Falling For My Best Friend (K...

By arabella949

65.2K 1.6K 275

A Katsuki BakugoxOC book. Akari Sasaki has a rare quirk that allows her to manipulate elements. Join her on h... More

Main Character & Authors Note
Chapter One: Orgin
Chapter Two: What it takes to be a Hero
Chapter Three: Roaring Muscles
Chapter Four: What I Can Do for Now
Chapter Five: Rage, You Damn Nerd
Chapter Six: Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter Seven: Bakugo's Start Line
Chapter Eight: Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!
Chapter Nine: Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter Ten: Game Over
Chapter Eleven: All Might
Chapter Twelve: In Each of Our Hearts
Chapter Thirteen: Answers Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: That's The Idea, Ochaco
Chapter Fifteen: Roaring Sports Festival
Chapter Sixteen: In Their Own Quirky Ways
Chapter Seventeen: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Chapter Eighteen: Calavary Battle Final
Chapter Nineteen: The Boy Born with Everything
Chapter twenty: Victory or Defeat
Chapter Twenty One: Battle On, Challengers!
Chapter Twenty Two: Bakugo vs Uraraka
Chapter Twenty Three: Shoto Todoroki; Origin
Chapter Twenty Four: Fight On Iida
Chapter Twenty Five: Todoroki vs Bakugo
Chapter Twenty Six: Time To Pick Some Names
Chapter Twenty Seven: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hero Killer
Chapter Twenty Nine: Climax
Chapter Thirty: The Aftermath of Hero Killer; Stain
Chapter Thirty One: Listen Up!! A Tale From The Past
Chapter Thirty Two: Gear Up For Final Exams
Chapter Thirty Three: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part one
Chapter Thirty Four: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part two
Chapter Thirty Five: Encounter
Chapter Thirty Six: Game Start
Chapter Thirty Seven: Two Hero's Part One
Chapter Thirty Eight: Two Hero's Part Two
Chapter Forty: Two Hero's Part Four
Chapter Forty One: Wild, Wild Pussycats
Chapter Forty Two: Kota
Chapter Forty Three: A Night of Tragedy
Chapter Forty Four: The Aftermath
Chapter Forty Five: Attempted Rescue
Chapter Forty Six: Symbol of Peace
Chapter Forty Seven: One For All
Chapter Forty Eight: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
Chapter Forty Nine: I Love You (Lemon)
Chapter Fifty: Moving Into Dorms
Chapter Fifty One: Create Those Ultimate Moves
Chapter Fifty Two: The Test
Chapter Fifty Three: Save The World With Love
Chapter Fifty Four: Provisional Hero License Exam
Chapter Fifty Five: A Talk About Your Quirk
Chapter Fifty Six: Deku vs Kacchan Part Two
Chapter Fifty Seven: A Season For Encounters
Chapter Fifty Eight: Unrivaled
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Scoop on U.A Class 1-A
Chapter Sixty: Princess (Lemon)
Chapter Sixty One: Overhaul
Chapter Sixty Two: Boy Meets...
Chapter Sixty Three: Fighting Fate
Chapter Sixty Four: An Unpleasant Talk
Chapter Sixty Five: GO!!

Chapter Thirty Nine: Two Hero's Part Three

622 15 2
By arabella949

As I got ready in my room I curled my long brown locks. Standing up from the vanity chair, I started to take off my robe and slide my black sleek dress. Once I was in the dress I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled at the sight.

I then put on my strappy heels and put on some golden hoop earrings and a gold bracelet. I walked out of my room and started to head downstairs, I was quite late considering Iida wanted us there at 6:30 but it was almost 7:00. I smirked knowing Iida was probably going to do some crazy hand gesture thing at me. Once the elevator door finally opened mostly everyone was in the lobby except for Katsuki and Kirishima.

Once Mineta and Kaminari saw me they both fell to the floor and everyone else's mouths opened.

"Do I look bad? I can go change quickly" I said as everyone was staring at me.

"Bad you look, you look" Mineta said while drooling on the floor.

