Twilight Wings (Asia x Male R...

By Tenshi_The_Vamp

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This is my first story on here so it is bound to be a bit of a rough patch but i hope you'll stick around for... More

Setting Sun, Dark Feathers
Sacered Gears and Fallen Feathers
Feral Priest, Brutal Angel
Everything Changes
Different If Only
Different if only part 2
The Calm
Roomates (Mini)
Familiar? part 2
Familiar? part 3
Heart and Soul Filled Shout
Leaving the Forest
The Forest of Fuji
The Days
Almost home
Dragon legs
Trials to Fight
The Phoenix and The Dragons
Hell's Greatest Rooke
To be of Rage and Domination
Our lives.
licking one's Wounds
Quelling the Beast
Who in the hell!
Hellish Party
Out of hand

Domination V.S Wrath

221 5 0
By Tenshi_The_Vamp

I am gonna get straight into this so no showy crap to say here besides the usual

Upon return to the training home you let out a heavy sigh readjusting you overcoat seeing only two hours had passed. Making your way slowly back to your's and Asia's room, holding your heading slightly.

"Grayfia may have healed my body and got rid of my physical fatigue, but that blade....mental fatigue isn't so easily restored, maybe a small nap...and I should be all right to fight Issei.....I feel so drained." You said while shuffling through the hall. As you slowly made your way to the room a certain shorty caught your attention. You flash a slight smile and wave.

"You look like total crap." Said Koneko. She gave a slight smile in return.

"Totes, mentally drained after a talk and test with boss man, just gonna take a nap and recover." You said as you leaned on the wall. She walked over in handed you a small cloth to wipe your face.

"There's some dirt on your face you might wanna clear before you lay down." She said nodding as you accepted the cloth and wiped your face off. After the fact looking at her giving a thumbs up for confirmation and her smiling to assure you.

After the fact you returned the rest of the way to your room shutting the door quietly as to try not and disturb the sweet nun. With a low sigh you began to move towards the bed, seeing it lay empty.

"Oh yeah that's right, she began moving around after I woke up...either way it's nap time, at least till my fight with Issei" were the words to leave your mouth as you crawled into bed slowly curling up as you passed out.

As the hours of rest passed you were soon woken by none other than Asia. A slight worried expression crossing her face. Her thoughts were easy to predict even on your state.

"You are worried. About the fight I presume? Well don't, unless Issei picked it up these past few days he won't beat me" you say slowly rising into a hug from your loved one. A smile finding its way to you. As you held her everything seemed to clear within your mind. The choice to fight Issei, everything up to now has made sense as to how you've acted and reacted. But this was something else, fighting a being destined to surpass you. Currently Issei is still far behind you in power. He hasn't trained his power properly, unlike you having used it to its full extent many times knowing your limit. Issei on the other hand is an unknown challenge, he could surge outta nowhere, best not to put him out completely. But show him why he needs to take this more seriously.

With a light shuffle you plant a kiss on Asia's neck and slowly get up. With a slow movement you put your arm around her and slowly walk with her to the back of the home to meet with the group and to fight Issei. Once outside everyone looked over to you, Issei giving a nervous glance.

"Let's get the show on the road, Issei ready up, and go all out. I will not be holding back against you. Power up as well until the battle begins, if this bout is to show us going all out then you must be at full power." You said stretching and giving a cold stare. He seemed reluctant but never the less he called out his boosted gear and began powering up as his boosted gear yelled it's tell take "boost!" Each time.

As you got into position and readied up by summoning forth your Brutus gear, he had boosted a total of mine times. Once the battle was ready to start he was at twelve. This must be his Max for he has taken a fighting pose. It is open, and certainly easy to break, but it is a little better than what you had expected from him.

Since each side was ready, Rias reluctantly shouted to begin.

