Falling For My Best Friend (K...

By arabella949

64K 1.5K 273

A Katsuki BakugoxOC book. Akari Sasaki has a rare quirk that allows her to manipulate elements. Join her on h... More

Main Character & Authors Note
Chapter One: Orgin
Chapter Two: What it takes to be a Hero
Chapter Three: Roaring Muscles
Chapter Four: What I Can Do for Now
Chapter Five: Rage, You Damn Nerd
Chapter Six: Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter Seven: Bakugo's Start Line
Chapter Eight: Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!
Chapter Nine: Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter Ten: Game Over
Chapter Twelve: In Each of Our Hearts
Chapter Thirteen: Answers Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: That's The Idea, Ochaco
Chapter Fifteen: Roaring Sports Festival
Chapter Sixteen: In Their Own Quirky Ways
Chapter Seventeen: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Chapter Eighteen: Calavary Battle Final
Chapter Nineteen: The Boy Born with Everything
Chapter twenty: Victory or Defeat
Chapter Twenty One: Battle On, Challengers!
Chapter Twenty Two: Bakugo vs Uraraka
Chapter Twenty Three: Shoto Todoroki; Origin
Chapter Twenty Four: Fight On Iida
Chapter Twenty Five: Todoroki vs Bakugo
Chapter Twenty Six: Time To Pick Some Names
Chapter Twenty Seven: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hero Killer
Chapter Twenty Nine: Climax
Chapter Thirty: The Aftermath of Hero Killer; Stain
Chapter Thirty One: Listen Up!! A Tale From The Past
Chapter Thirty Two: Gear Up For Final Exams
Chapter Thirty Three: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part one
Chapter Thirty Four: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part two
Chapter Thirty Five: Encounter
Chapter Thirty Six: Game Start
Chapter Thirty Seven: Two Hero's Part One
Chapter Thirty Eight: Two Hero's Part Two
Chapter Thirty Nine: Two Hero's Part Three
Chapter Forty: Two Hero's Part Four
Chapter Forty One: Wild, Wild Pussycats
Chapter Forty Two: Kota
Chapter Forty Three: A Night of Tragedy
Chapter Forty Four: The Aftermath
Chapter Forty Five: Attempted Rescue
Chapter Forty Six: Symbol of Peace
Chapter Forty Seven: One For All
Chapter Forty Eight: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
Chapter Forty Nine: I Love You (Lemon)
Chapter Fifty: Moving Into Dorms
Chapter Fifty One: Create Those Ultimate Moves
Chapter Fifty Two: The Test
Chapter Fifty Three: Save The World With Love
Chapter Fifty Four: Provisional Hero License Exam
Chapter Fifty Five: A Talk About Your Quirk
Chapter Fifty Six: Deku vs Kacchan Part Two
Chapter Fifty Seven: A Season For Encounters
Chapter Fifty Eight: Unrivaled
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Scoop on U.A Class 1-A
Chapter Sixty: Princess (Lemon)
Chapter Sixty One: Overhaul
Chapter Sixty Two: Boy Meets...
Chapter Sixty Three: Fighting Fate
Chapter Sixty Four: An Unpleasant Talk
Chapter Sixty Five: GO!!

Chapter Eleven: All Might

1.2K 32 2
By arabella949

"NO! STO-" I started to scream but a loud crash towards the front of the USJ interrupted everyone, looking up I saw All Might at the top of the stairs and he wasn't smiling.

"Look! We're saved!" Mineta screamed while crying, I looked down at Dad worried.

"Dad wake up! All Might is here!" I tell him crying in a low raspy voice.

"Ah, Looks like our game's getting a 'continue'" Shigaraki says "After all this waiting the heroic piece of trash shows up!".

All Might jumps down the stairs taking villains out as he comes by them and is now crouching next to me. All Might picks up my father and he looks to me "Are you okay young Sasaki?".

