Falling For My Best Friend (K...

By arabella949

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A Katsuki BakugoxOC book. Akari Sasaki has a rare quirk that allows her to manipulate elements. Join her on h... More

Main Character & Authors Note
Chapter One: Orgin
Chapter Two: What it takes to be a Hero
Chapter Three: Roaring Muscles
Chapter Four: What I Can Do for Now
Chapter Five: Rage, You Damn Nerd
Chapter Six: Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter Seven: Bakugo's Start Line
Chapter Eight: Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!
Chapter Nine: Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter Ten: Game Over
Chapter Eleven: All Might
Chapter Twelve: In Each of Our Hearts
Chapter Thirteen: Answers Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: That's The Idea, Ochaco
Chapter Fifteen: Roaring Sports Festival
Chapter Sixteen: In Their Own Quirky Ways
Chapter Seventeen: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Chapter Eighteen: Calavary Battle Final
Chapter Nineteen: The Boy Born with Everything
Chapter twenty: Victory or Defeat
Chapter Twenty One: Battle On, Challengers!
Chapter Twenty Two: Bakugo vs Uraraka
Chapter Twenty Three: Shoto Todoroki; Origin
Chapter Twenty Four: Fight On Iida
Chapter Twenty Five: Todoroki vs Bakugo
Chapter Twenty Six: Time To Pick Some Names
Chapter Twenty Seven: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hero Killer
Chapter Twenty Nine: Climax
Chapter Thirty: The Aftermath of Hero Killer; Stain
Chapter Thirty One: Listen Up!! A Tale From The Past
Chapter Thirty Two: Gear Up For Final Exams
Chapter Thirty Three: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part one
Chapter Thirty Four: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part two
Chapter Thirty Five: Encounter
Chapter Thirty Six: Game Start
Chapter Thirty Seven: Two Hero's Part One
Chapter Thirty Eight: Two Hero's Part Two
Chapter Thirty Nine: Two Hero's Part Three
Chapter Forty: Two Hero's Part Four
Chapter Forty One: Wild, Wild Pussycats
Chapter Forty Two: Kota
Chapter Forty Three: A Night of Tragedy
Chapter Forty Four: The Aftermath
Chapter Forty Five: Attempted Rescue
Chapter Forty Six: Symbol of Peace
Chapter Forty Seven: One For All
Chapter Forty Eight: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
Chapter Forty Nine: I Love You (Lemon)
Chapter Fifty: Moving Into Dorms
Chapter Fifty One: Create Those Ultimate Moves
Chapter Fifty Two: The Test
Chapter Fifty Three: Save The World With Love
Chapter Fifty Four: Provisional Hero License Exam
Chapter Fifty Five: A Talk About Your Quirk
Chapter Fifty Six: Deku vs Kacchan Part Two
Chapter Fifty Seven: A Season For Encounters
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Scoop on U.A Class 1-A
Chapter Sixty: Princess (Lemon)
Chapter Sixty One: Overhaul
Chapter Sixty Two: Boy Meets...
Chapter Sixty Three: Fighting Fate
Chapter Sixty Four: An Unpleasant Talk
Chapter Sixty Five: GO!!

Chapter Fifty Eight: Unrivaled

475 13 5
By arabella949

After writing my apology letter to my Dad which mainly consisted of me telling him how much I loved him. I was back in class and studying more than ever since I wasn't able to tell Katsuki about class I had to avoid him but in that extra time I spent many hours practicing my Quirk.

I was indeed correct about the work studies, they are like internships but consist of more extraneous work and actual hero work. Thinking about it now since I did my internship with Endeavor, would I be doing my work study with the now number one hero? Izuku's house arrest had just finished and he was now profusely apologizing to our classmates which they all forgave him for.

"Time to take your seats everyone" Dad said making everyone scurry to there appropriate spots.

"Morning, now that Midoriya is back we'll go into more detail about what the work studies entail, go ahead and come in" Dad said and the door slide open.

"I'll have people who have experienced them firsthand explain, I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships. These three are third years at U.A, they rank at the very top of our student body, you may know them as the Big Three" Dad said as three older students came in.

