Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UND...

De IThoughtUSaidWeast

974K 26.5K 4.6K

Nixie Dovers was the flame that lit Jasper Hales fire. With one task in mind Nixie didn't expect to fall for... Mais

Tragedy Strikes
Into the Life of a Protector
Hero Hair
"Sup Eddy"
The Cullens
What the Hell?
We All Have Our Secrets
"I'm Sorry"
Eddy to the Rescue
Protectors out of the Bag
His Salvation
Shark-bait Hoo Ha Ha
" I Didn't See Them"
Life With You
"I Told You So"
The Bee and Her Honey
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
New Moon
Happy Birthday Old Hag
Mending Broken Pieces
Hollow Eyes
"You're Pathetic"
"Slowly Release the Clutch..." *CRASH*
Love Squares and Marshmallows
An Eye for an Eye
"Freaked Out Yet?"
"I'm Sorry I Failed You"
"You're a Real Piece of Work"
Let's Go Home
Bonus Chapter #3
Ice Cream Date
With Guilt Comes Pain
Unlikely Friendship
"Another Protection Detail?!"
"I Will Love You Forever"
A Decisions Been Made
"Your First Time?!"
Something Wicked This Way Comes
"It's Okay"
Love Will Remember You
Bonus Chapter #4
Bonus Chapter #5
Breaking Dawn Part 1
God's Work
Flightless Bird
"Something's Wrong.."
The Impossible Becomes Possible
No Tears Left to Cry
You Are The Reason
Clock is Ticking
A Little Hope
Be Still My Beating Heart
"You Weren't Supposed to Leave Me"
Something I Want
Bonus Chapter #6
Bonus Chapter #7
Breaking Dawn Part 2
"How Could You?"
"I Did It"
Forgive Me
"Oh, Brother.."
Mommy Issues
Nixie-1, Fried Brain-1
Battle vs. War
"Just Say the Words..."
"Let's Get F*cking Married"
"You're My Home"
Bonus Chapter #8
Bonus Chapter #9
Alternate Ending
Book 2 of the Nixie Dovers Series

The Pack

11.2K 335 147
De IThoughtUSaidWeast

"When the snows fall and the
white winds blow, the lone
wolf dies but the pack survives."
-George R.R. Martin

Nixie stared at the small house in front of her, it wasn't anything extravagant but it had a nice homey feel that surrounded it. After last night with Sam, explaining in the littlest amount of detail about herself, he had invited her to meet the pack and his fiancé the next day. She wasn't nervous, Nixie loved meeting new people, she just knew how weird the introductions were gonna be.

She had informed Sam on how she'd like it if he didn't tell his pack mates of her situation or anything about her past. It wasn't information she wanted floating around and getting into the wrong hands. Not that she didn't trust the wolves, she just didn't know them.

Exiting her Camaro she trudged forward and onto the front steps of the home, gently knocking on the rundown door. She was surprised when the door opened and she wasn't met with Sam's familiar dark eyes, but a soft pair of doe brown ones. She instantly placed a smile on her face before addressing the woman, "you must be Emily" she guessed, never releasing eye contact.

Sam had informed his fiancé about the new "friend" he had made and Emily had never been more excited, Sam didn't have friends, he just had pack members, so this was huge deal for him. She was even more elated when she found out the person he invited over was female, seeing as she was the only one surrounded the abundance of boys, she could use a another feminine touch around.

Emily smiled at the girl in front of her before pulling her into a tight hug, "it's so nice to meet you, Sam's told me so little about you I'm glad you could come over so I could meet you myself!"

Nixie returned the warm hug without hesitation, already taking a liking to Emily's bubbly personality. "I'm Nixie" she introduced when they stopped their embrace.

"Oh I know" Emily gushed, "you're the first friend Sam's brought home I had to see you for myself!"

Any other fiancé would be sketched out at the thought of her soon to be husband befriending a random female, but not Emily. For one thing, she knew Sam would never betray her in any way, she was his imprint and the love of his life.

Emily lightly smacked her own forehead, "how rude of me, come in come in" she ushered the protector in their home, closing the door behind them. "Sam's in the kitchen waiting on the boys to come back from patrol" she explained as they made their way down the short hallway that led to the kitchen.

Sam also told Emily about how Nixie knew of their situation, but advised her not to ask the girl seeing as how it could be a touchy subject. Emily instantly agreed to bury her curiosity and keep the boys' under control too, not wanting to scare Nixie away.