"You look gorgeous Kari!" Uraraka said running up to me as well as Momo, Jiro and Melissa making me blush.

"Awe thank you Uraraka" I smiled at her then looked at everyone "Everyone looks great as well!".

"It's no good, neither of them is picking up their phones" Iida said referring to Katsuki and Kirishima "Akari, could you try to call Bakugo?".

"I didn't bring my phone with me" I said walking up towards him, but our thought's were interrupted by an alert in the building.

"This is an announcement from the I Island security system, we have received a report that a explosive device was discovered somewhere on the I Expo grounds, I Island will now will be in high alert mode, your safety is our top priority, As a precautionary most of the main buildings will be sealed off" The voice told us as lard barricades covered the windows and exits, I looked around confused while walking over to Shoto.

"What the hell?" I questioned looking around.

"I'm not getting any signal, it looks like my service is completely blocked" Shoto said looking at his phone and I looked at it nodding.

"Are you serious?" Mineta asked freaking out a bit.

"The elevator is not working either" Jiro pointed out.

"What the heck is going on here?!" Mineta asked scared.

"It's strange that the system would go on high alert, that's not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered" Melissa said thoughtfully.

"Iida, let's go to that party" Izuku said walking up to him.

"For what reason?" Iida asked him confused.

"Because that's the place where we could find All Might right now" Izuku said and I nodded in agreement.

"Wait All Might's in there?" Uraraka asked surprised.

"Oh thank goodness, we don't have anything to worry about then" Mineta said.

"So Melissa do you know of any way we can get down there without the elevator?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure, we can use the emergency stairs, that will at least get us close" Melissa said pointing to the stairs and we all looked.

"We'll follow your lead then" Izuku told her and she nodded.


As we got down close to the area where the party is, we were shocked to find that villains had taken all the heroes hostage, including All Might. We needed to talk to All Might somehow and I had come up with a plan to get All Might's attention by shining a flashlight at him while Jiro used her earphone jack to hear what he said.

Izuku and I looked over the ledge, he used his phones flashlight to get his attention, once All Might looked up at us he stopped putting his phone away.

"Okay Jiro, he knows that we're here, is your jack in place?" I asked her and she nodded, Izuku then began making hand signals at All Might that he could talk to us.

"This is bad Midoriya and Kari" Jiro said looking up to us worried and we looked down to her.

After telling the group what All Might had told us, we were all in a circle in the stairwell trying to figure out what to do.

"We've received our orders from All Might loud and clear, I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place" Iida told us firmly.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with what Iida is saying, we're still only students, we can't fight these villains if we don't have our hero licensees" Momo said agreeing with Iida.

"Why don't we escape out of here and tell the heroes outside?" Kaminari brought up.

"It's not going to be very easy to escape, the security system here is the same of that as the Tartarus Prison which is where they keep the most dangerous criminals in the world" Melissa told us and I sighed.

"Then all we can do is just sit and wait until everything is over I guess" Kaminari said bored.

"Are you really okay with that Kaminari?" Jiro asked standing up.

"What choice do we have?" he asked looking up to her.

"Don't you think we should at least try and stop them" Jiro asked him sternly.

"Hey come on! Those villains have even got All Might trapped, there's no way we can stop them ourselves if the actual pro's are stuck" Mineta said in their defense, I looked down at my hands.

"Aren't we trying to be pro's ourselves?" I asked looking down at my hands.

"Yes but we're not aloud to work as heroes, you know that Kari" Momo told me but I didn't look up.

"Does that mean, that it's right for us to do nothing?" I asked thinking about the Hosu incident.

"Well it's complicated" Momo said and we all looked down thinking for a moment.

"I wanna help" Izuku said lowly and most of them gasped while looking at him.

"Really Deku?" Uraraka asked him and Izuku then looked up at all of us.

"I want to save them" Izuku said now more determined.

"You want to go fight those villains, didn't you learn anything from the USJ Midoriya?!" Mineta asked him yelling slightly.

"This is totally different, we don't have to fight them" Izuku said in his defense "We just need to figure out a plan to rescue All Might and everyone else without facing the bad guys".

