Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UND...

By IThoughtUSaidWeast

975K 26.5K 4.6K

Nixie Dovers was the flame that lit Jasper Hales fire. With one task in mind Nixie didn't expect to fall for... More

Tragedy ๏ฟผStrikes
Into the Life of a Protector
Hero Hair
"Sup Eddy"
The Cullens
What the Hell?
We All Have Our Secrets
"I'm Sorry"
Eddy to the Rescue
Protectors out of the Bag
His Salvation
Shark-bait Hoo Ha Ha
" I Didn't See Them"
Life With You
"I Told You So"
The Bee and Her Honey
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
New Moon
Happy Birthday Old Hag
Mending Broken Pieces
Hollow Eyes
"You're Pathetic"
The Pack
"Slowly Release the Clutch..." *CRASH*
Love Squares and Marshmallows
An Eye for an Eye
"Freaked Out Yet?"
"I'm Sorry I Failed You"
"You're a Real Piece of Work"
Let's Go Home
Bonus Chapter #3
Ice Cream Date
With Guilt Comes Pain
Unlikely Friendship
"Another Protection Detail?!"
"I Will Love You Forever"
A Decisions Been Made
"Your First Time?!"
Something Wicked This Way Comes
"It's Okay"
Love Will Remember You
Bonus Chapter #4
Bonus Chapter #5
Breaking Dawn Part 1
God's Work
Flightless Bird
"Something's Wrong.."
The Impossible Becomes Possible
No Tears Left to Cry
You Are The Reason
Clock is Ticking
A Little Hope
Be Still My Beating Heart
"You Weren't Supposed to Leave Me"
Something I Want
Bonus Chapter #6
Bonus Chapter #7
Breaking Dawn Part 2
"How Could You?"
"I Did It"
Forgive Me
"Oh, Brother.."
Mommy Issues
Nixie-1, Fried Brain-1
Battle vs. War
"Just Say the Words..."
"Let's Get F*cking Married"
Bonus Chapter #8
Bonus Chapter #9
Alternate Ending
Book 2 of the Nixie Dovers Series

"You're My Home"

7K 169 60
By IThoughtUSaidWeast

"The comeback is always stronger
than the setback."

"C'mon Jas" Nixie whined as her foot got caught in another vine causing her to stumble. "Can I look now?"

Jasper chuckled at his impatient mate while helping her get her foot unstuck for the umpteenth time. "No" he retorted, adjusting her blindfold again before steering her forward, "just a few more steps, I promise."

She let out a groan but allowed him to direct her wherever he was taking her. Twigs snapped beneath her feet indicating nearby trees and she assumed she was in the woods outside the Cullen house. She was tempted to peak but didn't want to upset Jasper by ruining whatever his surprise was.

He led her a few more steps before halting her to a stop, "okay" he grinned, "you ready?"

"Hell yeah" Nixie cheered, hands rubbing together in excitement as she stood.

Jasper's fingers nimbly untied the blindfold and with one last twist, the piece of fabric fell from Nixie's eyes.

Blinking a few times to clear her vision Nixie noticed all the clans standing around them, every person clearly dressed to impress. Nixie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she turned to face Jasper for answers. It was then that she noticed her extremely handsome fiancé was sporting a black suit and holding a small box in his hand. "Jas?"

If Jasper could sweat, he would've had to change suits twice already because even as a vampire he was nonstop fidgeting as his nerves were on full display. He looked at the woman in front of him and felt himself calm. This was her, this was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She was his forever, and their forever started now. "Ready to get married?"

Nixie's eyes widened as she looked back towards everyone who was already smiling at her. "Right now" she gaped finally noticing the floral covered alter at the end of the makeshift aisle.

"Well, I figured with everything that's been happening lately, I don't want to to waste another day not being able to call you my wife" Jasper replied.

Tears quickly built in the protectresses eyes as she eyed all the faces around them. She looked to the man in front of her and gave him a watery chuckle, "I don't even have a dress."

