Broken Hearts

By rejoiceo

54K 2.7K 2K

"It's easy to fall in love... ... But it's hard to fall out of it" More

★★Chapter 1★★
☆☆Chapter 2☆☆
★★Chapter 3★★
☆☆Chapter 4☆☆
★★Chapter 5★★
☆☆Chapter 6☆☆
★★Chapter 7★★
☆☆Chapter 8☆☆
★★Chapter 9★★
☆☆Chapter 10☆☆
★★Chapter 11★★
☆☆Chapter 12☆☆
★★Chapter 13★★
☆☆Chapter 14☆☆
★★Chapter 15★★
☆☆Chapter 16☆☆
★★Chapter 17★★
☆☆Chapter 18☆☆
★★Chapter 19★★
☆☆Chapter 20☆☆
★★Chapter 21★★
☆☆Chapter 22☆☆
★★Chapter 23★★
☆☆Chapter 24☆☆
★★Chapter 25★★
☆☆Chapter 26☆☆
★★Chapter 27★★
☆☆Chapter 28☆☆
★★Chapter 29★★
☆☆Chapter 30☆☆
★★Chapter 31★★
☆☆Chapter 32☆☆
★★Chapter 33★★
☆☆Chapter 34☆☆
★★Chapter 35★★
☆☆Chapter 36☆☆
★★Chapter 37★★
☆☆Chapter 38☆☆
★★Chapter 39★★
☆☆Chapter 40☆☆
★★Chapter 41★★
☆☆Chapter 42☆☆
★★Chapter 43★★
☆☆Chapter 44☆☆
★★Chapter 45★★
☆☆Chapter 46☆☆
★★Chapter 47★★
☆☆Chapter 48☆☆
★★Chapter 49★★
☆☆Chapter 50☆☆
★★Chapter 51★★
☆☆Chapter 52☆☆
★★Chapter 53★★
★★Chapter 55★★
☆☆Chapter 56☆☆
★★Chapter 57★★
☆☆Chapter 58☆☆

☆☆Chapter 54☆☆

729 40 39
By rejoiceo

< Sunday >

Click here to read Lila Rossi's post message on Lady-Blog.

Was Lila Rossi telling the truth? What do you think?

Is her mother really this abusive, desperate and selfish, or did Lila Rossi just make all that up?

What do you think?

"She definitely made it up! Like, what the heck! Everyone hates her, and she decides to come up with this insane story that's totally a lie. Like, dude, don't bring your mother into this! You brought this unto yourself!"
2737👍     376💬       36👎

< Replies >

"But how are you so sure?"
36👍      5👎

"Don't tell me you suddenly believe her?! After everything she has done, she makes up one fake story, and you believe her?! How are you so sure that she wasn't lying?!
377👍          21👎

"I wasn't trying to say that I believed her. I just think it's wrong that you're going to go against her when you don't even know the real truth. What if she's actually telling the truth? You don't know that! You don't have a super magic power that can tell you whether someone is lying or not.
378👍        45👎

"I sure wished I had that super magic power. And btw, it totally looks you're sticking up for her. Boo!
121👍           34👎

"I think she's lying about it, idk. It just seems a bit sudden that she would post this. If she is, I will hate her 10 times more!"
671👍      2💬      36👎

< Replies >

"You don't know if she's lying or not!"
34👍      23👎

"I never said I did!"
30👍          9👎

"I think I believe her... The story sounds totally real, don't you think?"
48👍     1💬   378👎

< Reply >

"She just wants to make it sound true!"
46👍     8👎

"Damn, Lady-Blog be blowing up 'cause of what Lila posted," Tiki stuffed her phone back in her pocket, before turning to Marinette and Alya. "What do you think?"

"I think she's totally bluffing," Alya said as she went through a row of skirts. "I mean... She was just so desperate for an excuse on why she did what she did, so she decided to make this excuse up, using her mother. It makes sense."

"Eh," Marinette shrugged. "It's a good thing Lila's mother doesn't have Lady-Blog then. She would have flipped. Basically the only way she would be able to figure out that Lila did this behind her back is to hear it from someone else outside."

"But what if Lila didn't do this behind her back?" Tiki exclaimed, trying to obviously cause more confusion. "Lila and her mother have been working together. I haven't even heard about her father. What if Lila's mother decided to take one for the team, so she told Lila to make up the fake story so everyone would hate Lila less?"

"It makes a little bit of sense, but I don't think Lila's mother would do that. You know, just like Lila, her mother cares about what everyone thinks about her," Alya's eyes searched around for a better looking skirt as she spoke. "Lila did it behind her back. She wants people to feel bad for her. I mean, she wrote that her mother liked Gabriel for his money."

"I've seen a bunch of women who are like that," Tiki shrugged.

"I'm just saying," Alya continued. "Lila wants all the money to herself. She knows if she gets money, she would have to share with her mother, so she must have just wanted to get rid of her mother first."

"This whole thing is very amusing though," Marinette crackled. "I want to see how Lila's mother reacts and replies to this once she finds out."

