Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UND...

By IThoughtUSaidWeast

975K 26.5K 4.6K

Nixie Dovers was the flame that lit Jasper Hales fire. With one task in mind Nixie didn't expect to fall for... More

Tragedy οΏΌStrikes
Into the Life of a Protector
Hero Hair
"Sup Eddy"
The Cullens
What the Hell?
We All Have Our Secrets
"I'm Sorry"
Eddy to the Rescue
Protectors out of the Bag
His Salvation
Shark-bait Hoo Ha Ha
" I Didn't See Them"
"I Told You So"
The Bee and Her Honey
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
New Moon
Happy Birthday Old Hag
Mending Broken Pieces
Hollow Eyes
"You're Pathetic"
The Pack
"Slowly Release the Clutch..." *CRASH*
Love Squares and Marshmallows
An Eye for an Eye
"Freaked Out Yet?"
"I'm Sorry I Failed You"
"You're a Real Piece of Work"
Let's Go Home
Bonus Chapter #3
Ice Cream Date
With Guilt Comes Pain
Unlikely Friendship
"Another Protection Detail?!"
"I Will Love You Forever"
A Decisions Been Made
"Your First Time?!"
Something Wicked This Way Comes
"It's Okay"
Love Will Remember You
Bonus Chapter #4
Bonus Chapter #5
Breaking Dawn Part 1
God's Work
Flightless Bird
"Something's Wrong.."
The Impossible Becomes Possible
No Tears Left to Cry
You Are The Reason
Clock is Ticking
A Little Hope
Be Still My Beating Heart
"You Weren't Supposed to Leave Me"
Something I Want
Bonus Chapter #6
Bonus Chapter #7
Breaking Dawn Part 2
"How Could You?"
"I Did It"
Forgive Me
"Oh, Brother.."
Mommy Issues
Nixie-1, Fried Brain-1
Battle vs. War
"Just Say the Words..."
"Let's Get F*cking Married"
"You're My Home"
Bonus Chapter #8
Bonus Chapter #9
Alternate Ending
Book 2 of the Nixie Dovers Series

Life With You

16.4K 481 82
By IThoughtUSaidWeast

  Jasper exited his car after Nixie, who had literally flung herself out before it had even come to a full stop. You could see the tenseness in her shoulders and in the way she was clenching her hands to her sides, she trying not to explode. He had just gotten off the phone with Edward, who was heading towards their house where they'd meet with them after Nixie grabbed what she needed. He followed his girlfriend to the trunk of her Camaro before watching her open it. His eyes widened.

  Every weapon you could possibly think off was stocked in the back of her car. Ranging from guns, stakes, iron rods and a shit ton of books with weird sigils carved into the covers, you name it, it was in there. "Babe" he voiced, mouth dropping at the sight before him, "what is all this stuff?" He'd never seen anything like it in his 160 odd years of living.

  Any other time Nixie would've been ecstatic to teach Jasper about all the other species she'd encountered and the different weapons to use against them, but Bella was in danger and there was just no time. "I'll tell ya later Jas, I'm just grabbing one thing and we have to head to your house. I need to be with Bella." Nixie's eyes scanned her trunk looking for the specific weapon she had hidden for such an occasion. "Ah ha!" She reached under her 12 gauge, spotting the gold pistol who's handle was sticking out just enough to catch her eye. She smiled at the weapon before showing it to Jasper.

  Jasper stared at her, did she not realize that his kind was bullet proof? What was this tiny gun going to do to a vampire like James? He let out a small cough, "uhh, Nix. What's that for?"

  Nixie rolled her eyes with a small smile, she knew Jasper was trying to be nice when in reality he thought she was an idiot. Contrary to popular belief, Nixie knew exactly what she was doing and hopefully she'd find James and be able to show Jasper just how useful this gun was. She closed the trunk and tucked the pistol in her pant-line before covering it with her shirt, hiding any evidence that it was there. "C'mon, we gotta head back before Edward and Bella take off." She raced back to Jasper's car and hopped in while he trailed behind still confused on the point of stopping for the supposed weapon to keep them alive that ended up being a gun.
  By the time Nixie and Jasper had made it to the Cullens', Laurent was making his way out of the front door. He eyed the 2, the dark skinned nomad had no idea was Nixie was but he was almost positive she wasn't just a regular human. Although he told Carlisle it wasn't his fight, he feared the fate of his comrade if he decided to take her on. He could tell by the way she carried herself, that if her and James ended up fighting, there's no doubt that she'd come out on top. He gave them a nod before making his way into the woods and far away from Forks.

  Jasper walked into the garage where his family was before addressing them, "I've fought our kind before. They're not easy to kill."

  Emmett interrupted, "but not impossible."

  Jasper gave a small nod, "we'll tear them apart and burn the pieces."

  Carlisle was having an internal debate as he listened to his children talking about killing someone. "I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James" he admitted.

