Winter Rose.

By imintheblackparade

581K 24K 5.3K

There were two babes in the Tower of Joy. Two babes tied so closely to their parents, Ned had to make the de... More

Part ii.
Part iii.
Part iv.
Part v.
A/N about the book
Part vi.
Part vii.
Part viii.
Part ix.
Ending A.i.
Ending A. ii.
Ending A. iii.
Ending A. iv.
Ending B.i.
Ending B. ii.
Ending B. iii.
Ending B. iv.
Ending c.
A/N and bloopers.


2.4K 139 66
By imintheblackparade

I would like to apologise in advance for this entire piece of writing. Also, it's a little spicy at the beginning.

She found herself in a state of bliss, her eyes blinking lazily as she glanced at the moon from the open balcony, the white rays illuminating the two around her. Rhaenar hadn't felt this at peace in a while, Oberyn's knuckles brushing her spine as his breathing settled her, goosebumps erupting along the love bitten skin. Mero was asleep in front of her, his arm locking her into place, finding its home on Oberyn's hip as sweat still coated his brow.

It had been a mess of one on top before the other, hands greedily snaking along skin before locking onto parts that would bring them to their knees. Rhaenar would smile down at whoever she was on top of, nails digging into their chest as she daringly ran her nose along theirs, never allowing their lips to meet. Oberyn would always enjoy the teasing, knowing what areas to touch or how to move his hips to pay her back; leaving them both in a moaning mess as their bodies quivered with one another's.

Mero hated the teasing, his hands harshly gripping her hips before throwing her down, pouncing upon her like a lion would. He had been the harsher of the two boys, the tips of his fingers leaving bruising along the hips and neck. And when Rhaenar needed a moment of rest, the boys descended upon each other, bodies moving against each other as their limbs tangled, lips meeting sloppily; she hadn't seen something as beautifully raw as they were in that moment.

Then, they came together as three, one guiding the other as they welcomed each other to their bodies once more; lips locking from one set to another before meeting together, three tongues dancing messily. She had been cushioned between their bodies as Oberyn guided her hips as she clenched around Mero, and Mero toying with her as she then joined with Oberyn. Handprints skirted along the curve over her ass, fingerprints dusting along her back and hickies graced themselves on her neck.

Rhaenar never wanted to leave this place, her little bit of happiness on the edge of the world. Finally, she could breathe; the two seeing her for what she was. "Stop thinking so hard." Oberyn whispered, his lips brushing the edge of her ear as she closed her eyes, focusing on him. His lips moved across the curve of her neck, past the bruised skin of too harsher kisses, and onto red shoulders. "You need to sleep." The heat from his whispered words snaking into the skin.

Rhaenar smirked. "It doesn't seem as though you wish to sleep."

He chuckled lowly, a jolt straight through her torso at the sound. "I can fuck you all day, don't underestimate me." She smiled, shaking her head. They had only just stopped, she needed a moment to collect herself at least, her heartbeat thumping in her chest. Somehow she had two dangerous men in her bed, both willing to do whatever she pleased. This was a new kind of power altogether. "How did it go with Tyrion?"

"He thinks I should stay here, but I told him I can't. There's a new desire in me, something screaming inside of me that tells me I need to be in Westeros; but if I go, I could lose this place." Rhaenar admitted softly, her eyes dragging over Mero's face. Everything she worked for here would be gone unless someone ruled in her stead. Rhaenar still had yet to tell Daenerys.

"If that desire tells you to go, you should go. Desire is the fates way of telling us what to do." Then desire had brought her here. "We'll get this city under control, and when you feel ready, we'll cross the Narrow Sea."

"Thank you, Oberyn." Her mind drifted back to her sister, she wanted to tell her now. "Look after Mero, I'll be back shortly." She whispered, quickly dodging Mero's arm as she scrambled up.

Oberyn reached out, grasping her arm. "Where are you going?" He tugged her back.

"I need to go to see Daenerys." Rhae uttered quickly, pressing a kiss to his lips before disappearing further into her room. She needed a dress that would cover the splashes of purple that lined her neck, a high neck set perfectly in the wardrobe. Rhaenar grasped it quickly, pulling it on before shooting a cheeky grin to Oberyn and walking down the hall.

The Unsullied stood either side of the door, a soft glow emitted from the windows in the wood. She knocked, holding her breath for a moment. She had to be awake still if the lights were on, it was unlike Daenerys to leave a candle on while she slept. "Come in!" A soft voice called out.

