Distant Worlds ~ A Black Clov...

By FinalEdge

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Introduced to a world where mana means power Ember Avest is forced to recognize the world she knew is no more... More

Chapter 1 - New Worlds
Chapter 2 - The Sword that Sings
Chapter 3 - Guardian Seals
Chapter 4 - A Lion's Seal
Chapter 5 - An Unrivaled Challenge
Chapter 6 - Prove Your Place
Chapter 7 - Mana Flux
Chapter 8 - An Unlearned Lesson
Chapter 9 - Flight by Lion
Chapter 10 - A Warm Slumber
Chapter 11 - Remembrance
Chapter 12-The Storm's Ambush
Chapter 13 - Family Reunion
Chapter 14 - The First Move
Chapter 15 - Feeding a Lioness
Chapter 16 - Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 17 - Something Worth Protecting
Chapter 18 - The Morning After
Chapter 19 - A Kindling Passion
Chapter 20 - An Unknown Illness
Chapter 21 - An Unrelenting Fever
Chapter 22 - Steamy Hot Spring Relaxation -Lemon
Chapter 23 - Hostage Situation
Chapter 24 - Birthday Surprises - Lemon
Chapter 25 - Halloween Ball
Chapter 27 - Thank you for Being my Friend
Chapter 28 - Beachy Vacation - Lemon (again)
Chapter 29 - Conferment Ceremony
Chapter 30 - The Edge of Death
Chapter 31 - The Aftermath Diagnosis
Chapter 32 - Investigations and a Lioness's Return
Chapter 33 - Star Festival
Chapter 34 - Hot Spring Training
Chapter 35 - Royal Knights Preparations
Chapter 36 - With Death Comes Life
Chapter 37 - The Lion Awakens
Chapter 38 - Attack on House Vermillion
Chapter 39 - Betrayal
Chapter 40 - Thalia's Gift
Update -Good Update not Bad!
Chapter 41 - What Started it All
Chapter 42 - Death's Death
Chapter 43 - A Battle's End
Chapter 44 - Feverish Delusions
Chapter 45 - Breaking a Fever
Chapter 46 - Royal Announcement
Chapter 47 - The Heaven's Proposal (Lemon)
Chapter 48 - Eagle's Prey
Chapter 49 - The Bachelor Party
Chapter 50 - Wedding Part 1
Chapter 51 - Wedding Part 2 (Lemon)
Chapter 52 - The Soaring Eagle Catches Up
Chapter 53 - Dog House
Chapter 54 - A Growing Family
Chapter 55 - Little Brothers
Chapter 56 - Fin
Chapter 57 - Official Artwork
Sequel to Distant Worlds

Chapter 26 - Apologies

3K 74 9
By FinalEdge

"Apologize and I won't totally humiliate you."

"As if someone as lowly as you could even begin to be compared to someone like me, a royal."

"Don't say I didn't warn you your highness." I have just enough time to open my grimoire and call upon Sagitta's Arrow before Nebra's mist clones are all around me. As a water mage she has a huge advantage over my flames. She's also several ranks above me and has a greater endurance than me, giving her a good reason to be cocky. But I plan on using her over confidence against her. Her clones fire rapid mana bullets at me, but I'm able to take them out with only a few arrows. The nice thing about Sagitta's Arrow is that it hones in on a magic signature so I don't have to aim too much. However besides knocking out Nebra's attacks it's useless in finding here among her clones. She's done a good job making sure her magic signature is the exact same as each clone's so I can't differentiate between the two.

"Fufufufu, you think your pitiful flames can stand up to my magic?" She gloats as several of her clones shoot at me from behind at once. As soon as they get close enough I turn and destroy all of the bullets with one flaming crescent kick. However I've seemed to have over estimate how much power to put behind the kick as the aftershock spews flames every where taking out a majority of her clones and hits a nearby wall, destroying the stone structure. Dust starts to fill the courtyard as the rubble from my attack settles.

"I think they can Nebra! Just apologize!"