My eyes widen as I see the face from the wall from a few days ago, how could I be so stupid to not realize it was him? Of course Izuku and I had seen him before, he fought in the Sport's Festivals and was always naked but never placed. The other two of the three consisted of a girl with purple hair and a boy who looked really shy, I don't think the other two placed in the Sports Festival either.

"The best of the hero course" Sero says as we look at the Big Three.

"Oh Wow!" Mina says overly excited.

"Of all the talented students here, they're the ones at the top" Iida adds on.

"They're on a different level, still in school but practically pro heroes" I heard Momo say from behind me.

"If they're as good as I hear then they're the students we should be chasing after" I say aloud.

"They don't look all that special to me, except the girl she's pretty hot" Kaminari says making me groan at his comment.

"Get to it, introduce yourselves briefly, let's start with Amajiki" Dad says and my attention lulls over to the shy guy.

Amajiki looks up at everyone with an intense look making everyone freak out and gasp.

"It's no good, you two go, I just can't" Amajiki says looking down again, visibly shaking.

"Even if I try to imagine them as potatoes, I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people, no words are coming out, my minds blank and my mouth is dry" Amajiki says.

"Uhh" I mumble and tilt my head confused.

"I can't say anything, I wanna...go home" Amajiki says shaking in fear.

"Okay so um, are you really one of U.A's top heroes?" Ojiro asks the timid boy.

"Come on Amajiki, you need to have the heart of a lion not a kitten" The purple haired girl encourages him.

"You know, even though you're human, get what I mean? This is our kitten, Tamaki Amajiki and hi, my name is Nejire Hado" Hado introduced them.

"I'm supposed to talk about work studies, you first years have a really exciting time ahead of you. Hey wait hold on" Hado stops herself while walking up to Shoji.

"Why are you wearing a mask? Is it cause you're feeling sick? Or just, trying to look cool?" Hado says getting very close to the boy.

"Uh, well" Shoji stammers but before he responds the bubbly girl jumps up.

"Oh wow! And you must be Todoroki, am I right? Yeah! How'd you get that big burn on your face?" She asks and my eyes widen at the upfront question.

"Uh, that's none of your-" Shoto begins to say but she interrupts him.

"And Ashido, if your horns break off you think you'll grow new ones? Ooh and can you wiggle them?" The purplette asks while pointing at Mina.

"Oh Mineta are those balls your hair or what? I don't get it" She says looking over to him.

"Oh Oh, Sasaki what's it like to have Mr. Aizawa as a father figure? Does he make you train even harder with that awesome Quirk of yours? Can you manipulate two elements at the same time?" She turns to me excited and I just stare back.

"Oh my goodness! There's so much I want to know about every one of you, let's have a Q and A" Hado says balling her fists in excitement.

'Yeah I have a Q, what the hell is this girl on to be so excited?' I think to myself.

"Aw! She's a total airhead, even cuter" Kaminari says blushing.

"All those questions make her sound so young" Mina commented.

"She want's to know everything about my balls! I'll spill my secrets, come get up close and personal!" Mineta says like a horny school boy, I just groaned in annoyance.

"Calm down" I hear Sero tell him annoyed like me.

"Hey Ojiro, can you support your entire body weight with that tail of yours?" Hado asks leaning in closely.

"Um well ya see-" Ojiro says awkwardly.

"Come on, tell me! I wanna know!" Hado says leaning in even closer.

"This is completely irrational" Dad says while activating his Quirk.

"Oh there's no need for you to worry Eraser Head. I'm up next and I'll get the audience refocused" The guy from the wall said.

"The futures gonna be...?" The guy leaned forward while waiting for us to say something.

"Gonna be what?" Kaminari asks confused.

"Awful! That's your part guys! Oh crap, my call and response was a total fail" He said and then started laughing uncontrollably.

"Okay you guy's look like you have no idea what's going on, I guess we are third years who just showed up in your classroom to explain a program that's completely voluntary. I can see how you'd be confused by that" The guy explained.

