Winter Rose.

By imintheblackparade

581K 24K 5.3K

There were two babes in the Tower of Joy. Two babes tied so closely to their parents, Ned had to make the de... More

Part ii.
Part iii.
Part iv.
Part v.
A/N about the book
Part vi.
Part vii.
Part viii.
Part ix.
Ending A.i.
Ending A. ii.
Ending A. iii.
Ending A. iv.
Ending B.i.
Ending B. ii.
Ending B. iii.
Ending B. iv.
Ending c.
A/N and bloopers.


2.3K 115 32
By imintheblackparade

For some reason this was my favourite chapter to write. Also, expect some kind of modern language rather than the usual Game of Thrones style that the series uses, just because I can't manage it. I like to write fluff too much. 

Rhaenar found herself tucked beneath Mero's hulking figure as the violet of pre-dawn surrounded the pair; her hands stretched across the plains of his back as her chest was left exposed to the frigid air, goosebumps having raised across the smooth flesh. After the excitement of yesterday, Rhaenar could barely keep her hands from finding Mero's as they escaped back to the tent, desperate to collapse into bed and into the clutches of sleep.

The crown sat on the chair beside them, the chain that had been wrapped around her shoulders quickly unclipped and settled within the silver piece to prevent it from getting lost on the floor; their clothes discarded around them as he brought the furs up, cloaking their bodies. It was odd to think of this large man having clutched her like a teddy bear, his head buried within her chest as her arms kept him safe for a change. He didn't care if he looked vulnerable in that moment, just that the woman he wanted was holding him.

What wasn't covered by the furs, had been left to Mero's dutiful hands. The right almost instantly snaking up, cupping at the screwed flesh of her nipple. He could feel the hardness within the little bundle of nerves, the pad of his thumb almost covering it whole as he teased it. Small jolts of electrical currents from his ministrations, her mouth opening slightly at the feeling. Mero glanced up, his eyes locking onto her face before taking the other nipple into his mouth, swallowing the cold bud with his hot tongue. Rhaenar jolted, hands itching to dig through his hair as she tightened her grip on his back. She had to think about the Iron Bank, she couldn't keep herself within his embrace all of today.

Rhaenar whined, Mero's hands slinking away, his fingertips brushing the curve of her hip before stopping at her thigh; his hand locking around the underside of the knee before pulling it up. "Mero, no." She uttered, not entirely sure herself but his hand left her at the word no, sleep ladened eyes blinking up at her.

She had forgotten that no almost always meant no to him, that any time she changed her consent would stop at the drop of a hat, no questions asked unless they were in far too deep that her no actually meant keep going, and that she was just scrambling for words to utter. "I know, you have the Iron Bank today." He said softly, his voice thick with sleep.

"I'm sorry."

Mero rose onto his elbows, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it, you're a Queen. You have more important things to worry about than me." She grinned at him, cupping his cheek.

"Any other time." Rhaenar tried to soothe but Mero rolled his eyes with a smile, flopping onto his back beside her.

"Go, get ready. You need it." She gasped, pushing at him as he chuckled, their eyes meeting for a moment. "So ugly." He teased.

Rhaenar stuck her tongue out. "I'll have you know many men wish to be in your position, I can easily replace you." She quipped back before standing from the bed, the cold embracing her body as she stretched.

Mero's eyes ran appreciatively down her body, his eyes never leaving her ass as she stepped away. "I'd like to see you try!" He called after her, remembering himself as she disappeared from view. Rhaenar smiled as she reached forward for her undergarments, slipping them on beneath her tunic. She grasped the suede of her breeches, pulling them onto her legs before tucking the tunic into the dark breeches; tying them at the waist to prevent them from slipping. She grasped her boots next, the same boots she had walked in back in Vaes Dothrak.

They were becoming faded now, she had sent them to be repaired so many times, she was unsure if they even counted as the same boots. But she supposed she was like that, pieces of her replaced by armies and dragons; she wasn't the same woman that stood beside her brother to greet her future husband; Rhaenar Waters was dead, a Queen had grown in her place.

She pulled the dark coat onto her body, slipping her arms through the sleeves. Her movements restricted by the harsh leather, binding her inside as she took in the sight of herself. Braavos had brought out a new side, the first true taste of life as Queen. Like Mero had said, she was just a girl of twenty, surrounded by 30,000 men willing to lay down their lives for her.