"Like a whore like you could ever find a place among us royals. You're pathetic and inept. The Vermilions are fools for even talking to you! Mist Magic: Bewildering Forest of Mist!" She disappears in a forest of mist that covers the entire courtyard. I can't detect anything from her with all of this mist. Her laughs surround me, she's getting cockier by the minute. I sidestep quickly to narrowly miss a blast to my head. "Ha! See all you can do is defend! You're utterly useless! You –"

"Flame Magic: Artic Firestorm." Black flames blast out all around me in a never ending torrent. Instantly it blows away her mist and exposes her physical form to my left. She's had to take a knee and cover her face to protect herself from my attack. The soft drip of her blood hitting the ground fills the nighttime void. "Apologize."

"Never! Let me show you the difference between us!" She tries to create more clones but nothing happens. A look of shock crosses her face. "What? How? Impossible! I've got the attribute advantage!" She screams at me, her breath coming out in short puffs.

"If only your magic wasn't reliant on the atmospheric moisture. My flames have lowered the temperature enough that the water vapor in the air has decreased significantly. Good luck using your mist. Now apologize." I start slowly walking towards her, bow in hand. She glares at me getting up but she falters falling back to the ground. I stop a foot in front of her and nock my bow, slowly I draw the string back and aim right for her head. Her eyes widen in horror as she realizes I've eradicated her magic without her so much as getting a scratch on me. "Apologize." Even in defeat she's still too proud to admit it. I flare my magic, the flames causing frost to gather on my eyelashes and our breaths to form as clouds. "APOLOGIZE!"

"Silver Spear" I quickly catch the incoming attack with my left hand as it slices my cheek. Spinning around I throw the spear right back at the caster. But it misses its target and hits the castle wall instead, causing an explosion that echoes through the night.

"Big Brother Nozel!"

"Stay out of this face braid. Nebra can end this, all she needs to do is apologize. It has nothing to do with you." My words drip like acid. I just hope Nebra will apologize so I can return to bed where Fuegoleon waits for me.

"An outsider who defies the royal house of Silva. You sully the knights with your very presence. And yet you act as though you're equal to us royals. What that lion sees in you I don't know, but I suppose he's weak for wanting you"

"Seriously Nozel. Shut the fuck up or I'll make you apologize as well." I flare my mana to show him I mean business. I can feel Nebra scurry away as my attention is pulled from her to her elder brother. Out of the corner of my eye I see she's found Solid to help her regain her composure.

"As if a insect such as yourself could make a proud eagle such as myself apologize."

"Then eat crow!" I yell as I let loose a round of arrows. Each fly true but come into contact with the mercury sphere he has erected around him. Sadly I won't be able to over power him at all with just my flames. Mercury is too dense for my magic to pierce and it's freezing point is much too low for me to effect it at all. So back to the basics it is: physical combat and mana point manipulation.

He doesn't give me a second's rest. Before the dust clears from my attack he sends his own spears after me. I quickly dodge. Using the last spear he shoots, I grab it just as it slices through my dress and into my side. Shit, and I was doing so well avoiding them all evening! I can hear the pitter patter of the crimson liquid hitting the ground. This hurts like hell, but I've got his spear.

"Say what you want about me Nozel but I won't let you insult Fuegoleon. Now I'll tell you what I told your sister. Apologize and I won't humiliate you." He sneers at me, turning his nose up at me. I take this as a no and nock his spear in my bow, coating it in my flame for extra durability. We stare at one another, spells at the ready. Our mana flares attempting to force the other one to submit, but I'm not leaving until they both apologize. "Apologize!" I scream in frustration, letting the spear got at the same time. Nozel closes his spherical defense while sending another round of attacks at me, but I'm prepared. I charge forward in the wake of my own attack. It blasts through his defense this time and his own spear pierces his left shoulder. Several of his attacks hit me but I push forward determined to keep the momentum of my last attack going. "Fucking apologize!" My fist just misses his face as he leans back, surprised I slipped through the small opening his spear made. I go for his legs next aiming a round house to his knees but he's agile. The shockwave my kick has reverberates through the courtyard as it misses. But I can't stop there I got to keep him on the defensive. I throw a crescent kick to his head. He raises his arm to block me but as I make contact I grab his free hand and yank it towards me. He's not used to this up close combat or anyone touching him for that matter and is pulled off balance. I put everything I have behind that kick, my magic helping me to push though his magical reinforcements. "JUST APOLOGIZE!" I scream as I throw him to the ground. If this were different circumstances I think I would have enjoyed the look of pure shock and horror on his face when he realized the position he was in. I never let go of his arm during the throw. I intend to use it in an arm bar but just as I'm going for it, something catches the corner of my eye. Or should I say someone. Thalia.