Within a swift movement you were next to Issei laying in a hard overhead kick, he barely brought his gear covered arm up in time to block it, Pushing more force in you layed into his guard more breaking it quickly spinning and pushing in with a hard punch sending him back at least ten feet. Everyone taking slight surprise at how quickly you broke his guard and went for it.

Issei slowly got himself up recovering from it as you began to charge again, once close enough he dodged your initial hit and countered your second by intercepting your hit with a cross guard and then head-butted you to make you back off.

Taking a step or two back it was your turn to defend. Issei had quickly tried to seize the opportunity, his form was off but impressed he would go for it, let alone land something hit wise. He landed a basic jab into your shoulder and nailed a kick into your side. Stumbling a bit as he transitioned his weight he went for a full force cross punch, due to his stumble you dodged and landed a hard hit to the back of his head. He quickly slammed to the ground, letting out a shout of pain. As he slowly went to push himself up to recover you slammed your foot to his back.

"Give up. You're outmatched and outclassed I'd say this is checkmate" you told him as you kept your foot planted as he tried time and again to raise off the ground. The others surprised by how quickly you seemed use to your new power. You let out a sigh and began to let off the pressure on his back.

Within that moment believing Issei had given up was the worst thing to assume. He rose quicker than you expected him to, and landed a hard punch with his gauntlet covered arm to your face. With a satisfying "BOOST" as he sent you rocketing back towards the tree line.

As you recovered you felt your anger bubbling up as you felt warm blood leaking from your nose and mouth area. You let out a loud yell of rage. Barely able to keep your restrictions up any more.

Issei prepared himself fearful as he was, he wouldn't back down, not yet anyway. As you slowly rose from the ground, you burst into a high speed sprint towards Issei. Once to gap was closed, you began to throw punches left and right Issei narrowly avoiding most due to your inaccurate rage spike. But the few that hit were continuously climbing in power.

The next punch thrown was from Issei as he avoided a hit and sent back another with more power than the one that caused this rage. Causing you to stumble back and cough hard as his hit had nailed your abdomen.

"Control yourself boy! Unless you wish to walk away a loser in this battle! Is that what you wish! Control your rage and convert it to strength! The red one capitalizes on domination, and we are already destined to be weaker than him due to such an occasion! Every Gray dragon such as you has been weaker than their red and white rivals. If you can't control and capitalize on your Wrath then you shall fall like the rest of your soul line. And if that happens...I shall consume you, and like the her you will be in the sea of souls that are left to test the newer generation of Gray dragons to come." Said your dragon within, he sounded sad near the end. That pep talk though was exactly what you needed to rein yourself back in.

As you regained control a thought came to mind as you kept up your defense.

His boost understabley will heighten his strength each time he does boost, but the power he is hitting you with when back into a corner is different, it is stronger than that. As this thought boggled your mind a response immediately came to you.

"He capitalizes on domination remember. When someone, let alone a dragon, is backed into a corner they become desperate for a moment to regain control of the battle, in his case he becomes many times stronger because of this. He is the dragon of domination after all, the though of himself being dominated is his nightmare! Learn from this and adapt your fighting style, trick him into thinking this fight is his then at the last second ascend from the pit with your Wrath alone and take this battle!" Shouted Brutus in your mind. Risky to throw the fight in order to weaken him a tad but the surprise factor could give you the moment you need to win. Letting a sigh out you decided to listen to your dragon.

"This is gonna hurt like hell" you muttered under your breath as a heavy hit collided with your jaw. Instinct telling you to recover, yet the plan must run through. How does one control blood boiling wrath exactly? Another hard hit to your left ribcage. Was it like a Jedi mind trick or something? Three more yet each becoming weaker slowly but surely hitting your upper right temple, then the gut, followed by a hard back hand. Maybe it has something to do with shouting out war cries in each hit. Two more nailing your shoulder and core.

By this point all were confused, this fight became one sided too quickly, even Issei was confused, you ceased fighting back. Even so he kept it up, blow by blow, hit to hit, he didn't slow down.

