramatically. "When will Hobi ever listen to me?"

You rolled your eyes and snorted, grabbing Jungkook's face and squishing it. "Stop worrying about them, they both aren't stupid. Besides, Yoongi could use some affection."

"Why the hell are you always on his side?" Jungkook frowned, head drooping and getting lost in his hood.

You stared at him intently, trying to really understand why he was so angry at the elders. Then, when it hit you, you couldn't help but laugh. "Fucking jellybean!"

"What?" Jungkook's anger dissipated at the accusation and he pouted. "Why am I a jellybean?"

"You're jealous! But, of who? Yoongi?"

"Well, that guy was smiling in your direction and you're my girlfriend—"

"You idiot," you grinned. "he was smiling at us. No wonder he kissed Hobi in front of you, jellybean."

"I'm not jealous!" Jungkook exclaimed, both of you pausing to say hello to a person who walked up to him. "You also kept wanting him to come with us; that hurt."

"Aww, you're so adorable, Koo," You pouted this time, taking his hand and tugging him towards the back door, wanting to get some fresh air. "Look," you continued as the summer night's breeze lifted the heat off your skin once you stepped out onto the empty back porch. "I seriously don't like him like that. We are friends, you don't need to be a jellybean— even if it is cute. And I just wanted him to get out; he's been trapping himself inside our homes because of social anxiety and it's not healthy."

"I guess..." the ravenette mumbled and you hugged him, his hold on your secure and comforting as he relaxed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, it's okay," you smiled at the sweetness in his response. "You being selfish is honestly a rare thing and I think it's funny, jellybean."

"I'm not selfish nor am I a jellybean, Y/N."

"You're selfish for me, my jellybean." You reworded and Jungkook clamped his mouth shut at the accurate statement.

"Fine." He grumbled, and you threw your head back with sounds of amusement leaving your lips. The muffled booming of the heavy bass music slipped past the glass barrier on the side of you as you kissed him, reassuring him that you were staying by his side...

I was going to add vmin's mission to this but it's already at 3.5K words so next chapter :) (im sorry dela ik you're gonna be mad at me nsjcjsns)

also jellybean kook scene was inspired entirely by this image I came across before I even started writing DGU and I knew I wanted to put a party scene in here just for it LMAO:



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