It's just you and me (5SOS Fa...

By iitsmee

1.4M 26.5K 6K


Class Schedule
Great News
Sleeping Arrangements
Leftover breakfast
'Back to the Future I, II, III'
First song
Meeting his band
That's So Raven re-runs
Teenage Dream
I missed everything
Bye Beautiful
Charlie Step's Party
I'll only be a few seconds
My Warrior
Catching Up
"You'll See"
16th Birthday
I Won't Dance
Study Rooms
Fade to black
Hospital Beds
Water Fight
It's Christmas
Rose petals & Rooftops
Calum's Present
New Years
Going away presents
Skype Call
Dance Studio
Pre-show Facetime
Last class
Krispy Kreme Donuts
The Flight
The House
Grocery Shopping
Calum's birthday
Ice Cream
Day Out
Last Night In Scotland
Back Home

A Text Message, A Story

29.5K 613 57
By iitsmee

Gun explosions and people yelling boomed through the room as we sat there playing Call Of Duty MW3. 

"You told me that you were the best at this game?" I proclaimed as our video-game selves hid behind a stack of wooden boxes.

"Off day" He argued as the phone rang. Calum reached for his phone and answered. 

"Hey Mum, where are you?" 

I looked at the futuristic clock hanging on the perfectly painted walls above a glass vase of flowers. It was 9:30pm already! 

"Oh you have to do over time? That's fine, Andie and I are great, umm we are studying..." He held his finger to his lips, motioning me to turn down the volume. "Yes Mum, I promise, don't worry I'll look after her ... No Mum! What is wrong with you?! .. Hey! Don't you have some mushrooms to sautee" 

I smiled at the words 'I'll look after her" I stood up from the couch and stretched my arms out. I sit down on the floor holding my knees to my chest and reach for my phone. I tapped in the passcode and opened the messages icon. There was an un-opened message from an unknown number. I tapped it open and saw a jumble of words from a familiar name. Blake. 'Hey, I miss you. Blake x' Eugh. My face turned from happiness to disgust. I stare at the message with anger in my eyes. 

"Bye Mum, Love you" Calum finishes the conversation with a beep of a button and drops the phone on the vacant couch seat beside him. Calum sighs and drops on the floor next to me. 

I hesitantly get out of the message and slide the phone onto the table. Calum looks at me with confusion. 

"Are you ok? What's wrong" 

"Oh, you know people just can't seem to let go" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Long story"

"No tell me, we have a whole two days together, I'm sure we can spare some time" 

Calum seemed eager to hear the story. I felt comfortable around him, like nothing could break me, he was my friend. Calum twists his torso to face me and places his right arm on the couch. 

"Well, you know how I move around a lot right?"

"Yeah" Calum nods.

"I never really made many friends because I thought that the less people I connected with, the less people I have to say goodbye to, so I kept to myself. But when I moved to Perth, there was this guy there, his name was Blake. Blake was considered one of the kids in the popular crowd, a week after I was settled in Blake came up to. He started talking to me, making me feel special and like I could do anything. But after 2 months one of Blake's friend called him up and Blake put him on speaker, he asked Blake if he has done the bet yet, Blake didn't realise what he was talking about so he asked, and his friend replied "Have you done the new chick yet?" Blake hang up the phone. I told him to pull over, so I could get out of the car, but he started telling me that he fell for me and all of this other crap that I didn't care about... So just now he texted me. Umm I'm sorry for the story being so long" I looked down at my hands and started twiddling my thumbs. 

"Andie you know that guy was out of line. He lost something special. He's realising it now, I'm sorry Andie" 

"Yeah, thanks..."

"You know that I would never do something like that to you"

Calum tries to catch a glimpse of my eyes, as I look down at the floor. I smile.

"You know Calum, you're a really great guy.  A girl would be lucky to have you" I look to him, eyes wide open. 

"What can I say?" He says with enthusiasm as he pops his collar and throws his head back. "Come here!" Calum ropes his long arms around me, making me feel safe in his grip. 

"One more game?" 

"Bring it!" 

Hello my lovely readers! This chapter touched a bit of why Andie didn't make friends at other schools and it shows the new level of friendship Andie and Calum have! Thankyou so much for reading this! I hope that you know that this means a lot!! If you enjoy the story PLEEEASSE share it around <3 xxx thankyou for reading!  

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