Distant Worlds ~ A Black Clov...

By FinalEdge

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Introduced to a world where mana means power Ember Avest is forced to recognize the world she knew is no more... More

Chapter 1 - New Worlds
Chapter 2 - The Sword that Sings
Chapter 3 - Guardian Seals
Chapter 4 - A Lion's Seal
Chapter 5 - An Unrivaled Challenge
Chapter 6 - Prove Your Place
Chapter 7 - Mana Flux
Chapter 8 - An Unlearned Lesson
Chapter 9 - Flight by Lion
Chapter 10 - A Warm Slumber
Chapter 11 - Remembrance
Chapter 12-The Storm's Ambush
Chapter 13 - Family Reunion
Chapter 15 - Feeding a Lioness
Chapter 16 - Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 17 - Something Worth Protecting
Chapter 18 - The Morning After
Chapter 19 - A Kindling Passion
Chapter 20 - An Unknown Illness
Chapter 21 - An Unrelenting Fever
Chapter 22 - Steamy Hot Spring Relaxation -Lemon
Chapter 23 - Hostage Situation
Chapter 24 - Birthday Surprises - Lemon
Chapter 25 - Halloween Ball
Chapter 26 - Apologies
Chapter 27 - Thank you for Being my Friend
Chapter 28 - Beachy Vacation - Lemon (again)
Chapter 29 - Conferment Ceremony
Chapter 30 - The Edge of Death
Chapter 31 - The Aftermath Diagnosis
Chapter 32 - Investigations and a Lioness's Return
Chapter 33 - Star Festival
Chapter 34 - Hot Spring Training
Chapter 35 - Royal Knights Preparations
Chapter 36 - With Death Comes Life
Chapter 37 - The Lion Awakens
Chapter 38 - Attack on House Vermillion
Chapter 39 - Betrayal
Chapter 40 - Thalia's Gift
Update -Good Update not Bad!
Chapter 41 - What Started it All
Chapter 42 - Death's Death
Chapter 43 - A Battle's End
Chapter 44 - Feverish Delusions
Chapter 45 - Breaking a Fever
Chapter 46 - Royal Announcement
Chapter 47 - The Heaven's Proposal (Lemon)
Chapter 48 - Eagle's Prey
Chapter 49 - The Bachelor Party
Chapter 50 - Wedding Part 1
Chapter 51 - Wedding Part 2 (Lemon)
Chapter 52 - The Soaring Eagle Catches Up
Chapter 53 - Dog House
Chapter 54 - A Growing Family
Chapter 55 - Little Brothers
Chapter 56 - Fin
Chapter 57 - Official Artwork
Sequel to Distant Worlds

Chapter 14 - The First Move

4.3K 165 94
By FinalEdge

Author: Okay guys! This chapter was so fun to write that I just had to get it up right away. So please let me know what you think! Things are going to get heated up pretty quickly from here on out!

When I come to I know I'm in a warm bed. It feels like the fluffiest bed I've ever slept in, like drifting on a cloud. A silk robe brushes against my skin, bringing yet another height of pleasure. Sighing I refuse to open my eyes just yet and enjoy the bliss between coming out of a pleasant dream and actually getting up for the day. I thought that bliss would last enough for me to gradually come out of my long slumber, but I was sorely mistaken.

"Oi, I know you're awake. Don't be wasting your time in bed." Ugg go away! Let's see you go to the underworld and back and see how well you fair the next day. Mo-fo. I'm just about to grumpily flip off who ever is telling me to wake up when I feel an immense aurora. Wait a minute. Opening my eyes I'm met with an intense blue stare and vermillion hair.

"Leona!" I quickly sit up, nearly butting heads with her. But her lightning quick reflexes allow her to sit back and miss the collision all together. Whoah cha----- ouch! Bad body! I give you rest and this is how you repay me? My muscles scream at my sudden movements. Luckily for me Owen's magic seems to have healed most of my damage. The lactic acid build up in my muscles is the only thing left giving me a problem. "What are you doing here?" I ask looking around. I'm in a good size room in a large bed. The ceilings are vaulted, there's ornate vases placed through out the room and one of the large windows is cracked open allowing the crisp autumn air to saturate the room. From tan, red and gold color scheme I can tell I'm back in the Vermillion House, and it hasn't changed in the two years since I left.

"You went and got yourself killed idiot. What else did you expect?" She growls at me.