"Of course you do" Alice chimed as she stepped into view holding out the same wedding dress Nixie had been eyeing online for the last few months. Her mouth dropped at the sight, the dress was straight from Paris and was at least $20 grand for the design alone. "Alice" she gasped, hand gently running across the fabric afraid she would somehow ruin it.

Alice smiled at her soon to be sister in law, "everything's all set, all you have to do is get dressed!"

Nixie look another look at Jasper and felt her heart begin to race, "let's do this shit."


"Watch it devil woman" Nixie grunted as Rosalie yanked yet another one of her hairs out of her head.

The vampire shook her head, "quit your whining, we're on a tight schedule I'm doing my best."

"Well your best sucks" Nixie hissed as she was jabbed in the back of the head with a clip.

"Done" Rosalie sang, stepping back and admiring her work.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Nixie felt her cheeks begin to hurt at how hard she was smiling. The door opened behind her and a whistle echoed throughout the room.

"Damn" Gale called as he entered the room, "you clean up quite nicely little sister."

"I could say the same for you" Nixie replied as she gestured to the suit he was currently wearing.

Gale fluffed his color while he pursed his lips, "yeah I know, I'm hot." His comment earned giggles from everyone that occupied the room causing him to smile smugly.

Nixie rolled her eyes at her brothers antics but secretly she wouldn't change it for the world, it was nice having him back. "What're you doing here anyway" she asked, brushing her eyelashes with another coat of mascara.

"Well" he grunted, thumbs twiddling as he made eye contact with his sister in the mirror. "I figured, since dad can't be here that maybe, you'd uh.. maybe I could be the one to give you away."

The mascara was halted as Nixie squeezed the tube in her hand tightly. She looked down as she hastily shoved the tube back into Alice's purse. "I'd like that" she sniffled, tilting her head back as she frantically blinked, "you're gonna make me ruin my makeup dickhead!"

Her brother laughed from where he stood as tears built in his own eyes, the siblings never thought they'd see the day where either of them got married. His watch beep from its spot on his wrist causing him to look at it. "Alright" he announced with a clap, "let's get this show on the road, Dr.Sexy starts tonight and I'm tryna be home by then."

"Season 3 starts tonight?!" Nixie yelled, as she gaped. "Let's get this show on the road!" She allowed Gale to help her from her seat, grabbing the bouquet Alice held out as she wrapped her arm around Gale's.

"We'll meet you out there" Alice cheered, placing a kiss on Nixie's cheek before pulling Rosalie out of the room.

The siblings stood behind the doors together, waiting for the music to start so they could walk out.

"Nervous?" Gale mumbled as he stared down at his little sister all dressed up and giddy.

"Never" Nixie responded, and she wasn't. She knew Jasper was the love of her life, she knew this was meant to happen.

Gale nodded, "good. Cause ya know, I know it's been awhile but I still got your back little sister."

"Us against the world" Nixie hummed, placing her head in his shoulder for a second before they heard the music start.

Gale held his pinky up towards her, "us against the world." Their pinkies linked and with one last breath, the doors in front of them opened and Gale started to lead his sister down the aisle.

Jasper watched the doors hiding his future wife behind them open and wow, he had never seen someone so radiant. Even with only 15 minutes to get ready, Nixie was easily the most enchanting woman he'd ever seen. Her hair lied in her natural curls, half pinned up so that it was out of her face. Her makeup was simple yet Jasper still has a hard time drawing his eyes away from her face. Her head tilted up and their eyes met and for the first time in 200 odd years, Jasper Whitlock could've sworn his heart had a beat.

She was beautiful. She was everything Jasper knew she would be, but also so much more. She was his mate, his love, the woman he'd kill for, the woman he'd die for, she was her. He watched as her brother lead her down to aisle, lead her to him and with every passing second his happiness increased until he was almost positive he was going to burst.

Nixie's grip tightened on her brothers arm as she got closer. This is it she thought while staring at the love of her life at the end of the walkway.

Once the siblings reached the awaiting groom, Gale slid his arm out of Nixie's and looked to her. "I'm so proud of you" he whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead before gesturing her hand to Jasper.

