Love Isn't Always Fair [Jayy...

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What happens when Andy Biersack's little sister Emmaline goes on warped tour with black veil brides and falls... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Important Notice D:<
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Sexy llamas ;P
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 11

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~~~Later that night~~~

*Emmaline's POV*

''So we'll see you back at our bus after you've had a shower?'' asked Dahvie.I nodded and walked off their bus and walked back to bvb's tour bus which was currently my house.I walked through the door and there was cc sitting on the couch with Ash. ''Hey Emm,can i talk to you?'' Ash Asked.I nodded and he stood up from the couch.I followed him back to bunk alley where no one was.''Yes cc?'' I asked.''Well ugh,i was wanting...Actually i was wondering if you wanted to come out with Ash and I tonight to the club." he asked nervously."I'd like to but i'm not old enough to drink nor am I old enough to get in." i said."We could easily get you in,uh but then again...if you don't want to-" i cut him off,"Okay,ill come if you can get me in." A big smile came across his face."What time are we leaving?'' I asked."Like 20 minutes?'' he said.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind me.Once I had finished showering i sent a message to Dahvie.

E:Sorry,wont be able to come over,cc wants me to go out with him and ash to the club

D:Thats ok.but u r not old enough.

E:They can get me in :)

D:Ok.Be safe and don't do anything stupid.

E:i wont ;D ttyl x

I put down my phone and continued to tease my hair a little bit.I put some eyeliner on and looked in the mirror.I just had some simple black ripped skinny jeans and a blood on the dance floor tank top with a leather jacket.''Are you ready!'' cc yelled.I quickly put my phone in my pocket and walked out to where cc and ash were standing.Both their jaws dropped and i laughed."Okay lets go." i said dragging them both to the exit of the tour bus.

We walked down the street to where the club was.I could hear the music faintly,no I didn't exactly like that type of music but either way i would be able to put up with it tonight.We walked to the entrance and I got all nervous."Stay inbetween me and Ash otherwise they will ask for your i.d," cc whispered.I nodded and made sure to stand inbewtween them.We quickly walked through the entrance and we were inside."Easy enough," cc laughed.Ash walked to the bar and cc and I followed him."3 specials." Ash said to the guy at behind the bar who smiled and went to get our drinks."Don't tell Andy about this,he will probably kill us," Ash said laughing."I wont and i don't really care about him right now and where is he anyways?'' I asked.''His gone out with Juliet." cc said.''Here mate," the bartender said as he passed ashley the 3 drinks.He passed one to cc and one to me."Drink up," he said as he winked.

Many drinks later i was dancing on the dance floor with cc and Ash who were also smashed.''One more drink," i yelled over the music.I pulled cc and Ash with me to the bartender,"One more of those specials," i slurred.He nodded and got our drinks.The guy passed us 3 more drinks and we quickly drank it.We walked back to the dance floor.Everything was becoming a bit blurry.''Where's cc?'' i slurred."Don't know," Ash slurred.We started dancing and i started grinding against him."We shall leave this until later," Ash winked.He pulled me out of the club and we bumped into cc."Where are you going?'' he asked.''hotel,want to come?'' I managed to ask.He nodded and we all walked to a hotel which was a few blocks away.