Rhaenar couldn't help but wonder what Daenerys would think of her, returning with the Golden Company with hopeful news on the assassination attempt. She could imagine Ser Jorah standing beside Daenerys, and Missandei looking after her city; their eyes wide if she returned with them all, that golden armour glinting beneath the harsh rays of the sun.

Though, she doubted Daenerys would even notice, a moon and more had passed since they'd left Meereen, and she was sure by now that Daenerys would be showing. It pained her to remember, to continue to keep those feelings locked in a box as it rattled in her chest. Perhaps by the time they'd return, she would almost be ready to have her child.

A healthy, bouncing, living child. Her jaw locked at the very thought, her heart racing in her ears.

She glanced up, Rhaegar's indigo eyes stared back at her in the mirror, her face morphing in front of her eyes to an older, higher cheekbones man; one and the same before shifting back, as though a trick in the light. She jumped back, her eyes running over the same shocked expression she held.

It was just a trick of the light, a reflection from another mirror as she spotted the tall man. But the flicker had been a familiar face, the same face of the pale haired man as before, his figure hovering at the room as he watched her. Rhaenar's head turned, looking at him as he looked to her through the mirror.

What was he doing here, again? "Do you need help?" He questioned, raising a brow.

"Who are you?" It was their second meeting, it was only fair that she got a name.

He laughed, shaking his head. "A nobody."

Her brow quirked at his reply. The man reached down, their eyes locking onto a pin positioned on his lapel. He clasped it, tugging it free of his own black doublet before reaching out before him, pinning it to her jacket breast. The three headed dragon glinted in the flames that surrounded them, ruby eyes staring forward. It was a similar piece to the chain that Harry had bestowed upon her, but this less ostentatious as the other pieces but with just as much regality. "Everybody is a somebody to someone."

He chuckled, begging to disagree with the statement. "Is my name that important to you? That you have to make me a somebody to someone." She was the someone, and she nodded, the pin only raising her curiosity. "Then be content with Egg."

She frowned. "Egg? You're telling me that out of all the names that your parents could pick, they chose to use the word to describe something that gets excreted from an orifice?" This Egg character cracked a smile, nodding. "Bullshit."

"What does it matter what my name is?" He crossed his arms this time, mocking her slightly as she glared up at him. "I'm a nobody; keep it that way." He went to move, but Rhaenar's hand shot out, keeping him still.

"Please do not make me ask again." He faultured in his steps as her indigo eyes met his, her short stature not offering much but a neck ache as he glanced down to meet her gaze.

"Fine, my name is Grae." Her hand let go, nodding.

"Was that so hard?" She questioned, the smile returning to her face as she pulled back her own strands of silver-gold, tying them into a long braid.

Grae watched her for a moment before looking to her quarters. "I better go, they need me." He uttered before swiftly departing, Rhaenar not having enough to pull him back. She sighed, glancing down.

"Everything alright here?" Mero asked, his head popping through the door. Rhaenar pushed a smile onto her face as she nodded, running her hands over the coat, smoothing it out. "Where'd you find that?" He jutted his chin to the pin, Rhaenar's eyes dropping down to the three headed dragon.

"One of Harry's men had it, he helped me get ready." Mero shot her a quizzical look but kept silent; thinking better than to question it. "Are you ready?" She asked.

He popped out of the curtain, displaying his jacket and breeches, his boots in hand. She grinned, seeing his own singular dragon pin attached into the leather. "As are the Unsullied, if you choose for them to accompany you to the Iron Bank."

Rhaenar nodded. "Yes, we'll take them. I'm not willing to risk anything while we're there." She said softly, looking at him. "You'll remain by my side for all of it?"

"Always." He said, sincerity lacing his tone as he stepped further into the confined space. "I'll be with you every step of the way."

Rhaenar smiled. "Until I say stop."

He nodded. "Until you say stop." She took his arm after he pulled his boots on, his hand quick to grasp his long sword that sat to the side before leading her out and into the open area.

The Unsullied stood moseying around, some chatting quietly to each other as they waited patiently. It was nothing shy of a frigid morning, the sun that had only just risen yet to warm their skin as they stood on the outskirts of their tents. Her indigo eyes darted over their new coats, ensuring again that they were dressed properly before nodding to Blue, his back straightening as he stood. "Cold morning, no?" She joked, noticing the mist of breath.

