Addicted Book 3: Life And Dea...

By FfreaksonlyY

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Chapter 1: "Nice girl talk?"
Chapter 2: "Don't Call Me Sir though, Just Jordan"
Chapter 3: "You Are More Than Enough In My Book"
Chapter 4: "You're the Only One, Like Always"
Chapter 5: "I'd Guessed That You Wanted To Fuck Me Like A Slut"
Chapter 6: "When Will You Understand?!"
Chapter 7: "We Don't Speak Of This, Okay?"
Chapter 9: "I Knew This Wasn't A Good Idea"
Chapter 10: "Who Does She Think She Is?!"
Chapter 11: "Hopefully I Was Able To Help"
Chapter 12: "You Could've Stopped This!"
Chapter 13: "I Don't Know What This Is"
Chapter 14: "Uh.. d--done."
Chapter 15: "Okay, Kyjuan."
Chapter 16: "Well, Just Don't Take Too Long..."
Chapter 17: "Better Watch Your Nuts Little Squirrel"
Chapter 18: "I Can't Hurt Her Like This Anymore!"
Chapter 19: "Leave, And Don't Be Here Whenever I Get Back."
Chapter 20: "I Gotta Go Now!"
Chapter 21: "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 22: "An Interest?"
Chapter 23: "I Guess I'll Catch You."
Chapter 24: "I Think I Might Like This Place."
Chapter 25: "Fuck Her."
Chapter 26: "What's There To Talk About?"
Chapter 27: "I Personally Decided Not To Be Stuck On This."
Chapter 28: "Temper, Temper."
Chapter 29: "She's Not What You Think."
Chapter 30: "So, What Did You Do Before You Came Here?"
Chapter 31: "And It Is...?"
Chapter 32: "Oh Who Am I Kidding?"
Chapter 33: "What Do You Mean?"
Chapter 34: "Weak? I Know."
Chapter 35: "Every Detail."
Chapter 36: "Perfect? It's Freezing."
Chapter 37: "Shut Up and Drive."
Chapter 38: "Finally, You're Awake."
Chapter 39: "Goodnight."
Chapter 40: "It's Time You Knew The Truth."
Chapter 41: Make Your Own Happiness

Chapter 8: "His Dad Was In Prison For Raping A Woman"

83 5 0
By FfreaksonlyY

°Wednesday, 2 Days Later°

I made sure my makeup was still intact in the rearview mirror of my car after I parked by the curb in front of the best coffee shop in town called Sessions Stand. It was a tad chilly outside, seeing as it was the beginning of November.
I wore a maroon colored knit blouse, black skinny jeans, and black knee high stilettos. My hair was straightened and pulled into a tight bun with my baby hairs smoothed and styled. I had a light amount of makeup on that was natural looking on my face.
I grabbed my phone and wallet, putting them inside my purse. I then took my keys out of the ignition, turning the car off. I got out, grabbing my purse and shutting the door. I locked the car then put my keys inside my purse. I entered the building. Of course he was really here, I thought. He smirked at me and motioned for me to come over. I sighed softly and went over.
He sat in a booth with two seats on either side of the table. I sat across from him.
"You look great, Kiara." He said.
"Thanks." I said quickly. "So why did you want to speak with me this morning?" I asked as a barista came over.
"Good morning, my name is Georgina, what can I get for you guys?" She asked with a grin.
"Uh, I'll take a Volcanica Chocolate Raspberry Cake coffee." I told her. It was my favorite.
"Just a buttered rum latte. Thank you Ms." Jordan said. She wrote it down and nodded back with a smile and proceeded to carry out the order.
"But um, yes, there was a lot of reasons." He said, intertwining his fingers.
"Which were?" I added.
"I wanted to get on a better page with you and our son."
"Really? Just like that?" I chuckled. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Look sweetie. After all of this stuff; what you did to me and how long you've been gone, you can't just up and say 'hey I wanna be a family again.' Last time I checked you already had one."
"I do but he's still my son. I can't know he exists and not do anything toward him."
"Mhm. Well ultimately, it doesn't matter what I think. That's all up to Kyle. Find a way to talk to him." I said straight forwardly. He nodded slightly. Our coffees came.
"Thank you so much Georgina." I smiled and gave her a $5 tip.
"Of course ma'am, and thank you. Enjoy." She said and walked off. I took a long gulp of mine, feeling the hot, steamy, delicious brew settle into the core of my body.
"That is some heavenly coffee." I said seriously. He chuckled.
"But with the whole talking to him thing, how does one go about that?" He asked.
"Tell him the truth. About everything, needs to know that everything and more is what's true."
"What does he already know?" He asked, drinking more of his coffee.
"Just that his dad was in prison for raping a woman." I said nonchalantly.
"Ah." He nodded. "So this is going to be harder than I thought."
"What, did you think it was going to be a piece of cake?" I squinted.
"No, not exactly. It will be fine." He shrugged. I ignored his non worry and finished my coffee.
"So, is that all you wanted to meet up for?" I asked.
"That was the main reason. The other was that I just wanted to catch up and everything, you know?"
"Hm. What is it that you wanted to know?"
"How has everything been? How are you and Ruby?"
"Everything has been fine. Ruby and I are fine, she's a successful writer and I am one month away from general manager of my restaurant. A year from co-ownership." I said.
"That's good. So, have you and Ruby talked about adoption or hiring a carrier?"
"Yeah, we've talked about both actually. We're probably going to lean toward adoption because she doesn't feel strongly toward me carrying someone else's baby."
"Ah. Bummer. What was your say on it?"
"It didn't make a difference to me. Although the feeling of nurturing and carrying a baby is so amazing." I fidgeted with the handle of the cup.
"I see." He said. "Well, I'm gonna head over to work before I'm late. You look nice today. I had a good time today." He said and got up. I stood as well.
"Same to you. Catch you some other time." I said, turning the opposite way toward the door and left. I got into my car and drove home.
I pulled into the driveway, turning the car off. I speed walked inside to get into my uniform for work.
"Hey." Ruby said awkwardly from the kitchen, pouring herself a coffee.
"Hey, what's up sweetie?" I asked, tossing my purse on the coffee table and began getting undressed in the living room.
"Nothing much... where have you been?" She asked.
"Oh I just went out for some coffee before work."
"Oh. Where is it? Did you bring me a cup too?" She asked, sipping hers.
"No, I drank it there. If I'd have thought of it I would've brought it back, I'm sorry." I said.
"Kiara, whenever you go out to get something before work, you get it to go so you can have time to get ready and eat when you can so you're not late. Who'd you go to meet?" She asked seriously.
"It--Jordan." I sighed. She nodded.
"What was the reason?"
"He was asking me about how he'd be able to get through to Kyle and how we were doing and all." I said.
"Oh... well alright then. You should hurry, you're cutting it close honey." She said, tightening her robe and carrying her coffee to the living room. I nodded and jolted upstairs, putting on my uniform on and touching up my makeup. I ran back downstairs and grabbed my purse. I gave Ruby a kiss on the cheek.
"Alright, I've gotta run baby. I love you, I'll see you this evening." I said quickly and sped out of the door.

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