Strawberry Blonde

By TheBlackSquidward

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Ask what High School is like and you'll get mixed answers along the lines of Scandals, Cliche Teen Romance, B... More



443 26 3
By TheBlackSquidward

The early Thursday morning sun gleamed through my squinted blinds. Life seemed more centered than usual. Like the weight I didn't even know was on me was just instantly lifted.

I can breathe finally, I don't feel like I have to keep looking over my shoulder every five seconds in this house.

Home was finally a home.

At school I felt no different. Although Laurence and I agreed to keep us a "secret" I still felt so free.

Even if we weren't going to start holding hands in the hallways or professing our love on the loudspeaker. I felt the legitimacy of it all.

It was second period when I sat in my usual seat waiting for Laurence to show when the loud speaker hushed the early class crowd.

Just then he walked in.

Those gray-ish blue eyes, the fluffy hair, the chiseled jaw line...

" Hassan."

Yup, even his voice was hypnotizing.

" Hassan !"

Like your new favorite song that you can't stop replaying before it finishes.


The collective class scream shook me out of my daze to find multiple eyes on me while Laurence tried to hide his chuckle.

" They called you on the loudspeaker, told you report to the gym ?" He said setting his books down.

Oh my god...the drug test. How long does it take for alcohol to leave your system ? Never mind that, I'm pretty sure one of those candies on Charolette's table weren't actually candies either.

Just three minutes before class started and the teacher was still no where to be seen.

" Laurence I need your help !" I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him to his feet.

Some people cut their eyes towards us but I didn't care at the moment.

He gentle tugged his wrist back and followed me out the door.

" Are you gunna tell me what's wrong or are we about to jog around the whole school ?" He said keeping pace with my frantic speed walking.

" We're going to my locker, then the bathroom, I'll explain when we get there."

The hallway was scarce of kids as the late bell sounded off as soon as we reached my locker.

" Can you just tell me what all this is about now ?" He asked.

" I totally forgot I have a drug test and I also forgot that I have a state championship game tomorrow and ALSO forgot me failing this drug test means I don't get to play, which means we'll probably loose, no offense to the team of course, and-

He grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

" Hassan look at me ! You're panicking, everything is going to be okay alright ? Now just calm down and tell me what you need me to do." He said releasing his hands.

I grabbed a condom pack out of my locker and slammed the door.

He instantly grew red giving me a startled expression.

" I mean don't you think this is a little too soon ? I wouldn't even know what role-

" NO LAURENCE, not what we're using this for. I kinda...need you to pee in it so I can fake a positive on my drug test." I admitted.

" Didn't we both drink at Charolette's party ?"

" Yeah but I think one of the gummy worms weren't actually ordinary gummy worms..."

He sighed.

His eyes went from the condom, to me, back to the condom then back to me again.

He shook his head and took it from my hand heading to the bathroom.

" Let's go." He said through a playful sigh.

I smiled and fist bumped the air in success as a almost silent but triumphant "yes" left my lips.


" I guess you just tie it around your leg ?" Laurence called from outside the stall.

" This gross can I just fail it and have the entire team/school hate me ?"

" No ! You already made me do this, you can't let the effort go to waste now. Plus you just made me ten minutes late to class and counting. You're definitely doing this now." He demanded.

I opened the door patting down my sweats making sure it wasn't noticeably tied to my inner thigh.

" Can you tell ?" I said doing a turn around while patting my sweats more.

" Did you even tie it ? It's right there !" He said frustrated.

I looked down and laughed.

" Laurence..."

" Yes ?"

There was a moment of silence with me smiling at him until he realized. The confused/annoyed expression on his face quickly turned into a cherry blush and quick look away.

" Don't you have a drug test to go to !?" He said making his way to the door.

I laughed some more zooming past him but waiting outside the bathroom for him.
" I definitely owe you one, big time."

" Yeah no kidding, not even a full week into our relationship and I'm helping you fake drug test." He scoffed.

I got on my tippy toes and kissed him quickly on the cheek placing and instant smile on his face.

" You'll get rewarded with a whole lot more of those after I pass this thing."

" We'll talk more but for right now just go !" He said with his grin still shinning ear to ear.

With that I started to jog to the gym, turning corners and trotting throughout the school when I bumped into someone almost knocking them over.

" I'm so sorry ! I didn't realize I was- wait Tanner ?"

The dull brown hair, ghost like blue eyes and pale facial expression examined me up and down.

" Well aren't you just the person I was looking for ! Ready to go to the gym ?" He asked slyly.

" Ummm, why would you be going to the gym ? There's no gym periods right now and it's for the basketball team." I said continuing my walk.

" I am on the team thanks to you."

I kept up my pace trying to ignore him.

When I finally reached the gym before I could even grab the door handle he said something that froze me completely.

"What did you just say ?" I turned around slowly.

" I Laurence huh ?"

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