Never Tell (Royce)

By ChresandJay_

151K 7.1K 1.3K

Jacob and Chresanto are both grown men now. Jacob is a model and actress. Chresanto owns the biggest producti... More

Chapter 1: introduction
Chapter 2: back to Cali
Chapter 3: reunited
Chapter 4: winners & Losers
Chapter 5: battles
Chapter 6: someone else
Chapter 7: moving on...i think
Chapter 8: experencing new things
Chapter 9: rise and shine
Chapter 10: assholes
Chapter 11: apologies
Chapter 12: fuck you
Chapter 13: one more time
Chapter 14: nobody knows
Chapter 15: on to the next
Chapter 16: tension (short)
Chapter 17: my addiction
Chapter 18: the dinner
Chapter 19: mornings
Chapter 21: life or death (continued)
Chapter 22: i care
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (filler to chapter 25)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (short)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (filler)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (final)
"Number" Lyrics

Chapter 20: life or death

2.3K 133 17
By ChresandJay_

Jacob's P.O.V

My eye's fluttered open as pain took over me. I blinked to regain my eye site and seen Ray looking over me.

Me: what !

Ray: well damn sorry i was making sure you were ok

Me: my bad. What happened ?

Ray: you were walking in the middle of the street and Chresanto save you and you had a minor concussion.

Me: how long have i been out ?

Ray: like 4 hours

Me: wow were is he ?

I sat up curiously as his facial expression changed. What the hell wrong with him.

Me: why are you so quiet were is he ?!

Ray: *sighing* he's i-in the hospital

Me: w-what ? Why ?

Ray: he pushed you out the way but when he tried to get out the way the car was already coming.

Me: can you take me to the hospital ?

Ray: i dont think thats a good i-


He nodded and i got up ignoring my headache. I was holding in my tears. Im going to go there and there going to tell me he's fine and were all going to walk out. We got in the car and i didnt say anything the whole ride. My phone was just ringing and ringing so i finally turned it off. It was like knowing he was in the hospital i completely shut down. We arrived in the hospital and i jumped out the car before Ray could even park.

Me: Chresanto August ?

??: are you a family member

Me: yes ! Can you give me his got damn room number

??: listen here Nigga i dont know who your talking to but sit your ass down in the waiting room.

I looked at her with my eye twitching. Im mad and sad. Those to dont mix well with me.

Me: listen here you dumb ass hoe give me his damn room number i will not sit down. I will rip your fucking insides out and shove them so far up your ass they will come out your mouth. Mrs.... Red. I should kick you and your moms ass for naming you a fucking color, now give me his damn room number right fucking now !

She rolled her eyes the pull out some papers.

??: romm 374

I smiled and walked away. Butch better know. I didnt wait for the elevator so i jogged up the stairs with my head ponding. Once i got to his room i knocked on the door.

Veah: Jacob ?

Me: h-hey

She gave me a hug and just burst into tears. I picked her up and tried to rock her back and forth. Hearing her faint crys made tears come down my eyes.

Me: h-hes going to be o-ok

Veah: he's plugged u-up to so m-many wires.

Me: i know baby girl i know. He's going to be fine ok he's coming back to us soon.

She nodded and i wiped her face.

Me: who's in there

Veah: my mom

I nodded and walked in seeing Zonnique crying over his chest. He looked so lifeless. Wires everywhere, a tube in his mouth, eye's closed, his body was a more pale color than carmel. I didnt want to go in but i had to. I put Veah down and tapped Zonnique's shoulder. She looked up at me and stood up.

Nique: This is your fault !! You made him get hit ! You destroyed my family ! I hate you i fucking hate you i hate you !

She tried to hit me but i just held her wrist as she fell to the floor crying. I held her as she cried. I tried not to cry do to the fact that Veah is here and we dont need another person crying. As Zonnique sighed i looked up at Veah who was trying to get Chres to wake up.

Veah: daddy get up

She was shaking him and crying. I couldnt hold in the tears anymore. I let them flow freely and i let go of Zonnique and went over to Veah to hug her.

Veah: he's n-not waking up !

Me: he will you just gotta be patient ok.

She nodded and i sat down with her in my lap rocking her to sleep.

~3 hours later~

Ray came and got Veah and Nique like an hour ago. I have been sitting here and looking at the mess iv caused. I finally found the courage to get and walk over and stand over him. Tears stained my cheeks as i looked at him.

Me: you didnt have to save me you k-know that. You should have just let me get h-hit.

I grabbed his hand and continued talking.

Me: i didnt mean to go off on you earlier today i um.. Lost my mom this morninh and didnt expect to lose someone right after. Zonnique was here and Veah. Veah is trying to be a big girl for you, and not cry but she cant. Zonnique probably hates me but your one thing we have in common which is crazy, never thought we would have anything in common. *chuckling* i remember when you use to hit me because i said your name wrong. Chresant *laughing* i loved those little moments. Iv loved you since sophomore year. I was automatically attracted to you the minute i saw you. All of that led up to us meeting again and confessing our love for each other. Our date was everything i wanted it to be yesterday. I loved it, you made me feel a way iv never felt and... I love you.

I kissed his cheek and wiped my eyes.2 people in one day but i hope he wakes up soon. I couldnt handle it all if he didnt.


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