Upon entering the room, Nixie was hit with the smell of freshly baked cookies and muffins that were still currently in the oven. "It smells amazing in here" she complimented the duo, as Sam stood from his place at the table and made his way over.

In all honesty, Sam didn't know if Nixie was going to show up today, it was 50/50 in his mind, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't glad she did. "Nixie" he greeted with a nod, wrapping his arm around Emily and pulling her to him before placing a small kiss on her scars.

Nixie smiled at the scene in front of her, at least some people were getting their happily ever afters. "Sammy" she teased, chuckling at the look he gave her.

Emily giggled at the look on her fiancé's face before being distracted by the sound of the oven beeping, telling her that her muffins were done. "Oh, that'll be the muffins. The boys should be coming any second now, they always know when the food is done" she half joked.

Sam looked to Nixie, eyeing the sweater and the obvious way she attempted to cover her markings before speaking, "you might wanna grab some cookies and a muffin before they get here otherwise you won't get any."

"I'm okay" Nixie politely declined, taking the seat next to Sam when he sat back down. "So how's business Sammy, anything interesting goin on around these parts of the woods?"

Glancing towards the table, Sam went to speak but was interrupted by the sound of pounding footsteps making their way onto the back patio.

The rest of the pack barged through the door and headed straight for the pile of goodies on the counter, not even realizing the other presence in the room.

Nixie watched in amusement as the 2 wolves shoveled food into their mouths as if it were going out of style.

Jared Cameron, the beta, turned to his alpha, cheeks filled to the brim with muffin. "Thsher wush no shighn of the blooshshucker" he informed, barely comprehensible from the amount of food he was storing in his cheeks. His eyes finally met a pair of unfamiliar green ones and his mouth dropped, the clump of muffin inside escaping and falling to the floor with a nasty *plop*.

"Jared!" Emily screeched, quickly grabbing her broom and sweeping the chewed food into the dustpan and tossing it in the trash. "Is that any way to act in front of guest" she hissed as she smacked the boy on the back of the head with her dustpan.

Nixie smirked at the surprised looks she was getting from the 2.

"Who the hell is this" the other one questioned, eyes staring Nixie down as if trying to analyze if she were a threat or not.

Sam cleared his throat before introducing them, "Nixie, this is Jared, my delta and the one who just spit his food onto my floor. And the rude one is Paul, my second in command. Guys this is Nixie, a friend of mine."

It was quiet for a second as Nixie attempted to remember the names and the pack stared at her as if she were some form of alien.

"Wait a minute, you have friends?" Paul questioned, genuinely curious about when his Alpha had time to make friends.

Sam glared at his second before glancing to Nixie when the girl let out a snort.

"Let's just say, Sam and I didn't really become 'friends' per say. He just sorta adopted me after hearing my sob story" Nixie joked.

The boys eyed her before laughing at the girls statement, finally relaxing when they realized she was indeed, not a threat.

"What is your sob story" Paul asked with a questioning brow before realizing his mistake when Sam and Emily shot him glares.

Nixie laughed his question off, "that's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot.." (anyone get that reference?😉)

Paul laughed, already taking a liking to the girl as she seemed to fit right in with the pack. He took the seat beside her and tossed his arm carelessly over her shoulders. "I like you Nixie, you're gonna fit in real nicely here."

Jared instantly agreed and took the seat across from the girl, the group of 3 tossing jokes and playful insults back and forth as Sam and Emily shook their heads.

Things around here were gonna be different from now on, they all knew it.
Nixie sat on the end of the slightly worn out couch, sitting directly sideways and facing towards the person on the other end. Paul sat across from her, hands full of green grapes as he too, faced her direction.

"Now" Nixie called, tilting her head back and opening her mouth, instantly cheering when the grape Paul threw landed directly onto her awaiting tongue.

Paul threw his arms up, letting out a loud "WOOH" as Nixie caught yet another grape, the girl had yet to miss one. Paul knew there was something special about Nixie, it had taken a few days but the wolf finally realized that his friend didn't actually contain any sort of scent. When he confronted her about it though, she simply stated that it wasn't time and he left it at that seeing the look in her eyes when he brought it up.

Nixie got along great with everyone in the Uley pack, but her and Paul were the closest. Bonding over their shared stubbornness and temperamental issues. She still sat around the house with Sam, sharing bits of stories about herself and listening to him talk about his past with his issues with his father and his ex-girlfriend Leah Clearwater.

