The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janosk...

By ilovethejanoskians18

397K 7.5K 1.9K

Meet Cassie your average 17 year old not so popular teenager, it's the start of a new school year and nothing... More

The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janoskian Fanfiction )
What do you want from me ??
What have i done ??
A Date with Beau Brooks
The Disatrous Official Date
Date Gone Wrong
Oh Hell No
Did He Just Play Me ?
He can Cook .. NO WAY !
Well That's Uh Awkward
He Can't Get Out I'm Not Ready
Is it True ?
Matt :'(
I may, or may not be into you!
Silent Farts Are The Most Deadly
But I want to sleep next to you ;)
Why Why Why!!!
I I Did It....
Suprise Date
He won't ever find out
What did I do?
Your who?
Sleeping on the oval
I missed you
Ride home with him
But you said no
How did you get out?
Wait where are we going?
Answer one of my questions then
Meeting Nonna and Gina
Meeting the Brooks fam bam
I don't love her
The tears are real
More drama then a soap opera
That's our table
What are you doing here?
I feel like shit
Shut up and kiss me
Wanna bet?
Can I have a...
What's got you so happy?
Positive or Negative?
You mean you know and love
Lets use a codeword
Sorry darl
I'm joking!
The betrayal
Get me a bucket you doofus!
She was with me

Now kiss me

5.1K 149 56
By ilovethejanoskians18

This chappie is dedicated to @L0ttieBrooks, it's her birthday on Saturday which is tomorrow from where I am, so Happy birthday for tomorrow! I hope you have an amazing day filled with laughter, happiness and get spoiled with prezzies.


"THAT'S MY PHONE, HE JUST TOOK MY FUCKING PHONE!" Fiona screams, she looks from where he was walking, but now his completely gone and out of sight. I would have got him, she thinks to herself.

Little did Fiona know that by that one simple action, she has put not only herself but Cassie in danger. If Fiona had known what was to come, she wouldn't have listened to Emma and she would have tackled him to the ground, but she didn't know.


Cassie's POV

I wake up by the sound of a vibration, I turn my head seeing my phone instantly light up. Ugh someone is ringing me.

I turn over to my side, trying not to disturb Beau from his sleep. I squint my eyes trying to adjust to the bright lighting. It's hard to move since Beau's arm is tightly holding onto my waist, but I manage to slightly wriggle out of his hold on me.

I lazily pick up my phone, "Hello?"

"CASSIE!" A voice screams from excitement, I instantly know who it is and I smile even though she won't be able to see me.

"Yes Fiona, whats up? OH you missy have some explaining to do!" I exclaim but then lower my voice, slowly turning to face Beau. I calm down realizing that I haven't woken him up.

I scoot over a bit further away from the bed, his loosely arm wrapped around my waist falls right beside me. I watch amazed that he hasn't woken up yet, he must be one of those heavy sleepers.

"Oh I don't even want to remember last night, I have the worst hangover!" Fiona groans and I shake my head chuckling.

"That's what happens when you drink fi-"

"Oh and don't try calling me, I'm talking from Emma's phone. My phone was taken."

"YOU PHONE WAS STOLEN?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah.. Look I really can't be bothered explaining the whole story right now, but I'll tell you everything at school tomorrow I promise!" Fiona sighs.

I'm not the most patient person, but I can wait it's only one day. I'm not going to force it out of Fiona, she will tell me tomorrow.

"Oh school," I mumble quietly, my once chirpy mood now ruined.

"Aw sorry to ruin your mood, better knowing now then realizing later tonight though!" Fiona's laughter fills up the phone.

"So I am curious as to what you got up to last ni-" Fiona doesn't even get to finish her sentence, as I suddenly squeal into the phone, once two muscular hands grab me by the waist. I am pulled towards a muscular chest with strong hands hugging me from behind.

"Mmm I could definitely get used to waking up to you every morning," Beau's husky, deep morning voice says holding onto me tighter, not enough to hurt but enough to keep me by his side.