"Your love and a box of chocolates." Now I get a snort from her. "But in all seriousness where were you? I tried to get a hold of you when the seal started to fail. But I had to ask Fuegoleon to-" Clutching my chest I pause my sentence to make sure I can still feel his mana still flowing through out me. Good, the seals still there. I was worried it wouldn't start back up when I came back. I feel a hand ruffle the top of my head.

"Psh. And you thought he wouldn't be cut out for it? If he would have failed, I'd pull his ass straight out of hell and show him how it's done." I grin at how seriously she said that threat. "Now why'd you go and do something as stupid as getting yourself killed again? Especially by those weaklings from the Diamond Kingdom. Who gave you permission to die?" Her face is intensely close to mine as she stares directly into my soul. Dude, Mereolona, you freak me out sometimes and I've dealt with death herself. I hessantly laugh before answering.

"Well.... Um... you see-" I scratch the back of my head awkwardly. "We were kinda in a high mana region for a long time before they even attacked. And you know how well I do in those regions..." I sarcastically said. Her eyes narrow at me. Ahhhhh I don't think she likes my answer! "But it's fine! I'm back now! And it didn't take 4 days this time!" Finally she sits back in her chair.

"It shouldn't happen at all."
"Yeah, well Helia's a real bitch. Won't quite let me stay in the underworld now will she, so I guess the living is the only place for me now. I guess you're stuck with me! Foreverrrrrrr!" I grin at her while trying to poke her in the cheek. She merely swats my hand away with a fiery fist. "Hey! That burns meanie!"

"Then don't antagonize me."

"What cha gonna do about it if I can't die?" I say smugly. She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Is that a challenge, guardian?" She's getting all fired up over my little comment.

"Uh CRAP! NOPE! NOPE! NO CHALLENGE HERE!" I cry out loud. I really didn't want to have her burning down half the house, even if it wasn't mine to begin with. It's just my luck that I hear familiar footsteps at the door. Jumping as fast as I can I make a beeline for the door and hide behind the newest visitor, taking care to narrowly miss Mereolona's fire paw.

"What is going on?" I look up at Fuegoleon. By hiding behind him and evading Leona's paw he's effectively been caught in her grasp. Hah! Not me this time!

"Save meeeeeeee! She scares me!" I whisper to him. Fuegoleon merely looks down at my small figure seeking refuge behind him. I see her get out of her chair once I ran behind him. "Take him oh great lioness for I am not worthy of your challenge!" I push Fuegoleon in Leona's direction in hopes she'll take the bait. But she doesn't. Instead another firey paw grabs me by the scuff of my neck and lifts me away from Fuegoleon's shadow. "NO! I'M TOO YOUNG! I'm the youngest one here! Spare meeeeeeee! Fuegoleon!" I cry over dramatically both arms outstretched as I try to grab him. But I am unsuccessful. "She's gonna eat meeeeee!"

"Oh cut it with the theatrics." She says as she drops me back on the bed. I puff my cheeks out at her and cross my arms across my chest. Fuegoleon laughs at the scene that just unfolded.

"I guess I had no need to worry about you after all. Mereolona was right."

"You were worried about me? I feel so blessed! The two strongest Vermillion mages worried over little old me? So what are we talking? Sleepless nights? Pacing outside the medical ward? Calling Owen every hour for status updates? Huh? Huh? Tell -mhmmmm" Mereolona puts a fire paw over my mouth.

"Just stop now." I try to push the paw down but without magic, it's kinda useless. The only thing for me to do is pout some more. Still chuckling Fuegoleon walks up to the bed side. He's got something in his arms. It appears to be fresh clothing to replace everything I lost during the battle. He puts the pile of clothes next to me. There's a small black box on top of the pile of clothes that catches my interest. With my mouth free of Leona's paw I grab the box and proceed to open it. Is it jewelry? Or maybe a new pestal for grinding potion herbs! That's even better!

"It's from the Magic King." Fuegoleon says as he proceeds to pull up a chair next to his sister.

"What's in the box? What's in the box?" I sing as I lift the lid off. "Oh-" My excitement turns into disappointment and confusion. "Uhhhhhh what is this exactly?" I ask holding up the box to the two mages. Four gold stars sit snuggly within.

"Idiot" Leona says leaning back in her chair more.

