When broken souls met...! ꨄ︎...

By Princiyasultana

1.2M 58.7K 21.6K

Jungkook is a true blood Alpha, who lost his mate in an accident. Taehyung is a rare male Omega, whose mate r... More

About the story!
Chapter 1 - Psychic Wolf
Chapter 3 - Who Are You?
Chapter 4 - Blue Haired Omega
Chapter 5 - Pretend!
Chapter 6 - Rage!
Chapter 7 - A New Beginning
Chapter 8 - Psycho Ex!
Chapter 9 - Dinosaur
Chapter 10 - I'll do it!
Chapter 11 - Crybaby
Chapter 12 - Love Too Much!
Chapter 13 - Sign
Chapter 14 - Elpis
Chapter 15 - Rocks your boat
Chapter 16 - Momentary
Chapter 17 - Katharine
Chapter 18 - Fear of Losing
Chapter 19 - Haphazard feelings!
Chapter 20 - Home party
Chapter 21 - Uncle Min
Chapter 22 - The fake love story!
Chapter 23 - Wonderwall
Chapter 24 - The vacation
Chapter 25 - Unknow affections!
Chapter 26 - Rhythm
Chapter 27 - See you!
Chapter 28 - More than normal!
Chapter 29 - Special
Chapter 30 - Confusion
Chapter 31 - Hurts!
Chapter 32 - The light
Chapter 33 - Realization
Chapter 34 - Goodbye!
Chapter 35 - I'm ready
Chapter 36 - Vagary
Chapter 37 - Once again...!
Chapter 38 - Reverie
Chapter 39 - The changes
Chapter 40 - A bolt out of the blue
Chapter 41 - Special 2
Chapter 42 - Indecision
Chapter 43 - Dysphoria
Chapter 44 - Tyrant of my heart
Chapter 45 - An unsaid war
Chapter 46 - The Game is afoot
Chapter 47 - On a beam end!
Chapter 48 - Who knows who
Chapter 49 - At the end of the rope!
Chapter 50 - A drunk night
Chapter 51 - Closure
Chapter 52 - The rainy night
Chapter 53 - Thantophobia
Chapter 54 - Crippled inside
Chapter 55 - A blessing in disguise
Chapter 56 - Home
Chapter 57 - Happiness
Chapter 58 - Harmonia
Chapter 59 - Yuanfen
Chapter 60 - Soulmate
Q/A ❤
Author's Note 💜
My 4th book ❤

Chapter 2 - Lost It!

31.5K 1.3K 354
By Princiyasultana

Third Person P.O.V

It's 4 in the morning now. Jungkook returns to his penthouse after that effortless fighting.

The house is very small and under constructive. The wall is half painted and there are only few furnitures in all the rooms. A white little kitten is roaming around the room. A pin drop silence is going on.

Jungkook enters in his room. His whole body is dripping on blood. That Beta is barely alive the way he beat him. 

Maybe I shouldn't beat him that much. He didn't do it willingly, the way......I did?  

Jungkook thinks as he goes to the hall to pour a plate with kitten food for his wife's cat. Then he comes back to his room to change his clothes.

"So? Was it a super evening?" Jennie asks Jungkook while he was changing his t-shirt. 

Jungkook rolled his eyes hearing her taunting tone as he knows that she is smirking. He poures a glass of wine saying with a chuckle, "Extremely middy awkward!" 

Then he takes a deep sigh, taking up the wine glass from the corner table as he  walks toward his bed. Heknows she is coming also behind him. 

So Jungkook says again, "Actually you are responsible for this you know? You've spoiled me. Nobody matters after you. Seriously! you've spoiled me for everyone!"

Saying that he sits on the bed lazily, leaning on the headboard and spreading his legs straight. Jennie sits beside him, she looks at him, smiling softly. Jungkook didn't look at her. 

Nope! Not for once.

But he knows she has a sad smile on her face now as she says with her sweet pampering voice, "Jungkookie! It's been 3 years! Who are you waiting for? How many more days will you spend like this?"

Jungkook immediately claps with his both hands loudly making a 'T' sign, saying irritably, "Time out!" 

Then he takes his headphones from the night stand as he puts it on and Jennie smirks bitterly saying, "People use headphones to listen to music!"

"And I use it to block people's voices. Do you have any problem?" Jungkook says with his flat face.

Jennie rolls her eyes as she says, "You know this behaviour of yours is very crazy!" 

"Please Jennie. Stop nagging! Please...."
Jungkook stops for a second as he sits up a bit and says again irritably, looking at her this time, "Do love comes with any expiry dates, tell me? Was the expiry time of our love only 3 years, huh?"

"No, Jungkookie. Love won't come with expiry dates but…people come." Jennie says softly.

