๐‡๐”๐๐†๐‘๐˜ ๐„๐˜๐„๐’| Eleven...

By wheelerblossom

651K 24.8K 25.7K

-๐™ƒ๐™๐™‰๐™‚๐™๐™” ๐™€๐™”๐™€๐™Ž แต‰หกแต‰แต›แต‰โฟ สฐแต’แต–แต–แต‰สณ/สฒแตƒโฟแต‰ สฐแต’แต–แต–แต‰สณ "๐™ˆ๐™–๏ฟฝ... More

SEVENTEEN. ๐œ๐ก๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ž๐œ๐ข๐š๐ฅ
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19.1K 661 1.1K
By wheelerblossom

The weirdo on Maple

slightly mention of homophobia

"What the hell is your problem?" Sarah's voice echoed through the large house as Mavis slammed the front door behind her.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Sarah shouted as Mavis glared and spun around on her heels.

"Oh, you know! Just having to deal with the bad reputation you and Dad made for me! Like always!" Mavis shouted, face red with anger as Sarah laughed.

"Oh, here you go... blaming everyone else for your mistakes," Sarah said back to her daughter as Mavis scoffed.

"My mistakes? My mistakes? Okay, who was the one that decided to take a drive after having bottles and bottles of alcohol? Oh, that was you! Who stole from the Byers store? You! Who beat the living hell out of someone who looked at them the wrong way? Humm wonder who was that... of yeah, it was Dad! Not to mention it landed him in jail!" Mavis shouted as Sarah stormed toward her and grabbed the sides of her face tightly.

"And you think you're much better ,you little Dyke? Who was caught spray painting the sides of the school? That was you. Who was the one that drove the car without a license? Your dumbass. Who was it that threatened a police officer? That was you! So stop blaming everyone else" her Mom yelled while Mavis pushed her hands off her face.

"Oh, shit... and I wonder where I learned all that from" Mavis glared one last time before going up the stairs as she heard a wine glass break on the side of the stairs.

"Mavis? Mav do you come in?" Mike's voice said over the walkie, making Mavis groan and grab it.

"I'm here, what do you need?" she asked with a huff.

"Jesus, bad evening?" Lucas asked from the other line, hearing the tone of his best friend's voice.

"The worst" she answered back with a roll of her big eyes.

"I'm worried about Will" Mike voiced, making Mavis sigh knowing this was probably very hard on him... he was closest to Will out of all of them after all.

"Me too" Mavis spoke up, heart hurting at the thought of the small boy, she considered a brother, possibly hurt or worse.

"This is crazy" Lucas added in, Mavis could basically see him nodding his head.

"I was thinking-" Mike began but was cut off.

"Well that's never good" Mavis joked with a smirk on her lips.

"C'mon Mav, I'm serious... Will could have cast protection last night but he didn't, he fireballed l. over" Mike spoke, making Mavis frown her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's your point? Over" Lucas asked, basically reading the girl's mind as Mavis listened closely, hoping her Mom didn't bust in the door any second.

"My point is he could have played it safe, but he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party" Mike spoke as Mavis sat there for a moment, letting his words sink in.

"Meet me in ten, over and out," Lucas said as Mavis quickly shut off the walkie and grabbed her pale pink pullover and a flashlight. She was more of a darker pink type of girl, it covered her room and was the color of most of her clothes but when she saw the jumper a few months ago, she felt a draw to it. She refused to leave the store without it and wore it each time the party would play D&D.

"Just do you guys know... if the cops show up I'm taking off. I've got one more strike before they throw me in juvie. You know what happens to people in juvie?" Mavis asked as the four friends biked to the woods that had a blocker up.

"Hey, guys... you feel that? We should go back" Dustin said as it began to sprinkle on them slightly.

"No, we're not going back just stay close. And Mav if the cops find us just run okay? We'll cover for you" Mike said as Mavis nodded and stood closer to Lucas, going under the blocker.

"Dustin c'mon!" Mavis yelled as the boy quickly ran back to stay near them as thunderstruck above them.

"Guys I really think we should turn back!" Dustin yelled minutes later as the bottom dropped and poured down on them.

"Seriously Dustin? You wanna be a baby then go home already!" Lucas yelled toward him as Mavis pulled the pink jacket closer to her when she felt the sudden shiver go down her arms.

"I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin explained annoyed back to him.

"No! You're just being a big sissy!" Lucas said as Mavis groaned loudly.

"Do you two ever stop arguing? I mean seriously?" she asked annoyed while the flashlight shook in her hand from the cold.

"You ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going to the exact same spot where he was last seen. And we have no weapons or anything. Just Mavis, who is probably gonna go to jail after this" Dustin explained, making Mavis roll her eyes once again.

"Dustin shut up" Mike scolded him while looking around.

"I'm just saying you-" Dustin began but was cut off by Mike demanding him to be quiet as rustling was heard around them.