"My arm is hurt, but Dad is in bad shape All Might" I tell him, All Might turns around to look at the scene before him and quickly jumps into action. All Might had quickly not only picked up my Dad and I but Izuku, Tsu and Mineta and landed us a good distance away from the villains.

"Everybody back to the entrance and take Aizawa with you, he doesn't have much time" All Might told us, I got onto my knees checking my fathers injuries.

"You saved us All Might" Izuku told him.

"Izuku please" I said getting his attention, Izuku looked down to my tear filled blue eyes "Help me".

Izuku immediately began to help me pick up my father, noticing my my now blackening arm from the injury.

"Kari" he looked at me worried.

"I'm fine just please help my Dad" I beg him, making him go wide eyed at hearing me call him Dad for the first time intentionally.

"All Might that brain villain took One For-" Izuku then began to tell All Might before stopping then continued to say "I-I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time but he wasn't fazed at all! He's to strong!".

"Young Midoriya! I got this!" All Might told him turning around and doing his signature pose, although as I thought about it, would he be able to defeat these heroes alone?

The five of us then took off towards the entrance with my unconsciousness father while All Might fought the brain villain.

"Are you guys seeing this? That suplex looked like a huge explosion! All Might's on a whole 'nother level!" Mineta said.

"And yet he still has to look at his notes when he's teaching us" Tsu adds on.

"Get that guy! Punch him right in the balls!" Mineta yells.

"Maybe we were worried about these bad guys for nothing, All Might's unstoppable!" Tsu says.

As we continued to walk I thought about All Might, his power is weakened and only Izuku and I are the only ones that know that. All Might was all over the news this morning meaning he's probably already exhausted in his hero form. Looking to Izuku, I could tell he had the same thought on his mind.

Looking back we saw All Might trapped by the villain while using the warp gate. The four of us gasped at the sight stopping, the bird villain drew its claws into All Might and blood poured out of his side. The warp villain and monster pulled All Might through the warp gate trapping him. Izuku looked to me, with a look in his eyes asking for permission to leave and go help. I nodded slowly.

"Asui?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, what is it Midoriya?" Tsu asked.

"Will you carry Mr. Aizawa for me?" he asked looking towards All Might.

"Ribbit? Sure, but what're you gonna do?" she asked as I helped shift my father onto her back, I grabbed her shoulders while Izuku walked towards All Might.

"I need you to take him to the front entrance, immediately Tsu and don't look back, I'm trusting you with his life right now" I tell her looking deep into her eyes and she slowly nods and takes off with him.

I look back at my father one last time before adrenaline starts pumping through my veins as I run off towards Izuku to help, Mineta yells but we didn't care. Izuku couldn't let All Might die and I couldn't let Izuku, my best friend since I was just a kid die either. Izuku runs in front of me jumping towards All Might when the warp gate appears right in front of us. A explosion happens making the gate shimmer away, I'd know that explosion sound from anywhere.

"GET THE HELL OUTTA MY WAY DEKU!" Katsuki yells while grabbing the warp gate and holding him down in place, ice then spreads down the villain that is holding All Might keeping it in place.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might" Todoroki stated plainly, All Might then jumped from the villains grasps, immediately grunting in pain from the wound.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asks All Might, as Kirishima jumps over to hit Shigaraki but misses.

"Damn! That was gonna be cool" Kirishima says.

"Guess I found your body that time, ya smoky bastard!" Katsuki tells Kurogiri.

"The symbol of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you" Todoroki tells the villains.

"Kacchan? everyone?" Izuku stated surprised at their arrival, Katsuki looked over to me examining me, his eyes going wide at the sight of my now bruising throbbing arm.

"Kurogiri, How could you, let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here" Shigaraki told him angerly.

"Heh, you got careless, you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out" Katsuki said laughing "Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate, you used that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction, thinking that made you safe, that's why we missed".

"But if you didn't have a body you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor, right? Your not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed" Katsuki said while Kurogiri struggled a bit making him activate small explosions "Don't move! You try anything funny and I'll blow your ass up right now".

