Turning The Page

By JenesisCollins

666K 37.4K 4.8K

Book 2 of the Book Smart series. ++COMPLETED++ (18+ Only) With the promise children on the horizon, Alpha Sil... More

Four (18+)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty (18+)
Thirty One (18+)
Thirty Two (18+)
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four (18+)
Forty Five (18+)
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six (18+)
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight (18+)
Fifty Nine (18+)
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight (18+)
Sixty Nine
Seventy One (18+)
Seventy Two (18+)
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight (18+)
Seventy Nine
Eighty One (18+)
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four (18+)
Eighty Five
Eighty Six (18+)
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Four
Ninety Five
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight
Ninety Nine
One Hundred

Thirty Nine

5.4K 344 60
By JenesisCollins

"You wouldn't be so anxious if you had let me suck you off in the elevator..." The way my sweet Angel sticks his bottom lip out as we work our way into the conference room doing our best not to focus on the strange looks we get due to my sweet Baby being with me instead of in the conference room currently collecting all of the Luna's in attendance here at the conference almost makes me wish that I had taken him up on the offer... But then the camera up in the corner and the short ride between floors comes to mind and refreshes my memory on exactly why I had given my sweet Mama a firm no, his needs the main focus of the day... My cock needing to be ready to give him a release whenever he might need one, and a somewhat hurried one at that if his heat crashes into him mid-meeting. 

"And you wouldn't be so grumpy if you had taken that second soak in the shower to cool you off, Princess. Now please drop the blowjob talk in the room full of men that can actually hear what we're whispering about." I know both of us are feeling salty at the moment, and we both know to take each other with a grain of salt while we try and ride this week out as best as we can... I know later both of us will be cuddling in bed and apologizing for the long day that we've had... That we'll curl up and let the stress of the day melt away with soft touches and sweet loving whispers that will coat our souls like a much-needed balm. 




I try and make a beeline for the spot at the table closest to the door so we can make a speedy exit for either my sake or Daddy's... But I am stopped and redirected towards the refreshments table... Something that confuses the daylights out of me until we stop right in front of the hot drinks dispenser, the hot water bottle tucked under my arm being pulled away from my with the most careful of touches by Silas only to be filled before he wraps his arms back around me after plugging it closed so he can pull me close and hold it against my belly for me before escorting me back towards the seat I had been ready to pull us to...

Only to find that it's got a small paper placard in front of it marking it as reserved, a grinning Lukas and Harper sitting in the seats right next to it, Lukas plucking the placard from the table the moment he realizes that it's us hovering behind him with a frown. 

"Hey, guys... How you feeling?" Lukas tries to be gentle with his greeting... 

But with Harper by his side its almost pointless, the Hispanic Alpha more than ready with his jokes this morning, someone clearly in a good mood when he chirps up, "Horny, Lukas. They feel horny. Why do you ask questions when you know the answer?"

"Shut the hell up, its called being polite! You can't just assume people are horny, dude!" I can barely keep myself together at the look on Lukas's face as his cheeks fill with more heat than mine while he tries to combat the flush building in his warm cheeks... 

And when Harper fires back, "You can when they're in heat!" in a hushed hissed serious tone I can't stop the snorting laughter that manages to shake itself free from my body... His face... I can't even... And suddenly it makes sense to me how he and BabyBug mesh... From what we've shared with each other I know Cricket loves to laugh even if he isn't the most cuddly of Beans, and it's easy to see that with Harper there is no short supply of humor, even if it's a tad dry. 




At first, I don't know how to react, my worry that my sweet Princess might not take so kindly to being so blatantly called out by not his friend... But his friend's mate, someone he hasn't really had the chance to fully interact with and get to know yet... But I only have to wait a single second before Adrian starts to crack up at the look on Harper's face when he delivers the lines to know that I am in the clear to chuckle myself before situating myself in the chair that they had so kindly reserved for us before tugging my Mama down into my lap so I can cherish the ever-loving essence right out of him through nuzzles and fond discreet touches to keep us both as calm as we can be as our day begins... 

It's hard to focus on the meeting itself right away... It's almost harder to tell when it actually starts, a face I'm not familiar with standing from one of the seats near the from of the room, one of the chairs set off to the side, not in front of one of the tables... But he doesn't leave himself a mystery for very long, the sneer on my face unintentional as he declares himself the son of the last pack that had led us as a collective, the royal family now just figureheads forced to smile and lead asinine events like this one for the Wolf Council in order to stay somewhat relevant, "My name is Alic Alerce, and I know some of you might be more familiar with my father, Paul, but this past year he chose to retire and hand the reigns over to yours truly... So we won't be strangers for long!"

I've never been the biggest fan of the Alerce pack, and the forced pep from the son of the man who had repeatedly called me a coward for sending Liam in my place since being forced into the role of Alpha even though he knew that there was a damn good reason for me not showing my face here when I can help it makes me feel even sicker to my stomach than I already am... And it all but cements the off vibe that has radiated so thoroughly through me this morning... As much as I disliked his old man... At least Paul didn't clap his hands together to punctuate his sentences...

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