It's just you and me (5SOS Fa...

By iitsmee

1.4M 26.5K 6K


Class Schedule
Great News
Sleeping Arrangements
Leftover breakfast
'Back to the Future I, II, III'
A Text Message, A Story
First song
Meeting his band
That's So Raven re-runs
Teenage Dream
I missed everything
Bye Beautiful
Charlie Step's Party
I'll only be a few seconds
Catching Up
"You'll See"
16th Birthday
I Won't Dance
Study Rooms
Fade to black
Hospital Beds
Water Fight
It's Christmas
Rose petals & Rooftops
Calum's Present
New Years
Going away presents
Skype Call
Dance Studio
Pre-show Facetime
Last class
Krispy Kreme Donuts
The Flight
The House
Grocery Shopping
Calum's birthday
Ice Cream
Day Out
Last Night In Scotland
Back Home

My Warrior

25.7K 490 99
By iitsmee

I wake up once again in Calum's arms, who was fast asleep. I lye in silence, listening if the other boys were awake. Nothing but a quiet household as the birds chirped outside. I released myself from Calum, gently pulling his arms away from me and onto the bed. 

I quietly walked over to my jacket which was hooked on the hangers next to the door and pull out my phone from one of the pockets. 6 missed calls and 4 unread messages, I checked the time and it was only 7am. 

I checked to see who all the missed calls and texts were from and of course they were all from my Dad. I ignored them all, reminding myself to call him back later. I hear the squeak of the mattress as Calum sits up and yawns.

"Well, goodmorning my little UFC fighter" I tease as I jump onto the bed to hug Calum.

"Thanks for the nickname" He chuckles as he pulls me down to his chest. 

I look up at Calum's eyes and see that it was a bit swollen and purple. 

"Oh my god! Calum your eye!" I sit up and twist his head so I could see his eye. 

"No, it will be fine" 

"Calum it's purple! I swear, next time I see that asshole" I examine the darkness surrounding his eye with a stern look on my face. 

Calum begins to laugh. 

"Calum why are you laughing? You're hurt!" I slightly yell at him.

"I'm sorry! But you're just so cute when you're all serious and concerned" 

I playfully punch him on his arm before I jump off of the bed. 

"Where are you going?" He questions raising an eye brow.

"I need to get you some ice" 

I walk out the door and into the kitchen. I skip over to the fridge and open the freezer compartment and see an ice pack already made, Ashton must've known. I take it out and run back to the bedroom Calum and I stayed in. 

"Nurse Andie" Calum announces as I walk through the doorway.

I chuckle as I crawl back onto the bed and over to Calum. I compress the ice pack lightly onto his eye. 

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Calum yells out in pain.

"Oh my god! Sorry!" I apologise pulling the ice pack away. 

"Ah! Just kidding!" He laughs as I punch him in the arm "Ouch! Now that one hurt" 

Calum rubs his arm as I place the ice pack back onto his eye, loud thuds come from stairs.

"Goodmorning my little boxing divas!" Michael comes running into our room and jumps onto the bed, landing on his stomach.

"Seems like everyone wants to crack jokes about last night" Calum laughs as he punches Michael in the arm. 

"Stop moving Calum" I tell him holding the ice pack to his eye.

"Yes ma'am" Calum stops messing around with Michael and faces me.

Michael lays on the bed dangling his feet in the air, as Luke and Ashton skip in.

"Goodmorning!" Luke sang as he jumped on the bed, sitting next to Michael.

"Morning Luke" I look over to him and smile before turning my attention back to Calum's eye.

"What happened there Andie" Ashton asks as he sits next to Luke.

I lift off the ice cold pack that was in a slushy consistency to reveal a faint purple-blue eye. 

"DAAAAAAAAMN! COVER IT UP! COVER IT UP!" Luke yells as he covers eyes with the blanket.

Michael punches Luke's arm and turns his attention to Calum.

"Oh stop being such a BAAA-" Michael cups his hands over his eyes and falls off the edge of the bed with a loud thud. 

"Ok i thought there was only one girl in this house" I whisper to Calum as he laughs. 

"Ok well, it's not THAT bad, I mean it could be worse!" Ashton said followed by a break of silence.

Ashton walks over to Calum and seems as if he were about to touch his eye. 

"Ok it couldn't be worse" Ashton says in disgust as he quickly pulls his hand away. 

"Ok, ok let me see what you're all whining about" Calum reaches over to the bed side table and picks up his phone. 

He taps in the passcode and looks at his reflection from the front camera.

"SWEET JESUS!" He yells as he starts gently tugging the parts of skin that wasn't bruised. 

"On the bright side, you still have the other eye?" I offer pulling the phone away from him, with a half smile on my face. 

The room falls silent before Calum starts laughing. 

"See now that's why I love you" Calum replies as he pulls me in for a hug. 

I poke him in the stomach so he would let me go. I turn around to see all the boys smiling and coo-ing at our actions. I give him the ice pack to put on his eye. 

"Man, my head hurts" Luke shakes his head. 

"Yeah, same here" Michael rubs his eyes, but when he opens them his expression turns into a little boy on Christmas morning opening his presents.

Ashton looks over to Michael and smiles. 

"Macca's run?" Ashton suggests as Michael's eyes light up like houses during Christmas.

"Ok guys, get all cleaned up and we'll leave in five" Ashton says as he walks off to the kitchen. 

"Can I drive?!" Luke yells.

"If Michael stops eating mcdonalds then yes!" Ashton comes through the doorway with 4 ice packs in his hands. 

Ashton throws one to Luke. 

"Ok, definitely not" Luke catches the ice pack in his hands and instantly holds it to his forehead, letting out a soothing sigh. 

"HEY! I can stop if I wanted to" Michael replies as takes an ice pack from Ashton. 

"But will you?" Luke raises an eye brow. 

"...No..." Michael says innocently. 

"What I thought" 

I take a pack from Ashton and press it gently to my forehead, I was tipsy but I wasn't drunk yet I still copped a hangover. 

After 10 minutes we left for the nearest McDonald's restaurant. 


We get out of the car and head for the door, Calum's bruised eye is more noticeable than ever, so he throws his hood on even though it was about 30 degrees outside. 

"Calum, you'll be fine, you still look like your normal dorky self even with the eye!" I say cuddling up to his arm. 

"But I don't want to be the ugly guy, that hangs around the pretty girl" He whispers in to my ear as he creeps his hand around my waist.

I blush and look over to Luke and Michael mimicking our movements, as Ashton laughs. 

We enter the building, hangovers and all then I see it. I see him. What is he doing here?

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