By arios2004

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"But I fear your futures are now joined forever. She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love."... More



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By arios2004

1. Five Years Later


Five years had passed since the day Annalys had become queen and all seemed to be well and peaceful in Westeros. Everyone was happy, but the thought of Daenerys Targaryen arriving on the shores of Westeros remained on everyone's mind.

They knew that by now, Daenerys had gotten her fleet of ships and would be arriving at Westeros at any given moment.

Despite that, Annalys remained in a bright mood, her marriage with Robb happy as ever. They were the parents of seven children now, technically. Of course, Lyanna, Eddard, Joanna, and Torrhen were the only ones biologically both of theirs, but they treated Torra and Olyvar just like they did the others. Lastly, there was Rickard, who had been born two years before.

Torra was now fourteen. Lyanna and Eddard were nine, nearly reaching their tenth name day. Olyvar was nine as well, just a few months younger than the eldest set of twins. Joanna and Torrhen, on the other hand, were only five, but much more obedient and controllable than Lyanna and Eddard had been at their age. Lastly, there was Rickard, who was two, almost three years old.

Winter had arrived just three months before in Westeros after the longest summer the country had seen in centuries, but King's Landing hadn't faced the same weather as Winterfell and the rest of the North did. Now, that was horrific.

In their chambers, Annalys and Robb were under the covers. Robb was hovering over Annalys' body, both of them bare as Robb attacked her body with kisses.

Annalys laughed and moaned at the same time, clearly feeling pleasured, but also amused by Robb's extremely excited mood.

Robb pulled away from kissing Annalys' neck, his wife cupping his face in her hands as they kissed each other on the lips. After a moment, Robb pulled away, lightly tugging at her bottom lip with his teeth.

Both of them panting for breath, Robb smiled brightly as he shook his head. "I don't think I've been this happy in my entire life," He admitted, both of them laughing and smiling as he began to kiss her neck again.

Robb pulled the covers back slightly, allowing them to breathe some fresh air. "How did you manage to keep it a secret from me for an entire month?" He found himself asking her, placing a hand over her still-flat stomach.

"I wanted to be certain, and now, I am," Annalys responded, leaning forward to kiss him on the lips.

"Another baby, another one!" Robb exclaimed happily, earning a small laugh from Annalys, "What do you think? Boy? Girl? Perhaps--"

Before Robb could finish his sentence, Annalys placed a hand over his mouth, "Don't you fucking do it, Robb," She warned him in a joking tone, smiling at him, "Don't you say it. Not again."

Robb smiled, playfully rolling his eyes at her refusal to have another set of twins. "I'm thinking a boy," She proposed, smiling back at Robb, "Tyland Stark."

"Rodrik Stark, remember?" Robb playfully asked Annalys, who quietly scoffed, "The next one shall be Tyland."

"The next one," She muttered under her breath, playfully rolling her eyes at him, "I only agreed to that decision because you won that stupid bet."

"Stupid, you say?" Robb questioned in a mocking tone, "That 'stupid' bet won back your crown after Lyanna, Olyvar, and Eddard sold it for three slices of lemon cake at the bakery in Flea Bottom."

Thinking back to that day, which happened two years before, the two of them began to laugh in amusement. "At least they're getting along," She commented, causing both of them to smile, "Must count for something."

"I can't believe we're having a child," Robb confessed, a large smile on his face, "Another child."

"It seems you're more happy than I am," Annalys remarked, quietly chuckling at the bright smile on his face, "Much more."

"Aren't you happy?" Robb found himself asking, realizing that he was, indeed, much more happy than she was.

"Yes, I am, but..." She trailed off, letting out a sigh in defeat, "I despise the thought of fighting in yet another war while pregnant. You don't understand, Robb. Being pregnant takes a toll on women. It makes us tired, among other things. Once again, I won't fight the same and I must be at my full potential in this war. Let us hope that Daenerys won't come for another nine months, at least."