For a moment the world stands still. There my baby sister stands, impatiently waiting. She hasn't aged a day, not since I last saw her. My breath hitches as tears start to prick my eyes. It can't be her can it? She's here, right in front of me. I want to run over to her and hug her. I want to tell her it's going to be okay and that I'm sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry. I want to tell her that it's all my fault, that she doesn't have to do her duties as a guardian anymore. But how can I do that when I'm fighting the captain of the Silver Eagels?

That moment of distraction is all Nozel needs because he sends a rain of silver bullets from point blank range and I have no time to defend. They tear through my flesh adding more crimson to my dress as I bleed from multiple wounds. Letting go of Nozel's arm I fall to the side defeated and un-able to get a proper apology from either of the Silvas. Nozel picks himself up towering over me. The blood gushing from the wound on his shoulder falls to the ground, mixing with mine.

"You dare lay your hand on a royal, let alone draw blood. You shall pay for your transgression wrench." I smirk at him, knowing that I did much more damage than he ever thought possible. The tip of his silver blade pricks my throat as he lifts my chin with the weapon to look at him. "How shall I pass judgment on you?" I hold his gaze, refusing to blink. I'm not going down here.

"Lady Ember!"

"Nozel. Let her be." Nozel turns his head to see the newcomers. As he breaks eye contact with me I glance to the side to see whose come. It's my captain and Isla who did my makeup earlier. She must have seen the commotion and went to grab Fuegoleon. I can feel a warm drop of blood make its way down my neck as the tip of the blade digs in.

"I'm just eradiating the vermin that plague this kingdom. She attacks House Silva and dares to lay a hand on a royal. The wrench also demands an apology as if we're equals."

"That's because she is my equal Nozel. You know as well as I do that as my intended she receives the same respect and courtesy you show me." The two men stare at one another, each one refusing to back down. Luckily for me this unspoken duel means the sword has been lifted from my throat and I can now breath easier. Fuck you Nebra. If you just apologized or kept your mouth shut then none of this would have happened. The mana from the two captains clash causing a whirlwind to pick up in what remains of the courtyard. A golden flash catches the corner of my eye again. Thalia! I turn my head from the clash in front of me to see she's standing next to someone. You would find him wouldn't you?

"Gentlemen please. As much as I'd love to see your magic I don't think the court yard can withstand any more abuse." Julius says coming out of the castle doors. The two captains disengage their disagreement and turn their attention to the Magic King. Thalia walks in step with him, but I can't hear the sound of her footsteps. I pick myself off the ground, wincing as the gash in my side opens wider, spilling more blood. I put my hand over the wound to slow down the blood loss. I have to get to Thalia and let her know it's okay, but as soon as I take a step towards her she takes a step back into Julius's shadow. I can hear the bickering of the people around me, who's to blame for all of this, but right now my focus is on my little sister. I try to take another step forward but my wounds cry in protest and I stumble.

"You're injured." Fuegoleon says grabbing the hand covering the wound and pulling it away. My hand is completely red.

"It's nothing but a scratch." I hear the Silver Eagle snorts at my comment. "What was that for asshole? Take a look in the mirror, your shoulder is just as bad!" He glares at me knowing I'm right. I hear Thalia's giggles, bringing my attention back to her. "Thalia-" I whisper but Fuegoleon seems to hear me clearly.

"Is she here?" he asks me. Apparently he can't see her, which means the others are unlikely to see her as well.

"Behind Julius." The Magic King quickly turns around but doesn't react to her waving at him. My suspicions are correct, she's chosen to only show herself to me this time around.

