One in a Million

By celestinegabrielle

262K 7.2K 624

She's an author engaged to a business-minded guy, a man who never paid attention to her. She wasn't happy, sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Coming Soon
New Story Publish

Chapter 3

9.3K 313 20
By celestinegabrielle

[Jennie's POV]

"Wow, so this is Verona? Such a romantic ambiance it has" I exclaimed in the middle of the ground with my arms open as I inhale the relaxing air of Verona.

"Romantic if you are with someone who's willing to prioritize your happiness instead of a business. But here you are, stucked in a bestfriend in a place for lovers" Jisoo said bitterly as she carried our luggage towards the place we are going to stay.

"Jisooya! Let's just understand Kai. That restaurant is his dream and I will support him with his happiness" I said following her.

"But how about your happiness? You cannot always be the one to sacrifice here Jen. You have your own happiness too. I've warned you so many times. He's not the man for you. He may be loving you and he's not making you happy. Love isn't just about love alone. Think about it before deciding to marry him. I don't want to see a bestfriend that will regret her decisions in the future. You're still young, Jendeuk. There are a lot of people that's living around the world. Don't get stucked in a selfish business-minded man like Kai." Jisoo preached which just made me silent thinking that she might be right.

"Come on. Don't kill the vibe, Chu. Let's take a rest and we're going to Juliet's house tomorrow"

[Lisa's POV]

First thing to do in the morning was to drive my mom to the address she got and she believed that's Marco's present address. Honestly, I already got the feeling that he's not there but of course I cannot let my mom down so I still accompanied her anyway.


"Hmmm?" She hummed in response.

"What if we don't see him there?" I asked nervously. I'm actually afraid to see my mom broke down into tears.

"If he isn't there. Then what else can we do? I might just give up and just spend the rest of our stay touring around here. I would like to come to Verona. That's where we met. In Juliet's house" she replied and honestly, I felt relieved that she finally decided to give up her hopes if we don't find Marco in there.

"So, Verona it is? You know mom? I always look up to you. Even though you didn't end up with your true love and instead you end up marrying a worthless man like my father, I still look up to you for having your endless and unconditional love for Marco. I wish I could love like that but I guess I got a cold heart like my father" I explained.

"Lisa, I always knew you have a soft and kind heart. You always have it but you always choose to shut people just because you always think that love would always end up the way it happened to me and your father. I always knew that your love is deep and you'll only know it when you finally find the right person" mom said. She's full of wisdom, she's full of hope. I always love mom for believing in me. Ever since my father left us, she never failed to shower me the love and care that's greater with the love of having 2 parents.

Soon after, we finally reached the address that was given to my mom. The house is nice, old style like the typical styles of houses here.

"Come on, dear. You cannot find love if you'll just stand there" she said motioning me to go with her to the knock on the door.

After a few knocks, a bearded man came out with cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey kid, what brings you here?" He asked in a husky voice.

"Uhmmm... excuse sir, we are looking for Marco Bruischweiler. Is he living in here?" I asked.

"That's me. Why are you looking for me?"

I looked at mom, only her could recognize if it was really him or maybe this guy is fooling around or maybe they both got the same name? Who knows?


"Marco? It's me... Leslie, do you still know me?" Mom asked.

"Leslie? Oh yes, of course! How could I forget the woman who burned my freaking kitchen!?" He shouted angrily. He's like a psychopath but honestly, he made me laugh by the way he reacted. Clearly, he's not the Marco we're looking for. I dragged mom back to the car as we both ran laughing.

"So it isn't him, yea? What should we do next?" I asked mom while driving.

"Let's go to Verona. Let me just re-new the feeling 28 years ago." She said smiling.

So I drove to Verona which I think is a good idea since I also want to walk around to relieve from stressful work.

[Jennie's POV]

"Here we are, Chu! This is the house of Juliet. They said you can write any letter here, about love. And you will receive a response" I said to Jisoo while dragging her in front of Juliet's balcony where a lot of women are writing their letters to Juliet.

"Seriously? A response from Juliet? How does that even possible? First, Juliet is just a product of Shakespearre's imagination. Secondly, if she's even real, then she should've been dead already. Hello? She was from ages ago. You're such a creep" Jisoo is really bitter in love.