Ash got us the hotel room and we stumbled all the way to the room.When we managed to finally put the key in the keyhole after many attempts we walked in."You couldn't even open the door," cc laughed.Ash threw me onto the bed without even caring and i smiled.''Oooh get it gurll." cc yelled.I flipped him off.The rest of the night became a giant blur.

~~~~The next morning~~~~

I opened my eye's to a blinding light,a killer headache and a really loud ringing of a phone.I groaned as I rolled over to see exactly where I was.''What the fuck!" i yelled as I saw Ashley laying next to me.His eye's opened slightly until he saw me.His eyes flew open and he sat up quickly,"What happened last night?'' he asked rubbing his head."I don't know,I only remember going to the club,having a few drink,dancing and that was all," i said as i held my head."Wait...We didn't did we?'' Ash asked.I raised an eyebrow until I realized what he meant."No! I couldn't! No No No!" I yelled.I then realized i was fully naked.

"What the fuck happened lastt!" I turned my head to cc who was standing at the end of the bed shocked."woahhh." he said."Where are we and did you guys really do what i-?'' cc didn't finish the sentence.I didn't know what to say but I think cc knew the answer and he looked quite hurt,or he was just really tired.I bit my lip,"I honestly don't remember anything." i said honestly.I looked over at my phone and there were 14 missed calls from Andy."Andy tried calling 14 times." I said as i looked down,i didn't want to make any eye contact with either of the two."What time is it?'' asked cc.I looked back at my phone,"11.40." i said.''Fuck! we we're supposed to leave to go to the next venue 2 hours ago! Let's get going!" cc said frantically."Uh...we need to kind of um..." Ash said awkwardly."Oh,right uh.ill go back to the couch?'' cc said awkwardly.

Ash and I avoided eye contact and got back into our clothes that were on the floor.We walked over to cc,"Okay,lets go." Ash said.We walked down the halls and to the main lobby at the hotel.Ash checked out and paid for the stay.The warped tour grounds weren't too far away so we just walked there.None of us talked the whole walk back.When we got back to the grounds there was our bus,the only one left.We walked over to it and opened the door.There standing in the main room was a mad looking Jon."Where were you guys!" Jon yelled.

"Uh...we went to get breakfast and got lost." cc lied.It was a horrible lie,not even i would buy that."You three weren't back last night,so where exactly were you! we were supposed to leave two hours ago!" Jon yelled in anger."We wont do it again,we promise." Ash said trying to avoid the question Jon had asked.Jon shook his head,"Well we're leaving now." he said as he walked to the drivers seat.I walked to my bunk,i had a killer headache.I opened the curtain and collapsed onto the bed.

My bunk curtain opened again,"Who is it?'' I asked as my face was buried in the pillow."Where were you Emm! I was worried sick about you! you didn't come home nor did you answer your phone!" he yelled."Just go the fuck away I have a killer headache." i groaned."I'm not going,you're my younger sister and I was worried something would happen to you!" I could hear the anger in his voice.I flipped him off and he shut the curtain bunk.A few seconds later the bunk curtain opened again,"Oh for fucks sake,Andy just go away." I said."It's not Andy,it's cc."

I looked up at cc awkwardly,"I thought you would need these." he passed me two tablets and a glass of water."Thanks." i said awkwardly."Um...mind if I come in and talk to you privately?'' he whispered.I nodded and sat up so he could come in."What is it?'' i asked."Well..Ughh...Firstly...Im sorry about last night." He whispered."It's okay,it's not your fault." I whispered.''And umm...did you and Ashley really uh?'' I nodded,"Apparently...but i don't remember it..." i said awkwardly."Did he use protection? or...?'' asked cc.My heart suddenly stopped...I don't know if he did or not...and if he didn't i would be screwed...Everything would be messed up,"Oh cc...I don't know." a tear fell from my eye and he instantly wrapped his arms around me."Don't cry...Knowing Ash he probably would have," he whispered to me.

My headache was killing me and we we're going to be driving for another 3 hours."cc." i whispered.He looked down at me."What happends if...well..if he didn't?'' I asked.He took a deep breath,"I don't know...We will just have to find out and try not to think about that." I didn't want to think about this right now or be in this position.I shut my eyes and fell asleep on cc's shoulder.

I opened eyes and the bus had stopped moving and cc was nowhere to be seen.I wiped my eyes and couldn't be happier that my head ache had gone away.I got out of my bunk and walked to see where everybody was."cc!" i called out.No reply."Andy!" i yelled out.Still no reply."Everyone has gone out." I turned around to see Ash standing there."Where'd they go?'' I asked.''To get dinner." he said.I nodded."Hey umm...I'm going to go see Jayy,tell Andy that if he ask's where I am." i said.I walked back to my bunk,grabbed my phone and walked back out the tour bus door to go look for botdf's tour bus.

I walked past a few buses until I finally found their bus.I walked upto the door and knocked on it.The door opened and there stood Daniel."Hey,you're uh Emmaline?'' he said unsure.I nodded,"Mind if I come in to talk to Dahvie?'' I asked.He looked over to where i was guessing Dahvie was."Let her in,she's always welcome here," I recognized the voice as Drew.Daniel stepped aside and let me in.I walked over to the couch where Jayy was sitting with drew."Hey Jayy,hey drew.Know where Dahvie is?'' I asked as i bit my lip.

"Um,yeah he's in his room,the room that's at the back,past all the bunks." said Jayy.I fake smiled and walked to where Jayy said he was.I walked to the back room and knocked on the door."Come in!" yelled Dahvie.I opened the door and there was Dahvie sitting on his bed playing video games."Hey Emm." he paused his video game and looked over at me."Want to play?'' he asked.I shook my head,"mind if i talk to you?" i asked nervously.He looked quite shocked,"Yeah sure,come sit down." he said patting the bed.I walked to the bed and sat down on it."So whats up?'' he asked looking at me."Umm...well..It's hard to explain." I said nervously."You can tell me anything and you know I wont tell anyone." he smiled.

"Okay..but firstly.I was wondering if I could stay here for a while because well...I don't exactly want to see anyone else im currently living with and that leads me onto what I wanted to tell you." i said."Umm...last night...alot of things happened,i had too much to drink and cc,ash and I went back to a hotel room,we were kind of smashed so i dont exactly remeber it but then this morning we woke up and well..." i didn't want to say the next part."I woke up next to ash and i think we well..." i said nervously.Dahvie looked shocked,"You didn't did you?'' he asked."i...i never meant to and...well...we don't know if he well...used protection." I said the last bit quietly.

Dahvie wrapped his arms around me,"Sorry to hear that but im sure everything will be fine." Dahvie re-assured me."And well...Andy doesn't know and me and him still aren't 100% again,so...everything on the bus is kind of fucked up." i said."Are you sure you want to stay here?'' Dahvie asked.I nodded."Okay.Well we will have to tell your brother." Dahvie said."Thanks alot." i said as i hugged him tighter."No problems,now go ask your brother." Dahvie said.