Jasper reached forward and wrapped his fingers around Nixie's. He gave Gale a respective nod before helping his fiancé up and to the alter that they now stood under. The couple stared at each other with matching grins, "you're beautiful" Jasper whispered.

Nixie's eyes scrunched as her smile widened, if that were even possible.

"You may now be seated" Carlisle spoke as stood next to the couple as their officiant. He gave his son a proud grin before looking up towards the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today.....

His words fell deaf to the couples ears as they stared at each other. Their hands tightened and they felt time slow and they couldn't look away, they didn't want to. They mindlessly repeated the words Carlisle was speaking but even as they stood there, friends and all, it was just them.

"Jasper" Carlisle nodded indicating that his son was up.

Jasper didn't need a paper, he didn't need to remember the words he wanted to tell her because he had been thinking them since the day he met her.

"Nixie, from the moment our paths crossed, you've surprised me, distracted me, captivated me and challenged me in a way that no human being ever has. I've fallen in love with you again and again, countless times without reservation. And I still can't believe that I get to marry you, the woman who has given me everything." His eyes never left hers as he spoke, even as hers began to fill with tears and spill down her cheeks.

"I promise to be true to you. I promise to hold your hair back while you shovel greasy food into your mouth."

Chuckles arose from the crowd and even Nixie let our a teary one.

"I promise to love you even after our house is filled with hundreds of dogs and randomly placed fish bowls. I promise not to complain when you force me to watch your completely predictable sitcoms and your God awful taste in movies. I promise to be there for you during those nights where you feel a little more lonely and I promise to be there even when you don't want me to. I want to spend the rest of my life devotedly by your side. There will never be a moment where I don't see you standing beside me, I love you with my entire being."

Nixie frantically wiped the tears escaping her eyes as watered laughs left her lips. "How the hell can I beat that" she cried eliciting laughs from their friends and a chuckle from Jasper. She took a deep breath before lookin to the man before her.

"Jasper, from the moment I met you, I knew that someday we'd end up where we are right now. And I mean that in the least creepy way I know."

He laughed at her words while tightening his grip.

"From our days of awkward silences, getting yelled at by teachers because we couldn't seem to keep our eyes off each other, even the day where I pretended not to notice you take my phone changer, because I knew I wanted to see you again. When people meet the world becomes a little more exciting. But when soulmates meet, the world changes, when I look at you I don't see a boyfriend, a fiancé or even a husband. When I look at you, I'm home."

Tears filled the vampires eyes and he thanked the heavens that they couldn't ever fall because he knew Nixie would never let him live it down.

"I see nothing worse than to be without you because with you, my soul feels complete. You are the other half of me and I can never express how much you mean to me. You are my home, no matter where that is." Her eyes searched his and they conveyed the words her mouth couldn't say.

"Well" Carlisle smiled, "then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Jasper didn't need to be told twice, grabbing Nixie by the back of her head he smashed his lips to hers. His fingers tangled into her hair loosening her pins but neither cared.

The cheers echoed throughout the woods as the vampires and wolves all stood, a smile on every single persons face.

Nixie smiled against Jasper's lips and it didn't leave even after they parted, her breaths coming out quickly as she gazed at the love of her life, her husband. I'm home.


"And this one is called a Chinese ring dagger, one of my favorites, their super small and easily hidden" Nixie informed, showing the blade to the child by her side.

"Can you paint them different colors" Renesmee asked as she stared at the multiple weapons sitting on top of her Aunt Nixie's trunk.

"Hell yeah" Nixie cheered digging into jacket and pulling out her own customized dagger. "I named this one Tall, Dark and Handsome" she fondly informed, "he's a personal fav."

"Ahem" someone coughed causing the two girls to jump and Nixie to quickly shove the knives into her trunk before slamming it. She turned to face to intruder only to glare as Jasper stared back at her with a grin.

"Whatchu doin" he hummed, glancing towards his niece before his eyes rested back on his wife. "Hopefully not the thing Bella was warning you about earlier."

Nixie and Nes looked to each other with wide eyes before the protectress scoffed, "what?! Never!"