  Nixie could understand where he was coming from, she truly could, but this was for Bella's protection. "Carlisle" she started, catching everyone's attention, "I understand your morals and I wish it didn't have to be this way, but as of right now it's kill or be killed. James won't stop until he has Bella and if that means taking us all out in the process, then that's what he'll do. I won't let him get to her, and if that means ripping him to shreds with my bare hands? Then I will do it without hesitation." She stared at them, letting them all know how serious the situation was.

  If Bella dies, Nixie's protection will no longer be needed in Forks, she'll have to leave to find a new assignment because she has yet to get her last rune. She didn't want to leave them, but it's the code. She didn't dare say anything about it to the Cullens, they needed to focus on the task at hand and her secret would only distract their thoughts.

  Edward nodded, agreeing with Nixie's words, "I'm gonna run Bella south." He wanted to get here out of there as soon as possible. "Can you lead the tracker away from here?"

  Carlisle stopped in his tracks at his sons words, immediately shutting down the idea "no, Edward. James knows you would never leave Bella. He'll follow you."

  Alice jumped in "I'll go with Bella. Jasper, Nixie and I will drive her south." She looked to her brother, seeing the pain in his eyes, "I'll keep her safe, Edward" she promised. "Plus, Nixie will be with us, nothings gonna happen."

  Edward wanted to say no, he wanted to just take  Bella and get the hell out of dodge, but he knew he was being selfish. He also knew that Nixie would never let anything happen to Bella, and she's safest where Alice will be able to see if anything's coming. "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" He quizzed his sister, he didn't want Bella getting scared because any of Alice's visions, especially if something were to happen to him.

  "Yes" Alice promised, before grabbing Bella and leading her to the car.

  Nixie stood next to Jasper as thoughts raced through her head, plans, tactics, plan B's, everything. She was gonna be ready for when he came, it wasn't if James was gonna find Bella, it was when. Nixie knew with his level of tracking he wasn't going to be fooled for long, she had a feeling. "Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent?" She heard Edward ask his sister and mother.

  "Why?" Rosalie sneered, "what is she to me?"

  Carlisle turned to his daughter, disappointment in his voice, "Rosalie, Bella is with Edward. She's part of this family now. And we protect our family."

  She still didn't look convinced, clenching the jacket in her hand she went to throw it but was stopped by Nixie's firm grip on her shoulder. "Rose" she addressed, her deadly tone never once used on the blonde before and it made everyone stop. "If you don't do this, and Bella dies because you couldn't get over your hatred for 1 second, it's not gonna be pretty."

  Nixie gripped Rose's shoulder even tighter before turning the blonde vampire to face her, "do you understand?" She didn't want to say it, she didn't want them to stress, but she knew Rosalie would never agree to help Bella unless there was something else. "If Bella dies Rose, I cant stay here. My assignment, my best friend will be dead and I'll have to leave. If you can't do this for her, or for Edward, then do it for me."

  The Cullens stared at the protector as her words sunk in. They didn't even think of what would happen to Nixie if something were to happen to Bella. They didn't know she was going to continue her protector duties after Bella since her species was practically extinct. Jasper took it the hardest, he didn't want to lose Nixie, he couldn't bare the thought of living his life without her now that he had her. He was more determined than ever now.

  Rose stared at the first friend she made in years, the thought of losing her made tears build in her eyes, ones that would never fall. Nodding her head, she wrapped her arms around Nixie in a quick hug before slipping Bella's jacket on.

  Everyone spilt, Nixie, Jasper and Alice making their way to the car Bella sat in while everyone else moved outside and headed towards the woods. Edward said one last goodbye to Bella, kissing her head and making his way to the woods.

  The chase was on.
  The 2 vampires, the protector and the human made their way out of Forks Washington and to Phoenix  Arizona, hopefully far enough away to where James would never find them.

  They sat in the hotel, waiting for a call or text hopefully saying that James had been dealt with and that it was safe now. Nixie stared at the wall ahead of her as she sat next to Jasper, their hands intertwined. It was quiet, until Alice let of a gasp, eyes dilating and staring into nothing.

  Jasper turned to his sister, he knew what it meant, "what is it? What do you see?" he questioned.

  Alice's face crumbled, "the tracker, he just changed course."

  Jasper clenched the couch cushion before reaching for a piece of paper that was lying on the table. He shoved it into Alice's awaiting hands, "where will it take him, Alice?"

  "Mirrors" Alice spoke as Nixie watched her hand vigorously scribble across the page, covering it in black markings, creating a picture. "A room full of mirrors." It clicked in Nixie's head, flashing back to when she'd first read Bella's file and the girl had taken ballet in Phoenix when she were younger. Before she could speak, Bella spoke up for the first time since arriving.

  Bella stared at Alice's drawing, catching sight of a familiar archway. "Edward said the visions weren't always certain." She watched Jasper look to her before answering "she sees the course that people are on while they're on it, if they change their minds then the visions changes." Bella looked back to Alice's drawing, "okay, so the course that the trackers on now is gonna lead him to a ballet studio?" She questioned them.