"That's easy to say but you know it won't be that simple" Kaminari pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"I know but I still wanna try, we could figure out a plan of action and keep these criminals from winning. We could save everyone!" Izuku said determined.

"Are you sure?" Uraraka asked him.

"I know where the security system is" Melissa said stepping forward "It's on the top floor of this tower, if these criminals have taken control of it then the authentication locks have probably been disabled, we should be able to restart the system ourselves".

"We just have to stay off the villains radar, if we do that then the whole island will be safe again" Melissa said and we all just stared at her shocked.

"Then it's possible" Izuku said hopeful.

"Sure, but how do we keep on the low for that long?" I asked her.

"The security system hasn't discovered us yet, that means the villains probably don't know how it works very well" Melissa told us.

"So we avoid fighting anyone and try to get the place back to normal" Shoto said thoughtfully.

"Not bad, what do you think?" Kaminari asked us and we thought pensively.

"Let's do it!" Jiro said determined.

"Many of our enemies are likely gathered there on the top floor" I said thoughtfully looking down.

"If we're fast then we won't have to fight them, when the security system goes back to normal, All Might and the others will be released" Izuku said as we all looked at him "They'll immediately jump into action and stop the villains, I know it!".

"Let's do this guys!" Uraraka said standing up determined.

"Uraraka" Izuku said looking up at her.

"I don't wanna sit around here being helpless, not if theirs something we can actually try" Uraraka said "What's important is that we're helping people even if we're not real heroes".

"That's exactly the way that I feel about things" Izuku told her, now standing up looking her in her eyes.

'So cute' I thought internally at the two smiling.

"We'll follow our hearts and save the island!" Izuku told her and she cheered out agreeing with him.

"Izuku, I'll go with you too" I said stepping forward as the two looked over to me.

"I'll go with too" Shoto said stepping next to me, we made eye contact smiling at one another.

"I'm in it!" Jiro also added in.

"Kari, Todoroki" Izuku said smiling at us.

"Thanks Jiro!" Uraraka said smiling.

"The moment I think we've gone to far, it's over" Iida said "If that's something you can agree to, I'll join as well".

"Alright, if that's the case I'll go too" Momo said.

"Obviously I'm in!" Kaminari said standing up.

"HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR MINDS! ALL RIGHT I'LL GO!" Mineta screamed at us crying.

"Melissa you can wait down here for us" Izuku said walking over to her.

"No I'm going too" she told him.

"You will be in danger though since you don't have a Quirk" Izuku said confused.

"I don't suppose any of you know how to change the island's security system?" she pointed out and we all looked around "I'm a student at the academy, I'll be useful to you, I know I might just get in your way at least until we get to the top floor but I want to help, people are in danger, please!".

"Alright then" I said stepping forward to Melissa and Izuku "Let's do this we'll save everyone!".

"Yeah!" Melissa said with a quick nod.


The group and I were making our way up the vast about of stairs. 10th floor...20th floor...30th floor. Izuku, Iida and I stopped looking at the 30th floor sign. I sighed bending over to rub the back of my ankles which were forming blisters from the heels.

"Melissa how high does this building go?" I asked her slightly annoyed.

"200th floor" she told me panting.

"The what?!" Kaminari asked freaking out.

"That's way to many stairs!" Mineta said.

"That's still better than running into the villains" Momo said and I nodded in agreement.

We continued on, 40th floor...50th floor...70th floor but once we got close to the 80th we were stopped by a large metal barricade.

"The routes blocked!" Iida panted out and I looked down sighing.

"What should we do, break through it?" Shoto asked and I looked up at him.

"If we did that then I'm sure the security system would alert someone that we're in here" Melissa said huffing like the rest of us.

"Then why don't we go through this door instead?" Mineta said tiredly while opening the door.

"Mineta no!" I yelled out but it was to late, we all took of down the hall since that opened door definitely alerted the villains we're here.

"Is there another way to go up?" Shoto asked Melissa.

"There should be another emergency staircase down the other end of the hallway" Melissa said.

