A Billion Dollar Mess(Complet...

By Pauly_Queen

31.5K 4K 2.4K

On her way to the university, Arabella accidentally and unknowingly gets on a flight to a totally different c... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Author's Note.
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Thank You, Dear Readers!
New Story Update!

Chapter one

1.5K 144 274
By Pauly_Queen

Bella's POV.

Mistakes are also a part of life. Remember that.

The atmosphere was pale as normal, and the fan rotated, hitting me with the cool breeze, conjoined with the already freezing weather. I already had my coat on, and had no complains whatsoever. I stared at myself in the mirror, brushing my brunette hair,pleased at every stroke and staring at ma, pa and Darcy at the reflection and gazing at my own humble abode for the supposed last time.

Instead of being a young lady's living room, it was just a room waiting for a new personality to be imposed on it.

My bedroom was small and cluttered, tucked away towards the back of the house. It used to be a bathroom before replacing the tiles with dark blue carpet and floral wallpaper. I hated flowers, but appreciated my own space.

I stopped a moment and pricked a little pimple that grew overnight on my forehead. Staring at their worry and paces in the reflection, I couldn't help but chuckle.

Pa paced from one end of the room to the other as ma sunk into the chair and pulled the thick, plush comforter to her chest. Her formfitting night gown was a pristine white. It pooled around her like liquid silk. The silk caressed her skin like a cool autumn breeze. She gazed doubtfully at me before voicing her inner madness.

"Don't go out late at night," Ma uttered hotly.

"Never go late to night clubs nor parties!" Pa added and knitted his brows.

"Never go out without pants or a bra on!" Ma fired.

"Do not come home with a boyfriend,"

"Do not return here with a child,"

"Never visit a boy alone,"

"Never visit a boy at all,"

"Call every day,"

"I never want to hear you allowed a boy touch you! I swear I'll disown you!" Ma warned.

"Have you heard!" They both thundered.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking closer to ma and squatting beside her.

"You've ran through that list a thousand times. I'm an adult now, meaning -  I can take care of myself just fine. Stop worrying too much. Your blood pressure might rise again," I smiled and patted her back softly.

"Adult? You're only eighteen for crying out loud," Pa cried out with a gloomy sigh and placed his palms on his face with a sad grimace as he sat on my old wooden bed which was saying its last goodbyes to life already.

"Nineteen, dad," I beamed. "Nineteen! And, I promise, I will never ever disobey a commandment you gave," I affirmed in my perpetual convincing tone. "You are looking at a certified neurosurgeon. And not to worry, I'll be back home, maybe." I stood up and returned the brush to the dressing table and glanced at myself once again, satisfied with my look.

"We promise. We'll get you back here immediately we have the money. Just try to manage for now," Ma promised in a motherly way and fixed her gaze at pa with a somber frown.

I nodded with a smile and turned from the noises from inside.

"All done with the boxes. Shall we go?" Darcy asked in a small panicky voice, panting heavily as she dragged the boxes out with her head sweating and her body exhausted.

"Yeah!" I yelped and grabbed my box from her and rolled it out, finally relieving her of the stress.

"Take care, honey. Call us as soon as you get there. We can't come because Nana's sick. We love you, querida." Mum said affectionately as a tear rolled down her cheek to her kitchen apron, voice soft with affection.

"Aw, mum!" I said emotionally and hugged her tight. We launched into a group hug instantly and emotions flowed through like lava.

"You better be off now. You don't want to miss your flight," Dad snapped in a casual tone and cleaned his eyes with his soiled pocket cloth.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I yelled as I stopped halfway and tried controlling the tears.

"Same here!" They yelled and mum blew her last kiss.

"Bye," I waved at them and joined Darcy in the cab, shutting the door, while the driver drove away to the airport.

I sighed and rested my head on the seat with uncontrollable tears streaming down my face as I tried my best to not look back.


We arrived the airport and everything was as busy as expected. Bustling feet, rolling bags and excess luggage. People hurrying absentmindedly like they didn't see others around, the announcement from the attendants and stressing processes I had to take.

I turned at Dar as I was about to go off with a doleful smile on my face.

"Okay, Arabella. Please stay safe. Call me when you get there, and don't get into trouble. I repeat, do not get into trouble!" Darcy worried with a poignant look, holding my hands.

"Okay mom," I replied with a sigh and we laughed.

"I'll be off now. Take care of yourself. I love you," She gave me a big hug and I could inhale the feel of her perfume one last time.

"Take care of mum and dad, please. And never leave them," I pleaded,not wanting to sound pushy and she nodded agreeably with tears clumping down her face at each nod.

"For sure," She prompted gently.

"Come on now. Don't cry. You were always very happy that I'll be leaving for college, remember?" I reminded her, raising a brow.

She ducked a little, and lowered her head before speaking up, "That was then. Now, I just feel so sad. I won't be seeing you for a long time now. Come on, Bella." Tears enthusiastically dropped from her eyes and she cleaned it quickly.

"I promise I'll call you," I said as my own eyes watered and threatened a quick downpour.

"For sure you will. You have to!" She smiled faintly.

"Yes ma'am," We laughed as our tears dried up.

"I need to go now. Have a safe flight," She finally blurted and handed over my box.

I nodded.

I smiled at her once again before she turned back and lumbered away. I sighed and attempted placing my hand on my box but I just grasped a load of air.

I looked down and scanned my eyes on the floor, but they seemed to have disappeared with no trace. What happened to my boxes! They were right there just a while ago.

"Mercedes! What are you doing? Let's go! We're gonna miss the flight with this attitude of yours!" A young man said and grabbed my arm forcefully with a surprised look ruling my face.

