A Billion Dollar Mess(Complet...

By Pauly_Queen

31.5K 4K 2.4K

On her way to the university, Arabella accidentally and unknowingly gets on a flight to a totally different c... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Author's Note.
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Thank You, Dear Readers!
New Story Update!

Chapter Sixty Eight

288 33 29
By Pauly_Queen

Caden's POV

"I told you, I am not going to tell her anything. Once if she thinks i'm stupid or, she doesn't even like me?" I guessed, convincing Adrian to not convince me to convince Bella to stay back in L.A.

"Look, dude. You're the man. All the girls love you. You've got the style, the ladies, the money, the billions. She's just another one. Get her!" he wailed, smashing his hands together with a chuckle.

"She's not just another one. She's a different one," I sighed and face palmed.

"Different, huh? You said that about Linda, Lucy, Michelle, Natalia, Madison, Christine, Silver, Goldie, Sharon, Annabelle, Yvette, her sister, Yvonne, Sandra, Goldie, and not to talk of  Belinda! Dude you dated that girl twice! Even a lot more I can't remember. Dude! You need help!" he cried out.

"I know, but I'm sure about this one. She seems so decent and beautiful - like an Angel," I professed, day dreaming again.

"I remembered another one. Angel," He said in a melodious voice.

"Cut it out!" I shrugged.

"If you think she's so " different " and "decent", why don't you ask her out?" he jabbered and winked.

"Do you think I haven't tried?" I've tried a billion times but I can't!! " I cried out.

"Why? You just met her recently. Didn't she impersonate Mercedes? And then you bailed her out? She owes you literally her whole life!"

"Yeah, but since day one, the first time I set my eyes on her, for the first time, I was the one that fell in love, not HER!" I screamed angrily.

"Then why'd you give her a hard time and pretend with Mercedes? And, you can't be so sure you fell first,"

I sighed, tired of his questions.

"I gave her a hard time because she drove me crazy and I didn't want to be the one feeling that way. She should be the one, not me!" I yelled.

"Oh, I see," he nodded.

"Finally!" I mentally shrugged and laid on the bed once again.

"I have an idea!" he howled in delight.

Please don't be something stupid, please don't be something stupid.....

"You can invite her to the frat house for the party tonight.."

"And its something stupid!" I buried my face in the pillow and groaned.

"Hear me out. I swear its good," he bragged.

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes.

"As I was saying, you invite her to the frat party tonight, and get her drunk. And then you ask her if she has a thing for you," he winked as I devoured my eyes on him.

"And that would work, how?" I asked.

"She'll be intoxicated. Anything she says would be the truth. How do you think I knew Jenny Hellers had a cush on me?" he rolled his eyes and massaged the back of his neck.

That just might work.....

"Once if something goes wrong?" My breaths quickened.

"What could possibly go wrong?"

"I don't know. Something - "

"Just prevent her from going upstairs or the bathroom all by herself and you'll find answers today,"

"What if I find out she doesn't?"

"What if you find out she does?" he shot back.

"What if I find out she does but then she leaves anyway?"

"Then life's got something on you, bro." he patted my shoulder, curling his lip.

"Okay, I'll give it a try but I'll kill you if something goes wrong!" I cautioned.

"I'm all yours," he winked as I stood up and left the room to hers.

I knocked on the door and tried waiting patiently for her until my legs got bored and couldn't help but tao the floor restlessly.

"Come in!" She yelled from within and I slowly opened the door.

She concentrated on something on her phone and my laptop.

"Sorry, I'm still using it." She apologized as I stared at my system.

"Its okay." I shrugged and sat down beside her.

"What's this?" I asked, staring at the screen.

"I'm just trying to reclaim my space in college.
I mentioned it during breakfast, remember? They've sent a ton of mails asking of my whereabout." She sighed.


"I know, right." She half shrugged and returned her gaze to the screen.

A long silence protruded as she kept tapping and typing, fully concentrated.

"Bella - " I called out.

"Yeah?" She asked, not looking up.

I took in a deep breath."I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah?" She turned at me and my tongue almost fell to the floor.

"There's this frat party - and I was wondering if you'd like to come." I blurted.

"Frat parties...sounds fun - almost a little bit too much fun." She shrugged and continued with her work.

"So, is it a yes or a no?" I asked, trailing my eyes to her face.

She turned at me with clover green eyes penetrating into mine. I think I got lost in there. They were so hypnotic and drop dead!

"Sure!" She finally said simply and continued with her work.

Is she for real?

"Are you serious? Like, for real?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, i'm game! Just as long as you promise to not leave me alone for more than a second and I do not want to get drunk." She stated her rules.

You don't want to get drunk? Then what's the point, lady?

"Yeah, sure! Till then." I smiled with a cry in me and left the room, carefully closing the door.

I barged into my room and clenched my fists, slamming them on the wall.

"Chill, bro! What'd she say?" Adrian asked, standing up and headed to where I stood with his hand on his waist and the other paced on my shoulder.

"She had rules!" I yelled in anger and shrugged his hand off my shoulder.

"Rules?" He yelped in laughter,holding his stomach. "She's really got something on you." He nudged me on the shoulder and drenched in his weird laughter.