"Now that doesn't sound very heroic Katsuki" I laughed telling him, making him smile at the sound of my voice.

"Nomu" Shigaraki says and the monster falls into the warp gate making me get into fighting position. We all gasped at the Nomu and how it broke its body apart.

"How is that thing still moving?" I question as I now stood on one side of Todoroki and Izuku on the other.

"Stay back everybody!" All Might tells us, the Nomu broke through the ice then someone rebuilt its arms and legs.

"What is this? I thought you said his power was shock absorption" All Might inquired.

"I didn't say that was his only quirk, he also has super regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power, he's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back" Shigaraki tells him making us all on extra guard now.

"First we need to free our method of escape" Shigaraki says making me look to Katsuki "Get him Nomu".

"NO!" I scream but a large explosion pushes us back, after the dust settled I quickly stood up.

"KATSUKI" I screamed out but then realized he was right next to us on the ground unharmed, I crouched down placing my hand on his knee.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking in those familiar red eyes.

"That's awesome you dodged him!" Izuku tells him but Katsuki glares at him.

"Shut up, no I didn't you damn nerd" Katsuki says as I help him up.

"Then how'd you get over here?" Kirishima asks.

"Isn't it obvious?" Todoroki asks as we look over to All Might.

"All Might!" Izuku says worried.

"These are kids and you didn't hold back?" All Might asks appalled.

"I didn't have much choice, he was threatening my companion. Besides these kids are no angels, the plain looking one he tried to kill me with a maxed out punch. What kind of hero does that?" Shigaraki asks "Also, you I and both know who that pretty girl really is inside".

All Might's jaw tightens hearing the last part and the boys around me stare. I stare in confusion to the pale blue haired villain.

''Inside me? What does he mean?' I thought to myself.

" You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others. Well you know what, All Might?" Shigaraki says extending his arms.

"That pisses me off. Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and others are villainess? Casting judgment as to what's 'good' and 'evil'." Shigaraki monologues "You think you are the Symbol of Peace? Ha, you were just another government sponsored instrument of violence and violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead".

" you're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you; you always try to make your actions sound noble. But admit it, you're only doing this because you like it. Isn't that right?" All Might asks him making him squint his eyes

"We've got them out numbered" Todoroki says.

"And Katsuki found the mist guys weakness" I add on.

"These dudes might act really tough but we can take 'em down now with All Mights help" Kirishima states hardening himself " let's do this!".

"Don't attack. Get out of here" All Might tells us.

"You would've been in trouble earlier if it weren't for me remember? You need our help" Todoroki tells him.

"I thank you for your assistance, but this is different. It's going to be all right just sit back and watch a pro at work" All Might tells us.

"But you're hurt too. You're bleeding and you're almost out of ti-" Izuku begins to say but stops himself, All Might gives him a thumbs up. Shigaraki began running towards us making us get ready for a fight.

"Heads up, we're Fightin after all" Kirishima says but All Might then suddenly takes off at a amazing speed and punching the Nomu, we all flew backwards from the powerful force.

All Might then fought the Nomu head on and made the wind around us blow crazily. All Might punched the Nomu so fast I could barely see his arms. All Might and the beast flew around but All Might had threw him into the ground. We all stood shocked at his power.

"Now for a lesson. You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean" All Might says bringing his arm back.

"Go beyond! PLUS ULTRA!" All Might yelled at the villain smashing him through the top of the USJ making the entire building shake.

"That was like a finishing move in a video game!" Kirishima says.

"He beat the shock absorption right out of him!" I said excited.

"Imagine having power like that, he must've been punching that monster so fast he couldn't regenerate" Katsuki added in, once the dust cleared All Might was standing.

"I really have gotten weaker, back in my heyday, five hits would've been enough to knock that guy out but today it took more than 300 mighty blows!" All Might says smiling, then turning to the villains.

"You've been bested villains, surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly" All Might told them, Shigaraki stood there shaking in anger, trying to decide what his next move would be.

To be continued...


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