"The woman is clearly delusional Fuegoleon. Take her back and make sure she learns her place because next time will be the last time she disrespects the Silvas." Nozel sneers, turning around and heading to his estate. Nebra and Solid follow in his wake.

"There's a ghost?! What! Where!" Julius is still staring at the spot where Thalia stands but this time she's not there. I look around. In fact she's not anywhere around the rubble that used to be the courtyard.

"Sister, you're running out of time. Plans are in motion that not even I can fully see. You must return to where it all began." Her voice rings in my ears, clear as day, but no one else hears her warning. "She cries out loud Ember. Can't you hear her? I'll be waiting for you on the other side." Thalia's voice suddenly dies out and I'm left with the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.


"Back again! Gotta say I do not miss this place."

"Are you going to be alright climbing this? Last time we were this close to the mountain, it didn't end well for you."

"Well you helped me with my mana skin, and we got all of these mana regeneration potions. And if that doesn't work I've always got you right?" I hop off the lion we arrived on. The forest from our first mission together stands before us with the mountain in the nearby distance. However it looks much different than the first time we entered. The trees have lost their leaves as the chill of autumn is on the brink of winter's frost. There is not a peep from the woodlands as a majority of the animals have either migrated for winter or gone into hibernation. I pull my cape around me trying to keep off the cold.

"Yes, but we don't have a lot of information to go on. We have to tread carefully." Fuegoleon tells me, standing next to me. We stand there a moment staring at the mountain before us. It's time. I grab Fuegoleon's hand, my thumb running over the top of his warm skin.

"Listen. What ever happens in there just remember that I love you alright? I'm not planning on leaving any time soon either." He gives me a small nod before cupping my face in his hands and placing a light kiss upon my lips.

"I won't leave you either. We're a team remember?" He says. I decided after Thalia's warning that I needed to return to the site of the portal. Something didn't feel right. I kept having night terrors, replaying Alec's and Thalia's death over and over again. Even in my dreams I was unable to save them. Their blood was on my hands, and despite knowing what would happen I was helpless in the events that played out. I would end up waking up in a panic, clawing to get out of what ever room I was in, drenched in sweat, screaming and crying. Yet every night Fuegoleon held me close, preventing me from harming myself in my attempts to escape. He patiently waited for my terrors to dissipate and for sleep to claim me once again before returning to bed himself. Every day I offered to start sleeping in my old room again, suggesting magical re-enforcements to prevent my escape into the night, but he refused to hear such suggestions. Eventually I had to come to terms that these night terrors would not end until I addressed the root cause: Alec's and Thalia's death.

Cautiously we begin our voyage into the forest and up the mountain. We remained silent for the most part, listening for any enemies that may be nearby. I finally felt confident enough to enter the mountain's shadow. The seal had been complete meaning I didn't have to worry about Helia's powers leaking through during this trip back to the inter-dimensional portal. It also meant that I was no longer dependent on Fuegoleon's mana flow and could leave for long trips without a problem. It didn't surprise me though when he insisted on coming with me on my trip to the grave site. The Diamond Kingdom was still giving us troubles and although I had worked hard on my mana skin, trying to balance a difficult magic technique with the possibility of an enemy attack gave this personal mission a high possibility of failure. But I had promised Alec that I would release his soul from Helia's control and properly put him to rest.

By the time we made it through the forest and half way up the mountain I could tell my mana was draining quickly. My mana skin had been proven effective, allowing me to move freely in the mountain's intense pressure. But it also required quite a bit of focus and energy to keep it up. We weren't able to scale the mountain as quickly as I had hoped but we still made it to the portal's location while the sun was still up.

"So this is it? This is where you and my sister returned to Clover." We stand atop of the mountain. The air has grown thin and there's a permanent layer of snow on the ground. Nothing grows up here. Nothing lives up here. It's merely the sound of the howling wind that keeps us company. The only thing to indicate that Mereolona and I were ever here are the footprints seared into the ground and the imprint of my fallen figure in the harden snow. Other than that, there is no portal, no sign of my world.

