.The Child Of A Goddess.

By ChrisWolfblood

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(1ST BOOK OF THE GODLY CHILD SERIES) A child grew up in relative peace surrounded by people like her... Or so... More

-Latin - English-


201 20 2
By ChrisWolfblood

Amata's pov:

I sighed softly and blinked away my elvish powers making the queen tilt her head to the side in wonder... I guess telling my story again is what is needed. Hoping she too would believe me like many others.

"I am the daughter of the goddess that goes by many names. I have a bit of each in me, I'm as much a vampire as I am demon or dwarf. I was put on our world, Gens in terra, to put an end to the wars that are destroying it, were-creatures, elves and vampires have agreed to the cease fire so I am here to ask as favor to all of the living beings roaming the land to you follow their lead and put down the weapons and agree to the peace I was sent here to bring."


"You don't need to agree rig--wait what?!" I cut myself off bewildered by what I heard. 

"You heard me, I agree."

"T-this easily?!" I couldn't help but informally ask.

"Believe it or not, unlike my predecessors I do not see the importance of this war and just wish to protect my people. When news of the vampires retreat came I was suspicious, awaiting a big attack from them, not a letter declaring the change of who was ruling their nation and a peace treaty... Your deeds precede you, daughter of chaos, I knew you'd come to me but did expect it sooner."

I couldn't help but smile, for once my reputation did good things, I say for once because I am by far sure it will bring bad things our way more than once.

"My friends and I took a well needed rest on the outskirts of your lands, near the no man's land but we were faced with an obstacle."

"Ah yes I've heard you weren't the lone person on this quest to peace."

"I was supposed to be but unlike what my mother destined me for I ended up on this road, both leading to the same ending but on two very different roads."

"Have your friends join us in the castle, I would be interested in hearing about your travels from their mouths too and to of you a feast as a thank you to what our goddess gifted us with."

"It is unnee--" "I insist, you might be powerful but this is my playing field and in here, I am the master."

"Right, my apologies." I swallowed a bit, I almost forgot who I was speaking to, this isn't a simple demon, this is a demon no one dares to challenge for fucks sake.

"Perfect, now leave... We'll await you as the sun sets upon the lands."

"Of course." Turning around, I was met by the charred wood doors being just a few meters away and when I looked back towards the queen we were back at the start of the red carpet leading into the darkness.

I stared into the darkness for a little before slowly bowing my head a little.

'You don't need to bow, they should be the ones to do so.'

'Invisus, I might be my mom's daughter but I am not someone people should bow too.'

'But they should because of that, you are a goddess among the people, a literal goddess, you are above them just like the queen of elves had said.'

'She is called Nix and even if it was true I lived like the people, I grew up like the people, I think like them, eat like them and hell even fuck like them. I am not like my mother, I'm a person from this world not hers or I would be like her.'

'But Amata...' Why was she so insistent?

'I know it is confusing trust me. I am more important than anything in this world and yet was made to serve every being in it to lead them to peace, they don't need to bow because I walk next to them not over them, only my birth parent is above all while I am lowly peasant girl that is her daughter with this destiny.'

'You are you naivety! It will be end of you! It will kill you!'

'Invisus you should know by now that this is who I am.'

'You foolish child...'

'You are here to keep me safe if needed anyway, you did it back with Aurum and now less chains are holding you.'

'Foolish and stupid.'

'Want it or not I wouldn't change you out for anyone or anything else... You'll end up seeing things my way.'

'Foolish, simply foolish.'

'We'll see who the fool is Invisus, we'll see.'

the surprise pov no one ever thought of seeing:

I just looked forwards and shook my head softly.

Naive and foolish girl she is and yet somehow already here, already at the demon queen's door.

I passed a hand on my face with a sigh, I can't let her destroy this body before I get to be free to use it for my own deeds.


She is too gentle and nice, it will just lead to her end.


It infuriates me so much, why can't she just understand this world is nothing worth peace?


I will show her... Once I am free I will chain her up here and let her watch the suffering I will reign as vengeance upon her mother up in the sky.







Just like they were before you goddess made me kill them!!!!!!!

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