Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)

Oleh NightSkysSprinkles

108K 3.4K 1.6K

Title says it all! I try to write with gender-neutral pronouns, unless otherwise stated or requested. Request... Lebih Banyak

Frank Iero x Reader - First Kiss
Gerard Way x Reader - Interrupted Privacy
Gerard Way x Reader - Safety Dance
Brendon Urie x Reader - A Bad Day
Brendon Urie x Reader - Sneaky
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Someone Who Loves You as Much
Lynz x Reader - Backstage Confessions
Party Poison x Reader - The Grace of the Phoenix Witch
Umbrella Academy anyone?
Nicole Row x Reader - Ice Cream Kisses
Gerard Way x Reader - Gotham City Rivals
P!atD in Berlin
Andy Hurley x Reader - A Little Less Talking
Dallon Weekes x Reader - And Then a Slow Song Came On...
Patrick Stump x Reader - Babysitting
Patrick Stumpx Reader - Debt
Gerard Way x Reader - Nerd
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Sticky Notes (Part Two)
Gerard Way x Reader - Next Door Neighbors (Part Two)
NEW BOOK - Ryan Seaman x Reader
Ryan Ross x Reader x Brendon Urie- Ending up Happy
Drabble Challange: Frank Iero x Reader
Drabble Challange: Dallon Weekes x Reader
Drabble Challange: Frank Iero x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Dallon Weekes x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Vampire! Gerard Way x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Josh Dun x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Nicole Row x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Gerard Way x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Ray Toro x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Ryan Seaman x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Lynz x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Brendon Urie x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Gerard Way x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Ryan Seaman x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Dallon Weekes x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Pete Wentz x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Joe Trohman x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Patrick Stump x Reader
Drabbles Challenge: Mikey Way x Reader
Drabbles Challange: Ryan Ross x Reader
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Late Night Baking
Ryan Ross x Reader - Crêpes
Joe Trohman x Reader - Staying Up
Mikey Way x Reader - Set Up
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Caffeine
Drabbles Challenge - Ray Toro x Reader
Drabbles Challenge - Ryan Seaman x Reader
Drabbles Challenge - Patrick Stump x Reader
I got tagged
Ryan Ross x Reader - Better Than Any Dream
Gerard Way x Reader - Possible
Frank Iero x Reader - One Mil
Joe Trohman x Reader - Distanced
Frerard + Reader - Adopted (Part Two)
Lynz x Reader - Not Straight
Nicole Row x Reader - Farm Sanctuary
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Drabble
Dad!Brendon - Not Old People Stuff
Josh Dun x Reader - Feeling Something
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Nothing to Break Up Over
Frank Iero x Reader - Lie or Dare
Nicole Row x Reader - Truck Stop
Gerard Way x Reader - Hair Dye
Frank Iero x Reader - Keep it to Yourself
Nicole Row x Reader - Won't Let You Leave
MCR & Reader - The Five of Us Are Pissed Off
Brendon Urie x Reader - Not Superficial
Dad!Gerard + Reader - A Safe Home
Joe Trohman x Reader - Speech
Gerard Way x Reader - Still Close
Patrick Stump x Reader - Cancelled Scene
Vampire!Brendon x Reader - Truth
Ryan Seaman x Reader - Mutual
Gerard Way x Reader - Not Alone
Ryan Seaman x Reader - The Best Present
Patrick Stump x Reader - Troubled Thoughts
Gerard Way x Reader - We All Get Together...
Ryan Ross x Reader - Fireworks
Kobra Kid x Reader - In the Middle of a Gun Fight
Frank Iero x Reader - I Lied (Part Two)
Frank Iero x Reader - Serenade
Gerard Way x Reader - Ripped Jeans and Greasy Hair (Part Three)
Pete Wentz x Reader - Worth It
Dallon Weekes x Reader - No Apologies
Jet Star x Reader - Unspoken Truth
Mikey Way x Reader - Dared
Frank Iero x Reader - Lunch Time
Gerard Way x Reader - Wouldn't Give You My Number
Ray Toro x Reader - Jamming
Brendon Urie x Reader - Homecomming
Dad!Dallon + Child!Reader - Breakfast
Patrick Stump x Reader - Turned
Gerard Way x Reader - Official Not-Fake Date
Cherri Cola x Reader - Shed in the Desert
Patrick Stump x Reader - A Little Sweetness Keeps Just out of Reach
Tyler Joseph x Reader - Prejudices
MCR + Reader - Lunch Break
Gerard Way x Reader - Graduated
Gerard Way x Reader - Cold Night
Dallon Weekes x Reader - Ice Cream Nights
Jet Star x Reader - Unspoken Truth (Part Two)
Wattpad got hacked
Gerard Way x Reader - Gotham City Rivals (Part Two)
Ryan Ross x Reader - Birthday Drabble 2020
Mikey Way x Reader Drabble - Colour Coordination
Ryan Seaman x Reader - No Courage
Dallon Weekes x Reader - After Dark (Advent Calendar 2020)
Ryan Seaman x Reader - Baking (Advent Calendar 2020)
Cherri Cola x Reader - Cold (Advent Calendar 2020)
Gerard Way x Reader - Date (Advent Calendar 2020)
Mikey Way x Reader - Evening Dance (Advent Calendar 2020)
Ray Toro x Reader - Fireplace (Advent Calendar 2020)
Patrick Stump x Reader - Grateful (Advent Calendar 2020)
Ryan Ross x Reader - Hosting Family (Advent Calendar 2020)
Ryan Seaman x Reader - She Loves You
Ray Toro x Reader - Dealine (Part Two)
Frank Iero x Reader - The Only Apology Acceptable
Frank Iero x Reader - Study Break
Ray Toro x Reader - Priorities
Kobra Kid x Reader - Back to You
Ryan Ross x Reader - Never Walk Away Again
Mikey Way x Reader - Whatever Was Before...
Frank Iero x Reader - A Few Very Compelling Arguments
Ray Toro x Reader - No Doubts and No Conditions
Gerard Way x Reader - The Perfect Halloween Look
Frank Iero x Reader - This is the Best Birthday Ever