Rhaenar entered, her head held high as she waltzed into the room. She stood with her back straight against the wall, eyeing her sister. Rhaenar had refused to see her for weeks, ignoring any summoning from guards or letters dropped at her door; Rhae had been serious when she said she wanted nothing to do with her. Daenerys had grown bigger in their time apart, the swell of her bump almost looking too big against her small frame as she sat on the bed in a lavender dress. "Rhae?" She said, surprised.

"Hello, Daenerys." Daenerys scrambled from the bed as fast as she could, groaning slightly as her hand came to her back.

"What are you doing here? I thought that you didn't want to- ugh!" She groaned, rubbing at the spot again. Rhaenar's eyes darted to the spot before backup, keeping her face straight. She wasn't going to show concern. "Forgive me." Daenerys uttered, his voice higher as she held her breath for a moment. "They've been going on all day, only now they're..." Another groan slipped from her lips. "More frequent."

The pain sounded familiar, the regularity of it making it more like contraptions. Her hands itched to touch at the bump, but she refrained, keeping to the edge of the room, her body as guarded as she could be. "How far along are you?"

"Full term; he should be coming any day... NOW!" She squealed, the pain slipping through her tone as a shout erupted from her lips.

"Daenerys, I think you're going into labour." Rhae said softly, all hell breaking loose.

Daenerys shook her head, a childish look crossing her face as fear filled her. "No, no. I'm not ready! No!" She cried out, Rhaenar reaching forward to grasp her.

"Stop, otherwise you'll stress the baby out." She said curtly, turning her. "Go sit on the bed while I get you Sake."

"You can't leave me!" Daenerys tried to reason, Rhaenar sighing.

"And I can't help deliver this. Please, let me get Sake." Daenerys nodded, but refused to let go of her hand. "I can't get her if you keep hold of me."

The tensions seemed to hit a high as her violet eyes began to swim, her grip digging into her hands. Rhaenar knew her sister couldn't let go, but before long that baby would be ready to be pushed out and she couldn't assist in that, she had no clue on where to even begin. "Unsullied!" She shouted out, hoping the men at the door could hear her.

In seconds the wooden doors were slammed open, the girls jumping apart. "Get me Sake now, tell her Daenerys is about to have her baby, and we'll need all the help we can get." She screamed at them, their eyes widening as they scrambled to move back out. She felt bad for screaming at them, but she needed to get them moving and quickly. Rhaenar turned her attention back to her sister. "Come, sit on the bed." She urged her, helping her stumble back to where she had been sitting.

Daenerys's brow had begun to sweat, the moisture pooling at her hair line as she gasped for breath. Water, she needed water. Rhaenar fumbled, glancing around the room before finding the jug and a cup; quick to pour a glass for her sister. She approached her once more, brushing back the silvery stands that were so similar to her own. Daenerys took it, bringing it to her lips.

The door burst open again, Sake entering before being followed by a small battalion of five girls; bags in all of their hands. "How long have these contractions been happening?" She questioned, flinging a bag onto the side before pulling it open, the contents rattling.

Rhaenar shook her head. "She said they've been off and on all day, but they seem closer now." Sake nodded, hand fished into the bag before pulling several instruments out and vials.

"She needs her legs open, I'm going to see how dilated she is." Rhaenar relayed it back to Daenerys who nodded, placing the glass down. Another figure entered the room, Daario's eyes wide as Qotho trailed in beside him; both stopping at the sight.

"Keep moving boys, now." Rhaenar hissed, giving her sister some dignity before her skirt was pulled up. Daario may have seen it before, but he wouldn't want to witness it during this moment. Daenerys and Daario coddled for a moment, speaking in hushed tones. At least she had a partner now, Rhaenar could leave in peace.

It was rare that she thought about it, but childbirth traumatised her; the very fear of it... shivers ran the length of her spine, her throat clogging for a moment as she stood from her place, quick to fly from the door. "Please, Rhaenar. I can't do this without you." Daenerys cried out behind her, her screams piercing the quiet night. Rhaenar froze in the doorway, hand clasping the wood as she turned back to her sister. Nothing but fear and pain sat within the violet orbs of her eyes, begging her to stay. She slumped, nodding to her sister before joining her at her side, taking her hand into her own.

She was cold to the touch, her palm clammy as her grip tightened, another contraction washing its way into her. Rhaenar bit down on her lip as the hand clamped down onto hers, squeezing until her fingers were white as her body shook, her face red. Worry filled her, her indigo locked onto Daenerys face as Sake shouted out commands to the other girls, demanding medicines and bandages. Rhae couldn't, she couldn't do this.

"Push." Sake demanded roughly, her Dothraki tinging the word but cutting through the room as Daenerys's eyes widened, pushing down. Over and over the command would be shouted, a towel handed below the cover of the skirt, before being lifting marred with blood. Rhae's body shook, her indigo blown wide as she sat numb, her sister pushing this life from her body.