"Mhmmm" Jasper nodded as if he believed her, "well, that's good cause I'd really hate to see you get hit with another book is all."

Nixie's hand rubbed her head in the place Bella had thrown the dictionary earlier after finding a stun gun under Renesmee's pillow. "Bitch" she muttered as she remembered the bruise it had left, thankfully it already healed and all that was left was the memory.

The three were quiet as they all gave each other grins, Jasper teasing Nixie, Nixie sneering at her husband and Renesmee laughing at the scene. Things were fine until..

"Nixie!! Is that a fucking sword hanging in Renesmee's closet?!"

Green eyes widening in fear, the protectress covered her head as she booked it into the forest, an angry Bella not far behind waving around a giant encyclopedia.

Jasper and Nessie watched them disappear into the trees before the vampire faced the hybrid, "she'll never learn" he chuckled.

Renesmee gave him a toothy grin before reaching into her pocket and pulling out her Aunts gift, "look! Aunt Nixie got me a taser!"

Jasper's eyes widened before he let out a loud laugh, grabbing the taser away from the child, he gripped her small hand in his and lead her inside. "C'mon Nes, Aunt Nixie's got Finding Nemo playing in our room, we can watch that as we wait for your mom to finish beating her."


Nixie smiled as she watched Jasper say goodbye to Peter, her husband sending her a grin as he caught her staring.

The Denali's plus Senna and Zafrina stood around Renesmee, trading hugs and goodbyes with each other and the child.

Edward appeared on her left with a chuckle as he watched his daughter laugh with the vampires around her.

Jake showed up on Nixie's left and the 3 stood there, content smiles on all their faces.

"She's gonna be around for a long time, isn't she?" Jake chuckled as his eyes never left his imprint.

"A very long time" Edward responded, winking at his daughter who looked up at them. He bit his cheek before looking to the wolf, "I'm glad she has you" he admitted.

A surprised snort left Nixie's lips, her cheeks reddening as the vampire and wolf both stared at her. "Fuck off" she grumbled, crossing her arms and marching towards her awaiting mate.

"So should I start calling you dad" Jake smirked at the vampire as soon as Nixie left.

Edward's eyes squinted as he stared ahead, "no."

Jasper smiled at his pouting mate and quickly brought her into his arms as soon as she reached him. "What's wrong Miss Piggy" he teased, "frog got your tongue?"

Nixie let out a growl before shoving her face into Jasper's chest that was shaking from laughter.

His laughter was cut short however as he left out a gasp and gripped Nixie's head, lifting her head and forcing her eyes to meet his, "did you just bite me?!"

Alice overheard her brothers exclamation and couldn't help the tinkling laugh that escaped her. She met Edward's stare from across the yard and her eyes suddenly went hazy.

An older Renesmee lied her head on Jacob's shoulder while they stared off into the distance.

The couple were greeted on the beach by Bella and Edward, the mother instantly hugging her daughter while Edward greeted Jake with a grin. After Bella released her, Renesmee greeted her dad with a tight hug and smile.

Alice snapped out of the vision and felt her lips tug into a smile as Edward seen the same thing she had. Her eyes traveled to Nixie and Jasper before skipping over them and landing on the other Dovers.

Gale shot the vampire a wink causing her to quickly turn away at an attempt to hide her grin. "Yeah" he nodded looking towards Alice's retreating figure, "I think I'm gonna like it here."

Nixie overheard her brothers statement and threw her head back letting out a loud laugh mixed with Jasper's chuckles.

Me too she thought, hands tangling in Jasper's hair as she brought him in for a kiss. Me too.

**IT. IS. OVER..😭😭😭😭 I don't even know where to start guys, I had so much fun writing this story and I don't think I'll ever be ready to let Nixie and Jasper go🥺 Thank you everyone who stuck around this long and supported me, you guys are the absolute best❤️ Bonus chapters are still a thing! I have 2 bonus chapters, an alternate ending and a sneak peak into my next story coming next!!! Sadly, it's not a Twilight one but I can promise you it'll still be worth it!**

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