Souls Intertwined (Fraxus)


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He's just a shy, green haired kid who comes across a guildhall in Magnolia. Not much is known about his past... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
An Autumn to Remember (Oneshot)

Chapter 21

940 23 19

The following day, I began to do my research on 'bee pollination' and how to be a better boyfriend for my Laxus.

I've never dated anyone before, especially someone who is the same gender as me, so I have quite a lot to learn. Plus, if I'm going to keep Laxus happy and hopefully divert him from his plans of taking over the guild, then I need some tricks up my sleeve fast.

My first port of call is my favourite place, the library.

Laxus wanted to go on a job request with me, but ideally I needed to be by myself to keep this as a surprise for his Birthday, but also because this is kinda embarrassing, fortunately though I managed to persuade him to do a job with Bickslow and Evergreen so I should have peace and quiet.

I walk downstairs in the guild and enter the library. Fairy Tail's collection of books is massive; although it mainly consists of magic books, artefacts and documents for the guild, it does feature lots of other book genres, so hopefully they might have what I'm looking for, even if it is one book.

The library is silent, I can only hear my own footsteps as I walk up to one of the desks. Not many people use the library as they are mainly busy completing job requests or drinking at the bar, but I see this as a positive, it gives me sanctuary when I just want to be alone for a while. A huge book is resting on the table and it contains an index of the inventory within the library.

'What term should I be searching for?' I think to myself.

I flick through the pages as I try to think of the right topic for the selection of books I'm looking for.

'Well, common sense would be relationships I guess.' I ponder.

I turn the pages to the letter R and then begin to scan the various words and topics that come under this consonant.

After scanning the page I finally find the word 'relationship'.

"Let's see, advice, divorce, heterosexual... ah. Homosexual... bookcase 4 shelf 8." I mutter to myself.

My face begins to glow red with awkwardness, I know that I'm all alone here, but I still can't shake off the embarrassment of my sexuality. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it's just that it seems so taboo here in Fiore, I can't just ask someone for advice because they probably don't know anything about those kind of relationships, I think it's quite sad.

I shake my head to rid of those negative thoughts and pat my cheeks a couple of times to try and get myself to concentrate on the mission at hand.

I look up and see the towering bookcases filled with thousands of books. I glance to the left and see the first bookcase out of the corner of my eye, I then count the bookcases to 4, pointing at each one.

"3...4." I say under my breath.

I approach the fourth bookcase and gaze upwards towards the ceiling, realising that the eighth shelf is way to high for me to reach by myself.

I search around the room and find a ladder leaning against the last bookcase. I grab the sides of the ladder and clumsily try to lift it over to the chosen bookcase I want to look through, due to the ladder being ten times the size of me.

I drop it on the ground and rest it against the bookcase, taking a quick breather from that unsuspecting exercise. I put my foot on the first rung of the ladder and continue to ascend it towards the top of the bookcase. Three quarters of the way up and I reach my destination.

I hold onto the sides of the ladder tightly, scared of slipping and falling to the concrete ground. I scan the shelf and find the small section of books I'm looking for. I run my finger along each book spine, observing each title and trying to find the books that are relevant.

"Okay, let's take this one, and that one... and this one should be good." I say to myself.

I hold the books close to my chest as I cautiously return down the ladder with my resources. I breathe a sigh of relief when I reach the ground, safe at last.

I take my books with me to one of the oak desks and sit down on the red velvet, padded chair. I pull out my reading glasses from my pocket and open up the first book.

'So, you want to please your partner, there are a few things that can help turn up the heat in the bedroom...'

I quickly slam the book shut in shock. A small bead of sweat runs down my forehead as my face heats up intensely.

I guess I didn't know what I was expecting, but that didn't sound like the kind of thing I wanted to hear. Maybe I'm not ready to take the next step with Laxus yet, or maybe it's just my innocence and naivety holding me back.

Ok Freed, you can do this.

I attempt to read the book again and open it back to the page I was reading.

'Tip 1. Leather can be a useful tool...'

Nope, next page.

'Tip 2. Try foreplay, dress and act like the character that your partner admires.'

Hmm... that could work...

'Tip 3. Attempt different positions.

What the... No!!! Is that how it works! Is that how it happens when a guy and a guy do... 'that'? Oh my goodness!

I slip down my chair in utter shock and disbelief, not realising how little I actually knew about 'bee pollination'.

"What'cha reading there Freed?"

"Shit!" I exclaim as I jump out of my skin with fright.

I quickly turn around in my chair and see Cana stood behind me with Levy, a recently new member to the guild and a fellow bookworm.

"Hi..." I say nervously trying to compose myself.

"What's going on in that picture?" Levy questions.

Panic rushes through my head as I slam the book shut, catching my hand inside it accidentally.

"Agh!" I complain as I take my hand out of the book and hold it close to my chest with my other hand.