"The one and only." I yell over the wind's rage. My stomach has been upset ever since we started our climb. Something isn't right on this mountain. I start to dig in my satchel for a mana regeneration potion. Finding two I pull them out and offer one to Fuegoleon. He refuses though. No doubt scaling this mountain is a breeze for him. I shrug my shoulders and proceed to down the vile liquid. The taste sears my tongue but instantly revitalizes me.

"We should hurry up here. It's not safe." I quickly nod. Digging into my bag I take out the flowers I brought to mark the grave site. I approach a nearby stone. It's as good as any on this desolate mountain top to serve as a grave marker. Grabbing the edge of my sleeve I brush off the snow.to expose the smooth gray surface. But I'm surprised at what's on the rock. There's symbols etched into the stone, resembling the ones in my grimoire. Confused I start to move more of the snow out of the way to get a better look. "What is it?"

"There's something on this rock. It just keeps going!" My fingertips cry at the cold as I claw at the harden snow on the ground. It looks like it's an engraved magic circle, but I can't tell what it's for quite yet. Soon the bitter cold is replaced by the intense warmth I've grown to love over the last few months. "Thank you." I stand up dusting off the remaining snow from my cloak.

"It's more efficient this way." Fuegoleon says as we stand back and look at his handy work. Using his flame magic, he has evaporated all of the snow on the ground, allowing us to fully see what's carved on top of the mountain. It's an incomplete circle. Several runes are missing but I know very well what it is. The color drains from my face. "What is it? Is it for the portal?" I walk over to one of the missing rune spots.

"Oh I recognize it alright. But it's not for a portal to my world, but rather a portal to the underworld." I kick at the ground hoping to smudge the runes but they're carved into the rock itself. From the looks of it, it looks like it's been carved recently as well. "This isn't right. This wasn't here before."

"Then we were right to think someone is contacting the god of the underworld. Can you tell anything else from these runes?"

"It's a relatively low level incantation. Not strong enough to release anything into this world but strong enough to communicate with those on the other side. It's actually very similar to my first trial. Even with my powers sealed, if I can complete the circle I think I can contact the other side. Maybe I can put Alec and Thalia to rest and figure out what this group wants."

"No. It's too risky. We have to assume the group that released the sickness is behind this. They could be keeping watch over this, waiting for you to complete the circle for them. Plus will you be able to maintain your mana skin if you're in the underworld?" I groan knowing he's right. But it's the only way I can try to set Alec's sprit free and possibly stop what's going on with this mysterious group before it gets too far out of hand.

"No. But I got you right? I can't just ignore Thalia's warning. There's something going on. I have to do this. If this is anything like the first trial I'll need you to keep watch over me. My physical body will stay here defenseless but my spirit will travel to the underworld." Reaching into my bag I pull out a small knife. It's not strong enough to carve the missing runes but it's sharp enough to pierce my skin. I prick the tip of my finger drawing the crimson liquid to the surface I have to draw the missing symbols in quickly before it freezes. Just as I'm about to finish drawing the last symbol Fuegoleon grabs my hand, preventing me from completing the circle.

"Stop. We don't know enough yet to go through with this. How do we know you're going to come back? I can't risk loosing you again." His grip is intense, harder than any other time he has held me. I can tell he's nervous at my haphazard plan.

"Hey, hey, hey I said I wouldn't leave right? I'll be back. There's no doubt in my mind." My arms snake around his middle hugging him close. He rests his chin on top of my head as he hugs me close. The wind continues to whip around us. "You'll be here when I get back right?"

"Always." We stay like this for a moment before I pull away. If I'm going through with this I got to start soon, the sun is setting and the temperature is decreasing significantly. Once I finish drawing the last rune in the circle glows dully. I take my place in the middle. Sitting on the ground, I cross my legs and rest my hands palm side up on my knees.

"What ever you do. Don't remove me from the circle, even if I seem dead. I swear I'll be back." I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, slowing down my heartbeat until there's nearly nothing there. I can feel the power emanating from the circle. It beckons me to a realm colder than the mountain I sit atop. Slowly the world around me disappears and I feel myself passing from this world to the other. It's a world of darkness and despair. Alec I'm coming for you.

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