~~~~3 hours later~~~~

Andy said I could stay here for a while as long as I did nothing I shouldn't do and that I keep in contact some way or another.Coming on warped tour wasn't what I expected.If I didn't come nothing like this would have happened.Andy and I would never have fought together,I would have never fallen for Jayy and felt my heart being broken,i'm really just another fan to Jayy,after warped is over I won't ever talk to Dahvie or Jayy again unless I go to their concert.And this big problem with cc and Ashley would never of happened if I didn't come to warped tour.I thought warped tour was going to be one of the best things to happen in my life but I guess I was wrong.

"Emm,you there?'' Jayy asked clapping his hands in front of me."huh?'' i asked as i snapped out of my thoughts."Are you all there?'' Jayy asked."Haha yeah,sorry." i said."Dahvie's back with food." he said."Food!" i yelled excitedly,i was so hungry.

*Jayy's POV*

Something was up with Emmaline.She had been acting strangely the past few days...I don't know what it is but it's definitely something big and now she's staying with us but Dahvie wont tell me why.Also every time she see's me with Daniel she tries to avoid me or has a look of sadness cast over her.

''Jayy,your elbow is digging into my rib." Daniel said as he tried to move."Sorry baby." i said as i kissed his nose.I moved my elbow away from his rib and wrapped my arms around him."I can't wait to see you perform tomorrow." he whispered into my ear."Why's that?" i whispered back."Because you're just so amazing when you perform,especially when you hoola hoop." Daniel said.I laughed a little bit at the last part,"What make's you think I'm going to hoola hoop," i said sarcastically."You do every show Jayy Jayy." Daniel said as he poked my cheek.I tried to bite his finger,"Don't call me that." i pouted.''Why not Jayy Jayy?'' Daniel laughed.

"Jayyyyyyyy Jayyyyyyyy!" Dahvie yelled from the couch across from us.''You asshole's stop it." i begged.The whole bus bursted out with laughter.''Well...I'm going to bed." said Emmaline.She hugged Sally then hugged Drew who was next to Sally,walked over to Daniel who was next to him then walked back to give Dahvie a big hug and walked to her bunk without hugging me.Once I knew Emmaline wouldn't be able to hear us I looked over at Dahvie."What's wrong with her?'' I asked him.He raised an eyebrow,"Nothing,why would you think that?'' Dahvie said."Well she hugged everyone but me." i said."She probably forgot Jayy Jayy." Dahvie said trying to hold back his laughter.I flipped him off and stood up."i'll be right back." i said as i walked to bunk alley.

I walked over to Emmaline's bunk and opened the curtain a little bit.I saw her laying there with her earphones in her ears.I assumed she was asleep so I hugged her and felt her body tense up."Jayy?'' she asked softly."Yeah?'' I asked.''Why are you hugging me?'' she ad as she took out her earphones.''Because you hugged everyone but me before you slept," i said a little bit disappointed."Oh.." she said.I decided whether I should ask what was wrong or not."What's wrong with you by the way?'' I asked.She bit her lip,"Nothing,just sick of Andy y'know" she said.Oh how she was a terrible liar,i knew she wasn't telling me the full story."Oh Emm,you're such a horrible liar," i laughed a bit.

"Oh really Jayy Jayy." she said embracing my name."Don't call me that." i said as I poked her.''Why can't i call you that Jayy Jayy." she smiled.''Oh you're going to get it now." i said.I started tickling her knowing how ticklish she was."Jayy-Sto-Stop it," she said inbewtween laughing."Hmmm...What's my name again?'' I asked.''Jayy." she managed to choke out.I stopped tickling her."You asshole." she said."love you too," i said jokingly.''Okay now fuck off so i can sleep." she giggled.I did as she said and shut her bunk curtain and walked back to where everyone else was.She seemed like a total different person from how she was acting before.


Okay :3 so i wrote about 85% of this in class xD and im sorry if the chapters a bit fucked up and im sorry if it seems too rushed or just really crappy,i wanted to get a chapter up as soon as possible and i didn't spell check this or anything,like usual haha xD Also please Comment,Vote and Fan,it means alot <33 


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