It's just you and me (5SOS Fa...

By iitsmee

1.4M 26.5K 6K


Class Schedule
Great News
Sleeping Arrangements
Leftover breakfast
'Back to the Future I, II, III'
A Text Message, A Story
First song
Meeting his band
That's So Raven re-runs
Teenage Dream
I missed everything
Charlie Step's Party
I'll only be a few seconds
My Warrior
Catching Up
"You'll See"
16th Birthday
I Won't Dance
Study Rooms
Fade to black
Hospital Beds
Water Fight
It's Christmas
Rose petals & Rooftops
Calum's Present
New Years
Going away presents
Skype Call
Dance Studio
Pre-show Facetime
Last class
Krispy Kreme Donuts
The Flight
The House
Grocery Shopping
Calum's birthday
Ice Cream
Day Out
Last Night In Scotland
Back Home

Bye Beautiful

26.1K 569 99
By iitsmee

Finally. Friday! Jay Loftus' 'Velvet Arms's booms from my phone as I walk out of my house. It was Calum. 

"Sorry, Andie has died please leave a message after the beep" I say trying to sound like a telemarketer.

"Oh how tragic, it's a shame that she won't be able to attend the party tomorrow as my plus one!" 

A party? I thought to myself. 

"Who's party?" I walk out of the drive way and begin my journey to school. 

"Charlie Step? He's in my music class" 

"Hmmm, may have to see some begging first"

"Fine" Calum sighs "Turn around"

"What?" I was halfway down the street from my place.

"Just turn around Andie Roberts" Calum adds impatiently.

"Ok ok! Pushy, pushy" I hold the phone close to my ear as I turn around and see Ashton parked on the side of the road as Calum leans on the car door smiling. 

"And you couldn't have parked in my drive way like a normal person?!" I give a slight chuckle as I run over to Calum. 

"Wait wait wait!" Calum stops me from getting into the car "Before we get to school" He bends down on his knee and clasps his hands together "Will you pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty PLEEEEEEAAASSSSEEEEEE come to Charlie's party with me" He grins. 

"No" I reply instantly, his mood drops "I'm just kidding! DUH!" 

We laugh as Calum opens the car door and escorts me in. 

"Hey Andie" Ashton turns around from the steering wheel and flashes me a pearly, white grin. 

"Hey Ashton, classes today?" 


Ashton had already graduated High School so now he goes to TAFE. We all buckle up our seatbelts before Ashton drives off. 

Calum puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him, I rest my head on his shoulder. 

10 minutes later we drive into the school carpark. 

"Alright kids, Dad's gotta go to class" Ashton jokes in a stern voice. 

I unlock the door and hop out of the car and Calum follows.

"Bye Dad" Calum and I say together as we wave to Ashton who nods. 

Ashton drives out of the school car park and turns at the stop lights. Calum and I link arms and skip off to homeroom as if we just came out of the Wizard Of Oz, receiving looks from every person we pass. Luke comes up from behind us and links arms with me, follow by Michael who links arms with Calum.

"Hey guys" Luke greets us as we continue skipping. 

"Are you coming to the party tomorrow Andie?" Michael twists his head slight to face me.

"Yeah, Calum begged me" 

"Yaaaay!" Luke and Michael cheer, as they break off from us and run off to class. 

Calum and I walk into our homeroom, his arm around my shoulder and mine around his waist. A great start to the last school day, if you ask me. 


My Dad's car was parked in the drive way which meant he was home, perfect time to ask if I can go to the party tomorrow. 

I run up the concrete steps and rattle my keys to unlock the door. 

"Daaaad!" I exclaim in a happy, cheerful tone. 

"Right here" 

I turn the corner into the kitchen and find him cooking some pasta.

"Hey Dad" I walk up to him and give him a tight hug. 

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" 

"Great!" I say in an extremely happy tone, giving a huge grin to my Dad.

"Ok, what do you want now Andie?" He puts the hand that wasn't stirring sauce in pot on his hip. 


"Yes Andie?" 

"Calum is inviting me to a party tomorrow as his plus one andddd" I rock on the balls of my feet. 

"You want to go" He raises his eye brow.

"Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty PLEEEAAASSEEE DADDY PLEEASSE!" I beg almost falling to my knees.

"Ok fine! But you may have to sleep over Calum's or get Calum to sleep over here because I might be out"

"THANKYOU! Wait, you might be out" Dad never usually goes out on a weekend, unless he's got a business trip.

"Well.... I have a date"

"OH MY GOSH! I'm so proud of you!" I give him a tight squeeze.

"Thankyou sweetie, now go do your homework, I'll call you when dinner starts"

"Thanks Dad"

I bolt to my room, closing the door behind me. I untie my white converse and put them underneath my study table.  I pull out my phone and decide to call Calum.

"Hello pizza hut?" Calum answers the phone "Just kidding, hey Andie"

"I CAN GO TOMORROOOOOWWW!!!!!!" I scream into the phone as I jump onto my bed, landing on my back. 

"OK!OK! Calm down, before you bust my phone" 


"Haha it's ok, I'll be at your place at 7? And we'll walk together"

"Alright cool, and my Dad said it's either you stay here or I go there, which one would you prefer?" 

"Which one is closer?" I shuffle through the books and papers in my backpack.

"Yours is, but we'll just see if Ashton is driving and if he is, then stay at mine" 

"Ok cool, promise you're not going to ditch me right?" 

"I promise, I promise, you just promise that you won't go chasing after random guys" He jokes. 

"Hmmm I'll try" 

We both laugh, as I hear Calum's Mum call him downstairs.

"I've gotta go Andie Pandie, Mum is asking me to help her with dinner" 

"Ok, Bye Cal" 

"Bye, beautiful" 

We hang up. Did he just call me beautiful? I get all bubbly and happy, the words keep processing in my mind. I couldn't wait for the party tomorrow. 

Thankyou so much for reading <3 x If you like this story feel free to share it around, leave a comment, vote or maybe even fan me? I really appreciate you reading this xx

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