Falling For My Best Friend (K...

Galing kay arabella949

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A Katsuki BakugoxOC book. Akari Sasaki has a rare quirk that allows her to manipulate elements. Join her on h... Higit pa

Main Character & Authors Note
Chapter One: Orgin
Chapter Two: What it takes to be a Hero
Chapter Three: Roaring Muscles
Chapter Four: What I Can Do for Now
Chapter Five: Rage, You Damn Nerd
Chapter Six: Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter Seven: Bakugo's Start Line
Chapter Eight: Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!
Chapter Nine: Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter Ten: Game Over
Chapter Eleven: All Might
Chapter Twelve: In Each of Our Hearts
Chapter Thirteen: Answers Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: That's The Idea, Ochaco
Chapter Fifteen: Roaring Sports Festival
Chapter Sixteen: In Their Own Quirky Ways
Chapter Seventeen: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Chapter Eighteen: Calavary Battle Final
Chapter Nineteen: The Boy Born with Everything
Chapter twenty: Victory or Defeat
Chapter Twenty One: Battle On, Challengers!
Chapter Twenty Two: Bakugo vs Uraraka
Chapter Twenty Three: Shoto Todoroki; Origin
Chapter Twenty Four: Fight On Iida
Chapter Twenty Five: Todoroki vs Bakugo
Chapter Twenty Six: Time To Pick Some Names
Chapter Twenty Seven: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hero Killer
Chapter Twenty Nine: Climax
Chapter Thirty: The Aftermath of Hero Killer; Stain
Chapter Thirty One: Listen Up!! A Tale From The Past
Chapter Thirty Two: Gear Up For Final Exams
Chapter Thirty Three: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part one
Chapter Thirty Four: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part two
Chapter Thirty Five: Encounter
Chapter Thirty Six: Game Start
Chapter Thirty Seven: Two Hero's Part One
Chapter Thirty Nine: Two Hero's Part Three
Chapter Forty: Two Hero's Part Four
Chapter Forty One: Wild, Wild Pussycats
Chapter Forty Two: Kota
Chapter Forty Three: A Night of Tragedy
Chapter Forty Four: The Aftermath
Chapter Forty Five: Attempted Rescue
Chapter Forty Six: Symbol of Peace
Chapter Forty Seven: One For All
Chapter Forty Eight: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
Chapter Forty Nine: I Love You (Lemon)
Chapter Fifty: Moving Into Dorms
Chapter Fifty One: Create Those Ultimate Moves
Chapter Fifty Two: The Test
Chapter Fifty Three: Save The World With Love
Chapter Fifty Four: Provisional Hero License Exam
Chapter Fifty Five: A Talk About Your Quirk
Chapter Fifty Six: Deku vs Kacchan Part Two
Chapter Fifty Seven: A Season For Encounters
Chapter Fifty Eight: Unrivaled
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Scoop on U.A Class 1-A
Chapter Sixty: Princess (Lemon)
Chapter Sixty One: Overhaul
Chapter Sixty Two: Boy Meets...
Chapter Sixty Three: Fighting Fate
Chapter Sixty Four: An Unpleasant Talk
Chapter Sixty Five: GO!!

Chapter Thirty Eight: Two Hero's Part Two

580 19 1
Galing kay arabella949


The three of us were walking around looking at the attractions, Izuku and I staring in awe.

"This place is amazing!" I said looking around.

"The idea that this place is man made is nuts!" Izuku added on.

"And their's normal city stuff, about everything you could need" Melissa informed us "The big downside is we can't travel".

"Really, why not?" I asked her curious.

"The scientists and their families have to keep their work top secret, that ensures there aren't any leaks" she explained and Izuku and I nodded understanding, our attentions were brought to a giant lizard like hero.

"It's the monster hero, Godzillo!" Izuku said looking up in awe.

"Nice, I bet his sponsor flew him out for the expo" Melissa said.

"How exactly does he fit on a plane?" I wondered aloud.

"A lot of pro heroes will be at the big party tonight, I'm sure the two of you already knew about that and all since you came all this way with Uncle Might" Melissa pointed out.

'So that's why All Might told Izuku and I to bring nice clothes' I thought internally.

As Melissa showed us around she showed us a new hero items pavilion, many suits and vehicles were shown to us. Melissa also told us about how she wants to be just like her father, she's training at the school on the island to become a great scientist one day. We were talking to each other when I heard a familiar voice behind us.

"Look's like you're having fun Deku" Uraraka said and I turned around and hugged her tightly.