Gerard Way x Reader - Middle of Summer

1K 34 28
Oleh NightSkysSprinkles

count: 1 737
if you think it's so unlikely that people sit down in a park with you to talk about weird stuff in their life, please know I once sat in a park, reading, and this elderly lady sat down on the bench next to mine, so we talked a little about books, and all of a sudden she told me her husband had died, and that he had just dropped dead in their living room. So I obviously offered my condolences and asked if it had happened recently. She said it had been over ten years, stood up and left.

Gerard ran his hand over his face. This was it, he thought, the end of the band. Mikey had left halfway through recording the new album, and without him, there was no My Chemical Romance.

Of course Gerard understood why Mikey had left, hell, with everything that was going on with the poor guy it would have been foolish not to do it, but that did not mean Gerard did not worry about the future of the band. He turned off his mobile and slid it back into his pocket.

After Mikey had left, he had heard no news for a couple of days, and since there was no signal in the Mansion, he had actually taken the car and driven out a bit, until he finally found a signal. Now, after the call to Mikey, and knowing that he was at least safe for now, he felt exhausted. Whatever was going on with this Paramore Mansion really fucked with his mind, and not having his brother around anymore made it worse.

Tiredly he looked around, finding he had wandered down the street from where he had parked the car, and now was standing in front of a sweet little park. Deciding a park would be the right place to take a relaxing walk he crossed the street and entered.

Between the trees the noise of the city got drowned out quickly. It was a hot summer, but the shadow and the pond helped to cool down the air. Soft, green grass and thousands of beautiful flowers grew next to the small path he was walking along.

Spotting a small pavilion that seemed to be used as a café, he suddenly realised how long it had been since he had last eaten anything. Checking if he had some cash, he walked over. The small building had an open front with small, filigree tables and chairs in front of it. Pots with flowers and small palm trees surrounded the sitting area that was covered in the shadow of the large trees next to it.

He had almost entered the pavilion already, when suddenly he spotted a movement from the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he found the most beautiful person quietly sitting at one of the tables. Had they not moved, he would not have noticed them, even though their silvery white shirt was basically shining in the shadow. Something about that person drew him in, and he found himself unable to take one step further away from them again, so he slowly walked towards them.

On the small table in front of them stood a small tea pot, made from porcelain that was painted in tiny, pink and red flowers. The cup and the milk pot matched the design, and the small spoon that was resting on the saucer, was engraved with small stars.

Carefully Gerard approached the person, who tore their glance away from the pond they had been watching. A smile spread over their angelic face, not the smile of recognition, like Gerard had seen thousands of times on the faces of fans, just a smile as if they were happy to see him.

"Hi," the person greeted friendly, apparently not even surprised that in an otherwise empty café the stranger had walked up to them.

"Hey," Gerard greeted back, feeling awkward as he lifted his hand as a greeting.

For a while the person just looked at him curiously, as if they expected him to talk, but when he did not find any words that made sense to string together, they reached over the table, and pushed the other chair back a bit.

"Wanna sit?"

"Oh thanks," Gerard blushed, and quickly sat down.

"I'm (y/n)," you introduced with a smile, encouraging the stranger to do the same.

"Gerard, I hope I'm not bothering you," he continued.