"I can't do this." Daenerys cried out, Daario's hand having rested on her stomach as her head swam, circling from side to side as the violet remained unfocused.

Daario shook his head. "You can do this, Dany. Just think, we'll be able to meet our little baby." The baby shocked Rhae for a moment, not only would she have to force herself through this birth, but she'd have to smile as she saw this baby passed between the parents.

The other girls watched in a mix of horror and determination as they brought Sake a bowl of water, a sponge hovering in the water. "One push." With a final push, the baby was out, Sake quickly catching them in a bundle of blankets.

A loud cry echoed around the room, a sense of euphoria filling Rhae as she was desperate to catch sight of the littlen. Sake was quick to wipe the babe of blood as Daario pressed a kiss to Dany's lip, the two of them grinning at one another. Rhaenar looked away, focusing on the bundle. Sake, finished with cleaning them, passed it over, laying it within Daenerys's hands. "What is it?" Daenerys asked softly, not wanting to disturb him too much.

"Boy." Sake confirmed, Daario grinning. Rhaenar smiled at her sister as Daenerys held the baby within her arms, coddling the small boy softly. He was still slightly covered in blood but Rhaenar thought he was the beautifulest thing she had ever seen.

Jealousy ran through her, but she refused to let it consume her. This time was her sister's and their baby's and she would never take that away from her. "What are you going to name him?" She asked, reaching out to brush her finger against his smooth cheek.

"Daemon, Daemon Targaryen." Rhaenar didn't say anything as the thought of bastardry crossed her mind. He was a Waters just like she was. Daenerys's face grew greyer as she stared at her son in love, her body slumping slightly. "Rhae, will you..." Her voice had grown weaker. Rhae frowned, eyes quick to dart to Sake who was still positioned between her sister's legs, a frown on her face. "Will you hold him a moment... I'm so tired."

Rhae grabbed hold of the bundle, fear spiking her centre as Sake muttered something lowly to another girl who nodded. "What? What is it? What's going on?" Daario asked, taking the words from Rhaenar's mouth.

Sake frowned, shaking her head. "She's just lost a little more blood than usual, it's normal. She just needs some rest." Sake tried to soothe, but it didn't help in the slightest.

"What do you mean a little blood, Sake? She can't!" Rhae cried out, trying to keep her tone even but hysteria touching at the end. She refused to lose her sister the same way she had, Rhae forbid it. Despite their differences, she couldn't stand by and do nothing. Sake's eyes drifted over to Qotho but he shook his head, a silent conversation between them. "Well?" She fumed.

"Khaleesi, it's nothing that she won't be able to handle. She's strong, she just needs rest." Rhaenar looked down to the child in her arms before back to her sister. "Perhaps you will feel better stepping outside, if everyone stepped outside." No, she absolutely wouldn't feel better doing that. What if someone did something to her? What if someone hurt her?

Rhaenar's mind was erratic, but so was Daario. "I am not going anywhere." He said, dark eyes serious as they dared to question him.

"Fine, don't go anywhere; but everyone else out. Khaleesi included." Daario hadn't even held his baby, and Sake was trying to get them from the room?

Rhaenar looked to Daario incredulously. "Go, I trust you to look after him. I'll join you once I know she's safe." It didn't sit right in her stomach, but she wasn't going to complain; she knew Daario loved her sister more than anything. She passed him, the small baby in her arms as he stopped her for a moment, pressing a kiss to Daemon's head. "What a beautiful boy."

Rhaenar was left in the silence of the hall as the world rushed around her, her eyes falling to the small baby within them. He was a beautiful little thing with tuffs of pale hair that sat along his forehead, threatening to drift into his violet eyes if the air got a little too boisterous. Her arms tightened, lifting the blanket that little higher. She wanted him, she wanted to keep him so badly as he cooed up at her, the coo threatening to grow into something louder as she shushed him, rocking him softly as she paced back and forth.

It was there, in the hall, that her heart broke at the situation. There would be none of this for her, no child to call her own that she could rock to sleep, shushing them when they got a little loud, or easing them with their presence.

Rhaenar couldn't let the baby go from her arms, Daemon wiggling as he gazed up at his aunt, his eyes fluttering shut. She could feel the pooling of tears in her eyes, the thickness in her throat as he drifted off to sleep in her arms, his hand clutched around her thumb, the cracks growing deeper inside of her. The indigo was tinged with red, her lashes collecting some of the moisture before they flooded down her cheeks.