He nodded. "Freezing, Khaleesi. Why are these men not cold?" He questioned, looking out to the stray Golden soldiers who stumbled around in nothing but thin tunics and woolen pants.

"They're used to it, plus they're still half drunk from last night's festivities." Blue smirked. "If you're not warm enough, put on a woolen jumper underneath; I'd rather you stay warm." Rhae urged softly, cupping his cheek for a moment before pulling back. Even to her hand, he felt rather cold to the touch.

"We will be fine Khaleesi once we move." Rhae was unsure for a moment, but Red bundled his arms around Blue, smiling down to his Khaleesi. "I think we can survive a little cold."

"The offer still stands." She affirmed, looking between all of her boys who grinned at her. "And don't think about complaining once we reach the bank."

Red shot her a cheeky grin. "Alright, mother." She gasped, laughing as she pushed at him; the towering boy barely moving as the other's life. "I'm sorry Khaleesi."

"You better be." They both knew he wasn't as he lent against his brother, his dark eyes shining in mirth as he watched her just double check with the others.

Mero smiled at them all, jolting Red's shoulder with his own as he waited patiently to stop smothering them. "Don't." He tried to warn, but the boys shook him off too as they dared him to say something. "Rhae, leave the boys be. They're old enough to make their own decisions."

"Shush you." She uttered, shaking her head. "They may be old enough but they're my boys, they're going to be well looked after." If they look after her, and protect her; it was only fair that Rhaenar did the same in whatever way she could. And currently, that was making sure they would be warm.

"Your Grace, a word." They turned, spotting Harry to the side, a bashful look on his face. Rhaenar smiled, nodding as she left the boys, side eyeing them all as they chuckled amongst themselves.

"Yes, Harry? What is it?" A blush rose to his cheeks, subtle against the tanned skin but still there regardless.

He grasped his sword. "I just wanted to offer you more men if you need them for your trip." Rhaenar's brows softened as she watched him for a moment, the two stopping just to the side. "You know, protection wise."

"Thank you, Harry; but I'm sure I'll be okay with my Unsullied." He nodded, stumbling a moment as he looked to the floor.

"Right, of course, well, the offer is still there if you need it." She smiled at his soft composure, the flush rushing to his ears as his dark eyes looked to anything but her. Was this his way of wanting to be there?

She took hold of his hand. "Harry, would you like to join?"

His face shifted from the subtle redness to a full blow tomato as he shook his head, the mousy strands dancing at his eyes. "Me? No, course not. I'm far too busy here with... my men... and my elephants..." She was sure she was going to fall in love with the nature of this man.

Rhaenar patted his hand before dropping it, clasping her own together. "Alright, but the offer still stands. We're leaving soon."

A thought struck him as he stood there. "Actually Khaleesi, I was hoping we could discuss what the Golden Company would do in your absence. We were rather hoping that we could join you in Meereen; the commanders all agree." Rhae hesitated for a moment, unsure. That would require more boats, Daenerys knowing exactly what she'd done while she was here, while alerting the entirety of the world that the Golden Company had joined her - and that's if the news of the tournament hadn't already reached Daenerys's ears.

She shuffled. "Let me think more on it, Harry. It's not that I wouldn't love you all there, but tensions in Meereen are..." She tried to find the word for it. She and her sister didn't see eye to eye, and flaunting this new power wouldn't exactly ease them both. Dany didn't need stress with this pregnancy, the Gods knew how Rhae would worry when it came to the labour; her own hovering just on the edges of her mind. "Odd. The only reason I suggest you remain here and take up other contracts is due to wanting to keep it all low profile. And yesterday wasn't exactly that..."

He shot her a guilty grin that she waved off, not worrying after the fantastic day they had, had. "I am sorry, Your Grace."

"Please. Don't be. We'll discuss this once I get back, alright? And we still have yet to talk to Humfrey Stone's family." She reminded him.

Harry's eyes widened. "Of course, I'll round up the rest of the Stones and get them to see if they know anything." She grinned gratefully.

"Thank you, Harry." The blush remained on the man's cheeks even after they broke apart, and the Unsullied took their place around her, keeping her tight within their position as they left the camp. Knowing that the Bank wasn't far from the camp, they had walked; back past the Sealord's Palace and through Braavos' streets , to the Bank.

