crazy but in love (dean ambro...

By kelliegirl98

74K 1.5K 211

Kenzie starts wrestling as a diva for WWE. What happens when she bumps into the lunatic fringe dean ambrose... More

crazy but in love (dean ambrose love story)
Chapter 1- starting to work
Chapter 2- getting new gear and clubbing with the bella's
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - getting turnt and hurt
Chapter 7 - K.N.B
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - prison and WEM
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15- new gear again
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - hungover scavenger hunt
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - more wedding planning
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24- tag team belts
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - new old gear
Chapter 27
Chapter 28- building the family
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
No sequel
chapter 35
New story

Chapter 3 - shopping and wrestleing

5.3K 93 17
By kelliegirl98

This is chapter 3 I hope you like it

I wake up with a massive hangover , I look around my hotel room and see that nikki and brie were still asleep so I stand up and have a quick shower before they both wake up. After my shower I get changed into my gym clothes and check my phone for any texts or voice mails. There was only a couple texts from my ex of corse.

My ex ~ hey , I saw you on raw and smackdown , who does this dean guy think he is trying to get with my girl

My ex- why aren't you texting me back?!? are you fucking him? I will find you and make sure you never wrestle again

So I text him back saying

K- I am not your girl anymore , I am not sleeping with dean I'd rather die than be with him , and I am not that little girl I was before , keep watching me wrestle and you wish you never would have said that again ps I'm changing my number

I then wake up Brie and nikki to ask them if they wanted to go work out with me and then maybe go shopping and to have some Girly time. " nikki , Brie! wake up!" I say loudly. They then wake up and groan. " kenzie what do you want?" nikki asks me. " I'm going to the gym to work out , would you like to come with me? maybe we can go shopping after wards" I ask them. " okay!" Brie says and sits up. " I'll go just back to my room to change into my gym clothes" Brie said as she gathers her things and walks out. " are you going to the gym with us?" I ask nikki. " yeah , I'll have to go back to my room too" she said also gathering her things and going back to her room to change.
Once the girls came back we all went to the gym together.

Once we get to the gym everyone is there. I look over and see summer Rea flirting with dean. I just shake it off " I'm going to the boxing room" I told the girls and then I went to the boxing room and got some boxing gloves on and then start hitting the punching bag. " you have anger issues" I hear a deep voice say and I turn around and see roman reigns standing there. " oh hey roman" I say and stop punching. " y'know dean is dangerous and once he gets an obsession he never let's it go , I've never actually seen him like a girl , he likes you kenzie and your his obsession" roman tells me. " well I don't like him like that and I honestly don't care if I'm his obsession , I'm not scared of him" I said and then continued punching the punching bag.

Once I was done at the gym I leave with the girls and then we go and each have a shower and I text them to meet me in the lobby. I head down to the lobby and wait for the girls and so I sit down in a chair and wait. " we meet once again" I hear from behind me. I turn my head and see dean standing there smirking. " what the fuck do you want dean?" I ask him and then stand up and face him. " you know what I want kenzie , I want you" he said and gets closer to me. " yeah no I don't like you like that sorry" I said and spotted the twins and walk away. I turn around to look at him once I get to the girls and he's coming closer.

" what does he want? and why were you talking to him?" Brie asks me. " I asked him what he wanted and he said he wants me which is logical and he came up to me so I don't know why I was talking to him" I told them. " kenzie asked me if I wanted to go with you guys" dean said while smirking. " no I didn't " I said looking at them. " Dean go away , were having a girls day , you can have kenzie whenever you want" nikki said smirking. " nikki!" I said shocked. I then walk closer to dean " you obviously don't understand , I do not want you , I don't not like you and I will never kiss you or sleep with you I am not scared of you , yeah roman warned me about you but I don't care" I said lowly so the girls can't hear. " okay kenzie come on , leave dean alone , you can talk about having sex later" nikki said with a smirk once again. I just walk away from dean and start walking to the car.

