Hidden prince

Bởi RosePearl2003

50.6K 1.9K 191

We all know the story of the young boy called Merlin. But what the most people don't know is that he is the l... Xem Thêm

The fallen kingdom
The knights (Arthur's pov)
The knights (Merlin's pov)
Long live the prince
The bandit trip
Journey to Imardin
The dollop-headed prat is a clotpole
Once a traitor, always a traitor
Die by your hands
In a land of myth and a time of magic, there was love.... and an attack
At what cost
Burial of a friend
First kiss full of tears
Morgana and the figure
The elder behind the waterfall
love that died and love that grew
Another murder
Get ready, make an army and win
Journey to the mountains
Dragons and their lord
the elder of the mountains
it's cold
The fox and the still unknown figure
Gently, swiftly..... die!
Betrayed by a friend
Don't be suspicious
The wall and the village
The couriers
The feast
Fox hunt
Is he dead?
He's alive!
Welcome back
The story of the blindfold
Again that fox
What happened to you?
We finally caught the fox.
Everything goes exactly as planned
Don't be stupid, Gwaine
It's sir Gwaine to you
What did you do!
I wish that you have never existed!
The sad story nobody knew
Not one of us
The battle for Imardin. (Arthur)
Battle for Imardin (Gwaine)
The battle for Imardin (Percival)
The battle for Imardin (Leon)
The battle for Imardin (Faun)
The battle for Imardin (Lancelot)
The battle for Imardin (Elyan)
The battle for Imardin (Greg)
Battle for Imardin (Merlin)
The truth
The coronation
The end


4.4K 107 51
Bởi RosePearl2003

Hey, first of all. This is just gonna be a description of how Imardin looks like. Also I'm gonna tell you about their traditions, their language and many more things. So, if you don't want to read it, no problem. But it can be that you won't get everything what they say. So, I will start it now.

Name kingdom: Imardin

Description: Imardin is one of the biggest kingdoms, not because it has many villages, but more because of the forests, the mountains and the rivers. The castle is in the middle and is surrounded by one of the villages.

Borders: North, South, West, East

East: in the east are the mountains, it is hard to cross them due to the cold weather and the strong wind.

North: in the north is a river that is difficult to cross. the bridge only appears to those who want to cross with good intentions. Those who want to cross anyway have to swim, but the bottom is full of treacherous potholes and the strong current drags you to a waterfall, where sharp rocks will await you when you fall down.

West: in the west is a forest that hardly anyone can go through. The trees are close together and their branches seem to grab at you. If you don't know the way, you probably won't be able to get out. And do not try to use the sun as your navigator, the light hardly comes through the branches.

South: the south is the only one that has no natural boundary. It is an open plain with a fortress on it. The fortress has a stone wall that extends from East and South. In the fortress itself are four guards who are exchanged every other day with other four guards.

Language: Dre (for you readers, it's just Chinese)

Villages: there are seven villages, each village has their own unic color and skill, depending on where the village is located. Each village also has their own language, but, in common they speak Dre.

I will now tell you about each village.

1. Village name: Shān (mountain)

Language: Tiri (Welsh)

Location: the mountains in the east.

Skills: they are used to the cold weather and the strong winds. They have a good sight and have strong legs because of all the walking on the mountains. They live in tents that are magically locked on the ground, only they can remove them. They sometimes move places when there is a chance of an avalanche.

Profession: they guard the east border, but are also the miners, they dig holes in the mountains for dragon dens or other things. They trade the stones with the other villages who can use the stones for other things.

Clothing: They wear a tunic with long arms with a fur coat over it, their pants and boots are also made of fur. They also have a fur coat over the fur coat. When it gets too hot, they often take off the fur coat. The fur is usually made from deer, but also from rabbits, squirrels, everything the village designated for hunting can catch.

2. Village name: Hé (River)

Language: Guí (Japanese)

Location: Near the river in the North. Behind the waterfall. With the help of the other villages they made a village behind the waterfall in a cave. (I will make a drawing of that too)

Skills: they are skilled fishers and swimmers. They are trained to swim in the water because it's the only way to go outside.

Profession: they guard the North and are the ones who catch the fishes and trade them with the other villages.

Clothing: they wear blue, light clothing that dry easily. They are mostly bare feet because they don't want wet boots on their feet. Their feet is hardened and bruised and when they get older they don't really feel it anymore when they step on a stone.

3. Village name: Sēnlín (forest)

Language: Wî (Arabic)

Location: the village is located in the forest in the West.

Skills: they know the way in the forest, they are trained to remember every inch, every tree, every footstep, just everything. They also have a good memory and a good sight.

Profession: they are the hunters, but are also the ones who collect the firewood.

Clothing: they wear a green shirt or brown clothing. They also wear light boots which makes it easier for the hunt.

4. Village name: Píngdàn (plain)

Language: hûo (Azerbaijan)

Location: the village is located on the plain behind the fortress.

Skills: they have a good eye

Profession: they guard the border, everytime sending four men to the fortress who will keep watch in there. They are trained to fight and use pigeons to bring the reports from the border to the king.