"Let's hurry!" Iida said running forward more but we all stopped when a metal barricade locked the path ahead of us and behind us, although there was a door on the other side.

"Shoto quick!" I said and he jumped forward using his ice to stop the barricade and Iida jumped through, breaking the door with his leg.

"Everyone quick we can cross through here" Iida said and we made our way over to him, the room we were in had trees and bushes all over the place, it was actually quite impressive.

"What is this place?" Izuku asked looking around.

"It's a plant factory, they research the effect that Quirk's have on fauna here" Melissa told us as we all were running forward.

"Hold on!" Jiro said stopping us all in our place "The elevator is coming up look!".

"Don't tell me the villains found us?" Mineta asked afraid.

'How is this kid ever going to become a hero?' I thought internally while shaking my head at him.

"We should hide and let them pass" Izuku said as we all hide behind bushes.

The elevator was coming up and we all waited in anticipation, once it finally arrived it opened showing the three villains, two males and a female. I squinted my eyes trying to see them better.

"Look at their clothes, they're definitely the villains from the party" I said observantly and Izuku nodded in agreement.

The villains walked forward looking around for us, thank god we were on a floor that had a bunch of hiding spots. We all hide behind the bushes as the villains got closer, are breaths all hitched when we heard one of them.

"Hey! We see you stupid kids!" the villain shouted out as my eyes widened, my classmates holding in their breaths trying not to make a sound.

"What'd you say you bastard?" I heard Katsuki's voice and I instantly paled and my classmates looked to me frantically.

I looked towards the villains to see Katsuki and Kirishima about ten feet away from the villains, I went to get up but Shoto grabbed my arm halting me.

"What are you two kids doing here?" The other villain asked them as my eyes frantically shot between them.

"Heh, that's what I wanna know too" Katsuki said aggressively stepping forward towards them.

"Hey man, just leave this to me, okay?" Kirishima asked stopping him "Um, we kinda got lost looking for this party, can you maybe point us in the right direction?".

'Do they really not know what's going on?' I asked myself as I kept my eyes trained on the scene in front of me.

"Don't lie to me or you'll regret it!" The villain said activating his Quirk and sending a wave towards the two and I stood up running over to them.

"Kirishima!" Izuku yelled out but I was quick to stop the attack by creating a thick earth box around them, trapping them separating the villains from us.

My classmates eyes were looking at my shocked at my quick actions, as dust settled I looked over to Katsuki.

"This looks like" Katsuki began to say then his eyes finally spotted me taking me in.

"Kari?" Kirishima asked confused.

Before I could reply the villains began breaking the wall I made and Shoto was quick to respond and then used his ice to lift everyone except Katsuki, Kirishima and I up towards a walkway above.

"The four of us can keep them busy down here, look for a way to get to the top" Shoto told them as they were raised up.

"We'll be fine go! We'll be right behind you after we clean up this mess" I yelled at them and they nod at us.

"Wait you guy's are here too?" Kirishima asked very confused.

I then turned towards Katsuki as he was staring at me, I practically jumped into his arms hugging him, then pulled away slightly.

"You look" he said looking down at my dress astounded but we heard another loud bang from the wall.

"Not the time Katsuki" I said departing from him and looking towards the wall I made.

"What the heck is going on you two?" Kirishima asked us.

"You didn't hear the broadcast alert?" Shoto asked looking at him still raising the others up, Kirishima looked confused at the statement.

"Some villains have taken over the tower" I explained to them making Kirishima gasp.

"Wait that's what this is about?" Katsuki asked shocked.

"We'll explain more when we can, but their's no time now" Shoto replied, we then heard more explosions from the wall as we snapped our attentions to the villains.

"What's with this guys Quirk?" Katsuki asked as we all got into fighting position.

"Stay on your guard" Shoto told him.

"Shut up I know that" Katsuki replied annoyed, the villains then walked out from the hole in the wall they created.

"So you wanna pick a fight? Then let's see how tough you really are?" The villain asked while turning into a huge purple beast.

To Be continued...

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