"What? Who's Mercedes?" I queried, confused, still roaming my eyes for my boxes in vain.

"You'll have all the time to act later. We need to go!" He dragged me urgently.

"No,i'm not Mercedes or whatever. Let. Me. Go!" I insisted, struggling his hands off mine.

"Don't make a scene. Let's go!" He yelled still,in an angry tone.

He looked so unfamiliar.  He had beautiful black silk hair that kept a half of his face hidden, although I didn't miss the hazel brown contacts. He had on an expensive electric blue suit with a matching crimson red tie. I couldn't help but notice his cold personality and how his brows knitted every time he spoke.

Was I mistaken? I don't know. Does he think i'm someone else? No! this Mercedes girl sounds rich. I cant be mistaken. He's probably from the university. Maybe? Ma did say something about someone picking me up.

His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. He drew in a long breath and grasped my arm roughly. I picked at my nails as he tugged at his shirt collar, mindedly drawing me to a different seemingly restricted area.

I lifted my shoulder in a half shrug, undoubtedly convinced this guy is from the university. It seemed pretty weird, but happiness streaked me through like a comet and I didn't care less about some random dude.

After years of dreading highschool and the challenges that came with it, I was finally going to have freedom. My freedom.

After few minutes, we got to the plane. Finally, On my way to the University. I rested my head on the seat just beside the guy from earlier and looked out the window, preparing myself for a long prepared nap I practiced for the last three years.

"First class flight, tighten your seatbelt," The attendant announced in a deluxe accent.

My jaw dropped open. My breaths seized. What?

What? First class? You have got to be Kidding me. I paid the cheapest flight I could get and its definitely not first class.

"Where are we headed to again?" I asked the guy from earlier just beside me.

He didn't answer, but kept his head up high like he didn't hear me or something.

I shook my head and lifted my shoulders in a quick shrug.

There's no way i'm going to let this first class opportunity slide. Its always been my dream. So long as i'm headed the same destination, i'm okay. I mean opportunities come but once and this I say, Is definitely not an exception.


I woke up,rubbing my palm on my sleepy eyes and stared out the window. It was beautiful. I looked around with a warm smile and turned my face at Mr. Grumpy.

The dude is in the exact same position he was before I napped. Good grief! He's so creepy.
If mum hadn't told me, I wouldn't have ever recognized him.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, the plane would land at Los Angeles in five minutes." The attendant announced again and shivers immediately ran down my spine.

Los Angeles?

Los Angeles?

Los Angeles?

How the hell did I get here? Oh. my. God. I can't let them know I'm not Mercedes. I'd be toast.

Since i got here, things just keep getting weirder. I just have to play along until I find out what's really happening. And exactly what happened to Mercedes.

We came down the plane, got our stuff, and had a crowd of people waiting. I immediately had a xenophobic attack as my teeth chattered and my hips cramped. Seeing that much people reminded me of the fact that i'm not where i'm meant to be, doing what i'm supposed to be doing.

"Excuse me, are they waiting for you?" I asked the guy with an expectant look on my face, goosebumps popping all over me.

I tried acting natural, at least until I figure how to peace this place.

"Your fans. Address them quickly. We need to move," He managed to reply, staring at his Rolex and returning his gaze to something visible to only him.

I stared at them again. Mercedes must be famous. I don't even know what to say to these people, or how to come about it. I'm gonna fail at this. I wish Dar were here.

"Miss Mercedes - We love you!" They yelled in excitement.

"We love your blogs,"

I took a deep breath and exhaled, opening my eyes and staring at the enormous crowd that readied to swallow me whole.

I turned back at him and he kept looking straight forward.

"I can't do this," I whispered.

"Be. Fast." He replied with gritted teeth.

My palms were sweaty and my head had an ocean of sweat. I looked around, my visions slowly blurring. I need to do this.

"Thanks, everyone. I love you all too," I finally voiced out in a cheerful tone.

That was the worst ever fan love statement a person could give. How did I even get into this on the first place?

"Miss Mercedes, your parents are waiting. Please get in the limo," A man said and opened the door of a limousine. The chauffeur, I guess.

It was really beautiful. I never thought I'd get to ride one of these in a life time. I got into it, along with the guy from earlier. He never seemed to smile.

"Where are we headed?" I asked the driver as I made myself a lot more comfortable.

"Your house, ma'am. Your parents have been so eager to see you. But I must say,you've changed over the years. But still so pretty," He replied.

"Thank you," I gave a slight chuckle and looked out the window.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked with a convincing smile.

"Yes ma'am," he replied.

"Who am I ?" I asked, raising a brow.

"What?" He chuckled at my statement.

"Who am I?" I asked again, trying to figure out how to handle my situation.

"Ma'am, are you feeling okay?" He asked.

"Never mind," I shrugged, getting the idea he might get suspicious.

The city was bustling and active, the traffic congested with side walks neatly swept and shitty plastic cups roughly littered at the side of a deluxe coffee shop.

The buildings were modern, towering and sleek with walls either marble, brick or glass. A few lonely aisles graffiti covered. The signs were welcoming as they stood respectively on each street. The cars were honking and screeching, probably impatient drivers; pedestrians eagerly rushed on the sidewalk and I couldn't help but feel astonished.

My eyes devoured on each detail as a quiet contentment spread through me. I wandered my eyes to Mr. Grumpy over here as he sat, untouched with an unfriendly gaze at nothing.

I travelled my eyes back to the city and I felt a surge of sadness, worry and anxiety, all at a time. Mercedes, who are you?

Author's Note.

Thank you so much for reading. I really hope this chapter didn't sound so shitty or boring.

Don't forget to vote and comment and please let me know your thought and feedback. There's always room for improvement.


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