"CASSIE WHO'S BED ARE YOU IN RIGHT NOW?" Fiona screams into the phone, I don't even have the phone held towards my ear and her voice blasts through the phone.

I can't control the blush that slowly makes it's way onto my face, making my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Ummmm." I reply flushed.

"Cassie Nora Johnson, did you have sex?" Fiona squeals through the phone, she's getting a little to excited about this. You'd think she would be mad, since it would be my second time, that is if we actually did have sex which we didn't, I chuckle to myself.

She used my full name, which she hardly ever uses. Unless she is angry with me, wants information or is hyper.

"Oh we had an all night er, non stop hot and bothered sex it was amazing!" Beau exclaims winking at me and I burst out into laughter.

"Wait a sec, is that..... Beau?" Fiona shrieks.

"Bingo! DING DING DING we have a winner!" Beau shouts in amusement, waving his hands around to emphasize his point even though Fiona can't see him.

"Just to clear that up yes it is Beau, yes I am in his bed. Well actually we're at his grandparents house, so we're in their spare bed.... but we didn't have sex!" I proudly say.

"Mhmmm" Fiona replies in a disbelieving tone.

"Thanks for calling but we're about to actually have sex now. Bye Fiona!" Beau says as he snatches my phone off of me and hangs up on her.

"Hey!" I protest, crossing my arms.

I place my hand out and he gives me my phone back, I place it back on the bedside table and lay back into the bed pulling the covers over my goosebumps all over my arms.

"How long have you been awake for?" I ask Beau, trying to smooth out the tangled mess of my once neat hair, before I went to bed last night.

He just looks at me smugly, moving closer to me and resting his head on my neck. "Mm I don't remember I might need something to reassure me,' he says smirking.

"Like what?" I ask smirking back.

"Oh I have a few things in mind," he says grinning, he bites his lip as he looks me up and down to emphasize his point.

"OH your so dirty!" I shriek playfully slapping his arm.

"But you love it, now kiss me!" He winks pouting his lips apart so he looks like a duck.

"If you must know I had been awake ever since you answered the phone,' he smirks and I giggle at how funny he looked seconds ago with his duck lips.

"So you were pretending to be asleep, how dare you!" I say trying to act mad but I crack a smile.

"Shut up and kiss me!" he orders a smirk making its way onto his face.

I slowly lean in purposely to tease him, we're a meter away and I slowly wrap my hands around his neck comfortably.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE YOUR KILLING ME WOMEN!" He groans playfully grabbing a hold of my waist and bringing me close to him, I slowly lean in smirking. I close my eyes and lean in slowly getting ready to kiss him. Our lips are centimeters apart, I look into his eyes and reality kicks in, my breathing gets caught in my throat and my heart starts rapidly beating. I am about to kiss Beau Brooks, I want to kiss Beau Brooks holy shit I think I like Beau Brooks! My head is screaming at me.

Suddenly soft warm welcoming lips come into contact with mine, I kiss him back passionately. Who knew I could actually be this happy! Beau is making me happy, that's a first.

He grins and I know I shouldn't be smiling but I can't help it. I will probably regret spending so much time with him tomorrow morning but right now I'm happy and that's all that matters.


Cassie's POV

"Do you really have to leave?" Beau pouts and I can't help but smile. I said goodbye to Beau's family and Beau drove me home. We're currently parked in my driveway, and his trying to get me to do something else with him before I go home.

"Yeah my mums probably wondering where I am, It's nearly dinner anyway I should probably get inside my house." I chuckle and he gives me a disapproving look.

"We could go back to my place and have dinner," he says leaning over the car seat, tracing circles on my shoulder.

"As much as I would like to see your house, since I haven't been there before, I would have to say no. Another time yeah?" I cheerfully ask opening the car door.

"Cassie wait!" Beau exclaims, tugging on my arm to stop me from getting out of his car. I turn around to look at him, but before I can say anything his leaning over. He instantly grabs my cheeks and kisses me passionately, I kiss back, our lips moving in sync. Before things go any further he slowly pulls away, his hands cupping my cheeks.