"Freed, are you reading something you shouldn't?" Cana teases.

"No... it may be a bit maturer than the average book I read, but there's nothing wrong with that." I explain, trying hard not to break down under Cana's sly remarks and my secret mission.

"If you want to know about sex then talk to Gildarts, I overhear him talking about it all the time." Cana says bluntly.

"Don't say that word! And that's not what I was intending to do..." I defend.

"Then what are you trying to do?" Levy questions.

"I really love Laxus, I want to do something special for him for his 18th Birthday. I thought maybe progressing our relationship somehow might be a nice surprise." I explain.

Levy and Cana look at each other briefly, before looking at me sympathetically.

"You know, you could take him somewhere nice for a date." Levy mentions.

"That's quite a good idea Levy, thanks." I reply with a smile.

I'm kind of annoyed that I didn't just think about doing that in the first place.

"I know, why don't you read a yaoi book, that'll give you an understanding of gay relationships." Cana suggests.

"Oh, really? Thanks Cana. Do they just date and hold hands and stuff?" I ask.

"Yeah... something like that. Anyway, we better get going, if you can't think of anything then come and see me." Cana replies.

Cana and Levy leave the library as I plop my head on top of the book. The last thing I wanted was people finding out, but I guess those two can keep a secret, so I should be okay.

I return to the index book and search up 'yaoi'. I then venture to the bookcases once more and try to pick out a book I like the sound of.

"Thunder down under... ooh, that sounds interesting." I comment.

Returning to my desk with the book I begin reading, excited about what I could learn. Being a manga book, it's easy to read and understand and the art work just makes the whole concept of two boys in love even more thrilling... that was until I reached the next chapter.

The book starts off really sweetly, an innocent boy holding hands with a rugged gangster, they share a bag of chips whilst sitting on the pier, watching the sun go down.

"Awww! Cana was right this is really good advice." I say adoringly, absorbed into this idyllic setting and relationship that could be me and Laxus.

I turn the page and begin to read chapter two.

"Ah, they're going home together..."

Next page.

"Ooh, the innocent boy is taking the gangster's shirt off, he's trying so hard to be seductive... The gangster loves it!"

Next page.

My jaw drops as I stare blankly at the book. Damnit Cana! You tricked me! I will never recover from what I've just seen!

I slowly shut the book and contemplate on what I've just witnessed.

What they ended up doing didn't look romantic at all... maybe there's a gentler way of doing it, I mean, at least I know what goes in where now, so maybe...


I hear someone calling out and walking down the stairs to the library. Swiftly, I try and hide the books amongst others so I don't arouse suspicion.

As I watch the staircase nervously, I see a pair of brown leather boots, then a cream skirt, armour. It's just Erza.

Erza turns her head and looks at me. We stare at each other momentarily, not expecting to bump into each other here.

"Sorry, I was coming here for some peace and quiet, then I heard a noise and thought I would investigate." Erza explains softly.

"It's fine, I accidentally slammed a book shut. You're welcome to join me if you'd like, I won't bite." I reply.

Erza nods her head and walks towards the desk I'm sat at. She pulls a chair up to the desk and sits opposite me.

"I see you like Boy's Love manga." Erza comments out of nowhere.

Flustered, I try and come up with an excuse.

"No, no, this isn't mine, must've been someone else. No I was reading this book... on rocks." I chuckle nervously.

"Lying is bad you know, I know that you hid that BL book under the pile, you're the only person I know in the guild who visits the library frequently and really likes Laxus, more than friends." Erza explains.

My nervousness leaves me as I am genuinely surprised by Erza's response. Normally she's quiet around the guild, but she appears to be opening up a bit more, maybe she just struggles to hang around in big groups.

"I must admit, you are very perceptive." I reply.

"Thanks I guess. Anyway, are you trying to find relationship advice from a BL manga book?" Erza questions.

"It wasn't my suggestion, it was Cana's, she did it for a joke. I just want to make Laxus happy, he's going through a rough time at the moment and I want to try and make it better somehow." I answer.

Erza looks at me thoughtfully, she's genuinely listening to my concerns and appears to be the only person at the moment who's trying to understand what I'm going through.

"Well, I think love should just happen naturally. I don't really know much about relationships, but I think a simple compliment can be just as effective than anything else, a boy I used to know complimented me and made me feel special... maybe it would work for you." Erza reminisces, sounding a bit melancholy.

Erza looks down at the desk, I can tell that she's upset. I reach out my hand and place it on her's. She lifts her head with surprise and looks at me with bright, tear filled eyes.

"Your story sounds lovely; plus, your advice is really helpful to me. Thank you." I reply with a smile.

Erza continues staring at me, almost like she's star struck, but once my words sink into her, she smiles sweetly and grips her hand with mine.

"No worries, thank you for being so kind." Erza says shyly, her cheeks tinted with pink.

