Falling For My Best Friend (K...

By arabella949

65.2K 1.6K 275

A Katsuki BakugoxOC book. Akari Sasaki has a rare quirk that allows her to manipulate elements. Join her on h... More

Main Character & Authors Note
Chapter One: Orgin
Chapter Two: What it takes to be a Hero
Chapter Four: What I Can Do for Now
Chapter Five: Rage, You Damn Nerd
Chapter Six: Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter Seven: Bakugo's Start Line
Chapter Eight: Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!
Chapter Nine: Encounter with the Unknown
Chapter Ten: Game Over
Chapter Eleven: All Might
Chapter Twelve: In Each of Our Hearts
Chapter Thirteen: Answers Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: That's The Idea, Ochaco
Chapter Fifteen: Roaring Sports Festival
Chapter Sixteen: In Their Own Quirky Ways
Chapter Seventeen: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Chapter Eighteen: Calavary Battle Final
Chapter Nineteen: The Boy Born with Everything
Chapter twenty: Victory or Defeat
Chapter Twenty One: Battle On, Challengers!
Chapter Twenty Two: Bakugo vs Uraraka
Chapter Twenty Three: Shoto Todoroki; Origin
Chapter Twenty Four: Fight On Iida
Chapter Twenty Five: Todoroki vs Bakugo
Chapter Twenty Six: Time To Pick Some Names
Chapter Twenty Seven: Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hero Killer
Chapter Twenty Nine: Climax
Chapter Thirty: The Aftermath of Hero Killer; Stain
Chapter Thirty One: Listen Up!! A Tale From The Past
Chapter Thirty Two: Gear Up For Final Exams
Chapter Thirty Three: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part one
Chapter Thirty Four: Katsuki Bakugo; Origin part two
Chapter Thirty Five: Encounter
Chapter Thirty Six: Game Start
Chapter Thirty Seven: Two Hero's Part One
Chapter Thirty Eight: Two Hero's Part Two
Chapter Thirty Nine: Two Hero's Part Three
Chapter Forty: Two Hero's Part Four
Chapter Forty One: Wild, Wild Pussycats
Chapter Forty Two: Kota
Chapter Forty Three: A Night of Tragedy
Chapter Forty Four: The Aftermath
Chapter Forty Five: Attempted Rescue
Chapter Forty Six: Symbol of Peace
Chapter Forty Seven: One For All
Chapter Forty Eight: End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End
Chapter Forty Nine: I Love You (Lemon)
Chapter Fifty: Moving Into Dorms
Chapter Fifty One: Create Those Ultimate Moves
Chapter Fifty Two: The Test
Chapter Fifty Three: Save The World With Love
Chapter Fifty Four: Provisional Hero License Exam
Chapter Fifty Five: A Talk About Your Quirk
Chapter Fifty Six: Deku vs Kacchan Part Two
Chapter Fifty Seven: A Season For Encounters
Chapter Fifty Eight: Unrivaled
Chapter Fifty Nine: The Scoop on U.A Class 1-A
Chapter Sixty: Princess (Lemon)
Chapter Sixty One: Overhaul
Chapter Sixty Two: Boy Meets...
Chapter Sixty Three: Fighting Fate
Chapter Sixty Four: An Unpleasant Talk
Chapter Sixty Five: GO!!

Chapter Three: Roaring Muscles

1.8K 42 3
By arabella949

Akari's POV

Thinking about what had happened last night was making my brain hurt with all the new knowledge I possessed.


"I deem you worthy of my power. My quirk is yours to inherit young man" All Might says while raising both of his hands. I tilt my head slightly at that statement, inherit? No one knew what All Might's quirk really was but was that because it's not natural quirk at all?

"Uh?" Izuku looks up from his sobbing mess and tilts his head as well.

"Wait what to you mean inherit?" Izuku questions.

"He's going to inherit what exactly?" I ask as well making All Might threw his head back in laughter.

"You should see your faces right now, don't worry. I'm not going to force this on you kid" All Might states while walking forward.

"Wait, you can force it on people!" I ask curiously but he only ignores the question.

"Listen well young man, do you want to accept my awesome power or not?" He bluntly asks Izuku while pointing at him. I feel so confused, he seems so willing to give his power away.


All Might had offered his inherited quirk 'One For All' to Izuku and of course my dorky best friend accepted and agreed to be trained by All Might himself. I was stunned to say the least, our symbol of peace has a transferable quirk which Izuku has to live up to. Although Izuku Midoriya has the biggest heart and purest intentions of anyone I have ever met so I couldn't think of a better person for the job.