"Shut up!" I pushed him to the floor and slumped on the bed.

He crawled to the bed just beside me. "A girl gave you rules. What are you? A five year old?" He mimicked in an annoying tone and squeezed his eyes, making his laughter a lot more irritating.

God, please kill this dude!

"I said, shut the fuck up!" I carped angrily with narrowed eyes.

"Okay, chillax. What did she say?" He asked, forcefully fading off the laughter.

"She said she doesn't want to drink - as in, she's not going to!" I replied and got my Rolex off my wrist, placing it on the side stool and returning to the bed.

"Who cares? You can just make her do it unknowingly. Two, three cups would get her dizzy enough to take a thousand more!" He popped up with a large grin on his face.

"I got a better idea. OR - I could make her do it unknowingly. Two, three cups would get her dizzy enough to take a thousand more!" I promulgated with a happy smile on my face.

"Dude!" Adrian cried out with widened eyes and dropped jaws.

"What?" I asked in a disturbed tone.

"I just said that, you know. You just repeated my words." He shot.

"No, I didn't. Shut the fuck up." I told off and turned my face in another direction.

"I - you - dude! What the fuck!" He retorted, confused.


Walking into that frat house was like walking into a stripping club, if not worse. It was dark as usual with bodies bumping against each other as alcohol and drugs went through their bodies. In corners, you could see people having a tongue fight and in the kitchen, hippies hung in there. It had booming music and lots and loots of alcohol.

"So, you invited me to an actual frat party?" Bella yelled as we sat on the stool at the counter, placing her hands on the table and looking around like its the first time she'd been to one.

"Yeah, don't you like it here?" I asked and ordered drinks for us.

"Well, I do. As always, its too much fun." She laughed and flung her hair to her back.

"Here." I handed her a bottle of alcohol and rubbed my hands on my thighs in desperate anxiety.

"Is this alcohol?" She asked suspectedly and took in a sip.

"Let's just have fun!" I brushed off her statement and stood up for the dance floor.

"Wait up! You aren't supposed to leave without me!" She yelled with a chuckle and joined me at the dance floor, drinking the alcohol as planned.

I can't believe I went on with Adrian's stupid plan..

She yelled as the top of her voice and kept dancing on the flor, her denim dungarees making her look so ravishing and her hand and body flowing irresistibly to the sound of the song. She was just a perfect 10.

"Don't you think she's drunk already?" Adrian whispered and stared at her.

"I don't know. Only one way to find out." I replied and walked over to her.

"Um - Bella?" I started, my heart thumping louder than the music itself and my hands sweating more than I ever remembered them too.

God, Why is she the only one that makes me feel this way?

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Let's go home?" I continued.

"No, I wanna dance! Its so fun in here!" She whined and kept dancing.

"She's definitely drunk." I whispered to Adrian.

"Great. Tell her you're going home and then we ask her in the car." He whispered.

"That's a horrible idea. OR, I could tell her i'm going home and then I ask her in the car." I smiled triumphantly.

"Dude, I just say that!" He cried out once again.

"No you didn't, chubby!" I slapped his stomach and went over to Bella again.

"Chubby?" He whispered and stared down at his stomach. I chuckled.

"Bella, we need to go home now. Its getting really late." I informed and grabbed her hand, taking the bottle from her.

"Okay, fine." She said and staggered her way to the car, even at my extended help.

We were all in the car, and the plan was just about to be concluded. Perfect!

"Ask her." Adrian whispered as Bella sat in the car, panting heavily as alcohol reeked from her, badly.

"Bella - can I ask you something?" I asked, my body too tensed.

She just groaned and rested her head, her eyes slightly closed.

"Do you have like me? As in - a crush?" I continued, excited to hear the answer fall through her mouth and be convinced that I wasn't the only one going insane.

Immediately, she held her tummy and opened the door, throwing up and holding her hair back.

And there goes my plan......

I handed her a serviette and she cleaned up, getting back into the car.


"You're useless, man. Leave me alone!" I yelled at Adrian as he kept bugging me all the way to my room.

"Why? Is it my fault she passed out? You gave her way too much alcohol!" He sated with a half shrug as we sat on the bed.

"Oh, so now its my fault?" I yelled fiercely.

"I don't know...pretty much."

"Get out and go home, Adrian!" I yelled angrily and stood up from the bed.

"Why? Its late and I don't want to drive." He whined like the kid he is.

"Then tell Peter to drive you home. I don't want yo see your annoying ass by the time I get back from the bathroom. I'll personally kick you out myself!" I raged and went into the bathroom,slamming the door in anger.

So much for not wanting to be the unlucky one at love.......

Author's Note.

Thank you all so much for reading this chapter. It means a whole lot to me.

Don't forget to vote and comment down your thoughts.

Please, spread the word about this book. It'll mean so, so much! And, i'm planning to start up my YouTube page/account/make videos. I really hope you guys can check it out immediately I post.

So, what do you think about today's update? Pretty.... Weird? I think.. In a good way, though..😊😊😊😊😊😊

Thanks and much Love, Pauly Queen.

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