Wait, so what you're telling...

By sweettart2

360K 1.9K 309


Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?!
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! chapter two
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! Chapter three
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! chapter four!!!!
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! chapter five :D
CHAPTER 6. become and fan and you can read it. its apparently rated R
Chapter seven
Chapter eight :P
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven.
Chapter Twelve!!
Chapter Thirteen!
Chapter Thirteen!
chapter fifteen!
chapter 16
Chapter 17! :P
New chapter 12-6
new chap please read
Happy New Year!
ohhh man
Snow storm!
water bottles are cool?
first dance :P
2-10 new chapter!
new chapp
snow snow go away :(
nail polish
chapter 29?
new chapter 3-
chapter 3-26
Chapter 37! PIC OF ETHAN!
chapter 4/16
chapter 4/17
I think this is chapter 38? :)
chapter 39?
Chapter 40 (:
Chapter 41
chapter 42!
Chapter 43
WSWYTMITHMM?!?!?! - Chapter 44
WSWYTMITHMY?!?!?! - Chapter 45
WSWYTMITHMM?!?!?! Chapter 46

Chapter 18

7.4K 37 8
By sweettart2


I couldn't think straight. I had to kill him. I needed to know my mate would be safe, forever.

Why did Landon have to do this? My best friend did this? But..how?

I remember when we were 14, at the beach on vacation.


"Hey Landon, want to go fishing? The Dad's said we could go without them as long as we don't do anything stupid." I asked Landon. Landon laughed and got up from his bed. He got his sweatshrit, and followed me.

We ran out the door, and walked down the street to the beach. Our beach house was across the street from the beach, so we didn't have to walk far.

When we were all set up with our fishing rods, we sat down on the sand.

"So how's it been since what, June?" Landon asked. We hadn't seen each other since june, it now being late july.

"Nothing really." I told him, "I heard our Dads talking about us finding mates soon." I told him with a shrug.

"We're not young anymore are we?" Landon asked. I hadn't really thought of it to be honest.

"I guess not." I told him while pulling my line in after I felt a nibble. Damn, it got away. "Anyone you have your eyes on?"

"Not really. Well there's this girl in my history class, Vanessa."

"Vanessa?" I asked. I thought of anyone named Vanessa. I don't know anyone.

"Yeah. She's really pretty. We've actually been dating for a little."

"She must be pretty cool for my cousin." I joked. Landon pulled in a small fish, and let it go.

"Yeah, I want her to be my mate.



I was hurt. Hurt and angry. He was my cousin! But he did this to my mate!

I got up, and ran outside. I ignored the yells from Vanessa, and just ran to the woods.

I shifted and ran to his house. When I got there, I shifted again, and rang the doorbell. I'm going to do this in human form.

"Hey Brennen! Come on in, oh, I'm sure Landon wouldn't mind lending you clothes. He's just in his room." Aunt Jen told me, while making dinner. I controled myself and put a nice face on, but when I was out of her sight, I was back to angiush.

I didn't bother knocking, I just barged in.

He was laying on his bed, watching TV.

I stood there with my fist's clenched, just staring at him with a lethal face.

"Brennen, chill out bro." He told me, getting up and throwing me a pair of basketball shorts.

"Landon," I said trying to stay calm. My teeth were clenched, hard. All I could think of was what he did to my Mate.

"What the hell is your problem man?" Landon asked me. I shoved him into his bed.

"You're my problem." I told him. His face was scared.

He deserves to be scared. He should be scared.

"What the hell man? I didn't do anything to you!" He yelled.

"YOU DID SOMETHING TO VANESSA THOUGH, DIDN'T YOU LANDON!?" I yelled at Landon. His face showed he knew what I was talking about.

"What did that bitch tell you?" I punched him in the face, hard. When he turned around, his cheek was red, and you could tell it was swelling.

"DONT FUCKING CALL HER A BITCH!" I yelled to him, and punched him again.

Landon tackled me to the ground, but I was faster than him. I pinned him down below me.

"She enjoyed it just as much as I did." He told me evily, and spat in my face.

"SHUT UP! YOU, YOU.." I couldn't finish. I got up, and grabbed the pants.

"If you ever, EVER talk to her, look at her, or even THINK about her, I'll kill you." I told him and raced to the door.

I couldn't kill my cousin.


Ryan and I were laying on my bed, watching TV. Nothing was really on, we already finished watching the first season of Scrubs.

"I have to pee." I told Ryan while getting up. Ryan laughed.

"Thanks for sharing." I laughed and walked to my bathroom.

"Oh shut up."

While I was doing my buissness, I overheard him talking on a phone.

"I can't do that to her." He said.

"I understand that, Dad, but Stella means more to me!" He yelled into the phone. I could tell he was getting angry, and I didn't like it. I wanted to make him feel better, but I had to know what he was talking about first.

"I still want to transfer. If I can't transfer, I'll drop out." Why is he dropping out?

"I don't care! She means more to me!" Ryan said. He was talking about me.

I opened the door, and walked to the bed.

"I gotta go Dad, I'll call you later." Ryan said quickly, and hung up.

I walked over to the bed and laid back down. Ryan pulled me into his arms and kissed my head.

"I love you, Stella. So much. I'm still in awe that a guy like me is lucky enough to have a girl as beautiful as you. I want us to grow old together, to have a family, to live together, and thats why I'm transfering to Burton U." (A/N totally made up that school haha) Ryan told me. I turned around to face him with tears in my eyes. Ryan's eyes looked worried. I laughed.

"What's wrong Stella? Did I hurt you?" Ryan asked. I shook my head and kissed him.

"No silly. Thats the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. I love you too, so much. I'm still in awe that you're mine forever. But Ryan, don't do that for me, I don't want you to give something up for me." I told him while placing my hand on his cheek. He smiled and kissed my nose.

"But I'm not giving anything up. If anything, I'm giving up something that my Dad wants more that me. I want us to be together more than anything. That's why I want you to move in with me." Ryan said with a nervous tone.

"Of course. But I'm not sure Keith would like this." I joked. He rolled on top of me and kissed my neck.

"Well I'll just have to prove to him that you'll be in good hands." He told me kissing me on the lips this time.

"I will." I laughed a little at something I should have asked from the start. "Where do you live?"

"Just in the next town over." HE said.

"Okay." I said then rolled on top of him.

We were naked when Vanessa ran into my room.

Vanessa screamed and ran out as quick as she ran in.

"I'm so sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry!" VAnessa said while running out in the hallway.

I laughed and felt myself blush while Ryan covered me with his body. Men.

"Awkward much?" I asked laughing. Although she might have seen me and Ryan well um you know, it was really funny.

I started laughing. Hysterically. I laughed so hard I cried. Ryan didn't find it so funny though. He did laughed but not as much as I did. Ryan was probably just laughing at me like he always does.

"Ya done?" Ryan asked when I finally sobered up.

"Yeah." I said while wiping my tears.

I got up and put on Ryan's shirt that went down to my knees. I put on undies and went to find Vanessa.

I finally found her in Brennen's room, and saw her with her head in her hands. She heard me walk in and looked up blushing.

"I'm so sorry." She said. "I know we don't know each other too well, but I don't know where else to go."

I put my arm around her and she started crying. Why?

"Oh Vanessa what's wrong?" I asked patting her back. She looked up to me with red watery eyes.

"Its Brennen."


Hey guys! My computer is finally back to work so sorry for being so long. Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving, I know I did.


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