"The magic king gives out gold stars to knights that do an exceptional job on missions. It's pretty rare to get one star on your first mission as a rookie, let alone four. We went over this in the junior knights class but I suppose you were still recovering from the sealing at the time." He says taking the box out of my hand to look at the stars.

"So it's like kindergarden. No offense Magic King butI think I'd rather have the cookies and milk." I say picking up the rest of the pile of clothes.

"They aren't just for you. They're used as a ranking system between squads. The more stars a knight gets the faster they get promoted. Plus it determines the strongest squad at the end of the year. You've been to the Star Festival. What did you think all the commotion was about?" Leona asks, grabbing the box out of Fuegoleon's hands to examine the stars herself.

"Quite frankly? Food and booze. Aren't all festivals about food and booze?" Leona snorts at my answer and Fuegoleon merely smiles at my bluntness. "Either way, if these things are so hard to get why did I get any? Shouldn't they be your's Fuegoleon? All I did was get in the way, unless I scored major points for dying?" I look my captain straight in the eye. "That's what it was wasn't it? Damn it!" I shake a fist in the air.

"Actually, I don't think so. Although Lord Julius has given out honorary stars for those fallen in combat. You took out two high ranking Diamond Kingdom mages, retrieved a powerful weapon they were trying to use for use against Clover and revealed spies within the ranks. You did well for someone with no grimoire." He grabs the box back out of Leona's hands and gives it back to me. "By the way, if you can come back from the dead, why are you so scared of flying?"

I look at Leona, wondering if I should tell him or not. "It's your choice. I didn't tell him anything." She huffs as she stands up her chair and takes her leave.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want."

"No its fine. It's the least I owe you for saving me so many times." I stand up with the clothes in my hands. I walk over to a nearby dressing screen and go behind it, preparing to change clothes as I talked. "I wasn't actually sure that I could come back again, I've only died once before and that was for your sister."

"Care to elaborate?" He asks from his seat.

"Well remember how I told you I completed 13 trials as a guardian and each trial is used to strengthen a guardian's power and improve control? And I took the 13th in order to gain enough power to help send Mereolona back to Clover?"


"Usually the trial is geared towards our gods' attribute. Alec's 5th trial consisted of him sweating it out in an active volcano for 10 days. He smelt horrible afterwards. Anyways I digress. Helia's trials usually consists of coming closer and closer to death in various ways. But there's only so close I can get to facing death before it actually happens. The 13th was actually designed so I would have to fully face death and come back. It was harder than I thought it was going to be. I kinda got lost in the underworld. Guess I should have turned right when I turned left." I throw the robe I was wearing over the screen and start putting my legs into my new pants. "Anyways for the completion of the trial I am able to walk between the living and the underworld. It's not something I can easily do though and I'm not fully impervious to death. Plus with the seal, I didn't think I would be able to come back at all. But I guess when I stopped breathing the seal stopped consuming your mana and I was able to use my powers for the briefest moment." I shove my arms through my shirt and start working on my corset.

"So you had no idea that you would come back?" It sounds like there's a twinge of worry in his voice. I pop my head out from behind the changing screen. He's facing away from where I change and looking out the nearest window.

"Not at all!"

"Idiot!" His head whips around to face me. He looks mad that I was so willing to face my death. "Don't just go throwing your life away like that! You've got so much to accomplish! How else are you going to help the commonwealth if you're in a grave?" Is he really this upset over me? Surely he wouldn't have this reaction if we were just comrades, just friends? I'm a nobody and he's got a lineage to ensure and a magic knight squad to command...Although I still lack my boots and cape I come out from behind the screen.

"I'm sure you, Owen or someone else will carry on my legacy." I say. Now he's furious and storms up to me.

"Leave your own legacy. Keep working on improving the lives of those we protect!" He grabs me by my shoulders and I look into his determined lavender eyes. Why are you so passionate about this? I'm just one person in a world of millions. "No more unnecessary chances!"

"Is that an order?" I whisper.

"Yes –" As soon as the words pass his lips I rock onto the balls of my feet and plant my lips against his. I want to know. I want to know if your worry is because we are more than just friends. His lips are warm and soft, not what I expected them to be. However he's frozen in place by my advancements. Maybe I was wrong. You aren't from this world to begin with let alone on his caliber. Soon enough I lower myself from my tippy toes and look down, my face becoming beet red at what I've done.