Her and Jared loved having eating contests when it came to eating Emily's muffins and she never failed to impress the pack every time she beat him.

She even spent time with the new wolf Embry and listened to him mope about Jacob Black and Quil Ateara and how he couldn't wait for his friends to join the pack and become their famous trio again.

Nixie attempted to help Emily cook for the boys but always got booted from the task when she proceeded to eat half of the raw cookie dough and throw the muffin mix at the boys whenever they entered the kitchen. All in all, the pack loved having Nixie around and Nixie's heart was finally restoring itself after spending time with her newfound family.

Her and Bella still haven't talked since the night of the movie and honestly, Nixie missed her best friend. However, she refused to be the first to apologize seeing as she felt she did nothing wrong. Maybe she'd been a little harsh on Bella, but the girl refused to see reason and Nixie was tired of walking on eggshells around her. She was waiting for Bella to apologize first, and if by chance she never did, well then Nixie was perfectly fine relieving herself of being Bella's protector and searching elsewhere for a different assignment.

Sure, she'd miss Charlie and the pack, but without her mate there to hold her back, Nixie had no reason to be in Forks any longer. Of course she didn't tell Sam her thoughts, in fear of hurting the man who gave her another family to love and be loved by.

She knew Bella was hanging around Jacob Black, Embry having informed her when he spoke of meeting the pale brunette in Jakes garage one day. The connection between the 2 girls always tingled when Jake was around her protected, but since he hadn't shifted yet it was barely noticeable and Nixie didn't worry about it too much. If she had to, she'd step in whenever Jacob phased and would let him know that if he hurt Bella, she'd end him.

Nixie giggled as she watched Paul shove the handful of grapes into his mouth, a good portion of them slipping out and falling onto the couch cushions.

Paul eyed the girl across from him, basking in the sound of her laugh and at the fact that he was the one who caused it. No, Paul didn't have romantic feelings for Nixie, but he did love her as a best friend and her happiness never ceased to make him happy.
Before she could react, he launched forward and collided with Nixie's unsuspecting body, sending them both off the couch.

"Paul!" Nixie screeched, unable to hold in the loud laughs as her and the wolf collided with the floor and her elbow dug into his ribs, earning a groan. Nixie's heart warmed at the sound of his breathless chuckles and she felt the little cracks in her mend slightly as she thought about how much she loved him and the pack.

Maybe Nixie got attached too fast to the people in Washington, claiming everyone she met as family only to get hurt in the end. But, the pack felt different from the Cullens. The definitions of family were different from both clans and Nixie knew she was more the wolves family than she'd ever been with the Cullens. You only became 100% family to the vampires when you became one yourself. With the Lycan, you were family the minute you stepped through that door and as long as you posed no threat to the humans or the pack, there was no escaping their love, not that you'd want to anyway.

The protector and the wolf lied on the floor as they finally gained back to ability to breathe.

"So" Nixie spoke, "what's been goin on in the woods? I noticed Sam's been putting you on double patrol lately and he's rarely ever here anymore" she questioned Paul.

Paul's brown eyes met Nixie's bright green before speaking, "there's been a vampire strolling through our territory lately, she's the reason Embry shifted so early. She's getting closer with every passing day but every time we get close she just disappears or something." His voice trailed off at the end, thinking about the bloodsucker that always manages to escape them.

Nixie's eyes widened at the information, mind racing with possibilities of who the nomad could possible be. "Have you seen her" she asked, sitting up and facing him.

Paul caught the look on her face and sat up with her, trying to sooth the frantic thoughts most likely racing through her head. "No much of her, she's too quick for even us to catch a good glimpse. All I know is she's got bright red hair and she's really good at getting away from us." He growled at his own admission, frustrated that the damn bloodsucker always seemed one step ahead of them.

Nixie's heart dropped and the color drained from her face, instantly knowing who the nomad was that was roaming around. She hastily stood from her spot in the floor, not even glancing back the confused Paul as he called her name.

"Nixie" he called, watching the girl hightail it out of Sam's house, not even sparing a glance back.

"I'll be back" she spoke, entering her black Camaro and peeling out of the driveway as Paul her watched from the front door.

**Filler chapter!!!!! I just wanted to thank you guys again for the 1k reads, you have no idea how much it means to me(: Love you guys lots❤️ and lemme know what you think of Nixie and packs relationship!**

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