This continued for a few more seconds of this beat down. Till you had grown sick of it. Wanting to fight back, you slowly balled up your fist to throw a punch. Pushing all your anger to the surface your threw a hard fist into Issei's face feeling a few bones cracking under your hand as you hit him. Bringing him down to the ground. As you did so you felt something new on your arm looking to see you had formed you Brutus gauntlets but only on this one arm. The metal was different as well, it was almost like your black steel form but instead this metal gleamed in the sunlight, almost a golden color like the sun's yellow rays. Yet the moment you had caught on to it the gleam vanished and reduced to black steel.

"What...was that just now...that gleam, the sun was shining off of it like a freshly waxed car. Something felt different about that hit.." you said slowly ascending off the ground from your pin on Issei.

"Y-Yeah something felt different broke my money maker man!" Shouted a pained Issei from below you seeing his face slightly pushed in at his nose, a few missing and cracked teeth to boot. Hopefully Asia's healing could fix this, else you ruined what little chance he had at having a slightly good face to attract the girls.

"Ah Sh-Shit sorry dude, wasn't all there." You said slowly backing off as the group crowed around in awe at the scene that played out. Rias extremely worried for Issei, seeming as though her fears came to fruition but millions of times worse. She wasn't angry at you per say, like the rest she was astonished at your sudden burst. But that didn't hold back her outburst.

"What were thinking letting a blow of that Calibur out, you could've done far worse if you hit a vital point!" She shouted due to her lack of control from seeing her favorite servant hurt. Your surprise escalating further and like a child, at a loss for words while being shouted at by their mother.

"I....I.....I don't even....I can't understand....wha..... what's going on....that power was..." You stumbled trying to find your words, Rias could see it in your face and eyes. The fear of what just happened, how uncontrolled it was. She sighed letting it drop.

"I'm sorry for losing my temper, after all you just gained new power, I could expect you to have a hold on it so soon, even if you are an experienced combatant, something that powerful couldn't easily be expect to come out of a punch." She said trying to soothe your confused mind, in an odd way it helped, once more like a mother tending to her children. With a slow push you moved towards Issei putting your hand out to him.

"Here let me help you up, I'll bring you over to Asia and she'll fix ya right up" you said pulling him off the ground and helping him to Asia.

~A few hours later~

"I don't understand it either ok. How was supposed to know that was gonna happen" you shouted, while slamming your hand on the table.

"Well I don't know man, maybe you could I don't know, PAY ATTENTION NEXT TIME!" shouted Issei in retort both of you at each other's throats.

"THAT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT MORON!" shouted back at him, meanwhile on the other side of the table.

"I didn't think they'd take a simple card game so seriously." Kiba said with a laugh while looking at his hand then to Koneko.

"Royal flush read 'em and weep." Said the white haired Loli while placing her cards down. Much to your dismay as you plopped back into your chair. Giving a loud groan in response while Issei shouted a curse.

"Man next time we team up and you tell me to go all in on your bet, I'm gonna break your damn arm, have Asia heal it then break it again cause damn it Issei I was saving for a motorcycle someday but you told us 'oh we should bet actual cash make it more interesting' eat a fat one for that you dick!" You said putting your cards down on the table with an added "Fold...damn it"

Asia who was near gave a slight giggle at your dismay, only because even under through your frustration she could tell you were enjoying yourself. Rias who was nearby, slowly calming herself since she thought there was about to be a fight over this.

"So....what kinda motorcycle" Issei asked, which caused you to growl and punch his arm.

"A nice one, now go to hell" you said as Koneko collected her winning as Kiba sighed in defeat.

"Tonight is not my night, but oh well you win some you lose some" he said still with a smile.

"Most overused quote EVER!" you said emphasizing the 'ever' part.


That's it for this chapter y'all! Hope to see you again real soon now then keep safe and healthy! Also, did I catch anyone with that transition?

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