"You made it!" I told her excited.

"Uraraka?! What're you doing here?" Izuku asked surprised.

"It looks like you're having fun" Uraraka said again making me smirk at the two.

'Someone's jealous' I thought smirking.

"You said that" Izuku said confused, I then heard someone clear there throat.

"You appear to be having a good time" Momo told Izuku.

"Midoriya, I heard everything" Jiro said while holding up her plugs.

"Yaoyoruzo! Jiro, the ultimate spy tech!" Izuku said shocked.

"Are these your friends?" Melissa asked us.

"Yeah these are our classmates" I explained smiling at them

"I didn't tell them I'd be here" Izuku added on awkwardly.

"I did!" I said laughing.

"Oh guy's this is our friend Melissa, she's just showing us around the expo a little bit" Izuku said walking forward.

"Nice to meet you, my Dad and Uncle Mi-" she began to say but Izuku screamed waving his arms at her, then pulled her down, I assume to tell her that they can't know All Might brought us.

"How about we all grab some tea at the cafe?" Melissa asked standing up.


We were sitting at nice table outside the cafe, I was soaking up the sun. The other girls and I were talking to Melissa about our internships while Izuku sat at another table alone.

"Wow you really got to work with pro heroes? Like out in the field!" Melissa asked Uraraka.

"Just normal training and a few patrols" Uraraka said waving her hands.

"I helped out with a hostage crisis but only the evacuation part" Jiro told Melissa.

"I did my internship with the number two hero, Endeavor, but don't think much of it, he's an asshole" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"That's still amazing though!" Melissa pointed out impressed.

"Somehow I ended up in a T.V commercial for hair products" Momo said embarrassed.

"Sound's like an experience, lucky!" Melissa told Momo making her smile.

I looked over to Izuku who was pretty much leaning over a chair from stress since he was almost caught. I then saw Kaminari and Mineta walk up to Izuku who had waiter suits on?

"Kaminari!" Izuku said surprised.

"Is that Mineta?" Uraraka asked confused.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked tilting my head.

"They needed extra waitstaff and since it meant a free trip to the island, we applied to work, right?" Kaminari said looking down at Mineta.

"We get to explore the expo on our breaks and we get to make money, plus we get the chance to get the passionate encounters with- Oh my god I think I'm in love!" Mineta said once he saw Melissa and the three boys huddled to talk.

"God, those pervs" I said lowly rolling my eyes.

"Are these also your classmates?" Melissa asked me and I sighed as Kaminari and Mineta jumped over to us posing.

"That's right" Kaminari said smirking.

"We're basically pro's" Mineta said and I cringed.

"Why are you two slacking off! You wanted to make more money didn't you?" Iida asked now running up to join us, while taking Kaminari and Mineta away.

"Iida, you're here too!" Izuku asked confused.

"I come from a long line of heroes, it's to be expected that we received an invitation to the expo" Iida said waving his arms around.

"But my family was busy which is why it's just me" Iida explained.

"I wondered if you'd be here, I received an invitation because my father is a shareholder in some of the expo's sponsors. It's so fun to get to go to the preview" Momo informed.

"Yeah, and she had a few plus one's so we basically gambled for them, except for Kari since she told us she was already going" Jiro told Iida and I nodded.

"Yep, the other girl's are here, they just can't visit the preview" Uraraka said smiling.

"Oh are they really?" Izuku asked surprised.

"Uh huh, we're all planning on looking around together once it opens up to the public tomorrow, sorry I forgot to tell you broccoli head" I said laughing.

"Here's a thought why don't I show you girl's the sites!" Melissa offered and the girls got excited, but we were interrupted by a loud explosion a little bit a way.

"What was that noise?" Izuku asked looking back.


Once we got to the rocky pavilion that the explosion happened at Izuku ran forward and I followed closely behind.

"A clearance time of 33 seconds! He's in eighth place!" a voice said over the intercom, I looked at the screen to see Kirishima with his Quirk activated and I smirked.

"Kirishima?" Izuku asked confused while looking at the screen.

"So I'm guessing he's from U.A as well?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah, he's in the same class as us and if Kirishima is here that mean that Ka-" I was saying but was interrupted.

"Please welcome our next challenger!" The voice said over the intercom and I saw my boyfriend walk towards the green start circle.

"Kacchan?!" Izuku asked freaking out.

"Ready! Go!" the intercom said and Katsuki took off exploding each robot at an incredible speed.

