Winter Rose.

By imintheblackparade

581K 24K 5.3K

There were two babes in the Tower of Joy. Two babes tied so closely to their parents, Ned had to make the de... More

Part ii.
Part iii.
Part iv.
Part v.
A/N about the book
Part vi.
Part vii.
Part viii.
Part ix.
Ending A.i.
Ending A. ii.
Ending A. iii.
Ending A. iv.
Ending B.i.
Ending B. ii.
Ending B. iii.
Ending B. iv.
Ending c.
A/N and bloopers.


2.4K 137 30
By imintheblackparade

Okay so, this book is going to have one true ending; but, I will also write some different endings just so you can pick which you wish to end it on; as I don't believe it to be fair if you've read this much of the book, and get an ending that you don't like. Almost like sitting through eight seasons, and getting That. 

"My Queen, I was wondering if I could speak to you before you meet with the Masters." A timid voice said as Rhaenar walked down the hall, her boots clicking on the stone before stopping, turning to face Harry.

She smiled at him. "Of course Harry, what is it?" He extended his arm, her small hand coming round to rest upon his forearm.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice that in Daznak's Pit, your dragons were rather... under protected." He began, his eyes following the floor before turning to look up at her. "It's just, when we ride our elephants into battle, I always ensure that they are wearing armour; and the thought just... poofed! Into my head, and I thought, why not have the dragons in armour - that way their skin is impenetrable with scales and metal."

Rhaenar thought about it, light dancing in her eyes. It was a very clever idea indeed, and could completely change the way that they used dragons. "That's a brilliant idea, Harry."

Relief washed over his mousy features, a smile pressing his small lips. "I've already drawn up some plans and given them to a Blacksmith in town who has crafted them if you'd like to try them out."

"I would love to." She was excited, seeing her babies with this armour on. She could only imagine what Harry would have drawn, whether it was extravagant like the Golden Company, or more simplistic - designed for speed and utility.

"We of course need you to fit them, the dragons are rather... temperamental. Tyrion went in the other week to get the measurements, and we were sure he was going to come out half the size he went in." She giggled at the thought, Rhaenar patting his hand. "And then when I tried... I'm lucky I still have eyebrows and this gorgeous hair." He uttered, placing emphasis on the hair as he brushed back the strands.

Rhaenar giggled. "My dragons would never."

"They so would." He said with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, this armour, it's made with many little plates - just like their scales, but it should be moveable, and with very little areas left exposed to be hit." He described, leading them down and through to Harry's chamber.

Inside was his little round table, books still sprawled across the surfaces with pages open and pencils dancing around. She could see sketches of elephants, little doodles of dragons, and finally plans for armour. Rhaenar could see the measurements of the dragons taken to scale, the plates of armour that would bind them besides the wings and their tails. Her finger reached out, running across each sketch. "Harry, these..."

"These are just rough, wait until you see the full things. As the dragons grow so will the armour, it'll extend with them, that's what these joints are for here." It was mind blowing as Harry explained every part to her in detail, his eyes alight as he pulled out more sketches. "And they can be adapted over time, if you find that they need more protection in some areas or the armour isn't working in others... Just give these to a blacksmith and they'll be able to draw them up."

She huffed, a large grin on her lips as Rhaenar looked to her friend. "You are a genius, Harry, do you know that? These designs are beautiful." The praise slipped from her lips with ease as she pulled him in for a hug, quickly letting go to look over them. This was a game changer; her already invincible dragons were now truly protected on the field.

His cheeks flushed with a vivid red, rising from his throat to his hairline as he blushed beneath her gaze. Rhaenar touched at the drawings, seeing that a saddle had been included in the designs. "Was this made?" She asked.

Harry looked over. "Yes, it's ready, why?"

"We're going to need it, do you think in the time that we take to talk to the Masters, you will be able to secure it on Leirion? If you're gentle, he will sit for you."