~Nine Months Later~

It's been nine months since Izuku and I found out about All Might. Izuku and All Might have been down at the beach removing all the garbage left behind making him stronger to inherit the quirk. Sometimes I would go watch him and support him while All Might gave me some pointers to help me with my training. Katsuki has been on edge ever since he found out Izuku wanted to go to U.A High, we've barely hung out lately since we've both been training so hard as well. Interpreting my thoughts I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Akari let's go train" Dad told me with a mellow voice, opening the door my Dad was in his yellow sleeping bag on the floor.

"Ya know most people would be frightened by the sight of you Dad" I tell him laughing.

"Well most daughters would let their Dad's sleep in every once and awhile" He retorts back to me.

As we got down to the training center in our house Dad had me work on my hand to hand combat with him. Even though he was a pro hero, he has taught me everything he knows from combat to healing others. After about an hour of training Dad and I were sweating bullets and both were starving so he ordered some pizza. As I sat down on our couch I thought about how Izuku was doing, he had said All Might had a ten month plan for him to get stronger and inherit his quirk.

"Akari" Dad said getting my attention, he had his serious face on which made me sit up with a somewhat worried look.

"Your quirk is powerful to say the least, you've pretty much mastered air and water while earth and fire aren't your strong-suits" he begins, 'well he's being blunt' I internally say but he continues "In order to get in at U.A High you're going to have to be able to control those with precision and skill".

"Dad I know this why are you saying these things?" I look down slightly embarrassed.

"The principle of U.A approached me while I was getting paperwork there, he'd known about you and what happened to your parents and that I took you in" he states.

"What did he want to know?" I ask slightly afraid.

"It's not a matter of what he wanted to know but to give and offer you" Dad says making my eyes go wide.

"He believes that you have a great future as a pro hero and is offering you a spot at U.A High's Hero Program" he says with a smile, my mouth dropped absolutely shocked.

Thinking about this was making my heart pound in my chest with tears coming to my eyes. I Akari Sasaki would finally be able to become a hero and make my parents proud.

~The Day of The Entrance Exam~

As I walked with Izuku to the exam location he was telling me how All Might had made him swallow some of his hair that morning to inherit his power making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. We arrived at the place and stopped and looked at the huge building ahead. I instantly felt worried for Izuku and Katsuki, what if they don't get in?

"Stupid Deku" I look behind us and see Katsuki walking up to us.

"Kacchan" Izuku mumbles, I look into Katsuki's eyes and see determination which makes me happy.

"Get out of my way now before I set you on fire Deku" He rudely states while grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him. When I told Izuku of my early recommendation acceptance to U.A he was nothing but excited and when I told Katsuki...


I ran down the street to the Bakugo's household, quickly running to the front door, pounding my tiny fists on the door. I heard stomping coming then the door swung open.

"Kari? What the hell are you doin-" Katsuki begins but interrupt him by throwing my arms around him.

"I GOT INTO U.A HIGH'S HERO PROGRAM BY RECOMMENDATIONS!" I yell in his ear, he pulls back from the hug confused.

"Recommendations? How'd you manage that?" He asks looking into my eyes, I depart from his arms walking into the living room. Taking a seat on the couch, I couldn't tell him about Dad being a hero so I had to think of an excuse.

"Uh, I guess the principle knew me and about my parents and how strong they were?" I tell him, hoping he believes me.

"Damn" he begins while rubbing the back of his neck "Guess that just means I'll have to deal with your annoying ass for another three years when I get in too!".

I laughed at his statement, he then got out video games and we started to play one another. Of course cursing at each other and getting mad when we lost. Looking over to him, tongue sticking out as he aggressively punched the controller buttons. I smiled at his cute tendencies and thought about the future at U.A High.


"Katsuki that was rude" I tell him, but he only scoffs and keeps walking, looking down he was holding my hand still which made me blush slightly.

'Get yourself together it's your best friend, he's held your hand a bunch of times!' I thought consciously, we walked up the steps but I stopped at the door.

"Well this is as far as I go" I tell him making him turn around and look me in the eyes, his red crimson eyes looking into my ocean blue ones.

"Make sure you don't kill anyone Mr. explosion" I laugh slightly making him laugh.

"Only person I'll explode is that bastard Deku" Katsuki says glaring at the green haired boy behind us, but I grabbed his upper arm feeling his muscular bicep.

"Just focus on you okay? I am going to U.A next semester and I would like my best friend there" I tell him slowly, he nods and slowly backs into the building.

'Oh I hope they both pass' I pray in my mind.


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