"Hm, you guys got your provisional licenses as first years right? Huh! This batch of new students has proven to be pretty darn energetic, so the problem is" He said while holding his chin thoughtfully "You must not have a sense of humor, that's why my joke didn't land"

"Don't do it" Amajiki said now looking towards him, as well as Hado.

"Heads up, the rad new plan is all of you first years to fight me at once!" He said while holding his fist in the air.

"Huh? HUH?!" Everyone gasped out utterly confused.

"You wanna fight us?" Kirishima asked confused.

"What like now?" Sero asked looking around.

"Katsuki is gonna be so mad he missed a fight" I chuckle lightly thinking of the poor angry boy at the dorms.

"Well if you want them to experience our experience this is a pretty rational way of doing it then, right Eraser Head? Rational?" The guy said rubbing his nose.

"Do whatever you want" Dad said tired.


After changing into our gym uniforms and making our way to Ground Gamma, class 1-A stood in front of Mirio Togata. He was stretching while we all stood awkwardly wondering if we were really all going to fight him.

"Is he... for real?" Sero asked worried.

"Oh yeah, totes real" Mirio said still stretching.

"Mirio, you're impossible" Amajiki said, he was standing face first in front of a wall.

"It would have been simple enough for us to just tell them, 'This is what it's like, here's what we learned from it' Not everyone has your level of drive" Amajiki stated.

"Plus, think about how bad it'll look if some of them can't recover after fighting you. No one want's to spend the next few years in a hospital bed" Amajiki said and my eyes widen.

"I bet he's just trying to psych us out" Kirishima said.

"I don't know, he is apart of the big three" I mumble trying to remember what Mirio's Quirk is from the festival.

"Hey listen up, it's story time" Hado said making our attention go towards her, Hado was poking Mina's horns.

"Long ago a student got frustrated in class and quit being a hero and it was terrible for everyone, did you know that?" Hado asked still poking Mina who looked afraid.

"So Togata, I know our job is tough but you better make sure you know what you're doing, be careful okay?" Hado asked him.

"Please stop touching those" Mina said annoyed.

"Let's think about this, you're obviously much further ahead than us but we've fought Pro's before" Tokoyami pointed out.

"Not to mention we took down some legitimate villains, I don't think you need to worry about hurting us. We're not a buncha wannabes" Kirishima said sure of himself but I elbowed him in the side for being so boastful.

"Mm! Heard but you're gonna have to show me that's the truth, now who's gonna start this party?" Mirio said surely.

'Is it to late to back out?' I think to myself knowing this is gonna be bad.

"I've got this" Kirishima said sticking his arm out and hardening it.

"No, I'm first" Izuku said firmly looking forward.

"You stole my thunder!" Kirishima complained and I pulled him back next to me.

"View this as a learning experience, it's a good opportunity for you" Dad yelled out to us.

"Oh the problem child! Yes, this is perfect. I've heard you got plenty a fire in ya" Mirio said excited.

Izuku stretched backwards then stepped forward getting ready to attack. I raised my arms getting ready to manipulate the air.

"Let's do it!" Kirishima said slashing his hardened arms together.

"We've got ourselves a new mentor, thanks for the opportunity man! The opportunity to kick your butt" Kirishima said proudly.

"Someone's full of himself today" I grumble.

Izuku takes off towards Mirio while activating his Quirk but before Izuku even gets to him his clothes fall off. I hear screams from the girls behind me and I instantly look away from him.

"Why did your clothes just fall off?!" Sero screams out.

"Oopsy! My Quirk's kinda tricky" Mirio says while putting his pants back on.

Izuku was quick to still take action and did a shoot style kick at his head. Although when Izuku should've made contact, his foot went right through Mirio's head. Izuku slide back and Mirio just looked back at him.

"Went for the face huh?" Mirio asked but Izuku didn't get to reply because my classmates attacked.

Sero and Aoyama both shot their Quirk at him but it only went right through, crashing into the boulders where Izuku was. I stood still trying to think of a way we could fight him. The smoke cleared and Mirio was gone, my eyes widening.