What Lila posted was what everyone were talking about. Some people replied to her posts, calling her a liar, saying how she had gotten better at lying and made no plans to stop. Other people were questioning themselves whether to believe her or not.

So far, 90% of people still thought she was lying while 10% of people believed her 100%.

Gabriel didn't like the questions reporters were handing out to him. He just wanted to be by himself, maybe with Emilie by his side, but still. He was tired of this; he was wishing that message was never posted, but he couldn't really do anything about it.

"Did you know about this?"

"Did you know that Lila's mother liked you in this sort of way?"

"How do you feel about this?"

"What do you think you're going to do to get yourself out of this mess?"

Gabriel shook his head as he got all the questions that had been asked to him out of his head. He just wanted to focus on the designing competition. He, Emilie and Marinette had already decided that on Tuesday, 5:30pm was going to be the date. He hoped that people joining were busy making their designs instead of focusing on this Lila Rossi stuff.

A knock came on his door, and he was about to yell out that he was busy, when Emilie's voice called out to him. Packing up his papers on his desk, he opened the door. Emilie looked all dressed up.

"Hey..." Emilie looked at him, seeming to look a little embarrassed, before the redness on her face wore off. "Are you all set to go?"

"Set to go where?"

"Gabriel, don't tell me you forgot about the party I was holding!" Emilie gave him a warning look. "Today is Sunday, therefore it is party time."

"Yeah... I totally didn't forget. I just forgot the time, that's all," Gabriel brushed it off as he tried not to stare at Emilie for too long. Honestly, what was this woman doing to him? "I'll go get ready. Wait for me."

"Okay," Emilie nodded, before she started walking back downstairs. She saw Adrien in the kitchen with Gorilla and decided to head to them.

"Hey Adrien, are you sure you're okay to stay by yourself?"

Since the party was technically for adults like Emilie and Gabriel, Adrien wasn't invited. Not that Gabriel wanted his son to go anyway. Adrien had told them that he would be okay at home, but both Emilie and Gabriel, especially Gabriel, were still worried and wasn't sure.

"Come on! I'm 17, turning 18 next month. I can take care of myself," Adrien sighed. "Why do adults worry all the time?! I won't do anything reckless, I promise."

"Well... These rules aren't coming from me, they're coming from your father," Emilie replied, "but you can't invite more than 6 friends over, you can't have a party here, no matter what kind of party, and you can't go to a party."

Adrien looked frustrated. "Fine!"

"I'm sorry, Adrien. Soon Gabriel is going to realize what he's doing and stops. But I assure you, he's doing all this because he cares."

"I know..." Adrien nodded with a small smile. "I've never complained because I know that's the only reason he's doing all this."

Emilie returned his smile, before she turned her attention to the stairs, just in time to see Gabriel walking down on it, wearing a black suit. She covered her face, not wanting to know why, but knowing that it was because there was a huge blush covering her cheeks. It was weird—she had seen Gabriel in a ton of suits before, so acting like this was very new to her.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall." Emilie giggled as she took Gabriel's arm. Gabriel motioned for Gorilla to follow them as he would be their driver to the party, so the three of them left the mansion.

Gabriel, being the gentleman that he was, opened the door for Emilie. Emilie thanked him with a small chuckle, before heading inside the limo. Gabriel went in after her.

The ride began, the limo heading towards Emilie's house, where the party was been held. The ride was also silent, no one had anything to say, or do.

Then the ride ended. Emilie headed inside the house first while Gabriel talked with Gorilla, asking him if he wanted to go or if he wanted to stay.

I hope I'm not too late. Emilie had left her friend in charge of the party until she came over. The party seemed to be still alive and healthy. Walking over to her friend, she thanked her, before she took over.

The doorbell rang and she went over to let in her next visitors. Opening the door, she was about to say "Welcome to the party", like she would usually say, but then she stopped herself, seeing that it was just Nathalie.

"Emilie, I hope you don't mind that I invited someone," Nathalie spoke while Emilie backed away from her to let her in. "Okay, Austin, come on in."

Emilie gasped. She clenched her fists as Austin walked out from behind Nathalie. He had a smirk on his face, as if telling Emilie that she was never going to get rid of him now.

"Sure... It's fine!" Emilie tried hard not to glare at them. "Just as long as he doesn't ask me out like he always does when he sees me... But I don't see that happening, since he's with you." Emilie chuckled, watching how Nathalie changed her face into a disgusted look. "Hope you have fun at the party though."

Emilie turned her back on them, walking away. She brings Austin over, thinking that it's going to make me jealous. Haha, did she forget I had Gabriel. Well, two can play this game!

Emilie watched as Nathalie turned over to Gabriel, who looked a bit lost. It was as if she wanted to go up to him; her smiling face looked like she was so happy that Gabriel was here, and she wanted to hug him.