Rhaenar breathed as she took in the impressive marble structure, as tall as it was wide with glinting white reflecting back the rays of the early morning sun. Busy merchants fluttered from one end to the other, selling wears or trying to get to their work as they dodged the slow walkers of the crowd. Finely dressed people were exiting and entering the bank, each dressed in a rich, dark shade of a colour. They must have worked there, she thought; all with the same pattern on their uniform.

She wasn't sure about entering, but knowing that the Iron Bank had requested her presence forced her to. Rhaenar took each step as carefully as she could as the curious eyes darted their way, letting her pass between them. She stood, gazing up at the marble doors for a moment. A single emblem sat in gold upon the dark wood; two golden triangles crossed in the manner of an hourglass, with two hands extending from left and right of the point where the triangles meet, their palms held upwards. She should have perhaps taken that as an omen of time wasters.

Rhaenar watched as the set of double doors opened up, a woman dressed in a fine purple silk dress gazed back at her. "Queen Rhaenar, of House Targaryen." She swallowed, nodding. "If you would follow me, Tycho will see you in a moment." Mero glanced down to his Queen as she nodded, following after her.

The inside was made of a mix between grey and green marble, tall columns holding the room every few metres or so; with tall, white windows letting the rays of light reflect from the fresh marble. There were businessmen everywhere, conversing as they held books, each with a key around their necks; some leading off to the number of doors that broke from the room.

They were led through another set of doors, away from the foyer and into another side room; this one as equally as grand as the foyer. A long table sat to the right of the room, a set of doors behind that with the same emblem hanging over the top. Golden shutters were pulled back from the large windows, though the glass wasn't clear enough to see out. Despite the light, it still felt dark in the room; her body shifting uncomfortably as she was urged to sit; the lady that had shown them in quickly departed.

Mero coughed as he sat beside her, the Unsullied remaining standing, four at the door, six behind her, and the others milling further around. "Don't be nervous." Mero offered as he quickly laid his hand on hers, the touch easing her for a moment as she smiled at him, the light not quite reaching her eyes.

The set of doors behind the table began to open with a rumble, their weight heavy against the marble stone as they pulled back, three sets of shoes clicking their way to the table. Rhaenar stood, as did Mero as three men faced her; no doubt that the man named Tycho was sitting in front of her. The doors closed with another long rumble, the room embarking in silence once more.

Tycho appeared to be a smug man, with a beard of red adorning his face and short tufts on his head. His eyes shining in mirth as he smiled at her, motioning her to sit. Rhaenar's jaw locked as she did so, her eyes not leaving his. "Welcome to the Iron Bank." He was careful in the words he spoke, each of his words drawn out and over pronounced but soothing nonetheless. She didn't trust him. "What may we do for you, Rhaenar?"

Mero's shoulders tensed as his eyes glared to the men, fury taking hold of him. "This is Queen Rhaenar Blackfyre of the House Targaryen, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mhysa, Breaker of Chains, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons. You should address her as such." He hissed at them, their eyes shifting to Mero before falling back to the Targaryen.

"A bastard of the Targaryen house." Tycho seemed to remind her as she straightened her back.

"But a child of the house, all the more." Rhaenar said; Viserys had never treated her any differently, and she wouldn't let this man do so either. He smiled at her, the chair beneath him creaking.

"Last I heard, a bastard can only be legitimised by a King; given the name of their house by special decree." She wouldn't have come if all they were going to do was insult her. Rhaenar stood. "Please, sit; we have yet to discuss business." She didn't sit, but she didn't move either. "I must admit, Miss Waters;" Her jaw locked. "That your rebellion in Slaver's Bay has caused an issue with our finances."

She nodded. "Yes, well; it's wrong to profit off the lives of others."

"Are you not doing the same? Taxing the work they do, profiting from their labour after stripping them of their culture." Rhaenar swallowed thickly, is that what she had done? "The only difference is that you've disguised their chains for freedom. Made them believe that they want to work, that they have free choice but you are still dictating their lives." Maybe that was what she was doing...

Mero shot up. "Stop filling her head with lies. You know damn well that those men are free and living a life away from chains. If it wasn't for Rhaenar then they'd still be living under the thumb of the Masters."