Harry seemed to think about. "I don't see why not." Rhaenar grinned. "There's one other thing..." He uttered, moving to pull a sketchbook out from beneath another set. "This belonged to Me-" She shot him a glare. "The Captain, I'd been helping him work on them for months but he thought one day you'd be able to ride the dragons, so not only did he want them to be protected but also you."

The sketch was plucked out, her body drawn but a softer, elegant armour drawn upon it. The same high shoulders coat she had worn in Braavos had been the basis of the design, but incorporated spiked smokey grey pauldrons, with couters and vambraces in the same shade. They had been designed with dragon wings raised along the metal as it's feature; the same dragon wings sprawling across the breastplate, the Targaryen Sigil sitting upon her chest. Pieces of metal dragon scales sat as her tassets above the thick coat, a dark pair of breeches beneath with a ruby red cloak.

It was beautiful, like something Visenya or Rhaenys would have worn when they rode into battle. Every element of the armour had been thought with Rhaenar in mind, and the fact that Mero had a hand in it, made her smile. "He wanted to keep it a surprise, to present it to you when you were to ride into battle but obviously..." It never happened. "There is one other thing." Harry said, walking away to his chest of drawers.

Something heavy scraped across it before he stood, placing it to the table, her eyes widening. The grip alone was a thing of beauty; black leather cord wrapped in such a way around the grip that it resembled a spine, a silver head of a dragon sitting on a pommel, its teeth fierce as it snarled. On the other end of the grip, where the crosspiece sat were raised silver wings and a curling tail that touched at a curved, spiked blade.

Rhaenar recognised the blade in an instant, the same that the assassin had once tried to kill her with. She reached for it, her hand touching at the sharp point, feeling the soft, cold metal. "He thought it best if you carried it for good luck, he said you will know how to use it."

"Yes." She uttered, soon reaching out to grip the handle, feeling the weight in her palm. The blade had some weight to it, but it wasn't unbalanced as she turned it in hand.

Harry looked on solemnly. "There's a condition."

A brow quirked up, the indigo leaving the blade to look at him. "A condition?"

"He wants you to think of your flaws, and what he would have done." Her jaw locked, dropping the dagger back to the table, letting it clatter against the wood. "He says if you want to become the dragon, you have to."

"No." Harry's hand reached for the blade, pulling it from her.

She felt empty for a moment, pulling her lip between her teeth as she stepped back. "Then I can't give you this." Rhaenar nodded, understanding. "Your dragons will still have armour, as will you, but I have to keep the blade from you." No one could force her hand, no one but herself. "I am sorry."

"So am I." Rhaenar apologised softly. "I love you Harry, you've become such an important figure in my life." Harry didn't know what to say as he glanced to his shoes, the blush speaking volumes. "I better go to the Masters, but I thank you."

"You are welcome, my Queen." She left, Harry feeling much lighter until his eyes fell upon the dagger in his hand, nestling it once more into drawers where it would remain out of sight and out of mind.

Rhaenar had made her way out across the city and to the rooftop of a neutral meeting ground, one where Leirion could easily swoop in if needed. Tyrion met her, walking beside her as the sun shone above them, glinting from the gold in their hair. "Beautiful morning, is it not?"

She sent Tyrion a look; they were about to face the Masters and he just asked her about the morning. "Quite, the weather be good. Are all the dragons here?"

"Yes, Rhaenys was the last to arrive in the early hours. They're still peacefully sleeping within their den." They took the stairs up, seeing Missandei and Grey Worm waiting, a small group of Unsullied around them.

"Good. And the Masters?"

They joined the party who then stepped up to a further platform. "Also here." She could see the three of them, one dressed in shades of brown, the one in blue she recognised, and another in beige. They had their men, and she had hers.

The one she had met with before decided to speak, the air of arrogance still clinging to him. "Once before, I offered you peace. If you had not been so arrogant, you could have returned to your homeland with a fleet of ships. Instead, you will flee Slaver's Bay on foot like the beggar Queen you are."