"What's this? Where'd he go?" Iida asks.

"I think I'll start by taking out the long distance fighters" Mirio said popping up behind Jiro.

Each classmate attacked Mirio but he was to fast and his Quirk was unknown making it harder to understand where he would be. Mirio punched my classmates in the stomach making them fall to the ground at an unbelievably rate. Thank god I was crowded in with the close combat people. 

"POWERRR!" Mirio screamed out while somehow getting his pants on again.

"Think that's it for the long distance fighters, all that's left are the ones who specialize in close quarters combat" Mirio said looking at us.

"I have no idea how he just did that" Kirishima said.

"It's one thing to be able to phase through stuff but warping too?" I hear Uraraka comment.

"He's unrivaled, do we stand a chance?" Ojiro asked worried.

"Hold the flattery" Mirio said getting into position once again.

"It can't be warping and phasing, there's more to his Quirk than we're seeing" I comment to Izuku who now stood next to me.

"Whether his true power is slipping though matter or whether he's somehow warping himself through space. Either way he's still landing direct attacks" Izuku says back to me and my classmates who aren't groaning on the floor look back at us.

"We should be able to counter him right in the moment he's about to make contact even if we can't tell what he's doing, we should theorize with what we do know and then use that to beat him" I inform my classmates and Izuku nods agreeing.

"Yeah, you said it" Kirishima says now ready to fight.

Mirio then began to run straight for us but then dropped into the ground. I squinted my eyes and got ready for a quick attack. I stood in front of Izuku but as I felt him move behind me Izuku was kicking his leg up towards Mirio who came up from behind. Although Mirio was surprised Izuku knew his plan he was still punched Izuku.

'He's coming from behind' I think to myself as I watch him take out my classmates.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath feeling the air around me, with my eyes closed I sense Mirio coming up from behind me. I side step out of the way and feel him barely brush past me, I then open my eyes determined to get some justice for my classmates. I whip air at him as fast as I can but I can see his smile on his face as I feel the wind glide right through him.

"Damn it" I say and Mirio is quick to throw his leg into mine making me wobbly and he punches me into the ground.

Groans could be heard throughout the training ground as class 1-A laid in pain. I stared up at the roof thinking about why I agreed to do this.

"Wow! You really almost got me there Sasaki!" Mirio says looking down at me and I just groan in response.

After we all got up, most still hunched over in pain, the big three stood in front of us.

"I tried to make it so you wouldn't see my willy, sorry if you got a peak but that's a taste of what it's like to fight me" Mirio said cheerful.

"We all just got punched in the stomach without ever knowing what was going on" Izuku said holding his stomach.

"Right so whaddaya think? Isn't my Quirk strong?" Mirio asked and I raised my brows.

"Yeah, it's to strong!" Sero yelled out.

"That's not fair!Mine's nothing in comparison" Toru added in.

"How can you slip through things and warp? Do you have multiple powers like Todoroki and Kari?" Mina asked frantically.

"Nope, just the one" Mirio replied while putting his hands on his hips.

"Just one" Izuku said thoughtfully.

"Ooh! I know! I'll tell you what his Quirk is, hey, hey, can I say it? Permeation! Cool right?" Hado said very cheerfully.

"Hado, let Mirio explain his own power" Amajiki said still standing in front of the wall.

"Yup! I've got a sweet Quirk that's called Permeation, what you guys thought of as a warp was you guess it, simply an alternative application of that power, Oh sorry Hado" Mirio explained why Hado tugged on his shirt.

"So how exactly do you warp huh?" Izuku asked wide eyed.

"I activate my Quirk in my entire body then I can pass through anything I want, no sweat. Everything! That includes solid ground" Mirio explained to us while tapping the ground with his foot.

"So that was you falling though the floor of the gym?" I asked him surprised.

"That's right, I went deep underground and then whenever I release my Quirk while I'm falling something super strange happens, apparently things with mass can't overlap so I get propelled upward! Think of it this way, the ground spits me out and I fly up into the air" Mirio explained.