I hop in the car and the girls hop in after me and I just look back at nikki " really Nicole?" I ask her. " oooh she called you Nicole your in trouble" Brie said giggleing. " sorry , I so want you two to date and get married" she said innocently. " well it's not going to happen , I have no interest in him at all" I said and then I start driving.

*5 hours later*

We get back from shopping and we have at least 5 bags each. " well that was fun" I said putting my bags down and flopping on my bed. The girls sit on the other bed " we should leave , Daniel wants to go out for dinner tonight and I'm sure John and nikki are gonna get on too so yeah I'm gonna go see Daniel" Brie said and left. " yeah I'm going to go too" nikki said and leaves. I sigh and then go through all of what I bought today.

I then change into my sweat pants and a crop top and then go on my phone and scroll through twitter. I just laugh and some of the tweets and then I see some tweets saying the ship me with dean or roman or even Seth but mostly dean. then I tweet ' hey guys , I know some of you want dean and I to date but it's not gonna happen' . Then I continue to scroll through twitter and I see that dean tweeted me back saying 'oh honey why can't we tell them already?' , I just sigh and ignore him.

I start to get hungry so I grab my side purse and then my room key and leave the room. once I get to the Lobby I see some superstars and some divas. I sneak past them and out the hotel " well you look cute kenzie" I hear behind me. I turn my head and see dean " go away and stop trying to get with me and stop trying to make rumours that were dating when were not" i said and walked away. I then go to a corner store near the hotel and I feel like someone's following me so I turn around and see dean " fuck off dean" I said and continued walking. but he's still following me so I turn around annoyed " okay what do you want?" I asked him. " I want you" he said and walked closer to me. I then realise that there's a wall shortly behind me and I start backing away from him but he continues getting closer. " too bad" I said and stopped backing away. " I won't stop til we go on a date or you let me kiss you'' he said with a smirk. " yeah not gonna happen" I said and then moved and started walking again.


The past few days I've been watching behind me so dean doesn't sneak up to me again or follow me.

I am now walking around backstage with nikki and Brie at my sides. " so kenzie , I saw the tweet dean tweeted to you , is it true?" nikki asks me. " no it's not true" I said simply. " he just wants what he can't have'' I said with a slight smirk. Then randy walks up to us with a smile. " hey kenzie can we talk alone?" he asks me. " yeah sure , bye girls" I said a then walked away with randy. " what do you wanna talk about randy?" I ask him with a smile. " I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me" he says with a big smile. " oh um yeah sure , when?" I ask him. " Friday at 8?" he said with a smile. " alright, do you have a match tonight?" I ask him. " nope , but I looked on the sheet and you do , your up against summer Rae" he said. " oh awesome , would you like to come out with me?" I ask him. " yeah sure , ill protect you incase the sheild come out during your match" he said with a smile. " great " I said and smiled and then started walking with him. he then wraps his arm around my shoulder as were walking. I smile up at him as we're walking.

My match

We both make our way down to the ring and he sits with jerry and micheal cole. Then summer comes down with fandango and he sits down beside micheal cole while randy is beside jerry lawler.

I dominate the match until summer fakes being injured and fandango jumps in the ring and I just roll my eyes and continue to kick her in the gut. Then fandango moves infront of summer and I just kick him in the gut and then randy jumps in the ring with me and starts beating up fandango.








I turn and see dean and the other two walking through the crowd. I sigh and move closer to randy and I grab a mic because I know they are gonna talk. " kenzie kenzie kenzie , you think randy is gonna protect you from us , oh your wrong" dean said with a smirk, then all three of them start attacking randy and I just go and stand in the corner away from them.

