Varian X Reader One Shots

By itsMlover

78.8K 1.4K 1.6K

I've read some so now I've decided to write some. A lot of these will be AUS so I'll have notes giving you so... More

New Saporia AU
Tower AU
The Competition
My Love
What's next?
Fortune Cookie
My Everything
The Competiton- Part II
Soul Mate AU
Just A Note
My Nothing
Break Out
Rapunzel's Return AU
The Guy Who Has Everything
Zombies 2 Songfic request
Camp Halfblood AU
The Competition III
Est-ce Que Vous Parlez Français?
New Saporia AU Part II
Children of the Brotherhood
Question and Answer
Break Out II
Zombies 2 Songfic Request Part 2
A Mistake
My New Girl
Fan Art
Hogwarts AU
Royal Alchemist AU- Great Expotations
The Competition IV
Royal Alchemist AU- Under Raps
Royal Alchemist AU- Queen for a Day/ Secret of the Sundrop
The Alphabet
Mon Amour
2K reads!
The Note
Royal Alchemist AU- Season 3
Mon Chou
Ma Femme
The Lead Up
Royal Alchemist AU- The Crossover
Am I Seeing Things?
Who Are All These People?
All This Because of a Stupid Wish?
Fight! Fight! Fight!

My Friend

1.3K 30 29
By itsMlover

First things first, thank you for 1k reads!! Since a lot of people want to see another part, I guess this is it. The finale to My Love. I'm serious this time. No more after this. Maybe something slightly similar. With a love spell on Varian. Ok, that's too much info. Anyways just a note that daily updates may stop because I start online schooling today and I'm lazy. That doesn't mean I won't keep updating the story because I will. This is going to be a long one. I think that's fitting because it's the "finale". Now on with the show!

You were on your way to the Dark Kingdom (of course you didn't know that). You followed the black rocks.

You sat down on the ballon and rummaged through the stuff you had with you. You had a dagger from Cass, a pouch of the neutralizing particles, a crumpled up piece of paper, and something you had long forgotten about: a small container with a green lotion like substance. This was a magic thing you made after the whole thing with he who will not be named (Not Lord Voldemort, Varian). It helped you get over him. You used it for a few months before realizing how it made you not like yourself. Was it worth it? To use it again? You were hurting again and this helped you last time. Maybe you could just a little. A little bit couldn't hurt, right? You got a bit of it out and rolled up your sleeve. You rubbed it over your arm. The green substance "disappeared", blended into your skin. Maybe you shouldn't have used it again but old habits died hard.

You found the recipe for it in one of Xavier's book and tore the page out. You stole the page. You didn't feel right about that but it was just one page. Xavier would never make it anyways.

The effects last awhile and the substance was a bit addicting. (It's not drugs, I swear. I got the idea from Charmed) It made you a bit irritable but you could irritable at times anyways so what did it matter?

Finally, you reached the Dark Kingdom. You didn't see Cass. She must've left them... Yeah, you probably shouldn't bring that up.

Your ballon descended and you reached the ground.

"Y/n?" Rapunzel said before running over to you to hug you. "I didn't know you ballooned. How did you find us? What are you doing here? Did someone send you?"

You responded in an emotionless voice, "I followed the black rocks. Xavier and the others sent me. There's trouble back in Corona and we need your help"

"What kind of trouble?"

"I'll explain on the way. It's very bad"

"Guys, there's trouble in Corona. We need to get back as soon as possible"

"Isn't that basically what I just said?"

The others quickly gathered their things and said goodbye. They all got on to the ballon. It was tight. The journey back wasn't anymore pleasant than the way there. You explained to them what happened but you left out the whole part about being kidnapped and love potioned again. You didn't ask about Cass. You figured that would be a sore subject.

You finally landed back in Corona. Eugene really wanted to get away from all of you except Rapunzel but you told Eugene that'd be bad. You wanted them to go to Xavier's hiding place but Rapunzel wouldn't listen.

Rapunzel said, "We're going to show those saporians who's boss!

Eugene commented, "That's my girl!"

You said, "Whatever. When you inevitably fail, I'll be in Xavier's hiding place"

"That's not very positive" stated Rapunzel.

