Hidden prince

By RosePearl2003

50.6K 1.9K 191

We all know the story of the young boy called Merlin. But what the most people don't know is that he is the l... More

The fallen kingdom
The knights (Arthur's pov)
The knights (Merlin's pov)
Long live the prince
The bandit trip
Journey to Imardin
The dollop-headed prat is a clotpole
Once a traitor, always a traitor
Die by your hands
In a land of myth and a time of magic, there was love.... and an attack
At what cost
Burial of a friend
First kiss full of tears
Morgana and the figure
The elder behind the waterfall
love that died and love that grew
Another murder
Get ready, make an army and win
Journey to the mountains
Dragons and their lord
the elder of the mountains
it's cold
The fox and the still unknown figure
Gently, swiftly..... die!
Betrayed by a friend
Don't be suspicious
The wall and the village
The couriers
The feast
Fox hunt
Is he dead?
He's alive!
Welcome back
The story of the blindfold
Again that fox
We finally caught the fox.
Everything goes exactly as planned
Don't be stupid, Gwaine
It's sir Gwaine to you
What did you do!
I wish that you have never existed!
The sad story nobody knew
Not one of us
The battle for Imardin. (Arthur)
Battle for Imardin (Gwaine)
The battle for Imardin (Percival)
The battle for Imardin (Leon)
The battle for Imardin (Faun)
The battle for Imardin (Lancelot)
The battle for Imardin (Elyan)
The battle for Imardin (Greg)
Battle for Imardin (Merlin)
The truth
The coronation
The end

What happened to you?

312 16 0
By RosePearl2003

"Zergatik saiatu zara ni hiltzen?" (Why did you try to kill me?) Merlin asked in the language of the knights. He then sat down next to her and they both gazed to the sky, like they always did before the attack. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Beldurtuta nengoen, ez ninduen hil nahi. Ez zaituzte beste batzuk hiltzea gustatzen." (Because I was scared, I didn't want you to kill me. You don't like killing others.) She answered. She could see how he hesitated, everything happened just as planned.

"Baina, zuk." (But, you do.) Merlin noticed and she nodded.

"Zer gertatu zaizu. Lehen aldiz zaldun izatera iritsi zinenean, hain errukitsua zenuen, maitasunez betea. Ez zenuke zure onena egin, beldur baitzaizu norbaiti min egiteko. Eta orduan gertatu zen zure anaiarekin izandako istripua. Aldatuko balitz bezala zirudien eta orain, berriro ezagutzen nuen neska ikusten dut, baina, zerbait berria dago zure baitan. Hainbeste gorroto, hainbeste haserre." (What happened to you. When you first arrived to become a knight, you were so compassionate, so full of love. You didn't do your best because you were too scared to hurt somebody. And then, the accident with your brother happened. It looked as if you had changed and now, I see the girl I once knew back, but, there is something new in you. So much hate, so much anger.)

"Eraso horren ostean, aitak ihes egitea erabaki nuen. Korrika joan nintzen Camelotera, jakinda nire aita ez zela inoiz joango. Seguru nengoela pentsatu nuen, baina, ez nintzen. Bounty ehiztariak, esklabo merkatariak, Cameloten zaldunak erasotu ninduten. Sorginkeriarengandik ihes egin behar nuen." (After that attack, I decided to run away from my father. I ran to Camelot, knowing that my father would never go to. I thought that I was safe, but, I wasn't. I got attacked by bounty hunters, slave traders, knights of Camelot. I even needed to run away from the witchfinder.) She started.

"Baina, dena aldatzeko itxura zuen, zorte txarra izan zuen lagun berria lortu nuen. Betirako hiltzeko madarikatua izan zen. Egun batzuk geroago, su egurren bat biltzen ari nintzen eta itzultzerakoan ez zegoen han, baina, Halig. Begiratu nuenean kaiola hartan zegoen. Gazteluan egon ginen arte jarraitu nuen. Ezin nuen sartu eta ahal nuenean hilda zegoela festatzen entzun nien." (But, everything looked to change, I got a new friend, who had really bad luck. She was cursed to forever kill. A few day later, I was gathering some firewood and when I returned she wasn't there, but, Halig was. When I looked closely she was there in that cage. I followed until we were at the castle. I couldn't get in and when I could, I heard them feasting that she was dead!) She finished, her voice growing louder until she yelled, filled with anger.

"Barkatu, ez nuke berarekin hitz egin behar. Besterik gabe, faltan botatzen dut." (I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk about her. It's just, I miss her.) She apologized, her voice broke and she started to cry. Merlin looked at her and then hugged her.

"Barkatu ere ez naiz zuregatik egon." (I'm sorry too, that I wasn't there for you.") Merlin said, trying to calm her.

"Benetan?" (Really?) She asked and looked up at him, tears still in his eyes. Merlin nodded.

"Izan ere, orain ez zara inor egongo." (Because, now, you will never be there for anyone.) Her voice suddenly grew cold and that's when he felt the claws dig into his back. He tried to scream in pain, but she quickly put a hand on his mouth to make him stop screaming. She laughed, she then leaned forward and kissed his cheek. The claws kept digging in until she suddenly pulled them back. She looked in his eyes and smirked.

"Ez zenuke nirekin fidatu behar." (You shouldn't have trusted me.) She grabbed a dagger and got ready to slice his throat when she suddenly felt the edge of a sword on her back.

"Seems that your friends are smarter than you." She laughed.

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