Never Tell (Royce)

By ChresandJay_

151K 7.1K 1.3K

Jacob and Chresanto are both grown men now. Jacob is a model and actress. Chresanto owns the biggest producti... More

Chapter 1: introduction
Chapter 2: back to Cali
Chapter 3: reunited
Chapter 4: winners & Losers
Chapter 5: battles
Chapter 6: someone else
Chapter 7: moving on...i think
Chapter 8: experencing new things
Chapter 9: rise and shine
Chapter 10: assholes
Chapter 11: apologies
Chapter 12: fuck you
Chapter 13: one more time
Chapter 14: nobody knows
Chapter 15: on to the next
Chapter 16: tension (short)
Chapter 18: the dinner
Chapter 19: mornings
Chapter 20: life or death
Chapter 21: life or death (continued)
Chapter 22: i care
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (filler to chapter 25)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (short)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (filler)
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 (final)
"Number" Lyrics

Chapter 17: my addiction

2.9K 144 36
By ChresandJay_

Chresanto's P.O.V

Neveah Zonnique And I were all at the park. Veah had her little crush on this little dude named Chad. He's 6. Mhm he may be small but ion care he better keep his hands feet and other objects to himself. Me and Nique were helping Veha swing on the swing set. She was really really really high, but was having fun.

Me: ok Veah you ready to get down

Veah: catch meeeeeee


She hopped off the swing set and screamed in joy. I ran to catch her until she landed in someone else's arms.

??: woah you ok there little girl ?

Veah: yea daddy again again !

She jumped out of the persons hands and ran to me. I picked her up and sighed.

Me: dont do that again you could have gotten hurt !

Veah: im sorry i didnt mean to make you mad

Her lips quivered and i side and kissed her cheek.

Me: im not mad i was just worried cause i love you princee

Veah: i love you to

I put her down and held her hands as i went to go thank the dude who caught her. I tapped him on his shoulder and he turned around.

Me: Latimore !?

JacobL: wassup my nigga long time no see

We dapped each other up doing our high school hand shake and laughed.

Me: aye man thanks for catching her

JacobL: no problem how old is she

Veah: im 5 almost 6

JacobL: oh your a big girl

Veah: why yes.. Yes i am

We chuckled at her and she jumped out of my hold and ran to hug someone. The girl had a big bow at the top of her head and long hair going down her back. Me and Latimore mad small talk as we made our way over to the girl and Veah.

JacobL: who's her mom

Me: Zonnique

JacobL: pullins ?

Me: yea

JacobL: are yall together ?

Me: yep

JacobL: i thought she was married ?

Me: to who ?!

JacobL: idk thats what i heard. She gets around alot to if you know i mean.

I shook my head as we stopped in front of the girl. Latimore gave her a kiss on the cheek and held her hand he was in the way of her face.

Jacob's P.O.V

I was walking trying to find Jacob he walked away without telling me ! I spotted him talking to.. CHRES ! Shit shit shit ! Veah ran over to me and i got down to her size embracing her in a hug.

Veah: Jacob i miss you !!

Me: awwwe i miss you to Veah

Veah: when are you going yo come back

Me: i dont think i can

Veah: p-please

She made a sad face and i hugged her again.

Me: i'll try

Veah: YAY ! And oooooo your hair is longggg

Me: i know where's your mom ?

Veah: idk she left me and daddy at the swings before i jumped off

Me: you jumped off are you hurt are you ok ?!!

Veah: yea that man caught me

She pointed Jacob and i smiled. I stood up and Chres and Jacob made there way over here. Jacob gave me a kiss on the cheek and held my hand. Im guessing Chresanto didnt know who I was.

Veah: daddy !! Its Jacob !!

Chres: were ?

I laughed as he looked around. He's so damn dumb.veah giggled and pointed to me.

Veah: this is Jacob daddy !

Chres: oh wow you look.. Amazing

Me: thank you chres

I gave him i week smile but inside i want to forgive him and be with him but he cant let go of his babby mamma whos a hoe.

Veah: daddy ! Can we invite Jacob and.....

JacobL: my name is Jacob to

Veah: COOL TWO JACOBS ! Can we have them over for dinner ?!

Chres: why not... Jacob is that ok with you

I nodded and smiled. He smiled back and i felt Jacob's grip get tighter on my hand. I pulled away and rubbed my hand.

Nique: baby !!

Ugh here this bitch come. I hate her. She tried to throw shade on instagram but can say shit to my face dumb ass hoe.

Chres: wassup ?

Nique: im ready to go its hot

Veah: but im not

Nique: ion give a damn im the parent and were leaving !

Chres: dont talk to her like that the fuck wrong with you ! you can leave. We came here for Veah and if you wanna leave im chucking up the duces.

I looked at her and smirked.

Nique: the fuck you looking at

Me: let me think..

I cover up Veah's ear and said...

Me: a hoe who doesnt know how to keep her damn legs closed going through the whole team in high and still does it. A hoe who probably got an STD and STI. Last but not least certainly not least a dick riding hoe who cant stay off my dick cause you wanna throw shade on instagram and twitter but cant say shit to my face.

Jacob busted out laughing while Chres tried to hold his laughs in. Nique huffed and stormed away. I uncovered Veah's ear and she went over to Chres who picked her up.

Veah: where's mommy ?

Chres: she went home

Veah: oh

She looked bummed out. I didnt like seeing her sad. Her mom is barley in her life and i wanna be in her life and love her like my own but i cant do that.

Chres: so we'll see you guys tonight ?

I nodded and with that being said we walked away to the car ready to go home. Jacob ignored me the whole ride home. The hell i do ? When we got in the house he slammed the door.




Jacob: flirting with that nigga right in my face !!!

Me: i wasnt flirting i was smiling !!

Jacob: man that nigga hurt you but you keep going back like a dumb sad ass puppy !! Im trying to love you but you wont let me !

Me: You know i still feel for him !! You know that ! We both agreed THIS MORNING that were both just grieving from our problems with each other ! You with Maria and me with Chres !!

Jacob: Jacob im trying to get you to see that i love you !! Not only as your best friend !

Me: thats all we are ! Thats how its going to stay ! Your just hurting over Maria and you know it.

Jacob: maybe your right but iv developed something for you over these years. You cant tell me you havent either. I felt it when we kissed earlier

I stayed quiet. I wasnt going to deny him but he's not Chres. Its something about Chres that draws me in. I love Jacob but its not in a way he wants it to be in.

Jacob: just give me a chance... Please. Thats all im asking for

Me: you'll thank me later for saying this but no. You love Maria and it would crush her to the fullest if we went out. She's a good friend to me and i cant do that

Jacob: but you didnt care when we kissed ! When we were holding hands ! When we giggling and laughing.

Me: so what that was a one time thing. Im just recovering from Chres. Im not thinking straight. Please. I just need a friend

He sighed and looked down at me.

Jacob: fine. I guess i need a friend to.

I nodded and kissed his cheek. Im not looking for a relationship with him. I guess i just want love.


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