Jungkook's voice trembles hearing the words from his mate as he says, "Don't....don't get there."

The vibration of Jungkook's phone cuts them from their little arguments as he picks up the phone from the nightstand and says to Jennie irritably with his raised voice,

"Is your brother a mad? Why is he calling me continuously?" 

"He cares" was all Jungkook heard from Jennie for the last time because suddenly the door of his penthouse thud open as he sees Jin stand there. 

Jin was looking at Jungkook with his dangerous emotionless face. Junkook gulped hard as he knows, Jin with his anger is a big no no.

"You have my penthouse keys also?" Jungkook asks Jin with his wide eyes.

"Yes! I have your house keys because I knew I would need this. That's why I made this long ago because YOU.....can not be trusted, YOU CRAZY MORON!" Jin shouts loudly putting his bag on Jungkook's bed harshly and Jungkook backed down a bit in his position. 

"What...what did I do?" Jungkook asks him, trying to keep his voice normal.

"What you did today? You beat up a Beta!!! Just because Jonnie is a lawyer that doesn't mean you just stack up freak crimes, man!" Jin shouts again pointing his finger on Jungkook.

"Oh! Hello hello! One minute. Just because you are pregnant that doesn't mean you say anything meaningless!" Jungkook says walking up to him.

"I am pregnant and I've raging hormones parasite of a baby inside of me which sips all of the calcium from my bones! Even after all that, this pregnancy and this baby didn't trouble me that much the way you are doing Jeon fucking Jungkoook!!!!" Jin shouts again walking towards Jungkook, pointing his fingers on him as Jungkook backs off from his position and at the end sits on his sitting bin without finding any other place to go.

Jin was talking to Jungkook like he will kill him at any moment. His eyes were red in anger. Omega's usually behaves weird when they get pregnant. Male omega is rare to find. Jin is one of them. Moreover he is a psychologist. 

The situation I am in now? Well I guess, you can understand why he is being that much dramatic.

"I...I...I was going to call you now." Jungkook stutters badly before him. 

Gosh! He is scarier than my high school principal!

"Yeah? When?" Jin asks him with his raised brow as he sat down on the table before me.

"Nn...no...now! I was going to call you now!" Jungkook says stuttering again.

"You didn't call me for 1 week and you didn't even went to office for 4 fucking days!!!" Jin shouts again as he slaps on Jungkook's hands harshly.

"Because I don't need to go to office. I can...I can do my work from my house." Jungkook says quickly, laughing nervously.

"You were about to be a head Alpha right? You didn't return home for 4-5 days at that time! Now what you do, tell me?" Jin asks Jungkook crossing his hands on his chest. His nose is red from anger as he is glaring at him.

"Consultant. And I….I have a lots of money. I...I don't need to do works!" Jungkook says laughing like an idiot as he lies on the bin putting his one hand under his head.

"What kind of a normal person says that he has lots of money!" Jin says breathing heavily because of his anger.

"Who doesn't have any greed!" Jungkook says with a raised brow, laughing nervously.

"Literary….." Jin huffs in defeat as he sits on the table before Jungkook and trails "you need some normals in your life Kook. You're punishing yourself from the day of the accident."

"Oh God! You and your sister have the same problem. You guys just make your weird theories on your own." Jungkook says irritably.

"I'm worried about you Kook. You still talk to Jennie. You're in a relationship with a dead woman!!!" Jin shouts with his slightly broken voice.

"You don't need to remind me that she is dead, okay? I know that." Jungkook says in his deep warning voice.

Jin takes a deep breath to control himself as he understands that he is arguing with an Alpha who can get out of control if he gets angry and then says,

"After all this, you talk to her all the time! You don't have any friends! You avoid people. You don't even pick my phone." 

"Hello hello hello...FYI. I just came from a date." Jungkook says putting his both hands under his head with a winning look.

"Oh really? So what's the girl's or boy's name?" Jin says in his playful tone, looking at a vase which was beside him on the table.

"It was a girl and her name is……is...is" Jungkook says as he tries to remember the girl's name.

"You don't remember, no?" Jin says knowing very well what will happen now.

"Just hold on...i'm remembering." Jungkook says closing his eyes tightly as he makes a face of remembering something.

"Hmmm....what does she do?" Jin asks again with a raised brow.

"Ummmm…..she….." Jungkook again trails because he doesn't know anything about that girl.

"Omay just tell me what was she wearing?" Jin asks again.

"Nothing" Jungkook says without any stuttering as Jin rolls his eyes on him saying harshly,

"These meaningless one night stands!!! You've gone on a self destructive mode. If you get a hint of some kind of a commitment, you just avoid everyone."

"Jinnie...yaaa" Jungkook says irritably wanting to avoid the conversation. 