"I'm sorry, I just thought- " My apology is interrupted as Fuegoleon moves his hands from my shoulders to my face. Bringing my face up to meet his, he smashes his lips against mine. This time it's my turn to be frozen in surprised. His kiss is much more intense and passionate that the gentle one I first placed on his lips. My eyes widen, not expecting this outcome to my earlier movements. But after a second or two I close my eyes and reciprocate the kiss by placing my hands around his neck. His hands move downward, grabbing my waist and bringing me in closer until there's no room between us. I can feel him bite my bottom lip in a move of dominance but I decide to play coy and ignore his request for entrance to my mouth. Instead I focus on weaving my fingers in his hair and deepening the kiss.

"Is she really up! I want to see her!" Leo! Fuegoleon and I quickly break apart and take a step or two apart from our current positions. Damn it twerp! Fuegoleon and I stare intensely at each other, catching our breaths as Leo busts through the doors.

"Damn it kid. I told you to wait!" Mereolona stomps in after Leo. Obviously annoyed by her youngest brother's antics. However, out of the corner of my eye, I notice she slightly pauses at the door way as she sees me and Fuegoleon staring at one another, faces red. Oh for fudge's sakes. Do you think she knows? Lord I hope not cause that's realllll awkward.

"Leo." Fuegoleon greets his brother as he bounds up to us. I try to re-gain my composure but I don't think my face has fully stopped blushing from nearly being caught.

"Ember! You're awake! I heard you got four stars on your first mission with big brother. I expect no less from a fellow Crimson Lion." He gives a hardy laugh before continuing. "Tell me what happened! Was it glorious? I heard you got to fight the Diamond Kingdom? Is that true? I also heard you uncovered spies and –"

"I died." I said bluntly. It stops his rambling dead in his tracks and freezes him in his place. He looks shocked at the mere suggestion of death. I chuckle as I turn back to where I left the rest of my clothes and started to done my boots and cloak.

"See what happens when you ask too many questions twerp?" Leona says leans against the doorway, arms crossed against her chest.

"But the stars-"

"Should belong to your brother not me Leopold. He did most of the work, I was just back up." I grunt as I push my right foot into my boot.

"But they said you took out two Diamond mages, and uncovered a secret weapon-"

"Whose 'they'?" I say feeling defensive about the possible leak of our mission. The more details that get out the more likely people will start prodding into my abilities and eventually my status of being a guardian.

"The squad." Fuegoleon answers for him

"Shesh. And they say women are the ones to gossip. Leo use your brain, what good is a secret weapon if it's not secret. If we were to procure such a thing then I don't think headquarters would be willing to let rumors of its existence to just roam around." Leo looks dejected at being shot down. It nearly breaks my heart to see the young cub so disappointed. "But there was Diamond mages there and I was able to take out one and your brother gallantly took out the second one that attacked me just before he stabbed me in the heart!" I say clutching my heart and pretending to faint like a damsel. Got to bring up the hype and all.

"Really?!" Leo gets exited for another heroic story about his big brother.

"Really, really. And you know what? He did it while fighting a third Diamond mage. Without him I'd probably be dead." I say turning my gaze from the enthralled Leopold to Fuegoleon. His eyes narrow ever so slightly at my version of events.

"Wow big brother! I knew you were the best captain! Stopping the Diamond Kingdom and saving Ember! That's so manly!" He says getting amped up.

"Alright that's enough swooning brat. Let her finish getting dressed. If you have time to listen to stories then you've got time to train." Leona says as she grabs Leopold and drags him out of the room with a firey paw. Fuegoleon starts to follow his two siblings out of the room when I stop him.

"Uhhhh, Fuegoleon?" He turns and looks at me. "I just- I – I wanted to say thank you for saving me out there with the last guy and getting me back to the capital in time. I'm sorry for any problems I may have caused due to the complicated nature of my abilities." I say in a deep bow.

"What makes you think I took out your last attacker?" Huh?

"Why wouldn't it be you? I may have just been ready to black out but I felt your flames stop him. What other fire mages were out there?"

"It wasn't me Ember." He refuses to meet my gaze now. Almost like he's upset with himself for it.

"Hah, modesty doesn't fit you captain. I know it was you." This time he meets my eye and I know what he's about to say is true.

"It wasn't me. Those flame, they were black, not like mine." He holds a flame in his hand to reiterate the orange color his magic takes on.

"Well if it wasn't you who was it then?"

"Ember, I think that was your magic."

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