"Look at that time! Only fifteen seconds, first place!" the voice said as Katsuki landed back onto the platform.

I smiled at him as he looked up to me, he then exploded himself up to Izuku and I making Izuku jump back but I only moved forward hugging him, Katsuki clung onto the railing.

"You were supposed to text me when you landed" I tell him but he just rolls his eyes and looks over to Izuku.

"DAMN IT, WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE DEKU?" Katsuki yelled at him as Izuku backed away.

"Oh hey there Kacchan, maybe calm down a little bit" Izuku recommended.

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Katsuki yelled at him making him hide himself in his arms.

"Katsuki come on, we're on vacation" I plead with him as he continues to yell at Izuku.

"So Kirishima, you two got asked to I Expo as well?" Momo said while looking down to him.

"Nahh, Bakugo was invited since he won the U.A Sport's Festival, I just tagged along with him since Kari was already going, you guy's gonna do this villain course or what?" Kirishima asked.

"Hell yeah!" I said smiling widely while flipping my leg over the railing and dropping down to Kiri gracefully.

"Don't even try it Deku, there's no way you'd get a better score than I did" Katsuki threaten.

I walked forward as the girl announced me, my classmates cheering my name and I stretched in my costume a bit.

"Ready, set, Go!" she yelled and I crouched down feeling the earth around me.

Once I felt where the robots were, I pushed earth up towards each one smashing them into pieces. I then stood up smiling, the crowd cheered wildly.

"Wow! A new record of 14.5 seconds! And she didn't even leave the start circle!" she announced and I smirked.

I smiled walking back to the railing that my friends were at, Izuku now was heading up to the start. I used air to propel myself up to the railing then climbed over it standing next to Katsuki as he put his arm around me.

"That damn nerd doesn't stand a chance at beating us" he smirked looking at me.

"The attack course it set, ready, go!" she shouted as Izuku took off.

Izuku took off at an incredible speed smashing through the robots with ease, he then landed back at the start huffing a little bit from the workout.

"An incredible run! He's in third place at 16 seconds!" she announced as everyone cheered.

We all were now standing in the audience section, Izuku, Iida and Uraraka talking as Katsuki stood towards me.

"Wow!" Uraraka said happily.

"That was a good showing Midoriya!" Iida complimented him.

"I didn't think I'd be able to get so close to Kacchan's and Kari's time" Izuku said happy.

"WHAT! NO WAY! I'LL GO AGAIN AND BLAST YOUR SCORE TO ASH" Katsuki yelled at Izuku but we were interrupted by the announcer screeching in excitement. 

We all looked over to see Shoto using his ice to just freeze all the mountain, detaining the robots.

"This is insane! 14 seconds! This gentleman has jumped to the top of the pact!" the girl announced.

"Todoroki's here too?" Izuku asked looking forward.

"Another one from your class? Your class is one of a kind!" Melissa said astounded.

Katsuki then took off, exploding himself towards Shoto, Katsuki yelled at Shoto way to close to him. Shoto then looked up and I waved at him making him smile and wave back.

"DON'T WAVE AT HER YOU ICY HOT BASTARD!" I heard Katsuki yell all the way from here and I chuckled but jumped over the railing again to try and stop Katsuki from getting any rowdier.

"Please stop you're gonna make U.A look like a bunch of degenerates!" Iida yelled running up to them.

"Katsuki calm down" I told him while standing in front of Shoto while Kirishima held him back.


After we all hung out for a bit, Katsuki was still moody so we decided to got back to the hotel with Kirishima. Iida had texted me to tell him to meet him in the lobby at 6:30 pm to go to the party.

"Why would I wanna go to a party? It'll just be a bunch of old geezers I don't know giving speeches, sounds like a pretty lame night to me" Katsuki said laying down on the bed next to me.

"We can eat as much gourmet food as we want!" Kirishima said walking around the room.

"And I don't think it'll be 'old geezers'" I said laughing.

"Well it's not like I brought any fancy clothes with me anyways" Katsuki told him.

"I figured you wouldn't so I brought some stuff for ya" Kirishima said holding up some suits.

"YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING YOU SPIKY HAIRED IDIOT" Katsuki yelled at him and I laughed.

"All right I got to go start getting ready, I'll see you two at 6:30 in the lobby" I said while standing up.

I started to walk away but Katsuki grabbed my arm pulling me back and into a kiss, making Kirishima groan. I pulled away smiling at him while he smirked as I left the room.


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