Just then, there was a knock on the door, causing the couple to sigh in defeat before Annalys called out to the person to open the door. The door ended up opening and Ser Edric was the one to enter, alongside Jaime.

"Your Graces," They bowed as they greeted Annalys and Robb, who laid in bed, the sheets being the only thing covering their nude bodies.

It was awkward for Jaime, seeing as though it was his daughter and he quickly turned his head to avoid the sight. "We have news," He informed Annalys, refusing to look her in the eyes, "About Daenerys Targaryen. She has arrived at Dragonstone."

Annalys slowly turned to look at Robb, both of them sighing in defeat. So much for nine more months.


     After the small council meeting having to do with Daenerys and her arrival at Dragonstone, it was concluded that they would wait until Daenerys made her first move before attacking. Many didn't agree with it, but after Annalys agreed with the suggestion, which had been given by Robb, the decision was made final.

Annalys walked through the halls of the Red Keep alongside Jaime, who noticed how uneasy his daughter looked, "What is it?" He questioned her, giving her a concerned look.

"Do you ever think about Tyrion?" She found herself asking her father, looking saddened, "He is the Dragon Queen's Hand. My subjects expect me to kill him alongside Daenerys."

"Isn't that what you'd want?" Jaime questioned Annalys in confusion, "You don't take betrayal easily. Isn't that what Tyrion did?"

"Tyrion's different, Jaime," She told him in a hushed tone, "He's not Mother. He didn't betray me for power, he did it because he thought Grandfather was still in power. If I had been Queen of the Westerlands and even just Lady of Casterly Rock, he would have never betrayed us."

"It didn't mean he had to become Hand of the Queen," Jaime retorted, causing Annalys to frown in confusion.

"It would seem you're angrier than I am about his supposed 'betrayal ' ," She pointed out, causing Jaime to sigh in defeat.

"It's been ten years since Tyrion sailed across the Narrow Sea. He had many chances to return to us and beg you for forgiveness, but he never did. He must believe in Daenerys," He explained to Annalys in a calm tone.

Annalys began to smile, much to Jaime's confusion. "What is it?" He asked her in concern, "What am I missing?"

"If you're right, their first form of attack will be taking Casterly Rock," She informed Jaime, causing his eyes to widen in realization.

"Which he won't be able to do since you blocked off the secret tunnels he told you about in the first place," He pieced together, his eyes wide at the thought.

"Yes, we may not be attacking first, but it doesn't mean we won't take precautions," Annalys explained to Jaime with a smile on her face, "At the next small council meeting, I will tell them about what I've done."

"Wait, what did you do?" Jaime questioned, a puzzled look on his face.

"The Iron Fleet is sailing to Casterly Rock, to be ready to attack Daenerys' ships when they come to bring soldiers to take Casterly Rock. That castle is mine, I will not let them take it. Whoever comes to take it will fail and die." She explained to Jaime, just before they continued to walk on together, "Daenerys Targaryen might have three dragons and an army of savages on her side, but she does not have the type of military mind that I do."

"I don't think anyone does," Jaime remarked, causing them both to smile slightly.


    In the courtyard, Olyvar and Eddard fought with their sparring swords, both of them holding a shield in their non-dominant hand as they fought.

Olyvar continued to slash at Eddard until Eddard was finally knocked to the ground. Eddard stared up at Olyvar, looking almost annoyed that his half brother had bested him in sparring once again. Olyvar walked closer to Eddard, holding his hand out.

Eddard sighed, grabbing Olyvad's hand before he helped his brother stand back up, "Keep your shield up next time," Torra spoke up, the two of them turning to see Torra approaching them, "It's time you practice archery now," She instructed, clearly wanting to help Eddard best Olyvar in archery, since she knew that the boy was better in archery than with swords.

  Moments later, Eddard lifted his bow, beginning to aim it at the target several feet in front of him. As he got ready to release the arrow, he and Olyvar were soon distracted when Lyanna entered through the gates of the Red Keep on a horse. Her fiery red hair that was formerly styled into braids was now messed up and frizzed from the wind. Though, she continued to ride around on her horse, clearly trying to show off.