Village 5: Xìnshǐ (courier)

Language: Bli (Armenian)

Location: the village is one of the smallest villages, it is located near the palace on the southwest.

Skills: they train the horses, but are also used to a long walk if needed.

Profession: they bring information and reports from village to village, on their horses, with pigeons or on foot.

Clothing: in their own village they wear yellow clothing and a red cloak. You can see when they are going to a village by the clothing they are wearing. Wearing the clothing of that village. They can speak every language.

Village 6: Mófǎ (Magic)

Language: drâf (Bengal)

Location: it is located northwest from the palace, in the middle of the village is a huge white building with many windows.

Skills: everybody with magic are send to this village

Profession:they learn magic and help in the battles. The huge building is where they train. The house's surrounding it are also white. They live in the houses and train in the building, it wasn't meant to be a village, but because it started to grow they just started calling it a village.

Clothing: just as everything around them, their clothing is pure white.

Village 7: Qíshì (knight)

Language: Jui (Basque)

Location: the village surrounds the palace, the only thing between the village and the palace is a forest.

Skills: they are skilled swordsman, but are also skilled with their bow and arrows

Profession: this village is where the knights live, they are trained there and will stay there until they are retired, they then can go back to their home village.

Clothing: The majority of knights clothing is brown or gray, minimizing how much they stand out in a natural environment. They are often described as looking similar to a yeoman or hunter without their cloaks.
Additionally, apprentices are shown to be responsible for tailoring their own clothes, should they be ill fitting. The clothes themselves are typically made by a local tailor.

Boots: knee-high, lightweight, soft-soled, brown leather boots. Made to move silently, but also aid in riding. Knights never polish their boots (nor their buckles), as the glint of reflected sun can give their position away.

Breeches: short trousers fastened just below the knee.

Double-scabbard: a unique, knight specific scabbard used to carry their saxe and throwing knives

Leather cuff: worn on their non-dominant forearm to protect them from the strings of their own bows when firing.

Gauntlet: a leather glove with reinforced finger tips worn to protect their fingers from the bow string.

Leather vest:a leather sleeveless, close-fitting waist-length garment worn over a shirt.

Dragon necklace: a metal dragon on a chain, bronze for apprentices, silver for knights, gold for the higher ranked knights, and white for the retired knights.

Knight cloak: an essential part of the knight uniform. It is made of tightly woven wool and mottled green and grey with some brown. It also has a heavy, deep cowl. Should the need arise, versions made for different environments, such as snowy areas or even deserts, are provided by the knights.

Shirts: a long sleeved, green shirt. Rangers carry spare shirts in their packs. Typically either woolen or linen.

Tunic: a loose garment, typically sleeveless and reaching to the wearer's knees. The standard knight tunic is made of brown leather often covers most of chest leaving green sleeves and collars.

So, that's what you need to know about the villages, I'm not really good in writing details, so, I'm gonna draw the villages. So, now you what the knights wear, but not about their weapons, so, here are their weapons. As I've already told you, their weapons and clothing are based of the Ranger apprentice.

Bow and arrows: The principal weapon of the Ranger knights. To protect the bow from rain damage, they can be covered in waterproof leather cases. When not need, the bows can be carried unstrung.

Longbow: The standard bow. They are usually roughly equal to the height of the user - allowing the archer a fairly long draw, at least to the jaw. The standard bow used by the knights has a draw weight of eighty pounds.

Recurve bow: The typical bow used by Apprentices. Most of the bow follows one long curve, but each tip curves back in the opposite direction. The double curve gives extra speed and power with a lower draw weight. It is strongly implied that female knights will not be able to use the standard longbow.

Quiver: able to hold up to twenty-four arrows. Typically worn on the back.

Saxe Knife: The longer of the two knives. It is kept in the double scabbard along with the throwing knife. It has a thick, heavy grip made of a series of leather discs set one above the other and a short, sturdy crosspiece. The blade is heavy and straight, sharp on one side and thick and heavy on the other.

Sling: a leather weapon used to throw ammunition, typically stones or lead balls.

Strikers: heavy weapons thrown to stun opponents.

Throwing knife: The shorter of the two knives. It is kept in the famous double scabbard along with the saxe knife. It has a thick, heavy grip made of a series of leather discs set one above the other. There is a brass crosspiece between the hilt and the blade with a matching brass pommel. It has an unusual shape: narrow at the hilt but tapering out sharply, becoming thicker and wider for three quarters of its length to form a broad blade with the weight and concentrated toward the tip, then a steep reverse taper creating a sharp point.

They also have camping gear, idk if I'm gonna use them in the story, but, I'm just gonna add them.

Canteen: a small water bottle for carrying water.

Cots: for campers to sleep on, particularly in rainy weather. Consists of a rectangular frame, with a series of short cross pieces, and leafy boughs laid across it to form a rough mattress. They can be disassembled and then lashed together into a bundle.

Flint and steel: a piece of steel from which sparks are struck by the sharp edge of flint, chert, or similar rock. Used to start fires.

Kindling: small sticks or twigs used for starting a fire. Knights normally travel with an emergency supply of both kindling and tinder.