Once there done beating randy up they look at me and move closer to me. I then try to get out of the ring but dean stops me " kenzie you can't get away from us" dean said while smirking. They then grab me and dean continues to smirk and so I slap Seth across the face and then I kick roman in the gut and ignore dean. " oh you made the wrong choice kenzie" dean said and smirks. " what are you going to do? kiss me?" I said and smirked. He then smirks and moves closer to me and moves my hair away from my cheek and leans in and kisses me. I then pull away and slap him and leave the ring and I run backstage.

I run back to the divas locker room and all of the girls look at the door and start clapping. " what?" I said confused. " you stood up to the sheild , and it's only your second week here , your gutsy kenzie" nattie said clapping. I just smile " thanks nattie , Im just tired of dean thinking he owns me" I said. " I hate it when guys are like that'' nikki said. " I know right" I said and smiled. After raw I got my bag and got a taxi to the hotel.

Once I get to the hotel I go to the elevator and once I get in it I grab my phone from my pocket and then hear " here we meet again" I look up and see dean smirking at me. " okay I'm ignoring you" I said and ignored him for the rest of the elevator ride. I then hear beeping " what's going on?!?" I ask him. " oh it stopped" he said . " Seriously?!? the worst day ever , I did not plan on being stuck in an elevator with you" I said annoyed. " oh well , I like being stuck with you" he said with a smirk. " okay , I am not yours , I do NOT want to be with you , I do not enjoy being stuck wit you and I will NEVER be with you" I said annoyed. " well honey that's were your wrong" he said getting closer. " oh? how so?" I ask him. " well , I was told that there's gonna be a new story line , and Im in it with ..... You" he said with a smirk. " oh well , it's a story line NOT real life , and once the story line is over I want nothing to do with you" I said and then moves. " Well , when I want someone I get what that person I want" he said moving closer to me. " well that's not gonna happen with me sooo in your dreams Dean" I said. " well that happens every night" dean said with a smirk. " Dean fuck off" I said annoyed. " Oh kenzie" he said moving closer. " if you move closer I will slap you" I said annoyed. He then moves closer and I raise my hand and he stops it " wrong move kenzie" he said and so I move my hand back down. " what are you going to do kiss me?" I ask him. He then moves my hair away from my face and leans in and then I move my face away. " don't you dare try to kiss me" I said moving my hand to slap him but is stopped once again. He then moves my hand back again and then kisses me , I move my head away " I don't like you like that" I said annoyed. " awe , are you mad cuz I kissed you?" he asked me smirking. " yeah I'm mad" I said and then starts ignoring him again. " kenzie , I'm sorry that your a scared little girl that doesn't know what love is" he said smirking. " i am NOT a scared little girl , and I do know what love is and this is not it because I do not love you and I do not even like you" I said. " Oh kenzie , I'm not that bad of a guy if you give me a chance" he said. " I have a date with randy this weekend and nothing is going to ruin it" I said annoyed.

*After we get out*

People finally came and got us out and so I ran to my room and changed into my pj's. Then there was a knock on my door so I move from my bed to the door and I open the door and randy is standing there " hey kenzie , wanna hang out?" he asks me. " yeah sure , I have alot to tell you" I said and opened the door wider letting him in. " alrighty then" he said and sat on my bed. I sit beside him and turn off my laptop and sit facing him. " okay , once I got back to the hotel I get in the elevator and then dean comes in and we got stuck for 2 hours , and he kissed me but I didn't kiss back and I freaked on him and told him about our date'' I explained quickly. I then look at him and his face seems bright pink , " I know your mad randy , I didn't choose to be stuck with dean in the elevator and I certainly did not want him to kiss me" I said looking down. " yes I'm mad but I'm not mad at you I'm mad at him thinking he can kiss you , I'm gonna get my hands on him this Friday and your coming down to the ring with me" he said moving my chin. " thank you randy , I'm tired of him thinking I'm his when I'm not" I said looking him in his eyes. " no problem kenzie , I like you and I like you alot" he said leaning in which makes me lean in too. We then kiss and it shortly turns into a heated makeout.


Hope you liked this chapter :)

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