Qotho watched on, worried for her. He had been there that night, he had seen the devastation there and then on Drogo, but this was the devastation of Rhaenar over the loss of her own son. He'd never seen a woman look so carefully on a babe, a hand so gentle as it ran across the soft skin; the look of love shining in her eyes. He turned away, he couldn't watch her destroy herself by trying to care for this child.

Qotho waited against the wall, ready for Sake to leave but was surprised as the door pulled open, and Daario stepped out, questioning on his face. "Where is Rhaenar?" He asked. Qotho turned, seeing the hallway clear. Shit.

"She's just walking the baby around, I'll find her, tell her you're ready to have the baby back now." Daario nodded, not questioning it as he slipped back inside. He was quick to fly down the hallway to Rhaenar's room, knowing she wouldn't have gone there. Qotho knocked upon the wood forcefully, desperate to get some kind of response from within. He wasn't blind to Mero's advances, there was something there and Qotho just prayed he was behind the door.

To his relief, it was pulled open, a disgruntled Mero and Oberyn looking at who stood there, their eyes focused on Qotho. His face was one of shock, Mero not surprising, but Oberyn - that was a whole other deal. "What is it?" Mero asked.

"Daenerys gave birth, and Rhaenar's walked off with the baby." Mero's eyes almost ran to the back of his head as his lids closed, shaking his head. "I didn't want to scare anybody, but I thought you might be able to find her."

Mero nodded. "I'll find her." He uttered, his body feeling heavy at the news. She was going to be a mess. Oberyn and Mero turned back into the room, Oberyn sending a questioning look to Mero as he didn't understand a word of what was going on. "Daenerys has had her baby, and Rhae's walked off with it." A sullen silence settled over them as they stood in the room, taking it in. "I'll go find her."

"I'll come, you won't want to do this alone." Mero agreed, his throat thick.

Rhaenar had set herself down, her face wet from the silent tears as her hands shook. Daemon was so precious and so small, she couldn't believe he was born by Daenerys. It didn't feel right, it didn't feel like she deserved him. Mero buckled as he found Rhae in the throne room, perched on the bottom of the stairs with a bundle of beige blankets in her arms. "Peach." He whispered, his own heart breaking as she swallowed down a sob, her thumb locked into the child's grip. "You need to give him back."

Rhae shook her head, the bells jingling. "I can't." She cried out, resting into his body as his arms came around her. "It's not fair, it's not fair that she got her baby." Mero looked up, his nose shooting in pain as his ducts began to gather. He wouldn't cry in front of her, he had to be strong.

"I know, I know how much you wish for one, my love; and it's not fair." He uttered, his voice wavering slightly as the tears clawed their way up his throat, choking him.

"I want to keep him, I need to." Rhae whimpered, hugging Daemon closer to her chest. The child was oblivious to the heart break around him, her heart wishing beautiful dreams were filling his head.

Mero shook his head, his chest pounding at the sight. "You can't baby, he belongs to her." But she wished he belonged to her. Rhaenar wished it was her own son, and rather than the tears of sadness that graced her cheeks, they were tears of joy. Never again would she experience carrying her child, feeling them growing stronger and stronger every day before being able to hold them and soothe them. Rhae would never get to form their unbreakable bond between Mother and child; she would be left as the aunt.

Mero continued to hold on tight to Rhaenar, his own heart breaking as her shoulders sagged. "Look at me." He whispered, clutching her face for a moment. She raised it, her eyes darting to anywhere but him. Rhae was hurt, and couldn't help the complete devastation that gripped her body. "I promise you that one day we will have a baby, and she will be as beautiful as you are; but he isn't ours and you need to let go of him."

Oberyn watched as she refused again, no one happy with the sight of the broken Queen. "Peach please, with everything in my power, I will give you a baby; even if I have to fight for some rare elixir that will reverse all that, that witch did to you, okay?" Mero had shuffled from beside him to in front of, fallen to his knees as his eyes begged her to see sense. "Please." He whimpered again, his hands falling around the boy.

Oberyn stepped forward silently as Rhae's grip loosened, the sob echoing through the great walls of the throne room. Mero's hand settled beneath the head, his other on the body as he lifted Daemon up and away, quickly passing him to Oberyn who hurried from the room.

Mero's arms locked around her, not letting her move from him as her hands beat against his back. "I'd trade it all for my own." She whimpered, her body heaving at the hysteria.

"I know, Peach. I know. It's not fair." He tried to soothe, pressing his lips to her hairline. He'd trade it all to give her one, if it meant he could see her happy. "We'll have our own, I promise you, we'll have our own." He chanted, not truly believing it. 

"Is she okay?" She asked softly, thinking of her sister and how worried she and Daario must be.

Mero nodded. "She's okay. But are you okay?" It was a dumb question.


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