  Alice's hand stopped its movement, staring at the girl in front of her, "you've been here?"

  Bella quickly defended her thought, "I took lessons as a kid. The school I went to had an arch just like that."

  "Was your school here in Phoenix" Jasper asked her, dreading the answer as he held Nixie's hand tighter.

  "Yeah" Bella replied, before her phone rang and she stepped to the side to answer it.

  The other 3 occupants in the room eyed each other, each thinking the same thing. This couldn't be good. They listened as Edward told Bella the new plan before Alice caught the look Jasper gave her, causing her to stand and make her way to the room as she gave him a minute with his mate.

  Jasper stared at Nixie as her eyes were focused on Bella, listening intently to the plan and most likely making one of her own. He stood, pulling her up along with him and making his way to the small kitchen around the corner and away from Bella's ears. He looked at Nixie's confused expression as she opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off by kissing her. Their usual sweet and gentle kisses were nothing compared to the almost ravenous one he placed on her now. This was the type of kiss you give someone when you think you'll never see them again. Hungry and cold, their lips molded against each other as they kissed, neither one caring that there were others just a room over. Tangling his hands in Nixie's raven colored locks he gripped her roots before pulling her head back and staring hungrily into her green eyes as his had turned black.

  Nixie stared at Jasper in shock, not expecting him to kiss her like that, but also not opposing it. She breathed heavily as he stared her down, an almost predator look in his eyes. "What was that?"

  Jasper glided his fingers across her cheek bones as he looked at her, "why didn't you tell me?" He questioned. Seeing the confused expression on her face, he elaborated, "why didn't you tell me about you leaving?"

  Nixie closed her eyes, sighing before she placed her head on Jasper's shoulder, snuggling into his cold skin. "I hadn't thought about it until now. It's not set in stone Jas, but if Bella were to die due to any reason, then what use would I be if I stayed here when I could be out there, trying to protect people from this stuff? It's my job, it's what I've been trained for."

  Jasper hugged her closer, his anger growing but he refused to lash out at her, not when tomorrow wasn't promised for her if James somehow found them. "What about me? Nixie you're not just my girlfriend, you're my mate. I can't live without you now that I have you, don't you realize that? How are you so okay with leaving me?" He didn't mean to sound so desperate, but he was, he couldn't live without her and the fact that she didn't seem phased by leaving him was making his heart clench.

  "Jas" Nixie soothed, as she ran her hand threw his growing hair, "I wasn't thinking about leaving you, I could never leave you. You said that one day you wanted to travel, without your family for a while, just to see the world. I thought you would come with me?" She pulled back from their embrace and met his eyes again, hers sparkling with thoughts of their future. "Travel with me, live life with me."

  Jasper's words were stuck in his throat. He remembered that conversation like it was yesterday. They had been laying on his bed together, talking about things they wanted in life and where they saw themselves in 10-15 years, hell, in Jasper's case 90 years. He didn't hesitate in telling her he saw her in his life, living together, visiting his family here and there but ultimately just living their own lives together, Jasper never got to do that with anyone while he was human and now he knew why. Nixie was his life, he couldn't imagine ever spending a lifetime without her in it, he doesn't know how he managed to go so long without her. Living in a house together, somewhere secluded but beautiful, a big house with a big pool. Open lighting and not having to worry about anyone seeing them as they laid in the sun together. Buying more fish like Shark-bait, possibly even a dog or something. Nixie always talks about wanting a dog.

  He stared into her eyes, their lives together flashing behind his. He gripped her face before kissing her again, gentler than the last one and filled with pure raw passion. When they pulled back he had a smile on his face, the biggest one he'd ever had. "I love you."

  Nixie sucked in a breath at his words. I love you. She hadn't told anyone she loved them since losing Gale. I love you. God, she wanted to cry as the words left his mouth, in fact, she already was. The tears filled her eyes, none hesitating in rolling down her cheeks as her lips trembled. I love you. She stared at the man in front of her, her mate, her life. I love you. Releasing her breath, she let a breathtaking smile take over her face as she let out a sound between a laugh and a sob. I love you. Yes she did, she loved him, more than anything and she was ready to move on from her tragic past. Ready to move forward with the love of her life and just be happy. "I love you."

  Jasper let out a relieved laugh. He was scared there for a minute, when she started crying he thought he said the wrong thing, and when she let out her watery chuckle he was waiting for the rejection. But she said it, and God damn, he couldn't be happier. He gathered her in his arms one last time, placing a kiss on her forehead as she still attempted to dry her tears, "I love you" he whispered against her head. He'd never stop saying it now, every morning, every evening, every night he was gonna tell her, he loved her. Because he did, Jasper Hale was undoubtedly, devotedly, in love with Nixie Dovers and judging by her reaction, she loved him too, just as much. 

**I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a wonderful holiday! And if you don't, well I hope your day was just as wonderful💕 I still can't believe this book is almost over, I'll probably write part 2 in this one as well just to make it easier. Thank you for the reads, comments and votes! Love you all❤️"

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