  Eddard groaned, rolling his eyes at Lyanna, "Stop showing off!" He complained and Lyanna continued to smirk, circling around them on her white horse.

  Lyanna continued to circle around them, clearly trying to annoy her brothers, which both boys noticed. They both shared a look, smiling slightly, "Lyanna!" Olyvar whined, clearly wanting her to stop playing around and get off the horse.

    Robb, who was watching the scene occur, walked over with Annalys both of them smiling. They recalled such a similar memory from their time in Winterfell years ago with Jon. They had been mere children at the time.

   Robb looked down at Lyanna, nodding his head in encouragement to get off the horse.

Lyanna sighed in defeat before finally climbing off the horse. She handed the horse over to one of the stable boys, just before she walked over to where Eddard and Olyvar were practicing archery.

Annalys and Robb moved closer as well, watching their eldest son closely. Eddard lifted the bow up, nocking the arrow before drawing the bowstring back.

"He's going to miss," Lyanna whispered to Torra, who gave her a scolding look, "What? His stance isn't right and his arms are shaking. He'll never get the right aim."

  Due to being nervous with all eyes on him and Lyanna's constant comments about him failing, Eddard ended up failing. Immediately after, Olyvar and Lyanna laughed loudly while Eddard looked down in shame and Torra rolled her eyes in annoyance. Robb noticed the boy's reaction and was quick to speak up, "As I recall, neither of you are marksmen at ten, correct?" He pointed out, causing them both to shut up.

"Keep practicing, Eddard," Annalys encouraged her son, leading to Eddard looking back at her before getting ready to shoot one of his arrows again, "Go on."

Annalys smiled slightly as she watched her eldest son take a deep breath before releasing his arrow. The group looked forward to see that he had gotten the bullseye on the target.

The entire group, including Robb, stared at Eddard with wide eyes. Edddard smiled, clearly proud of his actions and the shocked expression on his twin sister's face. He turned to look up at his mother, who smiled proudly. She didn't looked shocked, though, knowing that out of all her children, Eddard was the only one most skilled with a bow like his mother. Lyanna and Olyvar were better with a sword and Torra did a little bit of everything.

  To piss Lyanna off even more than she already was due to her brother being shown to be better with a bow than him, Eddard mockingly bowed, causing both Olyvar and Lyanna to laugh before they began to chase after him, Eddard running away so that wouldn't be able to catch him.

Annalys and Robb smiled at the sight, finding it to be so similar to memories of when they were children.

Robb was the first to turn his head, only to notice Torra speaking with an unknown boy. He had black hair with blue eyes and looked to be a few years older than her. Robb, however, had no clue who he was and why Torra looked so happy while speaking to him. In a way, it concerned  him.

"Who is that?" He found himself asking Annalys, who turned her head to see what her husband was staring at. "The boy speaking with Torra."

"Aden Storm," Annalys informed Robb in a calm tone, "He's one of the castle's new stable boys."

"Why is Torra talking to him?" Robb complained, earning an eye roll from Annalys.

"Because they're friends," She pointed out, an amused smile forming on her lips at Robb's protectiveness over Torra.

"A friend doesn't look at their other friend like that," Robb commented, the two of them looking ahead to see Torra staring into Aden's eyes almost lovingly, "He's too old for her, anyway."

"He's seventeen," Annalys scoffed, giving Robb an odd look.

"She's fourteen," Robb argued in a calm tone, "Freyja fell pregnant at that age, didn't she?"

"Let her live, Robb," Annalys sighed in defeat, sending her husband a pleading look, "She's fourteen and it's only been five years since she started to live South of the Wall. She's only just adapting to this life. You don't have to worry about her getting pregnant. She's far too smart to let that happen."

"Fine," Robb hesitantly decided, a warning look on his face, "But if he hurts her--"

"I'll help you," Annalys cut him off, both of them smiling at the fact that Robb didn't even have to finish his sentence.