"That's how my warp works, by adjusting the direction I'm facing or the pose I'm holding, I can change the angle I come out at so I can aim at different spots" Mirio finished off.

"That sounds like a buggy video game" Mina told him which made me almost snicker.

"Hey that's pretty funny!" Mirio laughs out uncontrollably.

"You're able to avoid any attacks and you can move where you want in an instant, awe! You were born with a really strong Quirk" Tsu commented thoughtfully.

Thinking back to when I was younger, being born with a strong Quirk is not easy. Learning control and patience was key parts in learning how to use my Quirk efficiently.

"Not true, my power's only strong because I made it that way. While my Quirk is activated my lungs can't take in oxygen even if I breath in the air will just pass through. In the same way, my ear drums don't work and light can't go through my retinas" Mirio told us.

"I can pass through everything but that means I can't feel anything while I'm in that state even though I have a body, I can't stop falling. I could probably keep going down forever, does that make sense? That's why if I wanna go through something like say, a wall, I have a concentrate really hard. I'll activate everything except one leg then I release the other leg and land on it and then the first leg is the last one to go through. Even for a simple action like that, they're a bunch of little steps involved" Mirio explained to us.

"Oh man, If I were in a hurry I would mess that up every single time" Kaminari commented.

"Seriously, if you can't feel anything how are you supposed to move?" Mineta asked.

"Growing up, I was always behind as you might expect. In no time, I'd drop to dead last. I dropped my pants a lot too. In order to get to the top with this Quirk, I couldn't just hope that things would get better, I had to think" Mirio said while poking his forehead "I learned to make combat decisions and picked up a few new tricks but above all, I learned to predict what would happen next. And what made those predictions possible in the first place was experience, I based my predictions on what I'd learned"

"This was kinda a round a bout way to get the point a crossed but that's why I wanted to fight, to show you through experience rather than words. In our work studies, we're not treated as guests like in our internships. We're regarded as one of the sidekicks or even as a pro! That can be super scary, pro's can get hurt and sometimes they end up watching people die but every scary and painful thing you go through is an important experience that you can't get inside a classroom, even at U.A." Mirio said then formed a fist with a determined face.

"I transformed the experience I got from my work study into power. That's how I got to the top spot and it's why I think they're worth it even if you're scared, Y'with me first years?" Mirio asked.

I smiled wide and clapped with my classmates at the incredible speech he gave. Now having our licenses we'll be treated like pro's when we are out. Excitement was bubbling inside me as I thought about the impending work studies.

"Let's get back to class now, say 'Thank you'" Dad said making everyone's attention go over to him.

"Thank you very much!" We all told the big three.


"HEYYY! IF YOU GOT TRASH THEN BRING IT OVER HERE, RIGHT NOW!" Katsuki yelled, we had only gotten back to the dorms a few hours ago.

"Bakugo! Thanks!" Kirishima yelled while running to give him trash.

"SURE!" Katsuki yelled back.

"I have some as well" Tokoyami said calmly.

"HAND IT OVER!" Katsuki yelled at him.

"Mine too!" Kaminari said.

"And mine" Sero said holding his up.

"This is heavy" Mineta said carrying an overly large bag.

"Thanks man" Sato told him, I snickered while watching from the sofas with the rest of the girls.


"Togata's story of how he went to last place to the top was so killer, wasn't it?" Mina said swooning.

"It was very inspirational!" I agreed with her.

"I'm really looking forward to getting into a work study now" Tsu said.

"I hope we get the chance, I think they're still figuring out what to do with us first years" Uraraka added in.

"I suppose there's nothing we can do until Mr. Aizawa gives us the go ahead" Momo said while brushing her hair.

Thinking back to class after we fought Mirio, Dad explained that the school faculty was having a meeting if the first years would be able to do work studies. It wasn't very simple since the media would definitely have a hay day if they found out about it.

I hoped to go to Endeavor's agency for a work study but since he's now number one, I'm not sure that will be an option. With the impending villains going deeper into the darkness and forming new alliances, who knows what it will bring.

~End of Season Three~

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