Tycho glared. "Look around you; the men that surround you. They are still doing what they were before you came along, but this time you've asked them to do it from the good of their heart. What makes that any different?" For just a moment, she had doubted herself, every action for what she thought was doing good, had maybe all been done for her own selfish gain. "What we would like to ask of you, Miss Waters is that you embrace the choice of slavery. Fade away the illusion of freedom."

She couldn't do that. "No, they may have these chains and be under my control but they have a better quality of life than if they were back under the thumb of their Slave Masters. My men are more than the soldiers they were forced to become, they are more than emotionless beings. They laugh, they love, they form a bond that no one can break because I understand human emotion, I understand the wanting of someone wanting love." And that's what she truly believed.

Tycho looked to her, pity hanging in the blue of his eyes as she recoiled, sitting down. "Love has nothing to do with this."

Rhaenar shook her head, looking around to her Unsullied. They were happy with her, far happier than they would have been with the Masters. "Love has everything to do with this."

He smiled. "And what of your sister? A Queen of the Seven Kingdoms? When she has never even stepped foot in the Seven Kingdoms. That's a funny little thing, isn't it?" Rhaenar scoffed, rolling her eyes. What did it matter if Daenerys hadn't ever stepped foot in Westeros, it was her blood right, more than anyones. Tycho's brows quirked, almost inviting her to speak as he gazed down at her from his chair.

"You know nothing." And he really didn't. He didn't understand the bond of people, of human emotion, and the fury that resided in desperate people. Dany was desperate to get home, to take what was hers.

"I know everything. We have eyes and ears all over this city, not just this city but the world. We know what happens in Meereen, in King's Landing, in Lys. It means nothing to us." Rhaenar didn't expect anything different. "If you choose to cross the Narrow Sea, we will do everything in our power to ensure that you don't succeed. A King here, a rebellion there, withholding loans to the economy."

Who was he to dictate? "I think you'll find, Mr Nestoris, that my sister will cross the Narrow Sea and become an excellent candidate for Queen. So please, by all means put your money where you think best, but Fire and Blood will reign upon the Seven Kingdoms now, and who then will pay your debt? Because it won't be us, we will remember your cruel words, and we will have our due." Tycho simply smirked at the anger the woman displayed, the dragon surely snapping its jaws but he wasn't afraid. To him the dragon was nothing but an oversized snake, hissing its threat but never pouncing.

"Of course, there is a way to change that." She stilled. "Leave Slaver's Bay, let slavery rule once more and take the Iron Throne for yourself. You may be a bastard but even the Iron Bank are not blind to the power you hold."

She growled, how many times would she have to repeat her to get the message across? "Fuck yourselves. If you think everything I worked hard for, I'd let go. You are mistaken. I have no interest in the Iron Throne."

"Keep telling yourself that. If you had no interest, you wouldn't be here, conversing with us." Rhaenar was desperate to laugh, her eyes shining. They've been chastising her for reducing slavery, and now they wanted her as Queen.

"I'm here because you wanted to see me." And that was the truth.

"You're here because you walked through those doors; not because we forced you." Tycho reminded her. "If you choose to take the Iron Throne, perhaps we could over look this slavery business. We'll supply ships to Meereen to continue to keep the economy afloat, and advise traders to take up contracts in Meereen - for our benefit, of course; to keep your city from falling into ruin. In doing so, when the time is right, you will take that Iron Throne and remember who placed you there. The debt will be wiped, and you shall be Queen."

It was silent as Mero looked to Rhaenar, her lips quirking to a smirk. "No." The answer hung in the air, but Tycho didn't seem to mind; he just continued to smile.

"What would it take to convince you?" Convince her? Nothing could convince her to do such a thing to her sister, she would never dare to hurt her in such a way.

Rhaenar lent forward, her indigo eyes deadly as she smiled. "Nothing can convince me, Tycho Nestoris. I'm not someone who can be bought."

"But you are someone who can be easily swayed with emotion; why else would you have freed all those slaves if not by emotion?" Of course there was some emotion behind it. She knew what it was like to live by another's rules, to have someone dictate how you live. "I see that we are getting nowhere, I will consider this a deal not struck."

Good. "Unless there is some event to change my mind, I agree."

He grinned, feral like a cat. "Oh I shall look forward to that. Until then, goodbye Miss Waters." 

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