The married couple locked arms, just before walking through the castle together.


   In the throne room, Annalys sat on the Iron Throne, wearing her crown with Robb standing on one side of her, Ser Edric, her lord commander, and Ser Davos, her Hand, standing on the opposite side of her. Jaime stood close by as well, the rest of her queensguard, which included Ser Loras Tyrell and Podrick, were scattered around the throne room. Qyburn was also there, seeing as though he had been appointed by Annalys as Grand Maester, despite many maesters from Old Town being outraged by it.

Numerous lords from each of the seven kingdoms stood before her, even some from the Vale. It had been a year since Annalys learned the truth of how the War of the Queen and Five Kings started and executed both Lord Baelish and Lysa Arryn for it. She had placed Yohn Royce in charge, who fostered and looked after Robin Arryn, the lord of the Vale.

Annalys glanced around at all of them, giving them a speech about Daenerys Targaryen and how they could defeat her.

"If the Mad King's daughter takes the Iron Throne, she will destroy all that we've done to better the Realm as we know it. She has arrived at the shores of Westeros," She announced, causing many men to whisper amongst themselves about the revelation, "She has brought army of savages with her. Unsullied Soldiers who will destroy your castles and holdfasts. Dothraki who will burn your villages, rape and enslave your women, and kill your children without hesitation."

As they began to talk amongst themselves, Annalys rose to her feet, causing the whole room to go silent. "I might not have been born to see it, but you all were. You remember the Mad King. You remember the horrors he inflicted upon the people of Westeros. His daughter is no different, I promise you that. Across the Narrow Sea in Essos, her brutality and ruthlessness has already become legendary. She crucified hundreds of noblemen in Slaver Bay's and when she grew bored of them, she began to feed them to her dragons."

Robb turned to look at Annalys, impressed by the way she spoke the words. She was clearly only saying things she knew would gain the men's allegiance and it was clearly working.

"It is my duty as Queen of the Seven Kingdom to protect the people, lowborn and highborn alike, and I will continue to do so until my dying breath. But I will need your help, My Lords. We must stand together, all of us, against our common foe if we want to survive the coming months."

Randyll Tarly was the first to slowly step forward, bowing to Annalys before speaking up. "She has three full-grown dragons, Your Grace. The same as Aegon when he conquered the Seven Kingdoms. How do you propose to stop them?"

Annalys smiled slightly, glancing over at Qyburn before back at Randyll. "We are currently creating devices capable of injuring and killing dragons," She announced to the men, who seemed delighted to hear the news, "Lord Tarly, I'd like you to be my ranking general in the wars to come against the Mad King's daughter."

"It would be my honor, My Queen," Randyll responded, bowing to Annalys once more before stepping away from the throne room.

Annalys smiled slightly, happy about how willing Randyll Tarly was to serve her. Despite him being cold man who never smiled, Annalys knew she could trust the man and his armies more than she could ever trust the Tyrells.

Even if Tommen was now married to Margaery and Loras was now a member of her kingsguard, Annalys still felt as though she couldn't trust the Tyrells. There was just something about them.


   In the gardens of the Red Keep, Robb sat at a table with Lyanna, Olyvar, and Eddard while Rickard, Joanna and Torrhen sat on the ground together, playing with their toys.

Annalys stood close to them, holding a staff in her hand alongside Torra, who stood a few feet away from them.

Robb was trying to help Eddard learn how to read correctly, seeing as though he was still having trouble in doing so. While Olyvar and Lyanna exceled in reading and writing, Eddard did not. Even Joanna and Torrhen had an easier time reading and writing than their eldest brother.

Annalys stopped sparring with Torra for a brief moment, taking a moment to listen in on the conversation Robb was having with their eldest son. "No, no, no. It says saw, not was. Try again. We'll remain out here until you've mastered it." Robb decided, much to Eddard's dismay.

"It looks like 'saw'," Eddard complained, squinting his eyes as he looked down at the book he held.