Emilie trotted over to Gabriel. Seeing that Nathalie and Austin were watching with those eyes that seemed to be jealous, all she had to do was lean in and kiss Gabriel. Of course Gabriel didn't push her away. She was glad that Gabriel didn't see Austin and Nathalie staring as well.

If these two wanted to play, then I'm all up for the game!

"What was that for?" Gabriel asked, wanting to sound serious but there was a smile dancing on his lips.

"I'm just so glad that you decided to come," Emilie shrugged. "After all I heard you didn't like parties at all!"

Emilie looked the other way to see that Nathalie and Austin were walking away. Boo-yah!

The woman who had agreed to help Emilie take care of the party before she came back, walked up to a front, telling everyone that it was time to do some freestyle dancing. The music changed into a louder, more energetic song. People all over were moving their legs, swinging their hips, and all sorts of other dancing.

"Do you want to dance?" Emilie turned to Gabriel.

Gabriel shook his head. "I don't dance. I'll just sit this one out." He started heading over to the living room to take a seat on the couch.

"O-okay then..." Emilie wasn't sure in what to think anymore. She started walking inside the kitchen to grab a drink. Opening the fridge, she took out an orange juice, before looking back up.

That's when she saw Nathalie heading inside the living room as well. The thing was, Austin wasn't even with her. Emilie looked around, trying to locate Austin, but soon she gave up, and started heading towards the living room.

Without her, Gabriel was sure to mess up and tell Nathalie that he still loved her, then everything would be all messed up. Emilie peeked inside the living room, seeing Nathalie walking over to Gabriel. At first Gabriel didn't see her but when he did, he seemed to have a little bit of a frightened look, before he changed it into a more confident one.

"Hey Gabe," Nathalie started, taking a seat across form him.

"You are not to call me that! I told you!" Gabriel exclaimed, looking the other way. He had an annoyed look on his face, and Emilie was wondering if he was just faking or if he was actually annoyed with Nathalie.

"Come on, I know things didn't go well with us, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Friends with you?! Impossible! I still get angry just seeing your disgusting face. You dumped me just so you could go over to a man who had two kids!" Gabriel snapped, and Emilie had to say, she was impressed.

"Gabriel, you misunderstood. Those kids aren't even mine. They were adopted," Nathalie tried to explain. "I know I said I didn't want kids, and I still don't want any. But Austin needed me. He said his horrible girlfriend dumped him to go after another man, so he needed help taking care of the kids. And because I felt bad for him, I decided to help him."

Emilie frowned. Austin was creating lies about her now, saying that she was the one who left him to go after another man. He was the one who cheated and adopted two kids without talking to her about it first!

And what kind of excuse was that even from Nathalie? She didn't want kids, but because she felt bad, she decided to help Austin with his kids and become the mother to them?! Crap!

"Besides, I've known Austin for a very long time. He was my friend when we were still in a relationship. It would be wrong of me to not help him," Nathalie continued. "Oh, and in case you didn't catch on, Emilie is Austin's ex. She dumped him to go after another man. I'm very worried about you, Gabriel. What if she's doing the same thing to you?!"

"Wow! Now you're going to tell me who to date and who not to date?!" Gabriel glared at her. "I don't believe any of your crap. You left me to go after Austin. Don't even try to hide it. I already found out everything!"

"What- I'm just telling you that Emilie is bad for you. When I told you to move on, I didn't expect this! You should break up with her. Who knows? She could be hooking up with a guy behind your back."

"Nathalie, you're the one who's wrong! You're only saying all this because you hope for us to get back together!" Gabriel stood up. "I already know everything. You're such a gold-digger!"

"When we were still together, I was 7th on the Popularity Board, and Austin was 2nd," Gabriel continued, explaining what he knew. "You were so sure that you wanted Adrien, but after you had him, you changed your mind because you didn't want me to be the father! You wanted someone richer, someone who made a lot of money. So that's why you left me.

"You felt that I wasn't making enough money, so you moved on to Austin, because he was way more popular. But then later on, Austin lost all his money and came out of the Popularity Board. I came in 1st, and now you want me back! Because I'm the most famous in Paris!"

"What- Gabriel, that's not true at all!" Nathalie stood up as well. "You're lying. You don't know the whole truth. What you just said was just bluff! You made it up!"

"Why would I make up something like that?!" Gabriel folded his arms in such a challenging way. "I found your old laptop in my room. I looked through some of your files and saw a list of men you thought were famous. Which means you've been looking at other men while we were together."


"Nathalie, I don't want to talk to you right now! I'm starting to wonder how Austin would feel when he finds out about this."

"Austin doesn't even care!" Nathalie yelled. "He still loves Emilie! Why do both you love her now?!"

"Because she's way better than you!" With those last words, Gabriel left the living room.

Nathalie stood still where she was at, before she slowly clenched her fists, as if trying to show Emilie that she meant war. She too headed out of the living room, and started walking over to Austin, who didn't look like he was doing anything.

"We need to talk!" She exclaimed, before she dragged him out of the house.


Word Count: 2758 (excluding this)
- Edited -

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