"Wow," I breathe out and he grins.

"Well I'm going to uh.. get going now, uh see you tomorrow," I say at loss for words.

"Tomorrow?" he asks tilting his head to the side confused.

"School silly!" I chuckle tapping his nose, I finally get out of the car and wave to him as he starts up the engine.

He rolls down the window waving back as he speeds down the street, once his car is gone I start walking up my driveway. I knock on the door, hearing footsteps coming near the door. Within moments my mum appears at the door, wearing an apron and her hair tied up in a messy ponytail. She looks at me in shock and relief, as I walk in my house and she closes the door behind me.

"Cassie where were you? You didn't come home last night!" She worriedly asks me, as she embraces me in a hug. I hug her back knowing that she was probably worried sick about me.

"I was at Beau's grandparents place, it was his grandpas birthday party and I stayed the night," I say unsure about how my mum will react. That's probably not the best of things I could have said at this very moment.

Mum walks into the kitchen and I watch as she puts her oven mittens on and pulls out the roast chicken from the oven. I can feel my mouth watering at the sight, it looks tasty and it smells amazing!

"Beau? Beau Brooks!" She exclaims placing the food on the table and I nod.

"I work with his mother, she's such a beautiful lady so nice and welcoming!" Mum gushes and I smile as I place some roast chicken, plenty of potato's and some salad on my plate.

"Wait a sec you stayed at Gina's dads place? You didn't invite yourself over did you? Cassie that is rude you have to be invited!"

"No I didn't mum Beau invited me there and his grandparents kept offering for me to stay over. I didn't invite myself." I sigh smiling as I start to eat my dinner.

"Did you sleep in separate beds?" she asks and I choke on my drumstick.

I regain myself from choking, as I quickly take a huge gulp of water."Of course we did mum!" I exclaim laughing. Well we did until Beau decided to scare me by creeping his way in the room and joining me in the bed.

"That's good then! But I'm very cross with you for not telling me where you were, you could have at least called me or sent me a text to know you were okay, I was so worried!" Mum tells me in a very disappointed tone, making me feel guilty.

"Sorry mum," I say guiltily.

"I'll let you get away with it this time, but if you ever and I mean EVER, make me worried sick again there will be consequences!" She smiles half joking but half not.

I jump out of my seat, "THANK YOU MUM LOVE YOU!" I exclaim hugging her.

I place my plate, cup and cutlery in the sink and make my way to my room. "Thanks for the dinner, it was so good!" I yell out to mum as I walk into my room.

A few hours later, after watching pitch perfect, scrolling through instagram and singing in the shower and drying my hair I decide it's time to go to bed. It's already 10pm and as much as I don't want to go to school tomorrow I have to, mums already in bed so I turn the corridor light off.

I place my phone onto the charger and place it on my bedside table, I turn the light off in my room from my lamp and I jump into my bed sighing in satisfaction. I get under the covers making myself comfortable, I close my eyes only to open them again once my phone loudly vibrates.

Really I'm in bed and now someone decides to send me a message, I decide to ignore it but it goes off again. I stretch my arms trying to reach my phone without having to get out of bed but I fail.

I grumpily get out of my warm and comfy bed, I pick my phone up seeing that the message is from Beau. I smile to myself as I put my pass code in and unlock my phone. 'Night Cass' I read and smile at the simple gesture.

'Still thinking about me?" I bite my lips as I press send. A million thoughts go through my mind telling me that I shouldn't have said that. My thoughts are interrupted by my phone vibrating in my hand, I wait a minute before opening the message.

"Every second of the day ;)" I read and instantly smile.

Sweet dreams Beau :), I reply back.

My phone vibrates and I take my time opening the message, " Night Cass, try not to have dirty dreams about me ;)"

Night Beau, I reply back yawning.

Night Cass x, is the reply I get back before I close my phone and jump back in bed, trying to get a good nights rest.

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