Me and Erza both leave the library and decided to get some lunch together. Erza has a strong spirit and a heart of gold, plus she has a strong love for strawberry cheesecake, a dessert I'm quite fond of myself. I think she will open up more from today and hopefully spread her spirit and passion throughout the guild.

"So, what should I do about Laxus, I want his 18th Birthday to be special for him." I say whilst eating my cheese sandwich.

"Well, you should do something that comes from the heart, do whatever you feel is right and what would make Laxus happy, it doesn't have to be anything big, he just wants to be with you." Erza explains as he finishes eating her cheesecake.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea, I think I know what I'm going to do." I reply.

Later that day...

Laxus and the rest of the Thunder Legion return from their job request. Whilst Evergreen decided to get some rest back home, Bickslow and Laxus were sat on the balcony. This is my chance to get some valuable information.

I put on a pair of sunglasses and one of Laxus' baseball caps. I creep up the stairs quietly, trying to avoid Bickslow's line of sight. I write a rune over myself, granting me temporary invisibility as I crawl on my hands and knees to the table where Laxus and Bickslow are sat at.

I take off my sunglasses and look at the magazine Laxus is reading. Sorcerer Weekly, the best selling magazine for all mages in Fiore.

"Look at her." Laxus comments with a grin as he turns the magazine towards Bickslow.

"How can someone be so cute yet so freakin' hot?" Bickslow questions with a chuckle.

"Beats me, but I would love to do it with her." Laxus chuckles.

My ears are burning as well as my temper, that cheater! I stand up and try to sneakily look at what the big fuss is about.

I see a picture of a female wizard, she looks like my age, but she's actually 20. She has long, straight, green hair with big, glistening, golden eyes. She is wearing a Dirndl dress featuring a frilly mini skirt as well as a low cut, frilly white top that is underneath the corset.

What is it about her that Laxus likes? Is it her cutesy face? Her German cosplay? What is it!

"Man, you would just like to do it with anyone." Bickslow laughs.

"Yeah... in all seriousness though, I can't wait to get it on with Freed." Laxus replies.

My heart leaps out of my chest momentarily, until it collapsed through the floor when I realised what 'getting it on' means.

"You mean you haven't done it yet?" Bickslow questions.

"No. I'm just trying to be sensitive to Freed you know, I don't want to treat him badly and I want the moment to feel right at the right time... but I could totally see him wearing this dress or one of those Laderhosen outfits, man that would be so good." Laxus replies.

Laderhosen! That's it! I must get to the costume shop forthwith!

As I start to run to the stairs, my foot gets caught on the table leg as I collapse to the ground with a heavy thud and if that wasn't bad enough, my invisibility rune wears off.

"Freed? What are you doing here? I didn't notice you were up here." Laxus questions.

I quickly turn onto my back and sit up on the ground, rubbing my newly bruised knees.

"I only just got here..." I say softly, my voice tainted with pain.

"Right... why have you got my baseball cap and are those my sunglasses?" Laxus points out.

"Well, it's a warm day out there and I don't want to damage my eyesight looking into those UV rays." I say spontaneously, hoping that Laxus won't see through my ruse.

"It's raining though." Bickslow says.

"Yeah. What's going on?" Laxus interrogates.

"Nothing! I thought I would surprise you by dressing up in some of your things, I look pretty cute don't you think?" I ask as I put the crook between my thumb and index finger under my chin.

Laxus looks at me bizarrely.

"You look daft, give me the hat back, it looks too big on your small head." Laxus chuckles.

Laxus takes the hat from me and although he was joking with me, my self esteem took a heavy hit from Laxus' unthoughtful words.

There's only one solution to this problem, Laxus' one weakness...

I try and think of something sad and combine it with what Laxus just said about me. I turn on the waterworks to a light trickle as I grab the edges of my sleeves anxiously.

"Laxus-chan, why are you so mean?" I ask sadly.

Laxus instantly freaks and freezes into a statue, when people cry he struggles to know what to do about it since his strength isn't in sympathy.

I walk closer to Laxus and kneel down by him, holding his hand. I take his hat and place it back on my head.

"Don't I look cute, Laxus-chan?" I ask, tears still flowing down my face.

Laxus tries to edge away but finds no way of escape.

"Yes! You look cute! Please stop crying!" Laxus exclaims.

Yes! Result!

My face cheers up and I hug Laxus tightly as his panicked face turns to a fed up one.

"That was some good acting Freed." Bickslow comments.

"Why thank you." I reply with a grin.

"Don't do that to me again, and where did this Laxus-chan come from all of a sudden?" Laxus questions.

"Just my head. Anyway, there's somewhere I've got to be, see ya later." I say as I wave goodbye to Laxus and Bickslow before descending the stairs.

Well, at least that yaoi book wasn't entirely useless. In terms of granting Laxus what he desires, I must get that cosplay outfit before his party at the end of the week. I can't wait to see the look on his face.

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