Rhaenar was far from a beggar Queen, she had more wealth than she knew what to do with it. "We are here to discuss terms of surrender, not to trade insults." Tyrion said, standing beside her.

The youngest one in the shades of brown and orange smirked, crossing his arms as he stepped forward. "The terms are simple. You and your foreign friends will abandon the Great Pyramid and the city of Meereen. The Unsullied you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The translator you stole from Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain to be sold again to the highest bidder. The dragons beneath the Great Pyramid will be slaughtered."

Rhae's eyes drifted from the Masters to Grey Worm and then Missandei; she would never again let them be sold back into slavery, not when they've built themselves a life. "Clearly there has been a breakdown in the communication between us." She said to them, straightening her shoulders as she turned back to the Masters. "We're not here to discuss the surrender of myself and my party; but of yours.

"I imagine it's difficult adjusting to the new reality. Your reign is over." Razdahl hissed with a smirk. The indigo darted to the skys behind him, watching as Leirion swooped low before rising again.

And she just returned it, feeling the eyes upon her. "My reign hasn't even started. This is just the beginning."

His screech was low, but audible as the newest Master turned, glancing over his shoulder. With a shake, the air around them shifting, her Leirion soaring above them, his body threatening to touch at the Masters as they dropped, desperate to get from his grasp. He turned, using his great wings to shift through the air before landing as delicately as he could, screeching once more before dropping.

Leirion's large head came in front of her, her hand rubbing at his cheek soothingly before she glanced back. Rhaenar could see that the saddle had managed to be attached, the silver glinting in the light as it wrapped around his chest and his wings. She rushed forward, gently easing herself onto his shoulder before placing herself into the seat, seeing reins.

Rhaenar didn't need to use this as Leirion propelled himself forward, using the edge of the pyramid to fling himself down, gathering the wind beneath his wings. Her stomach left her for a moment, the sick feeling filling her as he brought them up in a snap, flying them back towards the Harbour of Meereen. Rhaenar had to admit that this new saddle was far more comfortable than sitting bare back, and she felt more secure as she used the reins just to keep herself up - she'd need them later on.

From here, Meereen looked beautiful. The gold glinting from the top of buildings as smoke rose from chimneys, she could see the market and just about make out the faces of those staring up at them. Leirion roared from beneath her, the three other dragons stumbling their way out of the Great Pyramid.

The four large beasts made their way through the air, Leirion taking the lead as they focused in on the streaming balls of fire. Hundreds of ships sat there, their aim only on her harbour and not on actually moving. Rhaenar turned back to Rhaenys and Viserion. "Dracarys." She instructed, calling over to them.

Rhaenys's vivid red eyes seemed to light up as in an instant, the flames hitting the water, making it ripple beneath the force, the boat rocking violently. Viserion joined, watching his sister first before following. They were cautious in their approach, ensuring that the boats were hit as they worked together to topple the ships, the first one already swaying dangerous, tempting to tip the men out to sea; their weapons already failing them.

Rhaenar then looked at her other two. "Sōvegon rȳ se iēdar." It was a command they had never heard before, but Leirion followed, turning down to nosedive the water. Her hands gripped on for dear life as they sailed through the water like a bird, her eyes clenched shut as Leirion used his large body to knock the boat over before soaring back into the sky.

She would never be able to get her hands on such a number of ships so easily, so finding a non-destructive way to stop them from damaging her city and with little to no casualties would work in Rhaenar's favour. Over and over the dragons would work together, tag teaming the ships as Rhaenar's lungs ached, the cold water hitting her skin again before Rhaenys and Viserion began to dive under, giving Leirion and Rhaegal a break as they chose to torch the water.

Smoke and steam rose around them, burning her nose as she settled herself on Leirion, looking over the harbour. Bodies were swimming away, ships were emptying, and as she glanced over at the pyramid, she could see two dead bodies settled on the ground. Their work here was done. Pressing a gently pat on Leirion's neck, she smiled. 

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