One in a Million

By celestinegabrielle

262K 7.2K 624

She's an author engaged to a business-minded guy, a man who never paid attention to her. She wasn't happy, sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Coming Soon
New Story Publish

Chapter 31

5.1K 144 0
By celestinegabrielle

[Jennie's POV]

Four months, four months passed after those horrible incident that shaken our lives. Thankfully, we are to recover quickly. Leo has been jolly since then, at least he didn't suffer any trauma from that despite how hard he cried that time.

Our family has been stronger and of course, much more careful. Lisa's being very gentle to me and Leo even though I really know she's been fighting a battle inside her.

The mystery of her dad.

What could be his real motives? Why did he just disappear after he called Lisa on the day Leo was missing?

But we both don't wanna touch that story for now. We just got married and she said it would be better if we will set aside this issue for now and focus more on our growing family.

"Hey, Jennie! Hi Leo baby... let's go!" Rosie greeted, she said gesturing us to her quarter which is obviously just beside Lisa's.

We've been waiting here in Lisa's office for about15 minutes already. Though, Lisa isn't here because she has to attend to some of her patients. She's been the Director of my dad's hospital now. Dad made the decision months before we got married since he think Lisa deserves it after working her ass so hard.

And today is my checkup. And of course, Rosie is still my OB.

"So how are you and Lisa now? And Leo? Lisa barely talk about what happened but as what we observed, she's coping better" she said while preparing her things.

I put Leo in the couch inside Rosie's office. He's playing busily so he doesn't mind everything we talk about at all.

"Lisa is fine. Though, she's still haunted by her past with her father. But I think sooner or later she'll be ready to face it. I don't force her, actually. I know it will be hard and I don't want to pressure Lisa" I answered.

"Of course she will, Lisa has a very strong mental ability to cope with such. This is why I don't get to worry about her a lot. I'm more concerned with you and Leo. How are you dealing with it?"

"Don't worry Rosie, Leo's been fine. I think he got his emotional intelligence with Lisa"

"And you?"

"I'm fine. Perfectly fine, you know how much Lisa cared for me and Leo, and our baby" I answered caressing my growing baby bump.

"I'm happy to see your family, you know that? I've always been telling Lisa that if I will be to marry someone,I want it to be like yours" Rosie said smiling sweetly.

"Don't worry, you'll find someone you deserve too. Or maybe you found that person already" I said as I lay on the hospital bed.

"What do you mean?" She asked confussingly.

"Well, as what I observed, you already met that one and I bet she's coming right here.... right now" I answered her, teasing as evident in my tone.

Before she can even respond to me, we heard a loud knock on the door.

"Come in!" I'm the one to answer.

"Yow, yow! How's it? How's baby bump?" Jisoo loudly utter rolling from the door.

I knew she was coming. Who wouldn't? I've been hearing her yelling at the corridor while Rosie is preparing - she must be talking to the nurses she befriended here since we casually visit here especially when Lisa became part of this hospital. It's just that Rosie didn't hear her or maybe she did not notice a thing at all.

"We're just about to start bab---" Rosie cut her words before she even compeleted it.

And as a usual reaction of someone surprised, I widened my eyes and look at them suspiciously.

And Jisoo nudged her, eyes widened.

"Whoa, I can't believe you've been hiding this shit to us! Did I just heard you're about to call Jisoo unnie as what? A baby?" We heard Lisa peaking by the door. Well, I guess she's been there not long after Jisoo.

"Yaaah!" Rosie said ignoring Lisa's tease. She just continued to prepare things for my ultrasound.

"Oops" Lisa teased more as she pick Leo from the couch. "How are you buddy? Busy, yea? Come, let's check on our baby bump over there".

"Daddy!" He squealed as he hugs Lisa tightly. I can't help but to smile just by looking at them.

"Missed me?" She asked while snuggling Leo and they walk towards us.

"Missed you so much, Daddy. Let's go out and play!" He said in his very cute baby voice.

"I would love to! We'll do that, okay? Let's just wait and see baby bump over there first" she gestured towards the monitor.

"Baby bump is over there?" He asked.

We used to call our baby 'baby bump' since we do not know the gender yet. And this will be the first time we will know. Leo always wanted a brother and I wonder how would he feel if -in case- it is a baby girl.

"Hmmm... no baby, baby bump is inside mommy. We'll just check him out over there!" Lisa tried to explain simply since Leo's young mind would definitely not understand such things easily.

"Leo, what if it's a baby sister?" I asked suddenly wondering how he will react.

But then Leo remained silent for a while. As if he's thinking what to say.

"It's fine mommy. Then I'll be the only prince of you and daddy. And she will be my princess sister. I'd still love her!" His response warmth my heart and I can see how Lisa giggled on it too.

"Well, that's something good to know. I'm so happy that you are such a good brother" Lisa said and engulfed him again with a warm embrace.

We proceeded to the ultrasound. Honestly, I am nervous. At some point I am. But being here with Lisa and Leo to check on our baby bump somehow eases it. Lisa holding my hand while carrying Leo on the other, both of them stared at the monitor and even Leo is so focused as if he can understand what he sees.

And I just stared at them, this is one of the most beautiful things I've witnessed my whole life.

"Stare more and later you'll see us melted down the floor" Lisa uttered smiling, still looking at the monitor.

"Yaaah! I just adore you both so much" I said smiling and finally turning my attention to the monitor.

Not taking long, we finally knew the gender.

"Whoa!! It's another baby boy!" Rosie announced.

"A brother!!!" Leo squealed which made us giggle. Well, I guess he really wants a baby brother.

Soon after, we are all settled and prepared. Lisa and I decided that we should celebrate outside and eat at some Thai resto. One thing we always enjoyed. And of course, we took Jisoo and Rosie with us. They should be part of this simple celebration. Not to mention, they haven't admitted us their whole 'baby' thing.

"Since we're here all and celebrating for our BABY bump, why not talk about some other.... you know, BABY?" Lisa said clearly emphasizing the 'baby' thing. Well, I know her. She's good at this and I know no matter how these two will try to deny their alleged relationship, Lisa will still manage to know the truth.

"Yaaah! That's nothing. Something that just rolled off my tongue" Rosie said, trying to escape this allegations.

"And we both know that it's not a pure mistake, Rosie. Known you since pacifier days. I'm not a Miss Goodey Cousin for fucking nothing" Lisa teased. "From what I see, your eyes sparkle when Jisoo comes. I noticed that... not to mention, your bad hiccups when it talks about your crush-slash-love is betraying you so freaking bad right now" she continued.

And that's the only time I noticed that Rosie hiccups badly. If I were to analyse what Lisa said, it is that Rosie weirdly gets bad and strong hiccups whenever there is something about her love that's coming to her.

And she was left out silent. Not even bothered to utter a word and fight back Lisa's argument. She dropped her shoulders and sighed heavily before looking at Jisoo.

"I think Jisoo has something to say... she's been quiet since this issued came up. Tell me Chu." I said to her but she did not bother to answer. She just stayed silently and it actually makes me worry.

"Okay, okay... we'll admit it. We've been dating!" She finally admitted it. Not that I am still to believe it if they will deny, but it is better that they finally admitted.

"Since when?" Lisa asked, grinning from ear to ear. And I just stared at hee. Jisoos my hubby is so handsome.

"Uhhh.......we've been dating ever since Leo's birth. Yes, we've been together for quite long" Rosé admitted and she took Jisoo's hand.

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