Utensils: forks, knives, and spoons for eating meals.



Pots and Pans: for cooking meals. Made of cast-iron.

Tarpaulin: a rectangular oilskin sheet. Protects campers from the rain. To be suspended between four points, with one side angled down.

Tent: a small, one man tent.

Tinder: dry, flammable material, such as wood or paper, used for lighting a fire. Knights normally travel with an emergency supply of both kindling and tinder.

I'm gonna add the descriptions of the people that weren't in the serie.

Alatan: the tall knight is from Shān where most of the men are tall. He has a gentle face with amber eyes and brown, short hair. He also has long legs, a long neck and long fingers. As every boy he started to train when he was five, making a long journey with two knights and other kids of his age. His parents both died in one of the avalanches and he grew up by his aunt, who now died because it was her time to die. He is noble and also the first knight of Imardin, earning the respect of the king and queen. He always stayed loyal to the king and queen and of course Merlin, even after that Traitor took the throne. He is 30.

Léi: he is the youngest one of them, his name means thunder. He is 11 years old and started training when he was five, his mentor is Alatan. He came from Hé, went to Mófǎ before deciding that he wanted to become a knight, he is still using his magic and one of the teachers from Mófǎ came with him to teach him control his magic. He has four older brothers who are still in Hé. His parents were both executed by the traitor's hands.

Greg: the jolly knight has long blonde hair and babyblue eyes. He is from the village Xìnshǐ. Before he became a knight he followed his father everywhere, when they didn't travel to bring information to the other villages, they were in the tavern. He has strong legs of all the walking and has a good taste of humor. Even though he is almost all the time drunk, he is smart and has a good memory, he speaks just like all the knights all the languages. He is 27 years old.

Faun: Faun has gunmetal blue eyes and dark brown, short hair. He is from Píngdàn, they are know for their lack of humor and their seriousness. He never knew his parents and got adopted when he was a baby. He is 34 years old, and even though he is older than Alatan, he never wanted to become a first knight. He liked to helped and didn't always want the honor to lead the troops to battle.

Halt: he is mostly known as the traitor, once a good friend of the king and trainer of Merlin and Will. He always craved for power and betrayed the king and queen, casting them off the throne and killing them, he is cold hearted (if he even has a heart) and determined to get what he want. His eyes are a cold green and his hair who is starting to become grey is almost a silver colour. He is from Sēnlín.

Yuri: Yuri is the elder of Sēnlín, he makes all the decisions and never leaves the village, only when the king requests him to. His hazel eyes has wisdom in them and his grey hair his short. Wrinkles can already be seen under his eyes.

Bào: the albino man has violet eyes (I just found out that violet eyes exist) and is bald, he is the elder of Píngdàn. He became blind after a spell went horribly wrong, it was supposed to heal his left eye from a bee sting. He gets help from his servant who reads and writes everything from him. He tries to do the most things himself.

Yīng: the young elder has chocolate brown eyes and blonde hair. He became elder after his father died and is the elder of Shān.

Yú: maybe the oldest of all the elders. His hair is dark grey and so are his eyes. Even though he is old, he likes to play with the children of the village and help the man and woman with whatever they need to do. He is the elder of Hé.

Wòkè: the elder of Xìnshǐ has like every elder grey hair. His eyes are baby blue and has a mischievous glint in them. He is also the father of Greg and is really proud of his son, even though he wanted that Greg followed in his footsteps.

Shǔ: the elder of Mófǎ, he is also one of the oldest teachers. He has a long, white beard and long white hair. His eyes are hidden under a white blindfold, nobody exactly knows why, but, don't think that he can't see you, he is observant (better than anyone of Camelot, I mean, everybody can have seen Merlin using magic, but still, nobody noticed it) and knows everything what you are doing, even behind his back. He is also the most respected elder and the wisest of them all. His magic is really powerful.

Dara: the only female elder, she is the elder of Qíshì, she was the first knight, but because of a battle wound she needed to stop. She then became the elder, one of the most respected knights and also a great help for Alatan, she was also his mentor before the wound. She has long blonde hair and ice blue eyes.

I almost forgot to add the rules of Imardin and their traditions. So, here are the rules.

1. You shall treat the royal family as equal, talk to them as you talk to a friend.

2. Respect the elders of your and other villages, they do everything they can and are the ones who decide.

3. Respect everybody around you, there is no slave, no servant, you are all equal, some just have a title. But that doesn't mean that they are better than any of you.

4. You don't steal, attack or kill somebody, nor can you hurt them. You can only hurt them per accident, but never start hitting somebody, even if you have a reason. Go with the one your mad at to the elder of your village and talk with them, they will give you a solution. If you don't respect it you will get a punishment that fit your crime.

5. Traitors don't get immediately killed, they will be banished or put under the watch of the royal family and their knights.

6. You respect each creature, magical or not and will only kill them when needed. The hunters can only hunt for food, if they do it for fun, they can't hunt for a week, or a month, depends on how long you have been hunting for fun.

7. You respect each village and their rules, when in another village you will apply to their rules and will answer their elder of you don't apply.

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