"Come on, Chu! Of course I know that. I am a writer too. But what I mean is, someone is responding to the letters that women and posting here in Juliet's veranda. Why don't you try it? Nothing's gonna lose anyway" I asked while settling for a seat as I grab a piece od paper to write my own letter to Juliet.

"Nope, I'm not gonna do that. You can do it if you want but I'm not writing any" she said crossing her arms above her chest.

"Okay. Stay there" I said as I walk away from her to write my letter.

The letter basically asks Juliet about what should I do? I am currently engaged to a man I love but I wasn't happy with. Should I continue the marriage?

As I finished, I folded the paper and sticked it to the wall of the veranda when a rock fell on the ground and I noticed an old paper folded on the place wher the wall brick fell off.

I openned the letter which looks like it was written from so many years ago and it says:

Verona 1991

Dear Juliet,

I didn't come to him. We were supposed to be ranning away. My mother wanted me to marry another man I wasn't inlove with. I love him and we decided to ran away together. He was waiting under the tree where we usually meet but I just watched him from a far. I didn't show up because I was so coward that I didn't have the heart to fight for our love. And now I was with the man my mom chose for me. I don't love him and I am regretting that I didn't come to him. What should I do now? My wedding is in five days. I don't want to marry him.


"Jennie?" Jisoo said as she saw me already crying upon reading the letter.

"This must be very painful" I uttered showing her the letter which she took and read too.

"You see? A lot of people regret whenever they let go of their happiness. This woman already found her happiness but was too coward to chase him. And instead, she chose to be married with a man that can't make her happy. This letter has been written 28 years ago. Don't you think she regained her happiness? This is almost the same with you Jen. If only you see what I see, you'll never be happy marrying Kai." She said handing me the letter again.

"You found it" someone said from behind which startled me and Jisoo.

"Excuse me?" I asked in confussion.

"You found the letter I wrote 28 years ago. Unfortunately, I didn't get a response. And now I know why" she said calmly.

"No, no, no... I didn't stole it. I just saw it here few minutes ago. It was placed under a rock which is why maybe you didn't get a response.... So it is you?" I asked the woman.

"Yes, it is me. I'm Leslie" she smiled and extended her arm to reach me.

"I'm Jennie, and this is Jisoo. My bestfriend." I introduced, "Uhmmmm.. Leslie? I'm just curious, how did it went after you wrote this letter?" I asked nervously that she might get angry for how I asked.

"Well, because I didn't get a response and I was confused and scared that time, I ended up marrying the man I wasn't inlove with. We got married and had a daughter before he decided to leave us for another woman" she said sadly. Her eyes are starting to water and I honestly don't know what to do and what to say.

"I regretted everything. I shouldn't have experienced all of it if I just followed my heart. I was such a coward that time. Though, I wouldn't trade my daughter for the world. She's my source of happiness now and I love her the most. If there is one thing marrying him brought good to me, it was my daughter" she continued. So they got a kid. I wonder where she is right now. Her mom needs comfort. I wish I had a mother like hers.

"Where is your daughter?" I asked.

"She's with me, but she's outside. She said she wanted to take some photos. Photography is one of her best interests and I cannot take that away from her" she responded smiling at the thought of her daughter.

"You're daughter must be a sweet one. Imagine her accompanying you wandering around the City of Verona where her mother met her one true love when she knows she has her own father" I said.

"Yes, she's such a very sweet person. She loves me so much and she'll do just literally everything to make me happy. Actually, I was the one who pleased her to come here and find Marco and she did. For 28 years, I was happy just because I have her but sometimes I cannot avoid thinking of how things might have been if I showed up that night. I must be living happily with him by now. This is the reason why I came back here now. This is where we met. My daughter and I tried to find him bit we're of no luck" she said sadly.

"Wow, this kind of love. Did you give up already? Why don't you try to find him again?" I encouraged.

"I would want to, but how?" She asked, still sad.

"I can help you. Jisoo and I will help you" I said gripping Jisoo's hand.

"W-what?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes Jisoo, we are" I said eyeing her.

"Y-yea.. we are" she replied in defeat.

"Really? Thank you, thank you. Wait, i'll just call my daughter and tell her about this." She said before she ran outside where her daughter is probably staying.

"I don't know but I'm excited to meet her daughter" I said to Jisoo.

"I don't know too, but I'm starting to feel you'll like her" she uttered.

"What? Jisoo, stop playing cupid. I am engaged. And she might be in a relationship as well"

"We'll see"

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