"It's realistic. Reality is not very positive"

Eugene asked, "Are you okay, Y/n? You seem a little off"

You told him, "I'm fine. I'll see you guys later"

You went to Xavier's hiding place and waited for them there. You explained what happened to the others. Not long after, Rapunzel and her friends came in. (What happened with them was pretty much what happened on the show)

Rapunzel went up to fix her frying pan. You snuck upstairs, knowing she'd want to sneak out. You were right. You followed her to the tunnels.

"You shouldn't do this alone" you said in a monotone voice.

She told you, "Y/n, you should go back"

"No. I'm not going back. Let me come with you so you won't inevitably fail just most likely fail"

"Again, not very positive"

"Well I'm not trying to be positive" you remarked in the same monotone voice.

"You can come with, just be quiet"

She led your through the tunnels and to the palace. You nearly got caught but you guys ducked away in to a room, Cassandra's room.

Rapunzel grabbed the old lady in waiting dress and sat on the bed, crying.

Tears starting dripping down Rapunzel's face as she said, "I thought she would always be here"

"So did I" you told her.

A voice came out of nowhere and said, "Well well well. Look who we found"

Before you knew it, you and were Rapunzel were thrown into a cell. You decided to sit down and Rapunzel decided to stand up.

Rapunzel grabbed the bars, "Varian, how could you this?"

He told her, "I want you to know I wish it didn't come to this but when someone trusts you and you betray them well this is what happens"

You took the container with the green magic stuff from out of your pocket.

"My kingdom needed me. I couldn't do anything about the amber and I had to stay. I never meant to break my promise to you, Varian. We were friends"

You looked at it, kept examining it in your hands. It's funny how something so small could have such a big effect.

"That's the beauty of my plan. In the end, when your memory has been erased, we can be friends again"

Psh, as if. The only way you could be friends with him again is if he apologized.

"But you're only making it worse. None of these people did anything to you!"

Didn't they try to attack him? Like weren't they apart of the attack on Old Corona?

"It's not with they did to me. It's what I did to them and there is no way that they will ever forgive me"

He does know Corona's like the most forgiving kingdom ever right?

"How do you know if you don't give them the chance?"

"I took their queen and y/n prisoner! I threatened their princess! I helped these guys take over their kingdom! You think anyone's going to give me a second chance? I don't think so. No, making them forget is the only way to fix what I've done"

Dude had a point but he seemed to forget that Corona is literally the most forgiving place ever. Even you would be willing to forgive him under the right circumstances.

Andrew said, "Yeah there's been a slight change of plans, buddy. Now that she's back, we don't have time for you to get your memory formula right"

Inevitable betrayal. He should've seen this coming.

The weird, old, and short lady told him, "We are still using the formula you've curated. It explodes! It will turn Corona to ashes"

It was in that moment you decided that lady was crazy.

He said, "What? No no! We agreed nobody would be harmed!

Andrew told him, "Relax Varian, you don't want to end up on the wrong side of history. You understand buddy"

Maybe you should apply it again, before it wears completely off. You could feel it was already starting to wear off. It'd be only a matter of hours before it completely wore off.

"You're right so I'm going to have to ask you to step inside that cell"

Was he? Was he betraying them? Actually being a good person? Acting like the V-. You didn't finish that thought. It was hurtful and what you had in your hands helped you get through that hurt. Made it disappear.

"Are you betraying us boy?" asked the crazy lady.

"I'm getting on the right side of history" He told her.

The crazy lady said, "Take him out!"

He throw the alchemy ball. It was not an explosion or harmful at all.

"Oh, sorry guys. That was uhh yeah, that was a bath bomb"

He was thrown into the cell with you and Rapunzel. Great, just great. Now would've been a perfect time to apply more but you just couldn't get yourself to do it. You just kept fiddling with it.

Andrew said, "He's made his choice. Let's move! We launch the airship in twenty"

The saporians left. The situation was bad. You were trapped in a cell with Rapunzel who was so positive it was irritating and him. You didn't want to think about him. In fact, you couldn't really think of him as an effect of the green magic thing. He was on the bed on the other side of the cell. Rapunzel was still clinging to the bars. You were fiddling with the container sitting on the other bed. There wasn't much left in it.