"What is that?" Mavis asked while looking around as she shined her light before gasping loudly when she saw a girl in a yellow shirt, in front of her. She seemed confused and extremely thin... scared hidden in her squinted eyes. But none the less she was beautiful... shaved head and all. And anyone could tell that Mavis thought so with her light shining straight in her eyes.

"Is there a number we can call? For your parents?" Mike asked the girl that was now draped in the pale pink jumper as they sat in Mavis's basement, staring at her.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin asked with wide eyes toward the girl, Mavis slapped his shoulder.

"Did you run away?" Lucas questioned her now.

"Are you in some sort of trouble?" Mike asked again as Mavis groaned.

"Guys leave her alone, give her some time to warm up," Mavis said while adjusting the small heater that was sitting in front of the random girl, who jumped when Mavis approached her.

"It's okay... this will warm you up faster" she reassured her while slowly fixing the heater and backing up again.

"I bet she's deaf" Dustin explained loudly while clapping in her face, which she jumped to.

"Not deaf" he corrected himself while Mavis glared at him.

"Okay that's enough she's just scared and cold" Mike scolded him.

"So back off" Mavis glared as she agreed with Mike fully. The skinny girl jumped when the thunder was heard, making Mavis run toward the small hamper in the corner and pull out a pair of black leggings and one of her pink Madonna shirts, to hand back toward her. The girl took it hesitantly and rubbed them on her face as Lucas gave Mavis a weird look, which the brunette just shrugged too. The silent girl in front of her stood up and reached for the bottom of her shirt, making the three boys gasped and start to panic while looking away.

"No, no, no see look over there. That's the bathroom so you can have privacy" Mavis said while grabbing her arms to stop her, Mavis lead the slightly barely taller girl over to the bathroom and went to shut the door for her when she was suddenly stopped.

"You don't want it closed?" Mavis asked with a blink of her double eye size as she stared back into hers.

"No," the small girl saidX making Mav blink in surprise.

"Oh.. so you can talk. That great... um look we can just keep the door like this" Mavis said while pulling the door to have just a crack left.

"Is this okay?" she asked her in confirmation once more.

"Yes," she nodded as Mavis gave her a small smile and turned away.

"This is mental" Dustin explained with a shake of his head.

"At least she can talk," Mike said while nodding toward Mavis who nodded.

"She said no and yes... Mike's three-year-old sister says more" Lucas argued.

"I'm sure she can say more... she could just be shaken up right now" Mavis snapped back at him.

"She tried to get naked," Dustin said as Mavis slapped her forehead.

"Something's seriously wrong with her, like wrong in the head," Lucas said while pointing to his forehead.

"She just went like-" Dustin said as he threw his hands in the air to indicate how the girl tried to take her shirt off.

"Dustin we got it" Mavis rolled her eyes his way.

"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst," Lucas said as he snapped his fingers.

"From where?" Mike asked with a roll of his eyes.

"The nuthouse in Curly County, remember the place Mavis mom sent her for a few weeks" Lucas pointed out as Mavis sighed and shut her eyes to ex out the memory.

"Got a lot of families there?" Dustin joked as Lucas shot him a glare.

"Bite me! Seriously though think about it... that would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy" Lucas said as Mavis glared.

"It's not just for crazy people," Mavis said as Lucas sighed and gave her an apologizing look.

"And why she went like-" Dustin waved his arms in the air, showing how she was about to pull the shirt off.

"She's an escapee, that's the point, she's probably a psycho," Lucas said as Mavis shot him a crazy look.

"Like Michael Myers" Dustin's eyes widened.

"Have you not seen her? A pair of dough eyes and a button nose... no way is she a psychopath" Mavis argued back to them.

"We should have never brought her here" Lucas glared back.

"So what? We were just supposed to leave her out in the storm?" Mike asked in disbelief.

"Yes, we were supposed to be finding Will... not another problem" Lucas rolled his big brown eyes.

"I think we should tell your Mom," Dustin said while looking at Mavis.

"Have you not met my Mom?" Mavis asked him with a shocked face.

"Okay, then Mike's Mom," Lucas said while pointing to the pale boy.

"Who's crazy now?" Mike asked with wide eyes.

"How is that crazy?" Lucas asked him.

"Cuz we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember? Mavis has one more strike. remember?" Mike rolled his eyes.

"If I tell my Mom and she tells your Mom, who will tell Mavis Mom, who will most definitely tell the police" Mike explained as Mavis sighed, knowing it was true.

"Oh man," Dustin said with wide eyes.

"Exactly, then we'll never find Will," Mike said to them with a desperate tone of voice.

"Okay she'll stay here tonight-" Mavis began but was cut off.

"Are you insane? Your Mom would skip the police and sent you straight back to conversion therapy!" Dustin said as Mavis rolled her eyes.

"She's not gonna find her, okay? In the morning I'll bright her to Mike's house, Karen will call around and find where she came from okay?" Mavis asked with a sigh as she looked back toward the three boys.

"And tomorrow night we'll go back out... and this time, we'll find Will," Mike said with a determined look.

so clearly Sarah sucks and clearly, mavis is already soft and they're gonna cuddle the next chapter

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