"How can one word look like another?" Joanna suddenly spoke up from her seat on the ground, smiling in amusement at Eddard's struggle.

"Isn't saw, was backwards?" Olyvar suddenly asked, which immediately gained Annalys' attention.

She turned to look at them once more, her eyes widening in realization.

"Eddard must be stupid," Lyanna commented, snapping Annalys out of her thoughts.

"I am not stupid, Lyanna!" Eddard complained, glaring at his twin sister, "If anyone's stupid, it's--" He began to say, only to notice the warning look his father gave him.

He sighed in defeat, looking back down at his book as he didn't finish what he was going to say about Lyanna. "It's not fair!" Eddard complained, a disappointed look on his face, "The letters won't stay still. Olyvar and Lyanna see the word one way and I see it the opposite way. I don't understand it!"

Lyanna began to laugh, earning an annoyed look from Eddard. He was about to argue with her, only to see the way Lyanna stopped laughing once Annalys gave her a scolding look.

With that, Annalys turned toward Torra once more. "Defend yourself," She instructed and without hesitation, Torra swung her staff at Annalys.

Annalys quickly ducked, avoiding Torra's swing. Annalys swung back and Torra ducked, just as Annalys had done a moment before.

Torra stood back up and Annalys spun around before swinging at the young girl once more. Torra lifted her staff, blocking Annalys' form of attack. The staffs became deadlocked and Torra tried her hardest to stand her ground against Annalys.

"Good, Torra," Annalys praised Torra, a large, proud smile on her face.

Robb and Eddard looked toward the duo, just as Lyanna and Olyvar did, the four of them watching the scene closely, clearly interested. Joanna and Torrhen laughed, the two of them watching the scene as well in amusement.

Annalys pushed all her weight against the staff, causing Torra to stumble back slightly, but she was quick to steady herself before she could actually fall. "Again!" Annalys shouted in encouragement, a happy look on her face.

The female duo continued to swing at each other, Annalys feeling impressed at how good Torra's skills were becoming. Annalys knew for a fact Torra was better than even she had been at her age.

Torra used her staff to force Annalys' to point downwards. As Annalys went to pull her staff away, Torra lifted hers and hit the Lannister woman across the face with it.

Annalys stumbled back, nearly falling before she steadied herself. She turned to look back at Torra, her eyes wide in astonishment as blood began to spill from the newly-formed cut on her bottom lip.

Annalys continued to stare at Torra in disbelief while the wildling girl smiled proudly. Gradually, Annalys began to smile as well, clearly proud of Torra. "You're getting better by the day, Torra," She complimented the girl with a large smile on her face, "At this rate, you will be better than me within no time."

Annalys watched as Torra immediately turned to look at Robb, as if she yearned for a compliment from him instead. "You're doing great, but I'm still not allowing you to fight in this war," He announced, causing Torra to sigh in annoyance, "Not after what happened last time."

"Come on!" Torra complained loudly, giving Robb an annoyed look, "It's been five years. I've proven myself worthy. I can fight better than half the men in our army."

"Aye, that may be true, but Annalys and I won't let you risk your life like that," Robb continued to argue, watching as Torra turned to Annalys to help her up, "Don't look at her, Torra. She's already agreed with me."

Torra cursed under her breath and before Annalys and Robb could scold their eldest daughter, Ser Davos approached them. "Your Grace. Your Grace." he bowed to both his king and queen, "We have news from Casterly Rock."

Robb's eyes widened and he turned to look at Annalys, who had the smallest of smirks forming upon her lips.


Be prepared. A LOT will happen in this ACT, some of which actually occurred in Season 7 of Game of Thrones. (the whole Targaryen VS Lannister issue, the beyond the wall plot line, etc)

It won't be exactly the same but will have some similarities.

Robb and Annalys will be separated for a part of this act, but will ofc be on good terms (happily married and all) 

In this act, out of all the children, Torra will have the biggest role since she's older and will have her own major storyline (you guys saw the boy Aden STORM in the cast thing😉)

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