"Jennie was my sister. She is not there anymore. Do you realize that? You're staying in this half constructed house. Why?" Jin says as he is on the urge of crying soon.

"Because I like it." Jungkook says softly looking away from the older because tears are also welling up in his eyes.

"No. Because Jennie started it. You're holding on to your past Kook." Jin says sobbing lightly.

Jungkook looks at some corner of the half designed room. He still remembers the day. Every night it haunts him like a dead note. He was not a weak person like this. He was strong, very very strong! He was one of the toughest contestand of the Head Alpha position. But that one particular day snatched everything from his life and made him a weak lifeless Alpha.

"I'm training for my last round of becoming an head Alpha. I have to fight with Soonbin and I am sure I'll pass that easily. I'm on the fast track to becoming the head Alpha now. Just hope it happens soon." Jungkook said to Jennie with his cheerful voice.

They were on the way to their house from their new house. They went to visit their new house and also to complete all the paperwork. In this pack, after finding a mate the head alpha gave every couple a house. Jennie certainly didn't like the house their head Alpha gave them. So they decided to change the house and that's how they end up buying a new one. But all the way Jungkook didn't say anything about the house because he was too busy with his future plans.

"Fantastic. Congratulations!" Jennie said with a pressed lip smile.

Jungkook frowned his brow as he said, "That's it? So cold reaction? You know what it's supposed to mean? You'll become a luna!"

Before Jennie could say anything a ringtone from Jungkook's mobile stopped her. Jungkook looked at his phone and said, "Fuck! I have to take this call."

But before Jungkook could pick the phone Jennie cut the call off. Jungkook looked at Jennie with an unknown expression as he said, "Jennie! What the fuck?"

"We will keep mirrors on the wall Jungkookie…" Jennie said cheerfully with a sweet smile as if nothing happened, ignoring all the facts.

"What?" Jungkook says shouting a bit.

"... and we will keep normal doors where I'll make bookshelves. It will look much more artistic." Jennie said dreamingly looking at the air.

"Jennie, seriously? You're talking about these now? It was an important call." Jungkook said with his raised voice.

"Jungkook are you even listening to me?" Jennie said with her pissed off tone looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm listening but why did you do that? What happened to you?" Jungkook exclaimed as he didn't understand his mate's behaviour.

"What happened to you Jungkook? You just forgot to live in the present. The thought of being a head Alpha just keeping you from living in the present." Jennie said with a sad tone.

"You know I have a problem with your this wild child attitude. I'm thinking about our future, Jennie. If I become a head, our future will be secure till our death. This chance came only in 5 years! You know how much I wanted it!" Jungkook said looking at the road as he drove fast.

"Yeah right, stop the car!" Jennie said as she had enough!

"What? Why? Jennie what are you doing? Put your seatbelt on." Jungkook said looking at his mate who is unbuckling her belt.

"I said, stop the car!" Jennie said raising her voice a bit.

"Jennie put your seat……" Jungkook was about to use his Alpha voice on his mate but at that moment Jennie shouts looking at her front,

"Jungkoooooooooook WATCH OUT!!!"

A loud sound of car crashing and glass breaking filled the whole area as Jungkook's voice covered in that sound, "Jenniiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!"

In the next moment a body was on the road, covered with full of blood and glass pieces!

"If you don't want to do this for yourself, don't want to do this for myself then please do it for Jennie. Let her go Jungkook." Jin's voice brings back Jungkook from his little flashback as he listens,

"Come on. Jennie was my sister. You've made this house a museum with her memories. You don't let me help you. This way, you'll be in mental asylum and I won't be able to help you then. Now look at me....I'm crying." Jin cries out loudly.

"Jinnie, please...what is this? Why are you crying?" Jungkook says sitting up and wiping his tears lightly.

"It's all because of you." Jin says in between his cry.

"No please. Please don't cry. You were just scolding me and now you are sending me in a guilt trip. That's not fair! You can't be the good cop and bad cop both at the same time." Jungkook says with his cute voice as he pouts sadly. 

Jin took the vase to hit him with that because he knew Jungkook was trying to woo him with his cute face and ignore the topic once again.

"Hey hey hey that was Jennie's favourite vase!!! Are you crazy? It will break." Jungkook shouts as he quickly snatches the vase from Jin's hand.

Jin huffs in defeat as he looks at Jungkook, shaking his head lightly he says with a flat expression,

"You've lost it. You've gone crazy! Totally lost it!"



Congratulations to our babies. The most sexy and handsome boys are in the same house 😎❤💜


Hello guys,
How are you all? 😍 Did you miss this story?

I hope you guys are liking the story. If you do then please vote and comment.

Forgive me for my mistakes. 😊

Love you 💜

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