You liked his voice.

"Not at all! In fact I was starting to feel a bit lonely," you admitted, "So what brought you here?"

Gerard blinked a little, his gaze wandering through the park and back to you.

"I- I was a bit upset earlier, and thought this would be the right place to calm down a little, and then I saw you and-" yeah, and then what?

"Wanna talk about it? About what upset you," you offered, your eyes holding nothing but concern and sympathy for the stranger.

Gerard hesitated a bit.

"Not really," he confessed, "I just... is it okay if I just sit here a little and we talk about completely unimportant stuff?"

You laughed quietly.

"Of course it is," you replied, "but only if you order something too, I feel bad having my tea without you having anything to eat or drink."

Your request made Gerard remember how hungry he was so he ordered some coffee and both of you decided on some strawberry cake. For a long while you just sat and talked, ate cake, and watched the ducks on the pond. The park was peaceful, like something out of a fairy tale.

Gerard caught himself staring at you time and time again. He was not sure if it was your otherworldly beauty, or the kindness you treated him with. You had been so excited when he had told you about the comic he was currently working on, and he marvelled at the aquarelle painting you had only painted earlier today, obviously from this spot at the café, looking out over the grass to the pond. Eventually, although he had tried not to mention it, he even ended up telling you about why he had been upset earlier. He told you about the band and about the Mansion. And about Mikey.

"It just... seems to fell apart," he confessed, and bit his lip.

The warm touch of your hand on his made him look up to you.

"It's gonna be alright," you assured him, "you just... need to go with the flow, and do what feels right. If fighting against where fate carries you feels wrong, then maybe it is. But if fighting this feels right... don't be afraid to walk this world alone. If that path feels right, it is."

Gerard looked at where your fingers were gently brushing over his skin, soft and warm, and somehow feeling so familiar, while your words echoed in his mind.

"That line... about walking the world alone... can I use that for a song," he asked, still stuck on the strange poetry.

"Sure, if you like," you laughed light heartedly, but did not pull away.

For a while you sat like this, your fingers seeking contact with his, until he eventually turned his hand to take hold of yours, gently wrapping his fingers around yours.

You did not know what pulled you to him, it felt like vulnerability, a pain that had settled in Gerard's heart, which he was fighting to get rid of. You wanted to help him, wanted to make sure he would be happy again. You knew what it felt like, that black grip around someone's soul. Gerard had not been the only one to have talked about their problems, so maybe you two could help each other out a little.

Just when you wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to meet up some other time, Gerard spoke.

"This is probably really weird, because we don't really know each other, but... I would love to see you again some time, preferably soon," he nervously looked at you, "so... if you'd be interested, I could give you my number?"

You smiled softly.

"I would love that."

For the first time in hours his hand lost contact with yours, as he pulled out his phone to search for his own number, so you quickly did the same, and quickly opened a new contact, into which you typed the numbers Gerard told you. Saving the contact, you pressed the call button to make sure he had your number too, before packing away the phone again.

It had gotten late by now, as the waitress reminded you when she started packing up the tables around you.

You had paid a long time ago, but you made sure to leave an extra tip, then Gerard and you both got up.

The sun had started setting, and in the dimming light your silvery shirt shone like the moon itself.

Golden light fell through the leaves, and tiny insects chased each other in the last beams of the sun. Side by side Gerard and you stepped out of the park. For a second he got scared that you would suddenly be gone, that everything had just been a perfect hallucination, but when he turned his head, you still stood by his side, a soft smile on your face.

"I need to go that way," you explained, pointing over your shoulder.

"Me that way," Gerard pointed in the other direction, where he had left the car.

"So, talk to you soon?"

"Yes, please," he answered with a small grin on his face.

"Call me when you're back at the mansion safely, it's going to get dark quickly now," vaguely you gestured to the golden sky.

"We don't have a signal up there," Gerard reminded you, "But you can send a text when you get home, (y/n), maybe I'll get it while I still have a signal." Damn, your name tasted so sweet on his tongue.

"I will."

Quickly you leant forward, and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, before you turned around, and started walking down the street.

Gerard just stood there, and watched you walk away, before you turned one last time, and waved at him, a beautiful smile on your face. Your silver shirt reflected the warm light of the setting sun, almost blinding Gerard a little, but he still saw how you blew him a kiss before you turned the next corner, and disappeared.

The whole way back to the mansion he kept wondering if you had been real or just a complex reaction of his brain to calm him down from the stress. Back at the mansion, he immediately went to his room and pulled out his phone. Sure enough there was a new text message.

"I'm home now, and I hope so are you. See you soon, good night."

Gerard smiled. So he had not imagined you. He really had met the most amazing person, here in the middle of summer.

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