He broke the silence, "All I ever wanted was for my father to be proud. Of course if he were free from the amber now and saw everything I've done, well he'd be ashamed"

Before Rapunzel could say something sappy you said without thinking, "Who wouldn't be ashamed?"

"Y/n! That wasn't very polite" Rapunzel told you.

It wasn't meant to be polite.

You said, "I know"

You stuck her tongue out at her.

She was shocked, "Y/n! What has gotten into you?"

You lied, "Nothing"

"What is that you keep playing with?"

Rapunzel tried to take the container from you but you wouldn't let her. You stood up and you two fight over it.

She pulled it closer, "Just let me see it!"

You pulled it back, "No, it's mine"

"You're not acting like yourself"

That's what they told you last time you used it.

"You say that like it's a bad thing"

As a result of your fighting, the container flew out of the cell.

Rapunzel asked, "What was that, y/n?"

You responded, "It doesn't matter anymore"

It sounded like it might have hit someone in the head.

"Ouch, that hurt. I can't believe you were going to break into something and you didn't even ask me. It's kind of my thing" remarked Eugene as he unlocked the cell.

Rapunzel ran and hugged Eugene, "Thank goodness you're here!"

Lance asked, "And where do you think you're going, little man?

The little man Lance was talking about bumped into Lance and Lance erased his goatee.

You exclaimed, "I knew it was fake!"

Rapunzel told them, "Guys, we're going to have to trust him"

"After everything hairstripe here has done, you're going to trust him?" said Eugene.

You commented, "I wouldn't"

Rapunzel ignored your comment, "Yes, he's the one that made the formula the saporians are about to drop on Corona. We need him"

They went to spy on the saporians. You went back to the hiding place with Xavier. They needed him not you. It'd be too dangerous. You didn't care. Eugene didn't give you back the container. He kept it and you hoped he wouldn't discover what it was.

What was in that container was some kind of magic lotion that was called Protection against Hurt or the Hurt Blocker. It provided relief to emotional pain and scarring. One of the side effects was being emotionless. He made you feel so much that after that you didn't want to feel anymore. Not just when he used the love potion on you but after that, you were so upset, angry, sad, and just overwhelmed by emotion. He brought you so much pain. You just wanted it to stop. You couldn't ever bring yourself to say or even think of his name.

Eugene came to you after the saporians were defeated. The alchemist and Rapunzel went to free Quirin.

Eugene asked, "Y/n, can I talk to you?"

You replied, "Since you already are, why not?

He held the container in his hands, "Xavier told me what this was"

Great, he knew about the hurt blocker.

Eugene's voice was full of concern and worry when
he said, "Y/n, tell me why you would use this"

You broke. The hurt blocker had worn off. You told how you felt after the love potion. You also told him about how he used the love potion on you again.

Eugene said, "Y/n, I'm sorry that happened to you"

You told Eugene, "I don't really want to talk about it anymore"

"I understand but I'm here when you do"


Later, you saw him with his father, Quirin, at the festival? (Like what is going on in that scene while they sing?) You took a few steps back. Everything you ever felt came flooding back. The love, the anger, the pain, the agony. All of it. You couldn't deal with it so you tried running away. It didn't work because he ran after you.

You had to stop to take a breath. It took a lot of your strength not to cry.

He told you, "Y/n, I am so sorry for what I did to you. You didn't deserve it and I was a total jerk. I'm sorry"

You didn't know what to say. This is what you've been wanting for the past year, an apology.

"I totally get it if you don't want to forgive me. I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry and that I just things between us to go back to they were when you were my friend and I was yours"

You said, "Of course I forgive you! This is Corona for Pete's sake. The most forgiving place in the world!"

He offered you his hand, "Friends?"

You shook it, "Friends"

Later that night, you saw Eugene coming out of Rapunzel's room. Knowing Rapunzel, they were probably just talking. Most likely about Cass. They would tell when they were ready.

You told Eugene, "I think I'm ready to talk about Varian"

"Then I'm ready to listen" Eugene said.

Mwhahhaha, I kind of left it off on a cliffhanger. Well since you're here, I'll tell you that there maybe another part if three people comment the following emoji: 🎊 and if you can't see that 🎉

All right fine. I'll give you another part if you want it but I can't promise anything. It'll be set in the future like way long after My Friend and it will be the last! Stars, this one shots just keep getting longer and longer.

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